Assassination attempt on Donald Trump

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Why would he agree to act this out? To boost poll numbers? I guess that was a fail. Distance himself from the negative publicity generated by Project 2025? He is expendable, you know, and if the Establishment wanted to kill him they wouldn't hold back. We are on the road to a world government and none of these political puppets is going to carry relevance when America is balkanized.

Just like Jan 6th, the press will eventually tell us what this was all about.
You do understand that the press is nothing more than a government propaganda machine, that only tells us what the government wants us to believe, don't you?

'In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.'
-Franklin D. Roosevelt


Nov 29, 2023
Why would he agree to act this out? To boost poll numbers? I guess that was a fail. Distance himself from the negative publicity generated by Project 2025? He is expendable, you know, and if the Establishment wanted to kill him they wouldn't hold back. We are on the road to a world government and none of these political puppets is going to carry relevance when America is balkanized.

Just like Jan 6th, the press will eventually tell us what this was all about.

Curiously, the ordinary person regardless of their political affiliation sees this as an inside job so if there are any retaliatory attacks, they'll probably emanate from these agencies to stoke a "national nervous breakdown.
FBI and DHS warn of potential ‘follow-on or retaliatory attacks’ following Trump assassination attempt | CNN Politics

Her husband Robert Kagan(of the neocon Kagan family) wrote a piece at the tail end of last year echoing a scenario in the Transition Integrity Project's 2020 election war-gaming where states secede under a "Trump win"

Americans might take to the streets. In fact, it is likely that many people will engage in protests against the new regime, perhaps even before it has had a chance to prove itself deserving of them. But then what? Even in his first term, Trump and his advisers on more than one occasion discussed invoking the Insurrection Act. No less a defender of American democracy than George H.W. Bush invoked the act to deal with the Los Angeles riots in 1992. It is hard to imagine Trump not invoking it should “the Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs” take to the streets. One suspects he will relish the opportunity.

And who will stop him? His own handpicked military advisers? That seems unlikely. He could make retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff if he wanted, and it is unlikely a Republican Senate would decline to confirm. Does anyone think military leaders will disobey commands from their duly elected, constitutionally authorized, commander in chief? Do we even want the military to have to make that call? There is every reason to believe that active-duty troops and reservists are likely to be disproportionately more sympathetic to a newly reelected President Trump than to the “Radical Left Thugs” supposedly causing mayhem in the streets of their towns and cities. Those who hope to be saved by a U.S. military devoted to the protection of the Constitution are living in a fantasyland.

Resistance could come from the governors of predominantly Democratic states such as California and New York through a form of nullification. States with Democratic governors and statehouses could refuse to recognize the authority of a tyrannical federal government. That is always an option in our federal system. (Should Biden win, some Republican states might engage in nullification.) But not even the bluest states are monolithic, and Democratic governors are likely to find themselves under siege on their home turf if they try to become bastions of resistance to Trump’s tyranny. Republicans and conservatives throughout the nation will be energized by their hero’s triumph. The power shift at the federal level, and the tone of menace and revenge emanating from the White House, will likely embolden all kinds of counter-resistance even in deep-blue states, including violent protests. What resources will the governors have to combat such attacks and maintain order? The state and local police? Will those entities be willing to use force against protesters who will likely enjoy the public support of the president? The Democratic governors might not be eager to find out.
I'm not going to respond to your detail, simply because it's a waste of energy and - to me, anyway - it's perfectly obvious that this whole thing was staged.
I'm aghast that anyone would actually 'believe' Trump had no prior knowledge.


Mar 23, 2021
I'm not going to respond to your detail, simply because it's a waste of energy and - to me, anyway - it's perfectly obvious that this whole thing was staged.
I'm aghast that anyone would actually 'believe' Trump had no prior knowledge.
If i was planning this he would be the last person told...he runs his mouth to much. Now if it turns out that it was a blood bag cap like the movies different story.


Nov 29, 2023
We need to be careful spreading any kind of theory that Trump did not know that this was going to happen, and was not acting out a part in a pantomime.
It cultivates the belief that he is still a good guy and could not have helped what happened.

Rather than the truth that he's a zionist whore useful goyim.
Apr 13, 2017
I'm not going to respond to your detail, simply because it's a waste of energy and - to me, anyway - it's perfectly obvious that this whole thing was staged.
I'm aghast that anyone would actually 'believe' Trump had no prior knowledge.
And the Oscar goes to ...

Donald J. Trump!

trump oscar.png

You seriously don't believe that, do you?

Tin foil hat folks are going so far off the rails I'm starting to feel like a normie.
Apr 13, 2017
Some BlackRock / Vanguard companies tried to short stock of Truth Social, the day before the assassination attempt, speculating on a huge price drop on Monday.

Apr 13, 2017
A slightly broader perspective would be that if the puppeteers didn't want Trump on the ballot he would have either been taken out by properly, by a proper assassin...or he'd be in jail serving hard time for just some of the offences he's committed.

But neither of those things have happened....and the political pantomime rolls on.

It appears to me that you have picked a side, this very act means you fell for it, they got you.

Yet again, the weight of circumstantial evidence that this "assassination" was faked makes the official narrative look utterly ridiculous.

You are steadfastly sticking to the official narrative aren't you? Or have I got something wrong?
He's not in jail, but not due to the lack of trying. And you think these assassinations of a public and well-guarded figure like Trump are trivial? Why didn't they kill JFK in his bathtub then?

To suggest that Trump is doing this deliberately in his free time, while he could be retired indefinitely playing golf until he kicks the bukcet, screams of a lack of common sense.

The weight of circumstantial evidence that this assassination was allowed makes your narrative look ridiculous, frankly.


Jan 22, 2018
He's not in jail, but not due to the lack of trying
....and all those out of court settlements too, don't forget them. He's cost his backers truckloads over the years.

And you think these assassinations of a public and well-guarded figure like Trump are trivial?
It wasn't an assassination attempt. If you think THAT was an assassination attempt you are easily fooled.

To suggest that Trump is doing this deliberately in his free time, while he could be retired indefinitely playing golf until he kicks the bukcet, screams of a lack of common sense.
Oh don't be silly, have you seen him play golf? He needs to be el presidentè again and with the Stormy Daniels saga and now more seedy revelations of his past connections to Epstein his credibility was plummeting at terminal velocity.

They had to come up with something to turn things around to make Trump look even slightly credible for the post. So making him look like some "brave patriot" was the quickest and easiest way of doing it.

From lying sleazeball to all American hero in one production.

As he was helped off stage to the chants of YOO ESS AY! YOO ESS AY! YOO ESS AY! I sat hear laughing to myself.

There ain't nothing like American patriotism is there?

The weight of circumstantial evidence that this assassination was allowed makes your narrative look ridiculous, frankly.
So let me get this straight. The people who were protecting him were made aware that there was going to be an assassination attempt by some kid with no motive, who was a Trump supporter who just rocked up on the day with a rifle?

Trump then goes on to thank the security services for their swift and brave actions before heading off to play golf.

Does have a tinge of ridiculousnous about it doesn't it?


Nov 8, 2022
After watching this, i don't think Trump would have faked this or was purely acting. People in his circle likely pulled this off but it raises the question of whether he was supposed to survive it or not. He didn't have to be in on it. I also think that MSM peddling the Iranian narrative is in response to the intense scrutiny and people questioning the official narrative.

And, as it "turns out" - incredibly - what is the moment when this miracle happens (because it is nothing less) when he turns his head, avoiding the exact aim of the sniper?

According to the politician, the assassination attempt would have been successful had he not "turned his head slightly to the right to read a chart on illegal immigrants"

"The doctor at the hospital said he never saw anything like this, he called it a miracle. <...> I’m not supposed to be here, I’m supposed to be dead," Trump said in an interview with the New York Post."

Well, what other moment than when the Father of the Vaccine was going to read a table about one of America's Top 3 Problems "that the Democrats ignited" and problem number one as far as the noise lately and above all about the potential new "election theft" (by voting from the crowds of illegals that the Democrats released)..

For the purposes of artistic depiction, I imagine that such a super-fantastic miracle script cannot be entrusted to and written by an ordinary Hollywood Shlomo, at least Spielberg should touch it (although the script is so dumb that even any third-rate screenwriter can put it together).


May 15, 2017
it does look like what the captions say,that they're
pointing their weapon into the vehicle/at trump
not sure about that so called bullet hole that looks
ps'ed in there


Nov 8, 2022

(By the way, a recommended "meditation": imagine that the title of the topic is "Assassination attempt on the Father of the Vaccine" and "meditate" on this, just let your mind send you signals of absurdity.)


Nov 8, 2022
In a nutshell: after all possible efforts for the Democrats (and Biden, as a (allegedly) frontman) to be a symbol of destruction, decline and moral decay, after the "theft of the election", (and a bunch of "events" in between), after the "unfair trials against Trump", after the performance of "Trump's obvious advantage over the demented Biden" of the debates, now, with something like "the last (for now) nail in Donald's carriage to the return to the throne", pushed him to Washington. The heroization of the character is almost completely complete, with almost textbook perfection from the books for building protagonists.

And why? What can he do that Biden (or any other Democrat) can't do? What's the plan?

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019

There is a question that no one seems to be asking about the current narrative, where we've been told a 20 year old who supposedly couldn't make the rifle team in school tried to make a head shot from approximately 140 yards away.

If this shooter was allegedly so inexperienced, why would he have been trying to make a head shot? Why not simply aim for the shoulder area that wasn't moving around, and that would have been facing right at the alleged shooter, while Trump was pointing at the sign? This much easier shot through the shoulder would have likely gone through both the heart and the lungs, even if Trump had a vest on.

There are also enough images of Trump moments after allegedly being shot, where it's possible to see there wasn't any blood on the right hand that he put up to the right ear, nor on the right side of his white shirt collar directly underneath the right ear, and also of the right ear itself which, although shown with fake or real blood on it, doesn't appear to have a hole through it, nor to be actively bleeding, nor even to have torn the ear.

Trump IS an actor. And Trump was on stage, giving a performance when the evil "Crooks" allegedly took a shot at Trump.

The only thing that appears to have been missing from the resulting photo-op was the cape.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Excerpt below from the excellent research paper "The Trump Shooting was of course Staged", written by Miles Matthis. Please find it at:

Then we have the miracle picture of the bullet flying by Trump.


They really think you are stupid, to buy that photoshopped POS. That was allegedly captured by a NYT photographer. Convenient. So how fast was his shutter speed? Well, they saw that question coming, because they tell us he was using a Sony A1 at 1/8000s. Since Trump is not known to move 1000 feet per second himself, it is unclear why the photographer would be using that shutter speed. But let's say he was. At that shutter speed, how far would the bullet move? Since this was an AR15, the bullet would have slowed to about 2000fps. So we just multiply. The bullet should have traveled ¼ foot, or three inches. Is that track 3 inches? No, it is about a foot, which is four times too long. Obviously, the bullet would need to be moving 8000fps to make a track one foot long on a film open for 1/8000s. Anyone can do that math. 8000/8000 = 1.

The NYT photographer Doug Mills who allegedly took that photo is also covered in red flags. He has won two Pulitzers, one for coverage of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, which I have shown was also staged. So, like the various government attorneys I have blown the cover of—Vincent Bugliosi, Marcia Clark, F. Lee Bailey, etc.—Mills appears to be a plant from Intel.

Then there is the reaction of the crowd behind Trump, which allegedly had eight bullets whizzing past them, or into their neighbors. They sit and stand there like idiots, many not running or even ducking. Some are filming on their cellphones. Most just continue to watch, as if it is on TV. That's because they know the bangs are just blanks. One of the guys interviewed afterwards (the big guy in a red shirt) admitted it sounded like fireworks behind the stage, not an AR15 more than 100 yards in front of the stage. Whoops! He is being paid to sell the hits on the crowd, but he goes off script badly, as these crisis actors always do. I think you could tell the difference between pops behind or under the stage and a high-powered rifle 500 feet away. We should also hear the bullets whizzing, and as in the Las Vegas fake, we don't. Even more ridiculous, perhaps, is that they paid these people on stage to stay there and cheer when he raised his fist. No one knows all shooters have been killed at that point, how could they, but not only have they not run or tried to hide, they sit there calmly and then stand up and cheer when Trump does his “fight” act. This is fake event staging at its worst.

You will say one of those people was killed. Corey Comperatore. Unfortunately, his story doesn't add up, either. We are being told he was an ex-fire chief in Buffalo Township. But his LinkedIN profile doesn't mention being a firefighter. It says he has worked at JSP in Butler for 30 years. Plus, this dead guy is still posting at LinkedIN as of today.


Nice of him to comment on his own death, right? That's very helpful. You will say there are two Corey Comperatores in that area of the same age who look exactly alike.

1721394297295.png 1721394316904.png

Not according to Intelius and Instantcheckmate, which both tell us there is only one Corey Comperatore there. And not according to the Los Angeles Times, which is using the second pic there in their obituary, which is the one from LinkedIN. So as usual, this is all incredibly sloppy. [Also funny: it appears the guy never changes shirts.]

And this is really embarrassing:


His old firehouse now has that memorial. Except for one thing: they spelled his name wrong. They have never heard of that guy.

Plus, I just watched the full film, and I don't see where Comperatore was allegedly sitting. He should be to the right of the stage behind Trump, in order to catch a bullet, but if you look over there, those people are all just sitting there calmly. If some guy is bleeding to death among them, you would never know it. I guess they were too busy taking pictures and cheering to notice the dead guy at their feet.
Last edited:


Nov 29, 2023
Excerpt below from the excellent research paper "The Trump Shooting was of course Staged", written by Miles Matthis. Please find it at:

Then we have the miracle picture of the bullet flying by Trump.

View attachment 107495

They really think you are stupid, to buy that photoshopped POS. That was allegedly captured by a NYT photographer. Convenient. So how fast was his shutter speed? Well, they saw that question coming, because they tell us he was using a Sony A1 at 1/8000s. Since Trump is not known to move 1000 feet per second himself, it is unclear why the photographer would be using that shutter speed. But let's say he was. At that shutter speed, how far would the bullet move? Since this was an AR15, the bullet would have slowed to about 2000fps. So we just multiply. The bullet should have traveled ¼ foot, or three inches. Is that track 3 inches? No, it is about a foot, which is four times too long. Obviously, the bullet would need to be moving 8000fps to make a track one foot long on a film open for 1/8000s. Anyone can do that math. 8000/8000 = 1.

The NYT photographer Doug Mills who allegedly took that photo is also covered in red flags. He has won two Pulitzers, one for coverage of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, which I have shown was also staged. So, like the various government attorneys I have blown the cover of—Vincent Bugliosi, Marcia Clark, F. Lee Bailey, etc.—Mills appears to be a plant from Intel.

Then there is the reaction of the crowd behind Trump, which allegedly had eight bullets whizzing past them, or into their neighbors. They sit and stand there like idiots, many not running or even ducking. Some are filming on their cellphones. Most just continue to watch, as if it is on TV. That's because they know the bangs are just blanks. One of the guys interviewed afterwards (the big guy in a red shirt) admitted it sounded like fireworks behind the stage, not an AR15 more than 100 yards in front of the stage. Whoops! He is being paid to sell the hits on the crowd, but he goes off script badly, as these crisis actors always do. I think you could tell the difference between pops behind or under the stage and a high-powered rifle 500 feet away. We should also hear the bullets whizzing, and as in the Las Vegas fake, we don't. Even more ridiculous, perhaps, is that they paid these people on stage to stay there and cheer when he raised his fist. No one knows all shooters have been killed at that point, how could they, but not only have they not run or tried to hide, they sit there calmly and then stand up and cheer when Trump does his “fight” act. This is fake event staging at its worst.

You will say one of those people was killed. Corey Comperatore. Unfortunately, his story doesn't add up, either. We are being told he was an ex-fire chief in Buffalo Township. But his LinkedIN profile doesn't mention being a firefighter. It says he has worked at JSP in Butler for 30 years. Plus, this dead guy is still posting at LinkedIN as of today.

View attachment 107496

Nice of him to comment on his own death, right? That's very helpful. You will say there are two Corey Comperatores in that area of the same age who look exactly alike.

View attachment 107497 View attachment 107498

Not according to Intelius and Instantcheckmate, which both tell us there is only one Corey Comperatore there. And not according to the Los Angeles Times, which is using the second pic there in their obituary, which is the one from LinkedIN. So as usual, this is all incredibly sloppy. [Also funny: it appears the guy never changes shirts.]

And this is really embarrassing:

View attachment 107499

His old firehouse now has that memorial. Except for one thing: they spelled his name wrong. They have never heard of that guy.

Plus, I just watched the full film, and I don't see where Comperatore was allegedly sitting. He should be to the right of the stage behind Trump, in order to catch a bullet, but if you look over there, those people are all just sitting there calmly. If some guy is bleeding to death among them, you would never know it. I guess they were too busy taking pictures and cheering to notice the dead guy at their feet.
Excellent find.