Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence

Jun 26, 2021
i also hate and loathe the term you arent a true fan if you havent done bought or owned xyz things from a group so what? i still keep seeing that nonense where people or fans of music define themselves as true fans bc theyre ride or die for the artist and theyll go above and beyond to own anything with their name and face on it. it doesnt prove nothing. theres no more simply listening to a sing and deciding if we like it or not heck ppl cant even merely dislike something or someone without someone else getting offended by it
a literal cult. Somehow you don't have the right to dislike anyone of a group you stan because you have to love them all, I mean worship. When I used to follow some groups I never saw them anything more than classmates or colleagues idk so naturally I'll find some of them insufferable, so I don't get how thousands of fans can't dislike at least one person in a group of 5/9/12 people lol. It doesn't necessarily happen and you don't have to find someone annoying but if someone dared to say it, somehow they'd get accused of being a traitor and a fake fan lmfao. I don't understand this mentality.
The thing is if groups only released music and dipped, then you can't really hate anyone beyond their voice, skills or lack thereof. But in kpop you get to ""live"" with these people, they never stop releasing contents about their lives and it's like you live with them and they give you the illusion that you know them personally with their whole personality, whether fabricated or not, for easily influenceable people that is. Parasocial relationship=bad. So for fans, their "idols" are dedicating their lives to their fans, so you saying anything negative about them, even constructive criticism about their mid supbar mediocre skills, then it's blasphem to them.
The best thing is not to interact with them. Some of them are screwed in the head. Adults especially.
Sep 4, 2023
a literal cult. Somehow you don't have the right to dislike anyone of a group you stan because you have to love them all, I mean worship. When I used to follow some groups I never saw them anything more than classmates or colleagues idk so naturally I'll find some of them insufferable, so I don't get how thousands of fans can't dislike at least one person in a group of 5/9/12 people lol. It doesn't necessarily happen and you don't have to find someone annoying but if someone dared to say it, somehow they'd get accused of being a traitor and a fake fan lmfao. I don't understand this mentality.
The thing is if groups only released music and dipped, then you can't really hate anyone beyond their voice, skills or lack thereof. But in kpop you get to ""live"" with these people, they never stop releasing contents about their lives and it's like you live with them and they give you the illusion that you know them personally with their whole personality, whether fabricated or not, for easily influenceable people that is. Parasocial relationship=bad. So for fans, their "idols" are dedicating their lives to their fans, so you saying anything negative about them, even constructive criticism about their mid supbar mediocre skills, then it's blasphem to them.
The best thing is not to interact with them. Some of them are screwed in the head. Adults especially.
thats why i have been turned off most fan bases and general music groups nowadays. for instance people who were that into them cant take critique of any groups even if you think xyz song is shit you cant outright say it to any of them even if one or two of them were your friend. some people these days just so full on into music groups and artists yes we switch interests and find other artists we might or might jot like but its like no one has individual nowadays, no one wants to stand out from the rest of the crowd. people dont like to have indifferent opinions that set them aside from the rest of the herds people have to invest into whatever they are interested in and it always feels like a fucking competition as to who can spend what on something interest of theirs and who has the most merch and whos been to the most concerts, trust me i used to splurge on a former groups tickets non kpoop and it wasnt worth it in the end the concerts were good but it was fucking tiring trying to get good tickets and then wanting merch on top of it as prices have increased. i dont think today i couod even bring myself to spend more than 100 quid on tickets alone so i dont bother looking bc ik most tickets are going to be over 100 quid. a lot of idols are just generally shit at their jobs though. look at blackpink and how they cant hold a note without sounding like an animal thats been hit by a truck. so many bland boring "singers" sure there are the odd few but its so hard to find genuine singers who have actual talent when its just hey look at so and so and how pretty or rich they are :(
Sep 4, 2023
A girl I know IRL learned about s*x, BDSM etc from fanfictions and got addicted to this kind of stuff. I think both things are bad. People rightfully condemn consumption of visual porn but written porn can be equally bad for young children. In my country they banned sites like Tumblr, Wattpad, deviant art etc because the content posted on these sites was deemed unsafe for children.
honestly there is much id never thought youd come across online and fanfics are one of them. honestlg could do without the internet but most people nowadays need internet to get by or they are irrelevant. every other average jane or joe and their grandparents are now internet stars or people of some type have to have an audience and i think fanfic falls into the category of ppl not being satisfied with their own boring lives so they write fanfic to distract themselves from their boredom. so much on the internet is just gross disgraceful attention seeky and demanding. like you cant not use it but if you use it theres so much to be hooked onto
Sep 4, 2023
literally saw on ebay some ateez merch for 140 quid or so from japan with postage and all it was was their pyjamas wtf whos gonna buy that shit? id sew my own damn pyjamas once i get good at sewing :/ just why is so much stuff thats basic stuff expensive? all the bts merch etc etc etc. why on earth is it worth as much as it is?


Jul 23, 2020
I used to get trigged by Taemin, but these days, having experienced growth and healing , i have to give it up to him for staying consistent with his beliefs and what works for him. I happed to be on Reddit and heard he had a concert today and that he sung upside down. So searched the video, He is very good with what he does. whatever the ritual means to him is his and his fans.


Jun 26, 2022
I used to get trigged by Taemin, but these days, having experienced growth and healing , i have to give it up to him for staying consistent with his beliefs and what works for him. I happed to be on Reddit and heard he had a concert today and that he sung upside down. So searched the video, He is very good with what he does. whatever the ritual means to him is his and his fans.
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this guy is not innocent


Jun 2, 2021
I used to get trigged by Taemin, but these days, having experienced growth and healing , i have to give it up to him for staying consistent with his beliefs and what works for him. I happed to be on Reddit and heard he had a concert today and that he sung upside down. So searched the video, He is very good with what he does. whatever the ritual means to him is his and his fans.
View attachment 98488
He is deep into Gnosticism which is similar to Kabbalah and related to Freemasonry. He was reading a book by Georges Bataille who was a follower of the left hand path and possibly was a magician. I don't want to accuse someone without any proof but I do think he and the Sh1nee guys could be wizards.


Dec 14, 2018
He is deep into Gnosticism which is similar to Kabbalah and related to Freemasonry. He was reading a book by Georges Bataille who was a follower of the left hand path and possibly was a magician. I don't want to accuse someone without any proof but I do think he and the Sh1nee guys could be wizards.
Satanic rituals and the music industry go hand in hand for some reason. I think there is definitely something to pop music being the devil’s tune as the saying goes. There is an old saying I think that says that the devil has the best tunes. So many people in the music industry not just the performers, are completely nuts ... or drug addicted. Too many in the 27 club.
Robert Johnson a Blues artis for the eraly 1900s told everyone he sold his soul to the devil for mastery of the guitar.
I genuinely believe a lot of popular artists engage in some ritualistic things behind the scenes for success, more than just sleeping their way to the top. There are too many talented and gifted musicians around compared to today’s mediocre artists, yet they never make it. Even between the mediocre ones the competition is fierce, there are those that are willing to do just anything to make it. It’s a gateway.
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Sep 4, 2023
Satanic rituals and the music industry go hand in hand for some reason. I think there is definitely something to pop music being the devil’s tune as the saying goes. There is an old saying I think that says that the devil has the best tunes. So many people in the music industry not just the performers, are completely nuts ... or drug addicted. Too many in the 27 club.
Robert Johnson a Blues artis for the eraly 1900s told everyone he sold his soul to the devil for mastery of the guitar.
I genuinely believe a lot of popular artists engage in some ritualistic things behind the scenes for success, more than just sleeping their way to the top.
why fckn bother when they coulda just offed themselves instead? anyone can learn guitar and any instrument and be decent enough without doing the dark shit if that shit is real.


Dec 14, 2018
why fckn bother when they coulda just offed themselves instead? anyone can learn guitar and any instrument and be decent enough without doing the dark shit if that shit is real.
This stuff is actually very old, the Faustian pact between the devils and musicians.

“One night, in the year 1713,” Tartini reports, “I dreamed I had made a pact with the devil for my soul. Everything went as I wished: my new servant anticipated my every desire. Among other things, I gave him my violin to see if he could play. How great was my astonishment on hearing a sonata so wonderful and so beautiful, played with such great art and intelligence, as I had never even conceived in my boldest flights of fantasy. I felt enraptured, transported, enchanted: my breath failed me, and I awoke.”

Anyone can learn the guitar, but not everyone can make those tunes. Only gifted people, which is god given, but even so the success is not guaranteed and some less gifted people may want success. I’ve personally decided to limit the time I voluntarily listen to music and i have to say the results have been very good for me. It frees your mind and spirit.
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Jul 23, 2020
He is deep into Gnosticism which is similar to Kabbalah and related to Freemasonry. He was reading a book by Georges Bataille who was a follower of the left hand path and possibly was a magician. I don't want to accuse someone without any proof but I do think he and the Sh1nee guys could be wizards.
Man thank you for saying this. I have been following the story of a guy who descried the left hand path. It is their free will but you can just see it. I think you are right and he is unapologetic about it.



Jul 23, 2020
Satanic rituals and the music industry go hand in hand for some reason. I think there is definitely something to pop music being the devil’s tune as the saying goes. There is an old saying I think that says that the devil has the best tunes. So many people in the music industry not just the performers, are completely nuts ... or drug addicted. Too many in the 27 club.
Robert Johnson a Blues artis for the eraly 1900s told everyone he sold his soul to the devil for mastery of the guitar.
I genuinely believe a lot of popular artists engage in some ritualistic things behind the scenes for success, more than just sleeping their way to the top. There are too many talented and gifted musicians around compared to today’s mediocre artists, yet they never make it. Even between the mediocre ones the competition is fierce, there are those that are willing to do just anything to make it. It’s a gateway.
There is a guy who was n the left hand path and he described vising the underworld and there were people there collecting idea and bringing them back to this realm. So yeah it is not a surprise. People do visit the underworld for information, movies and music . This guy also eliminated his perceived enemies via rituals. He publicly said the guy kept bothering him and he did a ritual and in his words " let's just say he didn't bother me no more." He ended him.