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Frankly, I prefer to pose and assume, than to dodge an answer. So right or wrong, I like to take information. Because there is often a part of truth, even in the lie. Like people, who say anything, can be inspired by reality:
So I also take the opportunity to mark some thoughts that I have all the same, thoughts since yesterday, looking at all of what you told me with another eye. And as I said, I have a lot of Freemason furniture, including very old ones. Including 1 that dates from 1611, and which represents, a Goddess, on one side with her two boys, (with a goat, under what is often represented, held by the eagle). Where the child is carried by the mother and is on top. While on the left, he has a goose, and the other child who from the back, seems to climb, like a mountaineer, without equipment. And on the right, on the other edge (a quarter of a column). He has the head of the God, and his sons, who in the water half have a fish tail and on the other a Man's body, for the exterior part). These same Gods are represented by phoenixes (which were taken, or simply a representation that is based on the morphology of dinosaurs). Who each turn their head, backwards, looking at their representation. While in the Freemason altar, which he has at home, the birds, on a flower (which would represent the members, turn their head towards the center). The center = the child, and as the Freemasons are followers of Alchemy, which consists of taking the two opposites to unite them, taking, the spirit, the active, which they associate with Man; and the soul, the passive, which they associate with woman. When I wanted to compose, it always brought me back to this idea of birth. The active, for the sperm, and the passive, for the ovum. But ironically they also use Hermetic Alchemy, which consists of destroying the body, in order to recover the spirit, they take the soul too. Then they build what is called an egregore: which is an association of souls, to create an autonomous spirit. Which they use to store their knowledge. Same thing for Freemasons, who use an altar to exchange their energies. Their souls, which they place on the right, and retrieve a new one on the left of the piece of furniture (when the person is in front). They call it the chain (it is also represented by a rope). For some time now, I have been trying to recover a video of a person who presented two icons. One of them is the Goddess and the other the God, who is holding a ball. Yes, it reminds me of the painting of Jesus, holding a ball in his left hand. And which is supposedly by Leonardo da Vinci: "Christ the Savior of the World". And the color, often mentioned in the forum. Purple, which is a mixture of red and blue. Red for the left eye and blue for the right eye (or vice versa). Eyes have often been associated with Lucifer, it is also his symbol in Satanism. Always the same God, but it also represents fire and water. Thinking, the Rat eye, the solar eye or the mind eye is the pineal gland, in the brain, the drawing, can be one or the other. And I wondered, if the triangle shape would not rather be, the two other lines (columns). Which go from each eye, to the center of the brain. Which is at the same time, the unity of his two eyes, but also, it is the third eye, that of the mind. And I think, also that it is to avoid, the confusion with the compass. Besides, I also thought of the drawings, of the so-called perfection of the human body of Leonardo da Vinci. Who put the body (or bodies), In a square a circle (see the different bonus links, under the +). Whose left part is facing and the right part, which is turned to the right. Unlike the Mona Lisa (and not only them), which is facing and three-quarter, turning the head to the left. It also has two columns that we see more from the flight, and a path on the left, for a river on the right, in the center of its two columns. And what marks the Mona Lisa, the fact, that its eyes are separated, in a way, between black and white, causing, an effect of following the gaze, following the position that the person takes, when looking at the painting. Moreover, in works of art, and not only, that perfection is in the association between the feminine or the masculine (which is obviously inaccurate). Speaking of association, the signature of Freemasonry is three points, put in a triangle. I thought of the top of the columns, but also, as some suppose: the mind (red), the body (black) and the white (white):
L'Oeuvre au rouge en alchimie : définition, interprétation (
Cocteau, l'alchimiste (
It is actually about help, to make associations. Alchemy, would consist in reproducing, what he has in the body by using the four elements, which in the Alchemical order is... it is marked in this video, proposed by a fan of alchemy, studies on this channel, but is neither alchemist, nor Freemason:
In China, Alchemy was widely used. It is elsewhere like that that gunpowder was created:1 earth
2 water
3 air: dementor, patronus, family, friends, prison, freedom
4 fire: the tournament of the three wizards (goblet of fire), courage against the dragon, the strength to preserve our good in duality with the softness of the egg, the wisdom of the labyrinth, remus lupin, life, love, death.
5 black: the order of the phoenix, mental manipulation, vision, prophecy, horcrux, corrupt government, wrongly accused, loss of emotion, aggressiveness, transmission
6 white: loss of sirius, prince of half-blood, book, potion, love, luck, death of aragog, horcrux, death of dumbledore
7 red: end of life as a student of harry, golden snitch, hunt for horcruxes, the deathly hallows, sacrifice of harry, rebirth, death of voldemort.
Comment les Chinois ont accidentellement créé la poudre à canon (
By the way, I forgot to say, but my circle, can be aimed between the association of the two Goddesses, who represent the mother, the father, but I have never been able to remove the son (the second God). And jack, in playing cards. Which are also symbolic, as the game of chess. The prince is the jack (or light). But is also the association of the two principles (life and death). And I have always associated him, as God of egregores, which corresponds, to the association of his two Gods. Of two people, who can create a powerful enough egregore. While even a single being can do it. We associate this term, between two people who unite their energies. Two consciences, which more easily create a new one.
D'après Léonard de Vinci - L'Homme de Vitruve "augmenté" (1490) - Institut Français de Psychanalyse (
l'homme vitruvien (Léonard de Vinci) - Profs d'Histoire lycée Claude Lebois
l'homme de Vitruve dessin de Léonard de Vinci (1492/1496) exercice sur l’Homme de Vitruve Dessin à la plume, encre et lavis (usage d’une seule couleur diluée pour obtenir différentes intensités) sur papier, intitulé Étude des proportions du corps humain...