Who do Muslims really worship?

Jun 4, 2021
I thought of Squide Game, with the game. While the umbrella is in the four forms. There is only the round, the triangle and the square. Which stands out the most, especially on the business card. And in the final form, the rain falls, but does not carry an umbrella:
View attachment 107810

Another note, the house is often represented and in Hinduism...:
what is the meaning of umbrella? do you know?

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Apr 6, 2018
what is the meaning of umbrella? do you know?
I looked everywhere... I don't know. I thought it had a reference, sexual. Or the fact of not accepting this God, knowing, that rain = sperm = their God. I even saw, an inverted version, with a flower. Which is a peony: I had this representation:
Then I just came across this representation:
TaeMin's hip tattoo is a peony. The traditional meaning of the peony flower tattoo is wealth, luck, love, glory, and honor. In the East, the peony is a symbol of masculinity and a symbol of "Yang" energy.

So, I take the opportunity to make a theory, that I had. It is that rain = fortune, for the Illuminati. And that the umbrella is carried by those, who want to be ignored. The rain serves to nourish the earth.


Apr 6, 2018
Speaking of binary God. I don't know, if you have read it, but it may interest you, on the representation of the God. The only God, who works in this sense. See the first "paragraph", for the whole distribution of Gods and Goddesses. The second "paragraph" represents this second god. In any case, when I made comparisons, associations, etc. that formed that, especially I saw in a video and/or comment, a reference, on what I said:
Houses, furnitures and objects Illuminati | The Vigilant Citizen Forums
Jun 4, 2021
Speaking of binary God. I don't know, if you have read it, but it may interest you, on the representation of the God. The only God, who works in this sense. See the first "paragraph", for the whole distribution of Gods and Goddesses. The second "paragraph" represents this second god. In any case, when I made comparisons, associations, etc. that formed that, especially I saw in a video and/or comment, a reference, on what I said:
Houses, furnitures and objects Illuminati | The Vigilant Citizen Forums
The Cathars of France were all killed off due to there belief in 2 Gods..
The people from Bosnia also had a belief simalar to the Cathars.


Apr 6, 2018
Cathar ideology
Catharism developed in France in the 12th century. The preachers claimed to be deeply Christian and said they were the only true disciples of the apostles, practicing like them absolute poverty and working with their hands to live.
The Cathars put forward a dualistic idea of creation, opposing two worlds: one good and the other bad. The first is the work of God, the second is this lower world, evil. They also denounced a church that was too rich and linked to the powerful. Today they are called Cathars, but at the time, they called themselves good Christians, apostles, good men, clothed, good beards.
This comes, perhaps from there the two M's, on a Freemason tapestry, that I studied. They form the letter M. But the head, on each side. I went so far as to suppose that it forms 3 and E. But on the tapestry, they represent the scene where the three wise men, leave to see Christ and the shepherdess. They are accompanied by two children. The left part, being dedicated to life. While the right part is dedicated to death. And the sentence I underlined at the end of the paragraph reminds me of the representation of the tapestry.


Apr 6, 2018
Can also be........

Numbers, which are also lucky charms in China.
And I also thought about this eagle:
And the eagle to Janus, because of its two heads. One that looks at the past, the other at the future (but I always found that the present was missing).
Jun 4, 2021
Numbers, which are also lucky charms in China.
And I also thought about this eagle:
And the eagle to Janus, because of its two heads. One that looks at the past, the other at the future (but I always found that the present was missing).
I had a dream many years ago now...of myself being attacked by 2 eagles...

No idea what it meant :)


Apr 6, 2018
My dreams are actually remotely induced movies.........
Here, I'll take this opportunity to note some personal examples, which I'm not proud of, but which were effective for me: my brain learned to observe so much that I was barely able to concentrate. So I decided, given what people saw on me, to use a technique, a trick (I didn't plan on it lasting long...). But it allowed me to think more easily. And I've come to understand why, I had this objective of two. Now, I know. And the irony is that the names of the peoples that you mentioned to me really struck me when we gave a lesson one day. The other thing is that for the circle of Gods that I created, I don't know why, but I always wanted to reduce it to two, not one, but two Gods. So, that doesn't really work, because of the natural cycle of life.
Jun 4, 2021
Here, I'll take this opportunity to note some personal examples, which I'm not proud of, but which were effective for me: my brain learned to observe so much that I was barely able to concentrate. So I decided, given what people saw on me, to use a technique, a trick (I didn't plan on it lasting long...). But it allowed me to think more easily. And I've come to understand why, I had this objective of two. Now, I know. And the irony is that the names of the peoples that you mentioned to me really struck me when we gave a lesson one day. The other thing is that for the circle of Gods that I created, I don't know why, but I always wanted to reduce it to two, not one, but two Gods. So, that doesn't really work, because of the natural cycle of life.
The NAG HAMMADI is where the belief into 2 Gods started and Gnosis....more back in time than the Cathars of France.


Apr 6, 2018
I am listing the symbols I have seen. Whether they were invented by them or not:
Like the two columns of the Temple of Solomon (while I thought that it should have four). The three of Freemasonry (two columns on one side, further away from a third column, which refers to the association? The black and white checkerboard. In the middle also, of the altar, which shares compartment, one the energy that it recovers. And on the other, that which it gives. The representation of Baphomet which points to the sky and the earth. The upper part is the woman, while the other is the Man.
Or even and especially the hand, the one that is said to form the horns of the devil, of Rock and different but close, the version of love.
Jun 4, 2021

In Saudia Arabia, when you perform Hajj..you throw stones at 3 pillars(now 3 walls)..meant to symbolise the stoning of the devil.

maybe its ...


one and the same........the DEVIL
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Jun 4, 2021
I am listing the symbols I have seen. Whether they were invented by them or not:
Like the two columns of the Temple of Solomon (while I thought that it should have four). The three of Freemasonry (two columns on one side, further away from a third column, which refers to the association? The black and white checkerboard. In the middle also, of the altar, which shares compartment, one the energy that it recovers. And on the other, that which it gives. The representation of Baphomet which points to the sky and the earth. The upper part is the woman, while the other is the Man.
Or even and especially the hand, the one that is said to form the horns of the devil, of Rock and different but close, the version of love.
i think the black and white checkerboard is the BLACK/WHITE MADONNA. or the BLACK KINGS AND QUEENS OF FRANCE.