Tucker Carlson is controlled opposition!


Nov 8, 2022
This Lalas is the misguided conspiracy theorist and nasty anti-russian troll, hidden liberal and most likely lgbtQR..


Nov 8, 2022
For antizio @Daze.
*So, the interview took place on the 6th, and I can assume that the President has balanced "about resolving the conflict in Gaza by diplomatic means," or something like that, but still as much in favor of the Palestinians as none of the Western politicians speaks. And this is on the 7th:

Putin announced Russia's comprehensive assistance to hostages after aggravation in the Middle East

Putin: After the aggravation in the Middle East, the Russian Federation is doing everything to help the hostages

February 7, 2024

Russia is making every effort to help people who have been taken hostage as a result of the escalation of the Middle East conflict. This was announced on February 7 by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin during a meeting with the Chief Rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar and the President of the Federation of Jewish Communities Alexander Boroda.

"You know that after the aggravation of the situation in the Middle East, Russia is doing everything to help people who have been held hostage. It is known that our Foreign Ministry works through the political wing of Hamas, and in general, there are certain results," the Russian leader said.

The President added that Russia provides assistance not only to the Russians who have been taken hostage, but also to citizens of other countries.

"Of course, first of all, we pay attention to the citizens of Russia, but not only to the citizens of the Russian Federation, but also to the citizens of other countries. This also applies to the elderly and their families who have gone through the Holocaust," he stressed.

In addition, during his speech, Putin appealed to Lazar and Boroda with a proposal to jointly work out measures aimed at freeing the hostages in the Gaza Strip.

Earlier in the day, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Vershinin said that Russia was in contact with all parties to the conflict on the release of hostages in the Gaza Strip.

In early February, the Israeli ambassador to Moscow, Simone Halperin, said that Israel was asking Russia and President Putin personally to assist and make every possible effort to free the hostages held captive by members of the Palestinian movement Hamas. It pointed out that the Russian Federation had the influence and the opportunity to make efforts and successfully complete the task.

Earlier, on January 31, The Wall Street Journal learned that the Israeli authorities and the Hamas leadership are considering a trilateral agreement, according to which the release of hostages in Gaza will begin with a six-week ceasefire, while during the truce all prisoners will be released in three stages.

A day earlier, Israeli Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz said that hostilities in the Gaza Strip would not stop even if all hostages were released. Asked directly whether Israel would cease hostilities without seeking the complete destruction of Hamas, Katz replied in the negative.

Benjamin Netanyahu also said that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) will not leave the Gaza Strip if a deal is made with Hamas. He denied not only the withdrawal of the army, but also the release of thousands of Palestinians from Israeli prisons.

The situation in the Middle East escalated on the morning of 7 October, when Hamas subjected Israel to a massive rocket attack from the Gaza Strip, as well as invading the border areas in the south of the country and taking hostages. On the same day, Israel began retaliating against targets in the Gaza Strip.

photo by the Kremlin press service

***** (
And, finally, another of the topics Tucker and Putin discussed:

Artificial Intelligence Journey 2023 conference

The President took part in the plenary session of the Artificial Intelligence Journey 2023 international conference on AI and machine learning titled The Generative AI Revolution: New Opportunities.

November 24, 2023

AI Journey
Conference Program

24 November
Foresight-session "AI and the future of humanity"
Aleksandr Chulok
ISSEK HSE University

Alexander Chulok, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Director of the HSE Center for Scientific and Technological Forecasting (2021 year):
The upcoming changes will be associated not only with biotechnological capabilities (genome editing, rehabilitation interfaces, biocompatible materials, etc.), but also with a final change in the role of medicine, from post-factum treatment to disease prevention.

A number of experts believe that humanity is experiencing the latest pandemic: the vaccine was created in record time by historical standards, and the virus was deciphered in a few weeks, while until recently it would have taken years.
A person's digital footprint, read by AI from various sources — from social networks to scientific journals of the first quartile — will become a new resume when applying for a job, at least until progress in bioelectronic interfaces allows you to download knowledge in a couple of minutes, as in the movie "The Matrix".
Look at what Vasily Klyucharev is doing at the Higher School of Economics. The Russian neurointerface connecting the brain and the computer directly was presented at the exhibition "Russia looking to the future" in 2017. Musk is an apologist for this technology. He is generally an enthusiastic person, dreams of dying on Mars from old age.

I think the attitude to technology itself will change dramatically in the next 10 years. Generations will be updated, for the new ones — the Internet is not a miracle, and smart watches are not a gadget. It's all already part of their life as a shirt. It is not so important whether it will be embedded in the body or in clothes. Let's look at the history of mankind, it has always experimented. It is difficult to say how inevitable the cyborgization of man is, but his merging with technology is indeed inevitable.



Nov 8, 2022
Daze's beloved pedo-Scott Ritter, who, after criticizing Israel (!!), was UNJUSTLY CONVICTED with fictitious accusations that he had contact with a 15-year-old girl (but in the hadiths, this is almost grandmother's age, so it is ridiculous to count as a pedo; different mores, different ages; he Daze says that marriage of 7-years olds is good for a healthy family...)
(Who, pedo-Scott, also has about 280 "false" predictions about the "war in Ukraine." But they were right, because there is no war, and the talk (on each side) about the war was to nail the imbecile audience on both sides, , so that there would be fewer movements of the proles while resetting them great)
February 07, 2024
Ritter said Putin's interview with Carlson would have a bombshell effect

Ritter: Putin's interview with Tucker Carlson will be an information bomb for Washington

Former US Armed Forces intelligence officer Scott Ritter said that Russian President Vladimir Putin's interview with American journalist Tucker Carlson will be an information bomb for American society. Ritter spoke about this on the air of the Ask The Inspector YouTube channel.

"I think that his interview will simply become an information bomb, you will see, it will be played (on all channels, – Gazeta. Ru")," Ritter said.

He also noted that when Tucker Carlson comes to the United States, "they won't lift a finger on him."

Ritter added that Carlson is the kind of journalist who "lays bare the truth that is inconvenient for Americans."

What happened to the interview, did it come out? Isn't that today? That's why I can't leave, dream doesn't catch me because of excitement about the INTERVIEW OF THE CENTURY! Tell me, when he came out, how it was, what they said..


May 17, 2020


Aug 8, 2023
Put a gun in your mouth
all the crack cocaine... or was it heroin you admitted you were doing?... really did a number on you. come to think of it, I know a lefty girl who got into crack. actually I know a number of lefties who got very into hardcore drugs. what is it with the far left to crackhead pipeline


Aug 8, 2023
What kind of kosher conservative, bro? If you find me one good thing I've said not only about Zionists, but about jews in general (not just here but in all my internet activity), I'll give you $10 billion. No, when I think about it, with the coming fall of the dollar... $33 billion! (It's more Masonic.)

So, the Jews rule the authorities in Russia. Authorities in Russia are encouraging the mad migration of ethnic groups from Central Asia, which traditionally profess Islam. (Which is why all Russians who have at least two grams of brain and one eye are bristling. Adding that these migrants of ethnicities, traditionally professing Islam, commit numerous crimes that are neglected and suppressed by the authorities, who are slaves of the Jews.) But Muslims are not with the Jews who rule Russia. They, the Muslims, just give birth to more.

Who are the non-Zionists? Against the Zionists? Non-slaves of the Zionists? States, organizations?
yes, I know Central Asians tend to be Muslim. and no one thinks Muslims run Russia. I simply asserted Russia is run by Jews. obviously that's correct. and that Muslims tend to have higher fertility, it has nothing to do with Jewish control. Jews obviously are not big fans of us (see Zionist George W Bush administration)


Aug 8, 2023
ppl just need to accept that both US and Russia/Iran and them are run by Jews slash freemasons.

ppl who don't get this haven't reached a basic level of conspiracyology. the correct position isn't to unironically go with the "Russia vs NWO" position.... or to put a Ukraine flag on their facebook.... it's to recognize that both sides are controlled.

Tucker is a freemason and controlled opposition. same with Putin, Xi Jinping, even the North Korea guy. same with Iran.


Jun 28, 2020
ppl just need to accept that both US and Russia/Iran and them are run by Jews slash freemasons.

ppl who don't get this haven't reached a basic level of conspiracyology. the correct position isn't to unironically go with the "Russia vs NWO" position.... or to put a Ukraine flag on their facebook.... it's to recognize that both sides are controlled.

Tucker is a freemason and controlled opposition. same with Putin, Xi Jinping, even the North Korea guy. same with Iran.
If everyone is controlled, whose the controller?


Jan 29, 2018
What, what?!?!?


Ugly slander and INNUENDO! How you are not ashamed!

Outrageous! Outrageous... :( ....

You, you, you, and this Tempo, how you are not ashamed, servants of the ukronazi and Angloamericanosatanozio, how you are not ashamed to stain the honor of the honest Tucker and the light of the world, the venerable Vladimir Vladimirovich and his entire esquadron of humane administrators and noble oligarchs.

You, servants of other people's interests!

I will definitely report you to the services so they put you on the lists of foreign agents!

Take away their property, take away their property, without mercy for the enemies of the antiglobalist peoples!

The State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
A bill has been adopted on the confiscation of property, as well as on the deprivation of honorary titles for crimes against the security of Russia

It was supported by the absolute majority of deputies. According to Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin, the decision should stop those who commit crimes against the security of our country, consider it possible to insult our citizens, soldiers, officers, and support the Nazis

The draft law amends Article 104.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Confiscation of property") and expands the list of crimes for which it can be applied. In particular, it is proposed to include crimes under Articles 207.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Public dissemination of knowingly false information about the use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the exercise by state bodies of the Russian Federation of their powers, the provision by volunteer formations, organizations or persons of assistance in the performance of tasks assigned to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation or the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation") and 280.4 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Public calls for the implementation of activities, directed against the security of the State").

A law on the confiscation of property for crimes against national security has been adopted

As the Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin emphasized, "the absolute majority is in favor of the need to punish traitors who pour dirt on our country FROM ABROAD, soldiers and officers participating in the special military operation, support and finance the Nazi Kiev regime"


Deputies of the State Duma unanimously adopted in the second and third readings a law that provides for the confiscation of property and the deprivation of honorary titles for activities directed against the country, as well as for public insults and discrediting the army.

"The law on scoundrels has been adopted,
" Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin wrote on his Telegram channel. At the meeting, he clarified that the authors of the initiative are 395 deputies of the State Duma.

"We have repeatedly discussed this issue with you - the absolute majority is in favor of the need to punish traitors who pour dirt on our country from abroad, soldiers and officers participating in the special military operation, support and finance the Nazi Kiev regime," he said.

"The decision will make it possible to punish those who conduct activities against their country by depriving these scoundrels of honorary titles, as well as confiscating their property, money and other valuables," he stressed."


I won't be silent, no, I won't be silent, you slanderers! I'll tell the truth, the truth. I will defend the honor of the Light of the World!

I will even give in advance, especially for the VC, a list of topics that Tucker and Vladimir will discuss.

I'll tell the whole truth, I won't be silent.
Prepare yourselves, slanderers,
close your windows,
lock your doors,
cover your vile faces,
cover your ears and close your eyes,

for a real storm of revelations about the light will be wreaking here, right in this obscenity thread....
When truth is outlawed, only outlaws will tell the truth!


Jan 29, 2018
ppl just need to accept that both US and Russia/Iran and them are run by Jews slash freemasons.

ppl who don't get this haven't reached a basic level of conspiracyology. the correct position isn't to unironically go with the "Russia vs NWO" position.... or to put a Ukraine flag on their facebook.... it's to recognize that both sides are controlled.

Tucker is a freemason and controlled opposition. same with Putin, Xi Jinping, even the North Korea guy. same with Iran.
Dont forget the reformed, still limping along "Fourth (3.3?) Reich and its shenanigan as well!


Jan 29, 2018


Aug 8, 2023
If everyone is controlled, whose the controller?
A Jewish satanist elite and then freemasons who act as their stooges. Aka "the Jewish-Masonic conspiracy" ie an international Jewish-Masonic network. Most or all countries are run by this network.

That's why the original Taliban had be removed.

Communists (General Dostum), Iran, the US- all these supposedly opposing factions all came together to remove the Taliban government as it couldn't be allowed for there to be an actual independent government that wasn't part of this international system.

This is why US and the Cuba, Iran, Russia govs.... they badmouth each other all day but none of those (the governments of Cuba, Iran, Russia) actually get removed.

The US does not actually want to remove Putin or any of those governments. Because they are actually part of the system. Just like dems and republicans. Yes in public they are enemies but behind the scenes they're on the same team. It's like wrestling.

This is why it's a trap that a lot of Muslims they think it's just zionists... "oh so we're winning simply by supporting dems, Iran, Putin, commies", all these ppl who talk bad about Zionism... but they don't realize Zionism is only one tentacle of the larger octopus. So they'll let you go with some "anti-Zionist" tentacle (Iran, communists, Russia)- so long as you're still under the manipulation of the larger octopus.

Dont forget the reformed, still limping along "Fourth (3.3?) Reich and its shenanigan as well!
No, we're not being run by nazis. If the US really wanted to shut down immigration, they could do it- and this is like the number one item nazis want. plus they're against zionism (I mean ordinary nazis who actually believe in the ideology, not people like Hitler at the top who are just plants). so neither of those items are fulfilled so clearly we're not being run by nazis. Hitler was a freemason and naziism was just a tentacle of the octopus I was talking about.


Aug 8, 2023
@TempestOfTempo I know you must be somewhat familiar with AMLO.... AMLO is an excellent example of what I'm talking about....

for those that don't know, AMLO (Mexico president) is super pro Cuba and Venezuela and blatantly this "anti-US" guy.... the guy gave a speech comparing Fidel Castro to Nelson Mandela.... if the official version of things was not fake, the US should be borderline calling for war with the Mexico government and waging a war to remove AMLO from power....

meanwhile the US doesn't really care.... no serious push is being made to remove AMLO or his party that is set to retain power after his term ends soon.... and meanwhile AMLO is constantly, openly pushing anti-US rhetoric, pushing Fidel Castro type ideology, siding with Cuba and Venezuela, etc.... he's on the same team as them....

ok and so.... just recently like I mentioned to someone before..... the Mex gov put out these new textbooks- which are endorsed by AMLO.... promoting lgbt to school kids.... so notice this.... Mexico gets this pro Russia, Cuba, anti-US president... and notice he pushes the exact same lgbt agenda.... just as how during covid all these supposedly opposed countries all pushed the same covid agenda....

or for example.... Nicaragua gov is blatantly heavily involved in witchcraft and satanism.... this is well known amongst Nicaraguans and easily exposed.... why doesn't the US ever mention this???

notice how these countries never really expose anything about each other, besides what everyone already knows... for example Putin never goes and exposes 9/11 or pizzagate or whatever... it's cuz they're all in on it...

I downloaded this video from youtube that was exposing how the Nicaragua gov is into witchcraft and satanism... I tried to find the channel on youtube and it turned out youtube wiped out the entire channel


Aug 8, 2023
let me give an example... go research what went on in Iraq during the US occupation... the US was backing Shia propaganda in Iraq (there was some official US military tv channel- it was THE US-backed outlet- or something that was pumping out pro Iraqi shia propaganda, they were allying with the Shia and working with the Shia... anyone that digs... there is tons of info showing how the US put the Shia into power over the Sunnis and essentially worked to disenfranchise the Sunnis and put the Shia over the Sunnis... but Iran is supposed to be the big threat!.... this would make zero sense if the official narrative was real.


Aug 8, 2023
"The Special Police Commando plays an important part in the Iraq’s sectarian propaganda machinery. They have been supplying insurgents who confess their crimes on television. Terrorism in the Hands of Justice is the latest tool in the Iraqi government’s slick counterinsurgency propaganda. It is broadcast six nights a week on the Iraqiya network, the national television station set up by the Pentagon.15 According to the Boston Globe, camera crews are sent “wherever police commandos make a lot of arrests.”16 The aim of the show is to demonize the insurgency. Suspects confess to participating in gay orgies, drinking alcohol, and enjoying pornography, and to offenses of r*pe and p***philia, often committed inside mosques. Journalist and author A. K. Gupta reported, “[A] preacher giving a confession said he was fired for ‘having sex with men in the mosque.’ […] The show is said to be popular, particularly among many Shi’ites and Kurds, which causes concerns that depicting Sunni Arab nationalists as ‘thieving scumbags’ could deepen communal strife. Political and religious leaders from the Sunni Arabs have denounced the show, calling for it to be pulled off the air. The show has explicitly promoted sectarian tensions, in one case airing the confession of a member of the Iraqi Islamic Party, a Sunni-based grouping, saying he drinks alcohol and doesn’t pray.”17"

-Insurgent Iraq

why would a TV station set up by the Pentagon be blasting anti-Sunni propaganda if the Shia are their biggest enemies?


Jan 29, 2018
A Jewish satanist elite and then freemasons who act as their stooges. Aka "the Jewish-Masonic conspiracy" ie an international Jewish-Masonic network. Most or all countries are run by this network.

That's why the original Taliban had be removed.

Communists (General Dostum), Iran, the US- all these supposedly opposing factions all came together to remove the Taliban government as it couldn't be allowed for there to be an actual independent government that wasn't part of this international system.

This is why US and the Cuba, Iran, Russia govs.... they badmouth each other all day but none of those (the governments of Cuba, Iran, Russia) actually get removed.

The US does not actually want to remove Putin or any of those governments. Because they are actually part of the system. Just like dems and republicans. Yes in public they are enemies but behind the scenes they're on the same team. It's like wrestling.

This is why it's a trap that a lot of Muslims they think it's just zionists... "oh so we're winning simply by supporting dems, Iran, Putin, commies", all these ppl who talk bad about Zionism... but they don't realize Zionism is only one tentacle of the larger octopus. So they'll let you go with some "anti-Zionist" tentacle (Iran, communists, Russia)- so long as you're still under the manipulation of the larger octopus.

No, we're not being run by nazis. If the US really wanted to shut down immigration, they could do it- and this is like the number one item nazis want. plus they're against zionism (I mean ordinary nazis who actually believe in the ideology, not people like Hitler at the top who are just plants). so neither of those items are fulfilled so clearly we're not being run by nazis. Hitler was a freemason and naziism was just a tentacle of the octopus I was talking about.
Yup I dont think we are being run by Nazis... but I do think that some of them are still kicking around/have developed new recruits and leaders. I think they are far from bit players, but also nowhere near the over-arching agenda architects.


Jan 29, 2018
@TempestOfTempo I know you must be somewhat familiar with AMLO.... AMLO is an excellent example of what I'm talking about....

for those that don't know, AMLO (Mexico president) is super pro Cuba and Venezuela and blatantly this "anti-US" guy.... the guy gave a speech comparing Fidel Castro to Nelson Mandela.... if the official version of things was not fake, the US should be borderline calling for war with the Mexico government and waging a war to remove AMLO from power....

meanwhile the US doesn't really care.... no serious push is being made to remove AMLO or his party that is set to retain power after his term ends soon.... and meanwhile AMLO is constantly, openly pushing anti-US rhetoric, pushing Fidel Castro type ideology, siding with Cuba and Venezuela, etc.... he's on the same team as them....

ok and so.... just recently like I mentioned to someone before..... the Mex gov put out these new textbooks- which are endorsed by AMLO.... promoting lgbt to school kids.... so notice this.... Mexico gets this pro Russia, Cuba, anti-US president... and notice he pushes the exact same lgbt agenda.... just as how during covid all these supposedly opposed countries all pushed the same covid agenda....

or for example.... Nicaragua gov is blatantly heavily involved in witchcraft and satanism.... this is well known amongst Nicaraguans and easily exposed.... why doesn't the US ever mention this???

notice how these countries never really expose anything about each other, besides what everyone already knows... for example Putin never goes and exposes 9/11 or pizzagate or whatever... it's cuz they're all in on it...

I downloaded this video from youtube that was exposing how the Nicaragua gov is into witchcraft and satanism... I tried to find the channel on youtube and it turned out youtube wiped out the entire channel
"notice how these countries never really expose anything about each other, besides what everyone already knows... for example Putin never goes and exposes 9/11 or pizzagate or whatever... it's cuz they're all in on it... " Bingo.

AMLO is a middlegrounder imo... hes obviously somewhat controlled or else he wouldnt be where he is at... but hes also an enemy of the US establishment. Notice how they dont even bother to vilify him? They just completely ignore him, which lets me know there is something there... it just might not be what many think "it" is.