Tucker Carlson is controlled opposition!


Aug 8, 2023
ppl just need to accept that Russia and the US are both run by Jews slash freemasons and the "Putin is fighting the illuminati" narrative is fake. it's no coincidence that the biggest believers in that narrative tend to not be Eastern Europeans and tend to not know Russian.


Nov 8, 2022
A good example of controlled opposition is Joe Rogan. Alex Jones, but he's obvious.

Max Igan is a good example for hidden co-op. David Icke too, but to a lesser degree.

I think Tucker is organic, time will reveal if he's a good guy or not.
Alex is a clear agent and supportive of Zio, but Tucker is different, he's organic!

Above the article there is an ad "Choose a psychologist"

, scroll down.

February 07, 2024
Millions of people are waiting for Tucker Carlson's interview with Putin

Video preview of Carlson's interview with Putin has 66 million views

The whole world is now waiting for Tucker Carlson's interview with Vladimir Putin. The former Fox News columnist has already announced a conversation with the Russian leader. Judging by the number of reposts of the video, millions of people are waiting for the answers of our president.

What exactly the head of state could tell about, as well as exclusive footage of Izvestia with Tucker Carlson after his meeting with the president - in the material by Nikolai Ivanov.

America is divided into two camps. The first counts the minutes until the publication of an interview with Putin. But we are sure that Tucker is in danger upon his return to the United States. Against the backdrop of gossip, Elon Musk, a businessman and owner of the social network X (formerly Twitter), called for the arrest of those who want to arrest Carlson. Tucker's opinion is listened to. And it goes against the picture of the TV channels controlled by the Democrats.

"He is shocked by how good Russia is, how good the people are. He said that he had never seen a single city in which it would be as good as in Russia. It just blew his mind. And after the interview with Putin, you will have even more information," said journalist Alex Jones.

Tucker Carlson mentioned that the Biden administration tried to disrupt this interview, spied on the journalist and his team. This was the case with Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks. He now faces 175 years in prison.

A long term was also prepared for Edward Snowden, a former employee of the American intelligence services, who told the world about the total surveillance of citizens of different countries by the United States. But Snowden managed to find refuge in Russia. That is why one of the most popular comments under Tucker's announcement is:

"Please interview this guy while you're in Russia [referring to Edward Snowden]. –Note. Ed.)".

"I'm really happy to say what I think," Carlson said in an exclusive interview with Izvestia. Why should I feel guilty in front of the United States, like I'm a traitor and that I should only love America? I'm in a beautiful city and I don't care."

The West has isolated itself from Russia. Tucker's interview with President Putin is not even a breach in the information blockade, but a collapse.

"I thank Rupert Murdoch for his stupidity, Elon Musk for his wisdom, and Tucker Carlson for his courage, which resulted in the most important interview of our time," businessman Kim Dotcom wrote on social media.

Video preview of Carlson's interview with Putin has 66 million views

The anticipation and impatience are breaking all records. It is measured in the views of the announcement. On the social network X, the video now has 66 million views. On average, it gained 2 million per hour.

"The conflict has been going on for two years, which is changing the whole world, and most Americans are in the dark. They have no idea what is happening in the region. Here in Russia or 600 miles away in Ukraine. But they need to know, because they're paying for a lot of what's going on, even if they don't realize it," Tucker Carlson said.

This is something Moscow has been saying for a long time: the conflict in Ukraine is constantly fueled by American money and weapons. Otherwise, peace would have been established long ago.

The post-World War II economic order, the very order that allowed Western countries to prosper for more than 80 years, is crumbling before our eyes, and with it the U.S. dollar. And yet, populations in English-speaking countries don't seem to understand these changes. They think it's business as usual," Carlson said.

But the second camp, the American establishment, is in a panic. In the comments, as if according to a manual, caricatures in the same style from different users, including Ukrainian ones, look like the work of a bot farm.

The mainstream media in the U.S. immediately pounced on Tucker, who has not even published an interview yet. For example, CNN was very offended: they dissect Tucker's announcement by the bones.

"Lies. CNN, of course, was talking about what Putin was saying and how he wanted to stop Nazism," the CNN host said.

The timing of the interview is still being kept secret
The timing of the interview with the Russian president is unknown. Tucker Carlson, as befits a professional, keeps everything a secret until the very end. Even when Izvestia caught the elusive Carlson in the hotel's underground parking lot.

Can I ask you about the interview with Putin? Carlson was asked.

"With whom?"

– With Putin!

The Moscow Art Theater pause.

"I've heard that name...

– With our President Putin.

"It's very familiar, but I can't say anything," Carlson laughed.

It's as if Tucker's favorite yellow-striped tie – for the most important events and interviews – doesn't give him away. Like the handkerchief in the breast pocket of a jacket, it is worn to business events of exceptional importance. And here is the first official confirmation:

Could you confirm that Vladimir Putin's interview with Tucker did take place yesterday?

"Yes, I can confirm this," said the press secretary of the Russian president, Dmitry Peskov.

- Tell me, please, does the president have any impressions and can you tell us about them?

"As it is prepared, it will come out, and then you will have the opportunity to make your own impression," Peskov replied.

Tucker, who has stirred up the world, calmly goes to a Moscow fast food restaurant and orders a burger and cola – a Russian bottle, of course.

"I really liked it here, I've never been to Moscow before, it's a very beautiful city! I also want to go to Siberia, I want to visit St. Petersburg," Carlson said in a comment to Izvestia.

One of the most popular Russian publications, Gazeta.ru, dedicated a whole special page to Tucker's epochal visit:
# Tucker Carlson in Moscow

From there:
February 07, 2024
Tucker Carlson drank coffee, ate a burger, bought some bread. And interviewed Putin

Host Jones said that Carlson's interview with Putin turned out to be epic

Russian President Vladimir Putin's interview with American TV host Tucker Carlson lasted two hours and will be released "soon," blogger Alex Jones said. The information was confirmed in the Kremlin. Dmitry Peskov said that Carlson and Putin spoke on February 6. This is the first interview of the President of the Russian Federation with a Western journalist since 2021. Carlson flew to Moscow for his sake. In the meantime, the Russian media are covering in detail all of the journalist's movements.

Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson has already interviewed Russian President Vladimir Putin, presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said at a briefing.

He clarified that Carlson and Putin spoke yesterday, February 6. The journalist announced the interview on the evening of February 6 and promised that he would take it "soon."

Peskov did not say whether Carlson was in quarantine before the meeting with the president.

"Obviously, there are risks involved in conducting an interview like this," Carlson said. He shared that he had been "carefully considering" such a move for several months.

Peskov also noted that
The Kremlin receives a lot of requests for interviews with Putin from the Western media, it just usually turns everyone down.

Carlson previously claimed that "not a single Western journalist" has "bothered" to interview the Russian president since February 2022.

"Mr. Carlson is wrong, but he can't really know. We receive a lot of requests for interviews with the president. When it comes to the countries of the collective West, <... > these are all media outlets that take an exceptionally one-sided position. Of course, there is no desire to communicate with such media, and it hardly makes sense, it is unlikely that there can be any benefit from it," Peskov said.

Carlson's position, in his opinion, differs "contrastingly" from others: "it is in no way pro-Russian, not pro-Ukrainian, it is rather pro-American."

Western journalists themselves criticized Carlson for his reckless statement. Britain's BBC's Steve Rosenberg said his channel had sent several requests for interviews with Putin to the Kremlin over the past year and a half, but had always heard "no."

"Does Tucker really believe that we journalists haven't tried to interview President Putin every day since the start of his full-scale invasion of Ukraine? That's absurd... We will continue to request interviews, as we have done for years," said Christiane Amanpour of CNN.

When will the interview be published?
Carlson's interview with Putin will run for two hours and will be released "soon," said American blogger, conspiracy theorist and radio host Alex Jones. According to him, he was informed about this by the ex-host himself, who called the interview "amazing".

"It's already making Western censors nervous, keeping Americans in the dark," Jones said, calling the interview "epic."

Carlson will release a recording of the conversation on Feb. 8, sources told The Wall Street Journal. Announcing an interview with Putin, Tucker said that he would like to take it from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

The last time Putin was interviewed by Western journalists was in 2021 — Keir Simmons of NBC and Hadley Gamble of CNBC.

In the meantime, a "full transcript" of the interview appeared on the Internet. According to it, Putin repeated his main theses about the conflict and Russia's traditional values, but among other things, admitted that he liked the United States and would go there if he were invited. The president also allegedly said that he was not worried about global warming, because if Siberia "gets a little warmer," there will only be "more farmland for Russia." Peskov commented on this transcript today and called it "an absolute fake."

Who Is Tucker Carlson
The 54-year-old journalist was born in California and wanted to join the CIA after college, but was turned down. Then, on the advice of his father, a journalist, Tucker went into the media. In 2009, he was hired as a presenter for the largest conservative TV channel in the United States, Fox News, where he became so popular that in 2016 he launched his own show, Tucker Carlson Tonight.

"No one carries more weight in Republican and conservative politics than Tucker Carlson. He doesn't react to the agenda, he manages the agenda. He's the gold standard of Republican philosophy," said Republican strategist Jeff Rowe.

The journalist is known for his radical statements. These include not only far-right political ideas, but also overtly sexist and racist remarks. Carlson, for example, described women as "extremely primitive" and "dog-like." Tucker also said that migrants are making the U.S. "poorer and dirtier."

On his show, he liked to lament that "everybody is ashamed to be a white man" because whites deserve praise for "creating civilization and all that." Among other things, the host called Iraq "a lousy place filled with a bunch of semi-literate primitive monkeys" who "don't use toilet paper and forks." In general, he considered Muslims to be "crazy" and "behaving like animals."

On Ukraine, Carlson said back in 2019 that the United States "should side with Russia if we have to choose" between Moscow and Kyiv.

Since the beginning of hostilities, Carlson has been heavily critical of the United States for helping Ukraine and promoted the Russian position, explaining the conflict by saying that "the Russians do not want American missiles on their border."

In the summer of 2023, Tucker was added to the database of the Ukrainian website Myrotvorets. As a justification, it is said that he is a "pro-Russian propagandist" who "manipulated socially significant information."

In April 2023, Fox News fired the host, even though his show was the most-watched on cable news. The reason was a lawsuit against the channel for $787.5 million due to the statements of the lawyers of former US President Donald Trump on the air of Carlson's show."

In Donald-the father of the vaccine-"Take the vaccine", Alex Jones, Musk-chip his brain and get a carbon tax, Putin(-"Dear Klaus... We have created the conditions for the so-called fourth industrial revolution, and the pandemic has greatly accelerated this process") and the organic Tucker I trust.

In my opinion, they are significantly organic and antizio.
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Nov 8, 2022
ppl just need to accept that Russia and the US are both run by Jews slash freemasons and the "Putin is fighting the illuminati" narrative is fake. it's no coincidence that the biggest believers in that narrative tend to not be Eastern Europeans and tend to not know Russian.
Yes, and here's what Jews-controlled Russia/Putin are doing, let's recall a few posts above:
Exactly, brother, exactly! That's what we're talking about! They, the servants of the Americozio state, throw buckets of levee dirt on Russia, and when an honest journalist like Tucker (who, because of his honesty and disagreement with the deepstate-servile behavior of FOX, was fired, paid for his honesty at the cost of his livelihood) now tried to tell the truth, the Americonozio tried to silence him!

Right, brother! This IS The Trigger! That's why the ziosatano are furious, because he nailed them with his investigation, and now he wants to hammer another nail into their dirty lies by revealing the truth about the poxy war in Ukraine, through the mouth of Vladimir Vladimirovich (to be alive and well), and not, as zio want, through their ziomainstream media!

Here, brother, here:

Excerpt from Vladimir Putin's speech at the plenary session of the World Russian People's Council on November 28, 2023 (via videoconference).

"In principle, the West does not need such a large and multinational country as Russia. Our diversity and unity of cultures, traditions, languages, and ethnicities simply do not fit into the logic of Western racists and colonizers, into their cruel scheme of total depersonalization, disunity, suppression and exploitation. That is why they restarted the old hurdy-gurdy: they say that Russia is a "prison of nations" and that Russians themselves are a "nation of slaves." Heard this many times over the centuries. We have also heard that Russia needs to be "decolonized" today. What do they really need? In fact, it is necessary to dismember and plunder Russia."

Alexander Ageev, Director General of INES, took part in the work of the World Russian People's Council.

Director General of the International Research Institute of Management Problems (IMNIIPU) [IRIAS]
IRIAS actively cooperates with the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), as well as with other academies of sciences of the host countries and their scientific organizations.

The Institute maintains close relations with many world-class organizations of the world’s leading countries.




They envy and hate this "large and multinational state with diversity and unity of cultures, traditions, languages and ethnicities, which simply does not fit into the logic of Western racists and colonizers, into their cruel scheme of total depersonalization, disunity, oppression and exploitation" and want to destroy it. But they will not succeed, brother, why Vladimir Vladimirovich has a plan to protect the multinational Russian nation, which is already underway and nothing can stop him!
For example:

Moscow Imam spoke about the great demographic mission of Muslims in Russia


Moscow Imam Ildar Alyautdinov expressed the opinion that Russia will soon become a mainly Muslim country due to arriving migrants.

Moscow Imam Ildar Alyautdinov spoke at the second annual conference of the Uzbek diaspora. He spoke about the great demographic mission of Muslims in Russia: they say that soon the majority of the inhabitants of our country will profess Islam, since its population is growing only due to migrants and residents of Muslim regions.

Ildar Alyautdinov:

“[…] And soon the picture in the world and in our country will change dramatically… The demographic situation in Russia is deplorable. This is being said at all levels. And here – I won’t say the Uzbek community, I won’t say the Kyrgyz community, but I will say – the Muslim community will help our state. We love our families, our children. I have five children. We will make a very significant contribution. Even in the matter of the security of the state. In general, the picture in the world and in our country will change dramatically. So, Inshal, we have a great demographic mission of all representatives of Islam, all representatives of the Muslim community. A great mission. And God willing, together we will fulfill this mission in the best possible way.”

Here's one of the main reasons Zio-Americo-DeepState hates Russia and President Putin, and that's why it wants to silence Tucker, because that's one of the topics they'll discuss in the interview to uncover the huge difference with the failed Zio-West!
Moscow Imam spoke about the great demographic mission of Muslims in Russia


Moscow Imam Ildar Alyautdinov expressed the opinion that Russia will soon become a mainly Muslim country due to arriving migrants.

Moscow Imam Ildar Alyautdinov spoke at the second annual conference of the Uzbek diaspora. He spoke about the great demographic mission of Muslims in Russia: they say that soon the majority of the inhabitants of our country will profess Islam, since its population is growing only due to migrants and residents of Muslim regions.

Ildar Alyautdinov:
“[…] And soon the picture in the world and in our country will change dramatically… The demographic situation in Russia is deplorable. This is being said at all levels. And here – I won’t say the Uzbek community, I won’t say the Kyrgyz community, but I will say – the Muslim community will help our state. We love our families, our children. I have five children. We will make a very significant contribution. Even in the matter of the security of the state. In general, the picture in the world and in our country will change dramatically. So, Inshal, we have a great demographic mission of all representatives of Islam, all representatives of the Muslim community. A great mission. And God willing, together we will fulfill this mission in the best possible way.”
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Nov 8, 2022
SPECIAL, EXCLUSIVE, HOT - ONLY IN Vigilant Citizen forum, BEFORE EVERYONE ELSE (From an insider.)

(part of them)

The draft of the "Digital Economy" program developed by the Ministry of Communications assumes the creation of 50 "smart cities" in Russia by 2025. Such cities will be built up with technoparks, Wi-Fi will be available everywhere in them, residents will participate in decision-making by city authorities using electronic services, houses will be built using digital technologies, and drones will start driving through the streets.
[...]the project program "Digital Economy of Russia", prepared by the Ministry of Communications on behalf of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Vladimir Putin took part in the meeting of the heads of state participating in the first Russia–Central Asia summit.
October 14, 2022, Astana
Another important issue is the improvement of cooperation in the field of epidemiological and sanitary safety. The pandemic has clearly confirmed the need to develop at the regional level a comprehensive system of measures that can ensure the health and well-being of our citizens, as well as strengthen the technological independence of the States of the region. It would be necessary, for example, to think about the possibility of creating a research laboratory of the CIS infrastructure.

We also consider it a priority task to build up a joint technological resource in the field of information security. We propose to start implementing projects within the framework of the Commonwealth in the field of digitalization of the urban environment ("smart city") and public administration ("electronic government"), ensuring network security, digital education. ..."

At the GLOBALISTICS 2023 Congress, a report by MSU scientists “Reconsidering the Limits to Growth” was presented
[…]prepared in 2020–2022 as part of the development program of the Interdisciplinary Scientific and Educational School of Moscow State University “Mathematical Methods for the Analysis of Complex Systems” and the implementation of a grant from the Russian Science Foundation.

The report is timed to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the publication of the famous report to the Club of Rome “The Limits to Growth” (D. Meadows et al.) and summarizes the long-term scientific work of the team on the study of the dynamics of the world system.

[…]development of the idea of humanity’s transition to the noospheric stage of human evolution, based on the latest research in a number of fields of science, primarily cybernetics, biology, and geophysics.

The report was discussed at the meetings of the Club of Rome in 2021-2022, received the approval of full members of the Club of Rome and was published under the auspices of the Russian Association for the Promotion of the Club of Rome.
“Conducting fundamental scientific research and exploratory scientific research on behalf (instructions) of the President of the Russian Federation” (leading scientists)
– Prepare a report to the Club of Rome outlining the Russian vision of achieving the sustainability of global development and overcoming the “limits of growth”.
Abstract of the results:
[…] Based on the analysis and modeling results, a project of the future society with the conditional name “World-organism” is proposed, based on the primacy of the principles of cooperation over the principles of competition. If this project is implemented, as mathematical modeling shows, it is possible to solve global problems related to ecology, global warming, and energy. Based on the conducted research, an initiative report was prepared to the Rome Club, which was sent to the Club’s management.

November 11, 2023
Murmansk region will be the first in the country to produce superfood from manure and feces
In the Murmansk region, the production of biotechnological products from manure, feces and fish waste will be opened
300 million rubles will be invested in the Arctic Industrial and Production Technology Center, it will be put into operation in 2025.
The final product can be used in various areas, including as an active additive in animal feed or a superfood for people performing special tasks with high intensity and physical and psychological load, including in difficult environmental and climatic conditions, as well as undergoing or preparing for rehabilitation procedures.

- Hydrochar and mineral substrates can be effectively used in agriculture, and the substantial basis containing amino acids, proteins and other useful substances can be used in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.



Aug 8, 2023
Yes, and here's what Jews-controlled Russia/Putin are doing, let's recall a few posts above:

Moscow Imam spoke about the great demographic mission of Muslims in Russia


Moscow Imam Ildar Alyautdinov expressed the opinion that Russia will soon become a mainly Muslim country due to arriving migrants.

Moscow Imam Ildar Alyautdinov spoke at the second annual conference of the Uzbek diaspora. He spoke about the great demographic mission of Muslims in Russia: they say that soon the majority of the inhabitants of our country will profess Islam, since its population is growing only due to migrants and residents of Muslim regions.

Ildar Alyautdinov:
“[…] And soon the picture in the world and in our country will change dramatically… The demographic situation in Russia is deplorable. This is being said at all levels. And here – I won’t say the Uzbek community, I won’t say the Kyrgyz community, but I will say – the Muslim community will help our state. We love our families, our children. I have five children. We will make a very significant contribution. Even in the matter of the security of the state. In general, the picture in the world and in our country will change dramatically. So, Inshal, we have a great demographic mission of all representatives of Islam, all representatives of the Muslim community. A great mission. And God willing, together we will fulfill this mission in the best possible way.”
don't tell me you're a kosher conservative. what was quoted was a Muslim. it's not like Muslims run Russia. jews run Russia. they hate ethnic Russians and they push stuff that messes with their birth rates. Muslims in general have a higher fertility rate. Jews don't control everything. more religious ppl tend to hace higher fertility.


Jun 28, 2020
You obviously need to apply common sense.
Ya, but if common sense worked, we never would have gone into the Middle East for 20 years trying to eradicate it.

I just got blocked on Twitter by a boomer. I told her Israel was decimating Gaza. She called me a liar, so I gave proof with satellite imagery. "Blocked".

This is the "common sense" of the average westerner. People who are programmed and indoctrinated for decades on end can not utilize critical thought.

They own our media, our entertainment, our politicians. 100% Zionist narrative is handed out, and it is repeated back by the masses, especially among the boomers.

Unless you actively seek out alternative points of view. You're going to think we are the good guys as we wage forever wars.

Remember this guy?


This girl?

Are you old enough to remember this broadcast? It's before my time, but it highlights how propaganda has always been there.

This was aired right after JFK was assassinated.



Nov 29, 2023
Ya, but if common sense worked, we never would have gone into the Middle East for 20 years trying to eradicate it.

I just got blocked on Twitter by a boomer. I told her Israel was decimating Gaza. She called me a liar, so I gave proof with satellite imagery. "Blocked".

This is the "common sense" of the average westerner. People who are programmed and indoctrinated for decades on end can not utilize critical thought.

They own our media, our entertainment, our politicians. 100% Zionist narrative is handed out, and it is repeated back by the masses, especially among the boomers.

Unless you actively seek out alternative points of view. You're going to think we are the good guys as we wage forever wars.

Remember this guy?

View attachment 101508

This girl?

Are you old enough to remember this broadcast? It's before my time, but it highlights how propaganda has always been there.

This was aired right after JFK was assassinated.

I don't disagree with anything you're saying.


Nov 8, 2022
View attachment 101505

Short video if you want to hear it yourself.

This is the end of all doubts whether Tucker is controlled opposition or is he our man. Tucker is organic! A real man on our side, on the side of normal people of all nations of the world.

I love you, Tucky!

So, he interviewed Putin, saying that he would show the truth about the war in Ukraine, which the zio-mainstream does not show. That's what I'm talking about all the time: that it doesn't matter if someone is implementing the fourth, fifth or sixth industrial revolution, which includes:

- digital footprints and personal trajectories even for children, outlining their path from the cradle to the grave
- implementation of artificial intelligence systems in every sphere of society
- social ratings - digital rubles (CBDC)
- wide application of biometrics
- future widespread genome editing
- bugs for people's food (because it is good for the climate)
- measures to tackle climate change (including personal carbon credits)
- shit for superfood, including for people (as seen in the post above)
- destruction of the indigenous Russian (mostly Christian as well as atheists, all these years of communism have said their) population, by stimulating the migration of Central Asian ethnicities traditionally professing Islam

And a future in which all communication with society, other people, animals and inanimate objects takes place through invasive brain-computer interfaces.

In addition: multiple wearable and implantable biosensors, for health monitoring, drug delivery and other things.

Development of epidemiological safety, for protection against pandemics (including development of mRNA vaccines).

(We miss a lot of things because it's inexhaustible.)

But, but, BUT, friends of all races and religions, That's what I talk about all the time: that all of the above has absolutely no meaning if the one who makes them is at war with the Zionists. THIS IS THE MARKER OF THE MARKERS. (And here is Tucker marking himself as OUR MAN, ANTI-ZIO!)

And the U.S. is Zionist dogs, so Putin is definitely at war with them.

And now there is the GENOCIDE IN GAZA, and Russia has repeatedly spoken out in favor of ending the "conflict", for a two-state solution, by creating a legitimate autonomous Palestinian state independent of Israel.

Let's negotiate:

2020 - the plandemic in which everyone from Zio-USA, through Russia, Europe, China, and all who could, imposed lockdowns, riddled as much as they could of their population with "vaccines", strengthened the "digital transformation" and openly joined the WEF tale of "It's time for a great reset" and "radical transformation of societies"

2022 - Russia began to fight with the Zionist dogs in the United States, defied them. (And the U.S. is U.S. + Israel.)... And the myth that there is a global great reset has been definitively debunked.

And almost all the traditional anti-Zionist anti-JewishConspiracy websites, bloggers, analysts, went crazy reporting on how an attempt to repeat 1917 ("the Jewish Bolsheviks' takeover of Russia") took place. But this time Russia showed teeth and began a fight against them (and now it resisted). (Many of the other alt-media joined this opinion.)

There is no global great reset, and it is only the United States, Israel and Europe, which are also against Russia, China and the others of the multipolar rival.

The "end of unipolar American hegemony" (which, as we know, is Zionist hegemony, because the United States is a dog of the Zionists) and the beginning of the new era of the multipolar world were openly announced! (Putin announced it and repeated it in every speech.)

2023(end)-2024 - Gaza. The Zionists openly showed their dirty genocidal faces, and the world is increasingly pointing them out.

... And now we are here, waiting for the development (for the outcome is a little early, but who knows)

Welcome to the sequel to the Great Narrative for a Better Future, which began with the great reset during the plandemic (its active phase).

The big problem is the ZIONISTS and whoever is against them is good, from our people!
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Nov 8, 2022
don't tell me you're a kosher conservative. what was quoted was a Muslim. it's not like Muslims run Russia. jews run Russia. they hate ethnic Russians and they push stuff that messes with their birth rates. Muslims in general have a higher fertility rate. Jews don't control everything. more religious ppl tend to hace higher fertility.
What kind of kosher conservative, bro? If you find me one good thing I've said not only about Zionists, but about jews in general (not just here but in all my internet activity), I'll give you $10 billion. No, when I think about it, with the coming fall of the dollar... $33 billion! (It's more Masonic.)

So, the Jews rule the authorities in Russia. Authorities in Russia are encouraging the mad migration of ethnic groups from Central Asia, which traditionally profess Islam. (Which is why all Russians who have at least two grams of brain and one eye are bristling. Adding that these migrants of ethnicities, traditionally professing Islam, commit numerous crimes that are neglected and suppressed by the authorities, who are slaves of the Jews.) But Muslims are not with the Jews who rule Russia. They, the Muslims, just give birth to more.

Who are the non-Zionists? Against the Zionists? Non-slaves of the Zionists? States, organizations?
Oct 20, 2021
I cannot tolerate Brand for more than a few minutes. Tucker used to wear a bow tie and was annoying. He no longer wears a bow tie but is still annoying. If you are aware of what is happening they will tell you nothing that you shouldn't already know. They get rich giving us bad news. Are they controlled opposition? At this point does it really matter. No matter what happens they live in mansions and eat the best food. They will continue to do so after most of us are living in card board boxes. And Joe Rogan? Don't get me started. They got the sincerity jacked up on full blast and I no longer trust sincere talking heads of any kind. And now Orange Man is encouraging people to drink Bud Lite WTF.


Nov 8, 2022
Just like almost everyone who has had their eyes open about American crimes over the years, their influence, went crazy with enthusiasm in 2022 because "Russia defied the USA" (for some "ZioUsa"), now, in the "genocide" of the Israeli Jews (who are together with/masters of the US), have gone twice as crazy.

In Ukraine-2022 they went crazy on one level, in Gaza-2023/24, went crazy in the second level.

And the great reset, the planned forced transition of the world to a new technological order, this is insignificant, hypothetical, assembled to deceive the simpler masses who can not make complex geopolitical and geostrategic analyses of complex international relations.

Both (American crimes, influence and hegemony, and Jewish domination) are incredibly deeply permeated and disseminated among alternative audiences, people who account for and oppose the crimes of elites.

But these two powerful egregores have not been used to facilitate the controlled successful running of the greatest goal of the true elites (whoever they are).

If the zionists, the jews, the american elites disappear in any way, the great reset will stop.


Nov 8, 2022
All those who try to make this transition to a unique and never seen before not only total control, but also getting "under the skin" and attempting genetic modifications of people, do so because they are either Zionist/Jewish masters or puppets of the Zionist/Jewish masters. This is one of the most common stories. For you see that the Jews rule and rule all things.

Deliberate Islamization, however, is not real, but is the deliberate dissemination of a false narrative, part of a Jewish conspiracy, to embarrass Muslims in the eyes of Christians (and others, non-Jews), perhaps to cause unrest and war between them, which would be used as a pretext for imposing the great reset and the introduction of a new Jewish anti-Christ world order.

Poor, good-natured Muslims who keep only a few unbroken slaughtering lines for rivals and infidels, and give birth more because they are religious. And they hate Christians, and they constantly come to the decadent West (and not only, as we see), which they hate. And they want Sharia. (And how could they do it without the help of the rulers of the West? How could they, despite the rulers of the West?)

There is no attempt to "replace indigenous peoples", Coudenhove-Kalgeri is a conspiracy theory. At least there is no for Muslims (and other immigrants from Asia and Africa, in the US - from Latin America). How can there be for them when they are on the side of the "substitutes"? There is only for the "replaced".

There is no such thing, no one invades them and does not carry out a consistent, slow invasion. And for those who live in the West (and not only, as we see), there is also none, because they are not an endangered indigenous europeidian population.

So how could they say that the immigrant invasion, which seems to be a major part of the plan to reset the elites, is being carried out with the help and on the plan of the same failed Western (Jewish?, Zionist?, Masonic?, Illuminati? All?...) elites?
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Jun 28, 2020
I've never heard of an individual being sanctioned before.

It's pretty obvious he's a threat to someone.




Nov 8, 2022
....Or, there's a breed of super-dumb alt-RESEARCHERS who claim to have exposed Trump's "ties to Russia" and also associate it with the "conspiracy against the United States" of Russia, China (and the globalists, there, WEF, and others, each put different organizations).

Just don't ask them who these globalist conspirators are against, because you will understand (in different variations, of course) that in general both the "plandemia" and the "great reset" are some oversimplified control narratives for the simpler audiences, when in fact geopolitical and ideological clashes are valid, so the standard mainstream narrative is valid, and the same American forces that the simpletons see as the enemy, They are our guys. There is no beginning of the end of Western democracy (except in the pro-Putin, pro-Trump, right-wing media for control of the common people). 2020 nothing is not over and nothing else has begun. Covid is real, and transhumanism is a pro-Russian narrative of vilifying Western scientific and technological progress (as long as anti-American forces keep striving for it - so it's good, otherwise why are they looking for it?).

(And this narrative, turned in the positive side, in the eyes of the "qanon-oriented" is straight honey and butter, because it reinforces Trump+Putin against the globalist cabal.)


Nov 8, 2022
I've never heard of an individual being sanctioned before.

It's pretty obvious he's a threat to someone.

View attachment 101512

View attachment 101513
It's pretty obvious he's a threat to someone.
ZIONISTS! THE DIRTY ZIONISTS! Name them, brother, don't be embarrassed!

Look, look at the professional fool (who, however, is not simple in any case, on the contrary, he is smart, but for so long he has used his good mind to adjust everything in his framer, and the process has become automated). Look at the blunting that persistent self-deception leads to. (But, special bluntness while staying smart.)


Nov 8, 2022
The conclusion is obvious: for some time sieving has been carried out, the result of which is forthcoming. And sifting is exactly the "great reset" or whatever else to call it. If it's not a process lowered from Above that is ruled by the lower fallen forces, I don't know what it is.
I don't want to say "divinely plan" so that there are no misunderstandings along religious lines. But cleansing is a fairly plausible theory.


Nov 8, 2022
For goodbye (only for now), two more of the topics Tucker and Vladimir Vladimirovich talked about: one, (one 1/2), two.
And a third, bonus specifically for VC.

Here are things you won't see anywhere else, by the way. :rolleyes:
Everywhere, even the moronic or operative Riley Wagaman, they show you as if "the US/West with no mention of anything about transhumanism" - this is their "the realy picture of Russia reset" for you; is that okay, in your opinion? Is that right? That's what they show you (why?).
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Nov 8, 2022
I'm still here.. So One more topic from the interview, SPECIAL, EXCLUSIVE for VC Forum:
Gazeta.Ru (1999-2024)
Mass media registration certificate El No. FS77-67642 issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor)

November 21, 2023
"He served for six months": a pardoned cannibal satanist from Yaroslavl returned home from the SMO [Special Military Operation]

A participant in ritual murders in Yaroslavl received freedom after participating in the SMO

The last member of the Yaroslavl sect of Satanists, which killed and ate people, was released. Nikolai "Graf" Ogolobyak was supposed to be in prison for a few more years, but he signed up as a volunteer in Ukraine and returned home after being wounded. In his sect, he was considered a "warrior" and was responsible for murders.

The case of the Yaroslavl Satanists thundered throughout the country in the early 2000s. By the time they were detained, they had brutally killed four people. There were eight members in the sect, the longest sentence was given to Ogolobyak, since at that time he was the only adult. Thirteen years after his sentencing, the 33-year-old former Satanist lives at home with his mother and is recovering from an injury, his father, Nikolai, said. This is reported by 76.RU.

"He served there [in Ukraine] for six months in Storm Z. <... >He is disabled after being wounded. He walks, but the wound was severe. While no one is working, it is being restored. It is unlikely that he will be taken to the SMO again," Ogolobyak Sr. said. ..."

Nikolai "Graf" Ogolobyak

Aleksey Dark Solovyov, Aleksey Mertvyy Chistyakov, Anton Doktor Goth Makovkin

(I'm sparing the unpleasant details.)
From the comments (I'm guessing these are all nasty Russians anti-Russian liberals):

Nov 21, 2023

That's how, step by step, we found ourselves in a state where harmless leaflets against V0ina [the war] are 7 years in prison, and participation in VoInE [the war] is a pardon for even the most brutal murderers. ©
reactions: + 41
Nov 21, 2023

At least 17 murderers were pardoned by Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2022 and 2023. All of them participated in the SMO, and then returned to freedom. Some have already committed new crimes.

Vladislav Kanius
One of the most high-profile cases occurred with a resident of Kemerovo. In July 2022, Vladislav Kanius killed his 23-year-old ex-girlfriend Vera Pekhteleva because she decided to break off relations with him. Canius killed her for hours on end. Neighbors heard screams, but could not get into the closed apartment where the massacre took place, and the police did not respond to calls to come and help. Law enforcement officers received suspended sentences for negligence, the killer - 17 years in a maximum security colony. After that, he left for the SMO as part of the Storm Z unit, and at the end of the contract, he returned to his homeland.

Artem Buchin
A resident of the Perm Territory raped and killed 23-year-old Tatyana Rekutina in 2022. The prosecutor asked to give the cruel murderer life imprisonment, the court sent Buchin to 20 years in prison. But after six months of the SMO, he returned home.

Vyacheslav Samoylov
A resident of the Arkhangelsk region killed a 33-year-old partner, dismembered the body with a hacksaw and hid body fragments in different parts of the city. Samoilov was supposed to spend 9 years and 7 months behind bars. But after three months of the SMO in 2023, he was home.

Arsen Melkonyan
A resident of Volgograd in 2020 beat to death the father of his child's classmate. The reason was an ordinary quarrel in the parental chat. Instead of 11 years in prison, Melkonyan spent six months at the front.

Vadim Tekhov
In Vladikavkaz in 2019, Tekhov stabbed his ex-wife to death right under a surveillance camera. At that time, he was already under house arrest for another serious crime (attempted murder). Instead of 16 years in a high-security colony, he went to war. He returned in 2022 and after a while was caught under the article of drug distribution.

Dmitry Fursov and Stanislav Belousov
In Novosibirsk, two friends in 2019 killed a 34-year-old woman who was going to sell them a car. Both murderers have a similar background: neither of them served a term of 20 years. After serving in the Wagner PMC, both returned alive and unharmed.


21 Nov 2023

Vladimir Vladimirovich signed a decree on pardon, which means that it is necessary for the safety of our children. We need to support our President!

But these are of the more singular and incomparable MORE INNOCUOUS things (albeit extremely shocking), compared to the planned mind-boggling future of the whole "diverse" Russian people, of all the youngest and still unborn generations, all day and all night, every day and night. (which is according to the same global plan)

A bill has been adopted on the confiscation of property, as well as on the deprivation of honorary titles for crimes against the security of Russia

It was supported by the absolute majority of deputies. According to Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin, the decision should stop those who commit crimes against the security of our country, consider it possible to i
nsult our citizens, soldiers, officers, and support the Nazis
If you insult a rapist, murderer, satanist, or cannibal who was at the front as a soldier, will they take some your property?
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