Important Message To Forum Members


Jul 27, 2017
I'm kinda skeptical to spirits and such despite my belief in a higher power.

More so, is cause I've never really experienced anything paranormal.

So to read about sorcery/miracles/people channeling stuff seems too fictitious for me right now.

I look at it as God having my back :)
I posted a thread about my bouts with sleep paralysis.
I look at more in a scientific way than a spiritual way.

This thread is very interesting though


Mar 18, 2017
Antipapirus said:
Oh, the greatest psyops of
the 20th century, my dear
I used to hear people talking about Holocaust
deniers and it seemed to me so ridiculous and crazy
to deny something that has 100% happened without any doubt.
I remember reading this when it was first published but put it at the back of my mind
Hitler 'had Jewish and African roots', DNA tests show(Telegraph link and Haaretz link)

Then, David Livingstone made the case that:
some of the most zealous anti-Semites on the American white supremacist scene have turned out to have direct family links to the religion and the people they have devoted their lives to hating.....The repeated occurrence of Jews posing as neo-Nazis should not be taken as haphazard. Their persistence would suggest they are not acting alone.

And i still shelved that, but lucky for me, i stumbled upon this the other day and finally it clicked, everything else made sense.

My verdict? The Holocaust was a false flag (and i will view it that way henceforth), of the same cloth as the sinking of the Lusitania, Pearl Harbour, the Reichstag fire, the Tonkin Incident, et al. The biggest one in the last century, therefore it had to have been planned for decades. The question that should always be asked is 'cui bono?' No one has benefited from the Holocaust except (Zionist) Jews and @Antipapirus rightly called it a psyop. How convinient! Without the holocaust, there'd be no reparations, no state of Israel , no Nak'ba, no AIPAC, ADL, CUFI, the aid package, 'Schindler's List and Sophie's choice,' an entire 'industry' pretty much and most importantly, a huge chunk of mainstream evangelical eschatological belief would be turned on its head (the 3rd Temple and all the trimmings), in other words, the Messiah returning to reign in Jerusalem in a new and shining temple wouldn't be possible without the holocaust. Though, i don't know if reparations are paid to Romania (for the gypsies and blacks who died in the camps).
Hitler, the progenitor of supremacist, jew-hating groups was the perfect candidate. He was too much of a blessing in disguise. Now, ODESSA (not Ukraine) makes sense, even more, Project Paperclip. AfD (German political party) stating they are pro-Israel doesn't sound strange anymore.

Whoever put up that old newspaper clipping asked an excellent question:

And these newspapers were ofcourse owned by Jewish leaders. So, Jewish leaders revealed that Hitler was a jew. Why did they do this quite incredible thing?

(Note to old members: Stride isn't here but i wonder what he'd have to say about this :D)


Mar 18, 2017
I believe you that you are of a Jewish background. It does not make any difference objectively what background you have.
Unless you have serious evidence that disproves multiple information sources I cannot take your claims seriously.
Iam springing to @Antipapirus's defence. Maybe he doesn't have the energy to put this up, so i will :)

Daily Express (March 24,
1933) Says That Total
Jewish Population of
Germany In 1933 Was Only

Kissinger's family left Germany, so did Albert Einstein. Just afew examples

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
@Karlysymon -

I can't believe it! You and @Antipapirus have managed to uncover a psyop going all the way back to Genesis 12 to repeatedly provide favour and support to one nation unfairly above all others, based on some ancient "promise"?!

"1Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:

2And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:

3And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed."

God's interference in human history exposed!
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Mar 18, 2017
To be honest, i felt i was baiting you with my post(s) but i will answer you with Galatians 3:6-9

So also Abraham “believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness.” Understand, then, that those who have faith are
children of Abraham.
Scripture foresaw that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, and announced the gospel in advance to Abraham: “All nations will be blessed through you.”

John 1:11-13
He came to that which was his own, but His own did not receive him. Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God— children born not of natural descent, nor of
human decision or a
husband’s will, but born of

I confess, iam so sick of the 'Jewish question' and can't wait to get past the Pearly gates, because the first thing iam going to ask is "did everyone make it? We were told...."
And, going by Hagee & Co, Hitler and other SS officers already have their visas thanks to father Abraham.
I know iam sounding confrontational and Israel is a sensitive topic but thats where i stand...

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
It gets worse! The Zionists seem to have managed to corrupt the Psalms to include descriptions of conditions in the camps, the restoration of "their" land, and a clear inclusion for those escarologically minded evangelicals to get excited about - check it out!

"1{A Prayer of the afflicted, when he is overwhelmed, and poureth out his complaint before the LORD.} Hear my prayer, O LORD, and let my cry come unto thee.

2Hide not thy face from me in the day when I am in trouble; incline thine ear unto me: in the day whenI call answer me speedily.

3For my days are consumed like smoke, and my bones are burned as an hearth.

4My heart is smitten, and withered like grass; so that I forget to eat my bread.

5By reason of the voice of my groaning my bones cleave to my skin.

6I am like a pelican of the wilderness: I am like an owl of the desert.

7I watch, and am as a sparrow alone upon the house top.

8Mine enemies reproach me all the day; and they that are mad against me are sworn against me.

9For I have eaten ashes like bread, and mingled my drink with weeping,

10Because of thine indignation and thy wrath: for thou hast lifted me up, and cast me down.

11My days are like a shadow that declineth; and I am withered like grass.

12But thou, O LORD, shalt endure for ever; and thy remembrance unto all generations.

13Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion: for the time to favour her, yea, the set time, is come. [clear inclusion here to legitimise the state of Israel!]

14For thy servants take pleasure in her stones, and favour the dust thereof.

15So the heathen shall fear the name of the LORD, and all the kings of the earth thy glory.

16When the LORD shall build up Zion, he shall appear in his glory.

17He will regard the prayer of the destitute, and not despise their prayer.

18This shall be written for the generation to come: [or even the "last generation" as rendered in some texts] and the people which shall be created shall praise the LORD.

Blatant Zionist propaganda...

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
To be honest, i felt i was baiting you with my post(s) but i will answer you with Galatians 3:6-9

So also Abraham “believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness.” Understand, then, that those who have faith are
children of Abraham.
Scripture foresaw that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, and announced the gospel in advance to Abraham: “All nations will be blessed through you.”

John 1:11-13
He came to that which was his own, but His own did not receive him. Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God— children born not of natural descent, nor of
human decision or a
husband’s will, but born of

I confess, iam so sick of the 'Jewish question' and can't wait to get past the Pearly gates, because the first thing iam going to ask is "did everyone make it? We were told...."
And, going by Hagee & Co, Hitler and other SS officers already have their visas thanks to father Abraham.
I know iam sounding confrontational and Israel is a sensitive topic but thats where i stand...
Not all Jews will be saved... by believing that God will hold up his end of the bargain, it doesn't mean that in the end they will all respond in faith and repentance. There is no "I am Jewish, let me in" card available to the flesh and blood sons of Abraham at the gates....

(Just so you know what I believe too)


Mar 18, 2017
It gets worse! The Zionists seem to have managed to corrupt the Psalms to include descriptions of conditions in the camps, the restoration of "their" land, and a clear inclusion for those escarologically minded evangelicals to get excited about - check it out!

"1{A Prayer of the afflicted, when he is overwhelmed, and poureth out his complaint before the LORD.} Hear my prayer, O LORD, and let my cry come unto thee.

2Hide not thy face from me in the day when I am in trouble; incline thine ear unto me: in the day whenI call answer me speedily.

3For my days are consumed like smoke, and my bones are burned as an hearth.

4My heart is smitten, and withered like grass; so that I forget to eat my bread.

5By reason of the voice of my groaning my bones cleave to my skin.

6I am like a pelican of the wilderness: I am like an owl of the desert.

7I watch, and am as a sparrow alone upon the house top.

8Mine enemies reproach me all the day; and they that are mad against me are sworn against me.

9For I have eaten ashes like bread, and mingled my drink with weeping,

10Because of thine indignation and thy wrath: for thou hast lifted me up, and cast me down.

11My days are like a shadow that declineth; and I am withered like grass.

12But thou, O LORD, shalt endure for ever; and thy remembrance unto all generations.

13Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion: for the time to favour her, yea, the set time, is come. [clear inclusion here to legitimise the state of Israel!]

14For thy servants take pleasure in her stones, and favour the dust thereof.

15So the heathen shall fear the name of the LORD, and all the kings of the earth thy glory.

16When the LORD shall build up Zion, he shall appear in his glory.

17He will regard the prayer of the destitute, and not despise their prayer.

18This shall be written for the generation to come: [or even the "last generation" as rendered in some texts] and the people which shall be created shall praise the LORD.

Blatant Zionist propaganda...
(Please don't do this to me Red )
Thanks for clearing that up, obviously there's 'a divide in your camp'.
So, Auchvitz was prophesied??? That is definately a first. Never heard of that before! Okay, going by the dna test and the admission that predated that test by more than 50yrs, we should agree Hitler was a Jew. If concentration camps were prophesied, i take it the person 'running the show' was prophesied aswell. Is there a Psalm for that? Please don't give me 69:19-28 (clearly its about Judas' betrayal) seeing as Hitler also betrayed his kin for 'higher goals'.
@DesertRose i'll be at your Jones thread in abit :)]

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
(Please don't do this to me Red )
Thanks for clearing that up, obviously there's 'a divide in your camp'.
So, Auchvitz was prophesied??? That is definately a first. Never heard of that before! Okay, going by the dna test and the admission that predated that test by more than 50yrs, we should agree Hitler was a Jew. If concentration camps were prophesied, i take it the person 'running the show' was prophesied aswell. Is there a Psalm for that? Please don't give me 69:19-28 (clearly its about Judas' betrayal) seeing as Hitler also betrayed his kin for 'higher goals'.
@DesertRose i'll be at your Jones thread in abit :)]
I don't mean to be argumentative, but, as the videos @DesertRose posts up indicate, there is a polarisation of interpretation over the legitamacy of Israel.

As far as the Psalm 102 and the camps are concerned, that was a pattern I had noticed and someone I respected pointed out. As usual, people can make their own interpretations...
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May 20, 2017
Islamic perspective:
[Qur'an 17:4-8].
Allah (swt) States: "And we decreed for the Children of Israel in the Scripture, that indeed you would do mischief on the earth twice and you will become tyrants and extremely arrogant! So, when the promise came for the first of the two, We sent against you slaves of Ours given to terrible warfare. They entered the very innermost parts of your homes. And it was a promise (completely) fulfilled. Then We gave you once again, a return of victory over them. And We helped you with wealth and children and made you more numerous in manpower. (And We said): 'If you do well, you do good for your ownselves, and if you do evil (you do it) against yourselves'. Then, when the second promise came to pass, (We permitted your enemies) to make your faces sorrowful and to enter the mosque (of Jerusalem) as they had entered it before, and to destroy with utter destruction all that fell in their hands. [And We Said in the Taurat (Torah)]: 'It may be that your Lord may show mercy unto you, but if you return (to sins), We shall return (to Our Punishment). And We have made Hell a prison for the disbelievers"

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
I've said what I needed to, as honestly as I have been able. I won't disturb this thread any further...

P.s. I don't quite see how an ex Hamas member speaking out at the UN against the generally received anti Israel rhetoric is automatically a "red herring". I would deem such a voice as having some bearing on the subject?


May 20, 2017
P.s. I don't quite see how an ex Hamas member speaking out at the UN against the generally received anti Israel rhetoric is automatically a "red herring". I would deem such a voice as having some bearing on the subject?
Okay Red,
Our discussion was about some people believing that Palestine belongs to the Israelis only.
I think they can all settle peacefully on that land but the key word is peacefully and without corruption.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Okay Red,
Our discussion was about some people believing that Palestine belongs to the Israelis only.
I think they can all settle peacefully on that land but the key word is peacefully and without corruption.
When you enter a room with two kids who have been fighting they both give their side of the grievance. One or both of them may be skewing the narrative in their favour. It takes a very wise adult to get to the facts of the matter, and getting the pair to play nicely again is a challenge that only sometimes works out...


May 20, 2017
When you enter a room with two kids who have been fighting they both give their side of the grievance. One or both of them may be skewing the narrative in their favour. It takes a very wise adult to get to the facts of the matter, and getting the pair to play nicely again is a challenge that only sometimes works out...
Seriously Red?
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Mar 15, 2017
Iam springing to @Antipapirus's defence. Maybe he doesn't have the energy to put this up, so i will :)

Daily Express (March 24,
1933) Says That Total
Jewish Population of
Germany In 1933 Was Only

Kissinger's family left Germany, so did Albert Einstein. Just afew examples
Hitler invaded other surrounding countries which I assume also had plenty of Jews.