Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG


May 17, 2020
Childhood malnutrition spiking in Gaza: UN

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has reported a spike in acute malnutrition among Palestinian children in Gaza in recent months.
The agency said the number of cases in northern Gaza spiked 300 percent from May to July. In the south of the enclave, it jumped by more than 150 percent during the same period.
Meanwhile, the amount of food assistance entering Gaza in July was one of the lowest since the war began, according to the agency.
Stephane Dujarric, the spokesman for UN chief Antonio Guterres, also said “hostilities, damaged roads, access constraints and a lack of public order and safety have led to critical food shortages” in the territory.
“Children are paying the heaviest price with poor diet and the decimation of healthcare services and water sanitation and hygiene infrastructure, raising the risk of malnutrition and disease,” Dujarric told reporters.


Nov 8, 2022
I'm also ant communist, anti left, anti right, anti poverty, anti slavery, I'm anti every political system known to man.
Excellent. So we are both for the truth and only the truth to come out (and not some vile Zionists to lie to us) and all that remains is to find it.
And feel free to post here provided your posts are constructive and on topic.
Thank you very much, I will not hesitate at all to post here in a way that is equally constructive and on the topic compared to everything together that the 6 people active users (+ some others) of the thread have posted on the other threads. I will strictly adhere to the same conditions that, through all your foreign policy actions on other threads, your group itself has already set.

Also, initially the size of my posts here would be equal to the size of all external posts of your entire group, but for your joke with trying to set conditions for my participation here, I decided to joke back and double the number of my posts here. At the next joke with an attempt to set conditions or some special status of mine that requires someone's prior approval, I will triple with the greatest pleasure.

I would say it will be epic constructive.


Nov 8, 2022
Thanks aswell and look forward to dig into those links.

First off, i just want to say that i hate the UN and it's agencies. I don't believe in Tedros (WHO chief) and the concern he espouses for Palestinians now when just over a year ago he wanted us all dead/maimed from covid shots even when Bolsonaro (Brazil's president at the time) confronted him over people dying from the vaccine. Neither was i happy when it was reported that childhood vaccines had been dispatched to Gaza because Israel complained that their soldiers would pick up diseases and spread them around in say nothing of how that actually undermines the logic of "vaccination works". Suspect it was, that Israel would let vaccines in but hold up food. Actually, the first thing that popped into my head on hearing the news was mRNA/self-spreading vaccines that would decimate the Palestinian population....perfect plausible deniability on the part of Israel & Co.

That said, if UNRWA is the only way that Palestinians have been getting/can get some sort of basic necessities to live a decent life then who am i to judge or call for it's abolition? I crawl through the DC Israel-centric thinktanks sites for information inorder to get a sense of where all this is going. Those resident fellows are the ones who write policy that gets adopted by the administration and what i found led me to make this assessment.
Yes Karlysymon! This!!
Stucky, Jul 30, 2024:
Wars a setback to polio eradication programme: WHO

Margaret Harris, a spokeswoman for the World Health Organization (WHO), says wars have eliminated past efforts made to eradicate polio.
“We were on the point of eliminating it,” Harris told Al Jazeera. “But with conflicts breaking out around the world, all that work, all those millions of dollars … have been wasted because we have just gone backwards,” Harris said.
Cases of polio have declined by 99 percent worldwide since 1988, thanks to mass vaccination campaigns, and efforts continue to eradicate it everywhere.
“Most of polio, 75 percent, may well be asymptomatic – it’s like many viruses. The problem is that if you are one of those getting a severe form you could be paralysed for life or you can die,” she said.
Her comments came as a polio outbreak has been declared inside the Gaza Strip where more than nine months of war have destroyed sewage and water systems. On Friday, the WHO said it was sending about a million vaccines to the Strip.
However, Harris said “we need a ceasefire” to get children vaccinated.

Polio epidemic declared in Gaza: What is polio? How does it spread?

@A Freeman , Jul 30, 2024:

Another vaccine is simply another way to kill off those who aren't dead or dying already from the war (and vise-versa).

(Stucky puts Like)

"I am completely sickened with the news of the first supposed polio case in 25 years... knowing the UN/WHO's constant role (of course with billionaire NGO's like the B&MGF) in poisoning Global South populations, in certain examples causing infertility and spreading polio with their suspicious shots.

Gaza records first polio case as UN calls for truce to tackle virus

Again it's disgusting. Not that we ever would, but after the covid1984 operation no one should place trust in these fraudulent health dictators. Stupid globalist mother fuckers in the UN can't enforce a ceasefire after allowing 10 months of rampant lawless murder and torture, but supposedly they care so much to get experimental injections into the bloodstream of the children of Gaza? This agenda is disgusting I oppose it completely."

Stucky, Haich and the Lizard King approve of DavidSon's comment with Like.
Just a crumb of some of the sources used here, which are just a crumb of all the sources available on the Internet, which suport Gaza, called the "Israeli genocide" and call on the world population not only not to turn a blind eye and keep silent on the issue, but also to organize themselves with regular protest marches (in fact, some more solvent than these sources themselves, for example, Open Democracy, Open Society and other Soros organizations, but also many smaller ones, with undetermined income, openly organize protests in support of Gaza, where we see perfectly prepared flags, banners, etc.)

So let's see briefly what only some of the sources used here say on the subject
(as well as less frequently used sources, just a short walk; the important thing is that they are to be sources used by the core of the thread and that have been approved of them)

AUG 7, 2024

The Palestinian Health Ministry accused Israel on 7 August of preventing the entry of over a million desperately needed polio vaccines into the Gaza Strip.
“The Gaza Strip needs 1.3 million doses of polio vaccine … Israel is still refusing to allow vaccines into the Strip,” said Musa Abed, Director of Health Care at the ministry.

“The risk of the spread of the polio virus in the Gaza Strip still exists in light of the ongoing Israeli aggression and the deprivation of the population of public hygiene tools. Any delay in the supply of vaccines would exacerbate the already poor health conditions and have serious repercussions on the health of children and vulnerable groups such as the elderly and the sick,” Abed added.

Infectious diseases have been spreading rapidly across the Gaza Strip as a result of Israel’s genocidal war
and the internal displacement of nearly two million Palestinians.

(Tweets with children to prove the polio threat follow.)

“There is an imminent epidemiological catastrophe in the Gaza Strip as a result of the outbreak of waterborne or respiratory diseases. There are more than 100,000 cases of epidemic hepatitis … in the year before the [Israeli] aggression there were only 85 cases in the entire Gaza Strip,” Palestinian Health Minister Majed Abu Ramadan warned on 4 August.

“The most dangerous thing we are suffering from is the possibility of an epidemic outbreak of Polio in the Gaza Strip,” the health minister added.

Thursday’s health ministry warning came after the World Health Organization (WHO) said it would send one million polio vaccines to the devastated enclave.

https :// news .un .org/en/story/2024/07/1152551

On 18 July, the Health Ministry released a statement warning of poliovirus in Gaza, which was found in sewage sampling tests undertaken in coordination with UNICEF. The ministry said that the presence and spread of poliovirus is caused by the overcrowding of displaced persons, the destruction of health and sanitation infrastructure, and the shortage of medical and cleaning supplies. It warned that this poses a threat to thousands of Gazans and called for an immediate end to the war, the provision of safe water, and the repair of sewage lines that were destroyed by Israeli forces.

Days later, the Israeli army announced a campaign to provide its troops in Gaza with polio vaccines while leaving Palestinians unprotected from the disease.
Israeli army shields itself from poliovirus as disease runs rampant in Gaza

JUL 22, 2024

The Israeli army launched a campaign on 21 July to provide its troops with polio vaccines, as Palestinians are left unprotected against the virus that has spread across the strip due to Israel’s genocidal war.
It comes days after the Palestinian Health Ministry released a statement warning of the presence of poliovirus in Gaza, which was found in sewage sampling tests undertaken in coordination with UNICEF.
The Palestinian Health Ministry said on 18 July in a statement that the presence and spread of poliovirus is caused by the overcrowding of displaced persons, the destruction of health and sanitation infrastructure, and the shortages of medical and cleaning supplies.
Palestinian medical sources told The New Arab on Sunday that Israeli attacks on Gaza have destroyed more than 60 percent of infrastructure, including desalination plants, which are out of service due to the war.

The sources highlighted that the ravaged health sector in the strip suffers from severe shortages of medicines and vaccines.

Responding to Israeli claims that hundreds of thousands of polio vaccines have been allowed into the strip, Ismail Thawabta, director of the Government Media Office in Gaza, told The New Arab, “All the Israeli claims are not true … it seems that the Israeli authorities decided to kill all the Palestinians in Gaza, either through the strikes or diseases and starvation.”

“The virus in sewage portends a real health disaster and exposes thousands of residents to the risk of contracting polio,” he went on to say.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and others have been warning about the spread of harmful bacteria and serious illnesses across the besieged enclave since the start of Israel’s war.

The second link from the last paragraph of TheCradle's article:
https ://www. reuters .com/world/middle-east/gaza-faces-perfect-storm-deadly-diseases-2023-12-14/
Gaza faces 'perfect storm' of deadly diseases
By Bassam Masoud and Saleh Salem
December 14, 2023

GAZA, Dec 14 (Reuters) - For the besieged residents of Gaza who have so far survived Israel's bombs and bullets, a silent, invisible killer is now stalking them: disease.

A lack of food, clean water and shelter have worn down hundreds of thousands of traumatised people and, with a health system on its knees, it's inevitable epidemics will rip through the enclave, 10 doctors and aid workers told Reuters.

"The perfect storm for disease has begun. Now it's about, 'How bad will it get?'" James Elder, chief spokesperson for the U.N. children's fund (UNICEF), said in an interview on Tuesday.
Gaza's health ministry said on Wednesday its supplies of childhood vaccines had run out.
The United Nations is tracking the incidence of 14 diseases with "epidemic potential"...
Dr. Paul Spiegel, director of the Center for Humanitarian Health at the John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, who is in Cairo working on the U.N. response..

July 30, 2024

Gaza’s Health Ministry has declared a polio epidemic across the Gaza Strip, saying it was “a result” of Israel’s “brutal aggression” on the enclave.
Earlier this month, the ministry said tests on sewage samples, conducted in coordination with the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), confirmed the presence of the poliovirus in sewage.

In June, UNICEF warned that a lack of access to safe water in Gaza meant the threat of disease was soaring.

“With the breakdown in sanitation and sewage treatment, the polio virus joins the list of threats, especially for the thousands of unvaccinated children,” the organization stressed.
August 10, 2024

On July 30, Gaza’s Health Ministry said the polio-causing virus type CVPV2 was discovered “in the sewage water in Khan Younis and the central governorates.”

The discovery, it said, “poses a health threat to the residents of the Gaza Strip and neighboring countries and is a setback for the global polio eradication program.”
Vaccine Challenge

The World Health Organisation (WHO) said last month that the vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 (VDPV2) was found” at six locations in sewage samples collected on 23 June from Gaza’s Khan Yunis and Deir Al-Balah areas.

[Gaza Emergency Response Director for global humanitarian agency, CARE International, Francis] Hughes pointed out that, even if Israel is somehow made to let in vaccines and other critical supplies, there would still be massive hurdles to overcome.

“Once they (vaccines) get into Gaza, we need to roll out a vaccination campaign, but to do that in the current situation is almost impossible,” he said.

Before any sort of vaccination campaign, there has to be “a lot of training for doctors and nurses” and everything is severely complicated as access to hospitals is very difficult, especially in the north of Gaza, he said.

“We’re at a point now where it’s almost inevitable that there would be an outbreak,” warned Hughes.
August 18, 2024

The first case of polio was confirmed on Friday through lab tests in Amman, Jordan, the Ministry announced.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health warned on Saturday that the detection of the first confirmed case of polio in Gaza is an indicator of the existence of hundreds of undetected cases.

“It is scientifically known that for every 200 virus infections, only one will show the full symptoms of polio, while the remaining cases may present mild symptoms such as a cold or a slight fever,” Minister of Health Majed Abu Ramadan said in a press briefing.

Abu Ramadan revealed that an extensive polio vaccination campaign will start in the coming few days for children under the age of ten in Gaza and will be under the supervision of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

The Health Minister explained that the vaccination campaign will be carried out in two phases; the first will involve 1.2 million doses of the type 2 polio vaccine and the second upon the procurement of an additional 400,000 doses.

The United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called for a critical “polio pause” to facilitate a vaccination campaign in Gaza.

August 20
The Ministry of Health in Gaza said it is still waiting for the arrival of vaccines for the polio campaign.

by Jake Johnson, a senior editor and staff writer for Common Dreams.
"Without immediate action, an entire generation is at risk of infection, and hundreds of children face paralysis by a highly communicable disease that can be prevented with a simple vaccine," said Jeremy Stoner of Save the Children, part of a coalition of aid organizations and physicians that demanded "an immediate and sustained cease-fire to allow polio vaccinations to take place in Gaza."

"For a polio vaccination campaign to be effective, it must be able to reach at least 95% of targeted children, and this cannot happen in an active war zone," the coalition said.

The Gaza Health Ministry said Friday that an 10-month-old infant in the central city of Deir al-Balah "who has not received any polio vaccine dose" has tested positive for the virus, which often causes paralysis and can be fatal. The ministry said the baby is one of "a number of children" who have presented with symptoms consistent with polio in recent days.

"The ultimate vaccine for polio is peace and an immediate humanitarian cease-fire."

"The continued brutal Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip has caused a health disaster as witnessed by international organizations," the ministry added, citing "the lack of basic hygiene needs, the lack of sanitation services, the accumulation of waste on the streets and around the shelters of the displaced, and the lack of safe drinking water" as factors that "have created a conducive environment for outbreaks."

Responding to the news, Guterres implored Israeli and Palestinian forces to lay down their arms so that U.N. humanitarian aid workers can launch a campaign to vaccinate half a million Gazan children.

"I am appealing to all parties to provide concrete assurances right away guaranteeing humanitarian pauses for the campaign," he told reporters at the U.N. headquarters in New York.

"Let's be clear: The ultimate vaccine for polio is peace and an immediate humanitarian cease-fire," Guterres stressed. "But in any case, a polio pause is a must."

Earlier this month, the Gaza Health Ministry declared the entire strip a "polio epidemic zone."
"We know how an effective polio vaccination campaign must be administered," Guterres said. "Given the wholesale devastation in Gaza, at least 95% vaccination coverage will be needed during each round of the two-round campaign to prevent polio's spread and reduce its emergence."

The Gaza Health Ministry said that it has been working with the U.N. and other international organizations "over the past weeks on developing an integrated comprehensive plan for the implementation of an expanded polio vaccination campaign in the Gaza Strip," and that it will "carry out a vaccination campaign in the next few days targeting children under the age of 10."
The Gaza Health Ministry said 1.1 million doses of a two-dose, orally administered type 2 polio vaccine have been provided by the United Nations Children's Fund, with another 400,000 doses on the way. UNICEF said it "is coordinating delivery efforts and the cold chain equipment needed for storage."

Medical teams from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)—which is the largest healthcare provider in Gaza, even as Israeli forces have killed around 200 of its workers—said they are ready to administer the polio vaccines and assist in their distribution.

Guterres underscored the need to "defeat a vicious virus that, left unchecked, would have a disastrous effect not only for Palestinian children in Gaza, but also in neighboring countries and the region."

"Polio does not care about dividing lines, and polio does not wait," he said. "Polio goes beyond politics. It transcends all divisions. And so it is our shared obligation to come together. To mobilize—not to fight people, but to fight polio."

Polio epidemic

Meanwhile, the Palestinian health ministry announced on Friday that the first case of polio has been recorded in Gaza.

The discovery comes shortly after UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called for humanitarian pauses to conduct a polio vaccination campaign.

"Let’s be clear: the ultimate vaccine for polio is peace and an immediate humanitarian ceasefire," Guterres said.

"But in any case, a polio pause is a must. It is impossible to conduct a polio vaccination campaign with war raging all over."

Guterres called for seven-day pauses to facilitate the vaccination of 650,000 Palestinian children.


21 August 2024

While downplaying the significance of the detection of polio virus in Gaza wastewater, Israel claims that it will facilitate the transfer of polio vaccines to the territory. But healthcare practitioners say that a ceasefire is needed to safely distribute and administer the doses to children.

António Guterres, the UN secretary-general, said that the vaccination campaign would involve more than 700 teams at hospitals and health centers and 300 community outreach teams in Gaza.

It would require “reliable internet and phone services to inform communities about the campaign,” Guterres added, as well as an “increase in the amount of cash allowed into Gaza to pay health workers.”

“The ultimate vaccine for polio is peace and an immediate humanitarian ceasefire,” Guterres said.
Humanitarian groups say this grim reality underscores the urgent need for a ceasefire and freedom of movement to make a polio vaccine campaign possible.

“Specialist refrigerated trucks needed to safely transport vaccines have been repeatedly rejected from entry, leaving thousands of children at risk,” according to the aid groups and doctors calling for a ceasefire to stop the spread of polio.

“An entire generation is at risk of infection, and hundreds of children face paralysis by a highly communicable disease that can be prevented with a simple vaccine,” according to Save the Children’s Jeremy Stoner.


Quds News Network
For full and uncensored coverage in English, follow Quds channel on Telegram.
From Palestine to the World

A group of 20 aid agencies and 20 medical professionals have joined forces and called for an urgent ceasefire to administer polio vaccines to about 640,000 children under the age of 10 in the war-battered enclave.

More details:

A Palestinian girl is examined by a doctor amid fears over the spread of polio after the first case was reported by the Ministry of Health at Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital, in Deir Al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip, August 18, 2024. REUTERS/Ramadan Abed

Another favorite of the blog (at least of its owner and artistic director), the inspirational anti-imperialist Caitlin Johnstone, is quite quiet on the subject and I found only one brief mention in this paragraph of this inspirational article of hers:
(I have only left the link on the subject, but she gives links to many inspiring and interesting anti-imperialist sources, which are certainly worth interest, but I will leave them for another time)
In the last few days Israel has assassinated leaders in multiple neighboring nations, assassinated multiple journalists, deliberately destroyed a water facility in Gaza during a polio outbreak, and had riots defending the right of IDF soldiers to r*pe Palestinian prisoners. Clearly the sort of country we should all want to send our sons and daughters to go fight and die for.

31 July 2024
The director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said on Wednesday that polio had been detected in Gaza and warned that urgent preventive measures had to be taken to protect children from the infection, which can cause death or crippling paralysis.
The WHO has dispatched a million doses of polio vaccine to the Israeli-occupied territory, but how they will reach the population, particularly the children, under conditions of continuous military violence is unknown.
Gaza has been polio-free for a quarter of a century, thanks to effective mass vaccination, but this health achievement, like all the social gains of the Palestinians, is threatened with utter destruction under the impact of Israeli bombs, missiles and tank shells.
In response to the reports of polio, Israel said it was offering soldiers serving in the Gaza Strip the polio vaccine to be administered during routine troop turnover, although it was not mandatory for them to accept it. The Israeli army also indicated it would allow international groups to bring the polio vaccine into the enclave. According to the WHO, more than a million polio vaccine doses were being brought in to be given over the coming weeks.

Even before the military assault on the defenseless enclave, in March 2023, Israeli physicians were urging the government and medical community to respond to an outbreak of polio and prioritize and vaccinate the 176,000 Israeli children who had never received any doses. At the time, four children had been diagnosed with polio, and one had paralysis in his limbs. Prior to that outbreak, Israel had no clinical cases of polio between 1988 and 2022.

Join the fight against the Gaza genocide and imperialist war!
Fill out this form and we’ll contact you soon.

I'm tired, so let's ending with the most uninteresting part of news in all these websites and the rest that didn't go unchecked, which are a small crumb of everyone on the global web (and some of them will visit the blog). Later it becomes far more interesting.

As @DavidSon said:

What do you mean by "covid1984 operation"? I am worried.. Are you referring to something like those oddities in far-right conspiracy blogs, such as "plandemic, great reset, eugenics program, depopulation" and such?

If that were the case, then all these blogs that are specifically anti-war, fighting for the rights of the people, and are directed against (amerikan) imperialism, and fascism, and support the global east&south, global equality, and now point to the Israeli genocide and support Palestine (the same blogs, a small part of which we see here), they would say something like "covid1984, plandemic, great reset", right?
Did they say it? Or not? What did they say?...
(... we are about to find out - stay tuned)

But that's nothing, even not even the first step of a long-distance runner's training, even not a drop in the rising sea of browsing the thousands of websites that report on the sea of Palestinian skulls.

This is not even a small initial tick from the famous "Trump's fact-checker public nervous breakdown syndrome" that some of our sheep-headed forum medical professionals have recently registered. But the efforts of these local medical professionals (specialized in external surgeries supporting the thread) are extremely helpful in the manifestation of the syndrome. I can only thank them.

"Just one such a long thing every now and then, what's the big deal", don't get caught up in it at all, it will be cut into as small pieces as possible to increase the frequency.


Nov 8, 2022
Because it's not a war crime when they do it.

View attachment 109316
Don't worry, Daze. People are too lazy to make a few clicks and read for 5 minutes, but I'm not like that. After I finish here, even the few questions about your moral image will disappear. So enjoy (you're one of my platinum access cards here)
Beyond that, meanwhile:

..As you said it a week or two ago: "Hezbollah will crush Israel and even the US army... Probably by Christmas they will be history." We are waiting, just as you recommended. And we sharpen the knives (only it is not clear what breed the Christmas pig will be from).


Jan 10, 2019
It's so obvious that the settlers are just pawns in the Anglo-American Establishment's game. If it bears any significance, Queen Rania of Jordan sits on WEF's board...and i highly doubt the monarchy will mount any resistance to the grand plot. Last time i checked, Israel controls Jordan's water supply.

Good points Karly, also from your other posts. It's well known the government of Jordan is a puppet of the West. It was made extremely apparent when they helped the US/Israeli coalition against the Axis of Resistance retaliation back in April- offering their airspace, shooting down Iranian missiles, etc.

Many agree that Israel is a proxy state of the US/Britain but the settlers are so evil and flagrantly criminal, it's causing a rift in Israel between the extremist representatives against their own security establishment. Liberal Israelis like Blinken and J-Street are appalled because the psychopath settlers are exposing the diseased nature of Zionism/Judaism that they would rather be kept as a quiet, slow movement toward complete occupation.

Every time I watch the maniac settlers I envision them as a Red, Enoch, Tempest, Irrational Ninja, Maldarker, etc.some of the most ill, scary, possessed fanatics who talk here because they've been banned from other forums. Their malice might just be words online but let these types of individuals loose in the Holy Land on stolen property, armed with guns to terrorize and loot their Islamic "enemies"...God help us.

Considering what you said about settlers being pawns, maybe the fake liberal Israelis are feigning their shock at the increase of terrorism. I mean you'd have to see this coming:

U.S. Handgun Exports to Israel Soar as Civilian Demand Grows
The surge in exports comes after the Israeli government loosened gun ownership requirements in response to the October 7 attack by Hamas.

Israeli government has transferred over 150,000 guns and hundreds of other weapons to Israeli settlers since October 7



Jan 10, 2019
A reminder not to forget the EI podcast for those who have the time. Their podcast is every Wednesday or Thursday. This was from a few days ago but very important and nourishing information from Mohammad Marandi, Jon Elmer's Resistance review, as well as a revealing breakdown of the Zionist US Democrat party platform of 2024 lol. Abunimah is an ally who shares in the collective pain/struggle for Palestinian freedom:

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Nov 8, 2022
It would seem Israel announced a pre-strike on Lebanon. Hezbollah decided to hit them first.

View attachment 109358

From one of Israels largest mouthpieces on X.
View attachment 109359

Recent posts from the Cradle.

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View attachment 109362
We are approaching your promise "Israel will be history by Christmas" because "Hezbollah will easily crush Israel and even the US army". I have opened all the live pedo-blogs (bbc, aljazeera, nyt) and follow the updates. ANTI-pedo-TASS of Iran's ally, Russia:

Lightning 25 August, 07:46, Updated 25 August, 07:53 Middle East conflict

Dozens of Israeli Air Force fighter jets continue to strike Hezbollah

TEL AVIV, August 25. /TASS/. Several dozen Israeli Air Force fighters currently continue to strike at targets of the Shiite Hezbollah movement in southern Lebanon. This is stated in a statement by the official representative of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Daniel Hagari.

"Dozens of Air Force fighters are currently striking several locations in southern Lebanon. We continue to destroy threats and inflict intensive strikes on the Hezbollah terrorist group," the document says.

with update:
As indicated in the statement, the Israeli Air Force began to strike in advance, after receiving information that Hezbollah was preparing to launch a missile attack.

Earlier, Hezbollah reported the launch of more than 320 rockets at Israel. The Jerusalem Post noted that the shell launches were recorded from 05:30 to 06:15 local time (coincides with Moscow time), several missiles reached Israeli territory.

The army press service previously informed that IDF fighters attacked Hezbollah targets in Lebanon in connection with the preparation of a missile attack on Israeli territory. Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant announced the introduction of a state of emergency in the country for 48 hours.

25 August, 08:03 Middle East conflict

Israel used about 100 fighter jets in the attack on Hezbollah targets - IDF spokesman Hagari.

... According to a statement by the official representative of the Israel Defense Forces, Daniel Hagari, several thousand shells were destroyed during the strikes.

"About 100 Air Force fighters attacked and destroyed thousands of containers with Hezbollah shells, most of which were aimed at the north of the country, and some of them at the central part [of Israel]," he said.

TEL AVIV, August 25. /TASS/. Israel appealed to the governments of dozens of countries around the world with a request to support it in the fight against the Shiite movement Hezbollah. This was announced by the Foreign Ministry of the Jewish state in X (formerly Twitter).

In a statement, the Foreign Ministry noted that the head of the ministry, Israel Katz, appealed to his colleagues with a request to support Israel. He pointed out that the authorities of the Jewish state began to act after the data about the upcoming attack was finally confirmed, and "launched a preemptive strike to disrupt it."

Katz stressed that Israel is acting "to protect its citizens and territory from the 'axis of evil' led by Iran, whose goal is to destroy the Jewish state." "Israel does not seek total war and will act in accordance with the development of events," the ministry quoted him as saying.

It would seem Israel announced a pre-strike on Lebanon. Hezbollah decided to hit them first.
Exactly Opposite. (But it's normal for you here.)
"The Israeli military launched predawn airstrikes at targets in southern Lebanon, saying it was acting pre-emptively against what it described as an “extensive” attack that Hezbollah was planning on Israeli territory. Hezbollah later said it had fired hundreds of rockets at Israel, in what appeared to be one of its largest rocket barrages yet."

Israel’s military launched “intense” air attacks across southern Lebanon, saying the “proactive” raids were aimed at removing a “threat” from Hezbollah.
Soon afterwards, Hezbollah announced a large drone and rocket attack on Israel, stating that the barrage was in response to the Israeli military’s killing of its top commander Fuad Shukr in Beirut in July.
The Lebanese armed group said the “first phase” of its retaliatory attack included a barrage of drones and more than 320 Katyusha rockets launched at 11 Israeli military bases and barracks.
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