Assassination attempt on Donald Trump


Mar 18, 2017
I'm not going to respond to your detail, simply because it's a waste of energy and - to me, anyway - it's perfectly obvious that this whole thing was staged.
I'm aghast that anyone would actually 'believe' Trump had no prior knowledge.
Are you going to pretend that there's no such thing as compartmentalization in gov't? Why is it an impossibility that an event should take place and he would be clueless of any foreshadowing? Back in 2020, when Mike Pompeo announced that the Covid psyop was a "live exercise", Trump interjected that "you should have let us know". Look at his body language....was that acting too? That is inspite of the fact that everyone around him (Fauci, Birx) had atleast known for years that something like this was coming. And just because he isn't "in on it" doesn't make him a good or bad guy. Again, if he was in on it, you have to provide some strong reasons for why he would fake an assassination attempt. I don't see anything controversial about people in Trump's circle doing this (at the behest of the deep state) without him knowing that it is the plan.

at the 1:8min mark

You do understand that the press is nothing more than a government propaganda machine, that only tells us what the government wants us to believe, don't you?

'In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.'
-Franklin D. Roosevelt
When i said that, i was implying that the press will always run stories before an event and the REAL motives for pulling it off after the fact. You just have to be perceptive enough to read between the lines of what they are publishing inorder to paint a picture of what's coming or why a particular event happened. So yes, MSM will tell us why this happened.
I've been wondering why Pennsylvania was the chosen state....appropriate/symbolic to pull this off. I have Larry Krasner's comments lingering at the back of my mind
Jan 27, 2018
I don’t think it was fake and I don’t think Trump was in on it. IMO, from reading his body language, you could see Trump was visibly shaken up and rattled but pulled himself together. The fight fight fight was just typical defiant Trump - that’s literally his nature and it came out there. Also when entering RNC the first day you can see on his face the weariness and overwhelm - if he was faking all this then he is a master thespian the likes of which I’ve never seen. You could also read this on his children’s faces.
Now, was this a lone gunman? I’m not buying that at all. The more I learn about the supposed “failings” of the Secret Service it’s obvious this was planned and coordinated.


Sep 21, 2021
I don’t think it was fake and I don’t think Trump was in on it. IMO, from reading his body language, you could see Trump was visibly shaken up and rattled but pulled himself together. The fight fight fight was just typical defiant Trump - that’s literally his nature and it came out there. Also when entering RNC the first day you can see on his face the weariness and overwhelm - if he was faking all this then he is a master thespian the likes of which I’ve never seen. You could also read this on his children’s faces.
Now, was this a lone gunman? I’m not buying that at all. The more I learn about the supposed “failings” of the Secret Service it’s obvious this was planned and coordinated.
At the RNC, he said that during that chaotic, bloody moment, he was thinking his supporters might have thought he was dead, so he wanted to signal to them that he's alive and so he raised his fist shouting "fight, fight, fight...!"

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
A Freeman said:
You do understand that the press is nothing more than a government propaganda machine, that only tells us what the government wants us to believe, don't you?

'In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.'
-Franklin D. Roosevelt
When i said that, i was implying that the press will always run stories before an event and the REAL motives for pulling it off after the fact.
While it is true that sometimes, immediately after one of these planned, false flag events, e.g. Waco, OK City, 9/11, 7/7, etc., there are screw-ups/slip-ups, where something is initially reported or said that is never repeated (and sometimes later "memory-holed"), whatever the press is claiming to be the "real motive" after the event is exactly the false narrative that the government has sanctioned for them to release.

Research: Operation Mockingbird

Please also see:

You just have to be perceptive enough to read between the lines of what they are publishing inorder to paint a picture of what's coming or why a particular event happened. So yes, MSM will tell us why this happened.
If one realizes that everything the MSM releases is a form of mind-control, i.e. designed to invoke a specific public reaction and to sow the seed of predictive programming, then -- and only then -- does it become possible to investigate WHY that particular information is being released at that specific time.

The level of deception arrayed against us is VASTLY underestimated by most, if not all of us (
Rev. 12:9). Have you not even considered why "the deep state" would want SuperTrump to be the next president? He's been outspoken regarding his support for the counterfeit-Jewish state, was instrumental in moving the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and has recently made dictatorial-style comments on how "antisemitism" needs to be punished. Noahide "laws" perhaps? At the very least, the stage has now been set, both literally and metaphorically, for a full on frontal assault of free-speech, under the guise of "unity".

I've been wondering why Pennsylvania was the chosen state....appropriate/symbolic to pull this off. I have Larry Krasner's comments lingering at the back of my mind
Isn't Pennsylvania Joe Biden's home state?

And if someone is gullible enough to believe our God-given rights are somehow granted through the vaunted U.S. CONstitution, the birthplace of which reportedly is Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, then what better place to start the burial process, to remove the last remnants of the illusion of freedom?
Jan 27, 2018
Excerpt below from the excellent research paper "The Trump Shooting was of course Staged", written by Miles Matthis. Please find it at:

Then we have the miracle picture of the bullet flying by Trump.

View attachment 107495

They really think you are stupid, to buy that photoshopped POS. That was allegedly captured by a NYT photographer. Convenient. So how fast was his shutter speed? Well, they saw that question coming, because they tell us he was using a Sony A1 at 1/8000s. Since Trump is not known to move 1000 feet per second himself, it is unclear why the photographer would be using that shutter speed. But let's say he was. At that shutter speed, how far would the bullet move? Since this was an AR15, the bullet would have slowed to about 2000fps. So we just multiply. The bullet should have traveled ¼ foot, or three inches. Is that track 3 inches? No, it is about a foot, which is four times too long. Obviously, the bullet would need to be moving 8000fps to make a track one foot long on a film open for 1/8000s. Anyone can do that math. 8000/8000 = 1.

The NYT photographer Doug Mills who allegedly took that photo is also covered in red flags. He has won two Pulitzers, one for coverage of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, which I have shown was also staged. So, like the various government attorneys I have blown the cover of—Vincent Bugliosi, Marcia Clark, F. Lee Bailey, etc.—Mills appears to be a plant from Intel.

Then there is the reaction of the crowd behind Trump, which allegedly had eight bullets whizzing past them, or into their neighbors. They sit and stand there like idiots, many not running or even ducking. Some are filming on their cellphones. Most just continue to watch, as if it is on TV. That's because they know the bangs are just blanks. One of the guys interviewed afterwards (the big guy in a red shirt) admitted it sounded like fireworks behind the stage, not an AR15 more than 100 yards in front of the stage. Whoops! He is being paid to sell the hits on the crowd, but he goes off script badly, as these crisis actors always do. I think you could tell the difference between pops behind or under the stage and a high-powered rifle 500 feet away. We should also hear the bullets whizzing, and as in the Las Vegas fake, we don't. Even more ridiculous, perhaps, is that they paid these people on stage to stay there and cheer when he raised his fist. No one knows all shooters have been killed at that point, how could they, but not only have they not run or tried to hide, they sit there calmly and then stand up and cheer when Trump does his “fight” act. This is fake event staging at its worst.

You will say one of those people was killed. Corey Comperatore. Unfortunately, his story doesn't add up, either. We are being told he was an ex-fire chief in Buffalo Township. But his LinkedIN profile doesn't mention being a firefighter. It says he has worked at JSP in Butler for 30 years. Plus, this dead guy is still posting at LinkedIN as of today.

View attachment 107496

Nice of him to comment on his own death, right? That's very helpful. You will say there are two Corey Comperatores in that area of the same age who look exactly alike.

View attachment 107497 View attachment 107498

Not according to Intelius and Instantcheckmate, which both tell us there is only one Corey Comperatore there. And not according to the Los Angeles Times, which is using the second pic there in their obituary, which is the one from LinkedIN. So as usual, this is all incredibly sloppy. [Also funny: it appears the guy never changes shirts.]

And this is really embarrassing:

View attachment 107499

His old firehouse now has that memorial. Except for one thing: they spelled his name wrong. They have never heard of that guy.

Plus, I just watched the full film, and I don't see where Comperatore was allegedly sitting. He should be to the right of the stage behind Trump, in order to catch a bullet, but if you look over there, those people are all just sitting there calmly. If some guy is bleeding to death among them, you would never know it. I guess they were too busy taking pictures and cheering to notice the dead guy at their feet.
Most of this information is just wrong. I’m all for entertaining the idea this was staged but this “breakdown” has a ton of wrong information.

for one that pic isn’t of the bullet alone but air displaced by the bullet which could be captured along with length bullet traveled which I’ve read is closer to 3,500 feet per second.

Two - there are pics of Trump pulling hand away from ear and it’s got blood on it - he has blood before going down and someone supposedly drawing on his face.

Three- ear cartilage isn’t especially vascular so it actually doesn’t bleed that much - he has appropriate amount of blood for upper ear wound hit by bullet. Now a slice via a razor likely would hardly bleed at all but then which is it? People are saying it’s a blood pack…well that’s messy…and drawing on his face? That’s not necessary if he supposedly sliced his ear. Silly.

Four - the crowd. It’s true those right behind him are not reacting like one might expect but have you seen the other videos? People are screaming and diving for the bleachers. Some women sound like bloody murder. So it depends on what videos you’re watching and where in the stands you’re looking. And think about it though - if this was staged, would you tell your actors sitting right behind Trump to NOT look horrified and dive for the ground!?? Wouldn’t you WANT them to go crazy to build up the drama and impact??? It just doesn’t make any sense to have them kinda sitting there like no biggie - it’s not that big a deal.

Five - Trump is yelling “f*ck” lol!!!! that’s a good one! Why!??? Please tell me why he would be swearing if this is all scripted? How does dripping f-bombs incite the Civil War (some are implying this was staged to bring about)? Wouldn’t the fight fight fight be more effective?

Again, not saying this was 100% as it appears as I’m all for entertaining theories but none of these points seem feasible to me.
Jan 27, 2018
While it is true that sometimes, immediately after one of these planned, false flag events, e.g. Waco, OK City, 9/11, 7/7, etc., there are screw-ups/slip-ups, where something is initially reported or said that is never repeated (and sometimes later "memory-holed"), whatever the press is claiming to be the "real motive" after the event is exactly the false narrative that the government has sanctioned for them to release.

Research: Operation Mockingbird

Please also see:

If one realizes that everything the MSM releases is a form of mind-control, i.e. designed to invoke a specific public reaction and to sow the seed of predictive programming, then -- and only then -- does it become possible to investigate WHY that particular information is being released at that specific time.

The level of deception arrayed against us is VASTLY underestimated by most, if not all of us (
Rev. 12:9). Have you not even considered why "the deep state" would want SuperTrump to be the next president? He's been outspoken regarding his support for the counterfeit-Jewish state, was instrumental in moving the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and has recently made dictatorial-style comments on how "antisemitism" needs to be punished. Noahide "laws" perhaps? At the very least, the stage has now been set, both literally and metaphorically, for a full on frontal assault of free-speech, under the guise of "unity".

Isn't Pennsylvania Joe Biden's home state?

And if someone is gullible enough to believe our God-given rights are somehow granted through the vaunted U.S. CONstitution, the birthplace of which reportedly is Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, then what better place to start the burial process, to remove the last remnants of the illusion of freedom?
All good points - we should always be skeptical. I’ll wait and see what unfolds. I don’t believe at this point this was rehearsed or staged but I’ll keep an open mind.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Most of this information is just wrong. I’m all for entertaining the idea this was staged but this “breakdown” has a ton of wrong information.

for one that pic isn’t of the bullet alone but air displaced by the bullet which could be captured along with length bullet traveled which I’ve read is closer to 3,500 feet per second.
The muzzle velocity of a .223 55gr bullet is slightly more than 3200 ft/s.

The instant the bullet clears the end of the barrel, its speed is decreasing due to air resistance and being pulled downward by gravity. At 100 yards out, the speed has decreased by ~500 ft/s, depending slightly on the elevation. By 150 yards out, the speed has dropped to 2500 ft/s. So the information in the paper may be a bit off, but it isn't nearly as far off as presuming the bullet would double its speed while en route, which is what the magic bullet photo is attempting to convey.

And with regard to capturing the turbulence on film, if you have any information about others who may have captured a similar bullet on film with similar shudder speed, please share your source. Someone you may wish to investigate is Harold Edgerton, who used a flash duration of about a millionth of a second with a specially built strobe to capture this image:


1/1,000,000th of a second is obviously more than two orders of magnitude (125 times) as fast as the 1/8000th of a second shutter speed that Doug Mills reportedly used to capture the image of the bullet that allegedly bloodied Trump's ear without making an entry wound or an exit wound.

One other thing to consider, which nobody else seems to be commenting on with regard to the Doug Miller photo, is that the trajectory of the bullet is wrong for the narrative. If the shot was fired from an elevated position (from a roof-top), as we are told that it was, then the path of the bullet would not be parallel to the ground, as depicted in the photo; it would be instead be headed downward, at a slight angle.

Two - there are pics of Trump pulling hand away from ear and it’s got blood on it - he has blood before going down and someone supposedly drawing on his face.
There may be. However, the moving video the networks aired can be paused after Trump's hand pulls away and there's no blood on the right hand at all. That's the difficulty of living in a world where ALL imagery can be manipulated.

What we can ascertain from those pics with absolute certainty is that some or all of the photos and/or video has been manipulated, which means someone had to do the manipulating, and did so intentionally.

Three- ear cartilage isn’t especially vascular so it actually doesn’t bleed that much - he has appropriate amount of blood for upper ear wound hit by bullet.
According to whom?

From: How can I treat a minor cut on my ear that won't stop bleeding?
Apply direct pressure to the area with a gauze or dressing. Tape gauze or dressing loosely to the area to slow the bleeding. Taping too tightly can cause more pain in the area. Along with the gauze, apply a cold pack to the area to decrease the swelling and pain.


So did one of the SS apply pressure to stop the bleed? There was another photo circulated where one SS right next to Trump had a rag in his hand. If so, why wouldn't they have wiped off Trump's face? And not a drop of blood on his white shirt collar or coat from a GSW? Please.
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A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Now a slice via a razor likely would hardly bleed at all but then which is it? People are saying it’s a blood pack…well that’s messy…and drawing on his face? That’s not necessary if he supposedly sliced his ear. Silly.
Yes, it is silly considering it wasn't a minor cut; it was allegedly a GUNSHOT WOUND. Or at least that's what we're supposed to believe.

Four - the crowd. It’s true those right behind him are not reacting like one might expect but have you seen the other videos? People are screaming and diving for the bleachers. Some women sound like bloody murder. So it depends on what videos you’re watching and where in the stands you’re looking.
Unless, of course, one remembers that today ALL photographic and video footage, along with the audio tracks, CAN BE MANIPULATED.

And think about it though - if this was staged, would you tell your actors sitting right behind Trump to NOT look horrified and dive for the ground!?? Wouldn’t you WANT them to go crazy to build up the drama and impact??? It just doesn’t make any sense to have them kinda sitting there like no biggie - it’s not that big a deal.
It likewise doesn't make any sense for people sitting directly behind Trump to sit around filming (and somehow not film Trump on the stage floor).

If, on the other hand, none of them actually heard anything that even remotely sounded like an actual gunshot, but instead thought someone might be popping off some fireworks (as some eyewitnesses reported), then the reaction of the crowd behind Trump would make a lot more sense than if they were experiencing bullets whizzing by them.

Five - Trump is yelling “f*ck” lol!!!! that’s a good one! Why!??? Please tell me why he would be swearing if this is all scripted? How does dripping f-bombs incite the Civil War (some are implying this was staged to bring about)? Wouldn’t the fight fight fight be more effective?

Again, not saying this was 100% as it appears as I’m all for entertaining theories but none of these points seem feasible to me.
The entire charade, which itself isn't feasible, was provided for our entertainment. And, of course, to position the country for what the puppet masters already have planned for the U.S., which is a rapid, massive population reduction through wars and vaccines, which Trump has already been instrumental in starting with his criminal "warp speed" lethal injection program.

When will people stop falling for these charades, and realize that ALL politicians are professional liars who do NOT work for, nor represent the people. A "president" is one who heads a CORPORATION, i.e. a corporate fiction, NOT a country. We the people are considered to be "enemies of the state", which is why the corporate fictional state is being used to get rid of us. And sicker yet, to get us to beg for one of these scum-sucking bottom-dwellers to lead us to our destruction (Isa. 3:12).
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Apr 13, 2017
....and all those out of court settlements too, don't forget them. He's cost his backers truckloads over the years.

It wasn't an assassination attempt. If you think THAT was an assassination attempt you are easily fooled.

Oh don't be silly, have you seen him play golf? He needs to be el presidentè again and with the Stormy Daniels saga and now more seedy revelations of his past connections to Epstein his credibility was plummeting at terminal velocity.

They had to come up with something to turn things around to make Trump look even slightly credible for the post. So making him look like some "brave patriot" was the quickest and easiest way of doing it.

From lying sleazeball to all American hero in one production.

As he was helped off stage to the chants of YOO ESS AY! YOO ESS AY! YOO ESS AY! I sat hear laughing to myself.

There ain't nothing like American patriotism is there?

So let me get this straight. The people who were protecting him were made aware that there was going to be an assassination attempt by some kid with no motive, who was a Trump supporter who just rocked up on the day with a rifle?

Trump then goes on to thank the security services for their swift and brave actions before heading off to play golf.

Does have a tinge of ridiculousnous about it doesn't it?
Bottom line is, the security services allowed the shooter to take the shot. The shooter's roof was supposed to be occupied by security "but they didn't show up". He was spotted with a rangefinder an hour before he took the shot which alerted the police. Nothing happened. They let him go up an unguarded building that had a direct ladder to the roof (and there were only two roofs). Nothing happened. Random folks saw him and alerted the PD. Nothing happened. The SS sniper had him in sights, seeing him taking aim at Trump and let him take the shot.

The shooter has appeared in a BlackRock video and BlackRock companies have bet on Truth Social's stock dropping the day before he got shot.

The Deep State has been trying to keep Trump from another term by any means necessary. Those in denial are simply retarded.

If you think it was staged, just look at those Secret Service women in the video. If you think that was rehearsed, then you're the easily fooled one here.
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Jan 22, 2018
Bottom line is, the security services allowed the shooter to take the shot. The shooter's roof was supposed to be occupied by security "but they didn't show up". He was spotted with a rangefinder an hour before he took the shot which alerted the police. Nothing happened. They let him go up an unguarded building that had a direct ladder to the roof (and there were only two roofs). Nothing happened. Random folks saw him and alerted the PD. Nothing happened. The SS sniper had him in sights, seeing him taking aim at Trump and let him take the shot.

The shooter has appeared in a BlackRock video and BlackRock companies have bet on Truth Social's stock dropping the day before he got shot.

The Deep State has been trying to keep Trump from another term by any means necessary. Those in denial are simply retarded.

If you think it was staged, just look at those Secret Service women in the video. If you think that was rehearsed, then you're the easily fooled one here.
Good grief....whilst you're reeling off alt media talking points may I remind you that you forgot the water tower shooter theory?

Mr conspicuous assassin was a patsy, he couldn't have made himself more visible if he tried and if you have bought into the bollocks that he tried to kill Trump you sir are a 100% numpty.



Jun 28, 2020

Evidence Mounts Showing Official Story On Trump Shooting Is False

Oct 20, 2021
So one thing I find suspicious is how within seconds of getting shot he had a fist bump up and continued to do so.
I would think he would be a little in shock with feeling his ear being shot and bloodView attachment 107331
I recommend you watch Peggy Hall Healthy American videos on YouTube. She has consistently told the truth about the poisonous vaccines and the Maui thing and east Palestine. She also has a substack too.


Nov 29, 2023
Are you going to pretend that there's no such thing as compartmentalization in gov't? Why is it an impossibility that an event should take place and he would be clueless of any foreshadowing? Back in 2020, when Mike Pompeo announced that the Covid psyop was a "live exercise", Trump interjected that "you should have let us know". Look at his body language....was that acting too? That is inspite of the fact that everyone around him (Fauci, Birx) had atleast known for years that something like this was coming. And just because he isn't "in on it" doesn't make him a good or bad guy. Again, if he was in on it, you have to provide some strong reasons for why he would fake an assassination attempt. I don't see anything controversial about people in Trump's circle doing this (at the behest of the deep state) without him knowing that it is the plan.

at the 1:8min mark

When i said that, i was implying that the press will always run stories before an event and the REAL motives for pulling it off after the fact. You just have to be perceptive enough to read between the lines of what they are publishing inorder to paint a picture of what's coming or why a particular event happened. So yes, MSM will tell us why this happened.

I've been wondering why Pennsylvania was the chosen state....appropriate/symbolic to pull this off. I have Larry Krasner's comments lingering at the back of my mind
And what was the outcome of Trump allegedly not knowing about the covid live exercise? He was seen as an unfairly used pawn in the game, rather than the lying zionist Henry Kissinger arse kissing 'actor' he really is.

Any attempt to present the same argument now, is futile and a clear and desperate attempt to try and salvage something from this embarrassing practicaly bungled psyop.
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May 15, 2017
wonder why they picked this one outta the how many thousands that
are online spouting the exact same thing

for anyone interested in the gematria like I am
I find it interesting that
michael m wiseman is the same value as donald j trump