i know designer bags are extortionate and mainly used as a prop by the rich
but this teeny sling bag is not worth nearly 40 odd quid just bc its ateez. ik idols have to earn an income like any other person but this is obscene. sure the odd fan might buy to use but not regularly. its as bad as the bts price for their limited edition personally designed bags... or shite like the loungefly bags
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am not sorry its hideous. wouldnt buy it even if it was less than 50 quid.
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kpoop is a money laundering scam. always has been even if the members seem attractive to their fans on the outside. ppl got to start saving money not wasting it bc therell be nothing left for them to splurge on later on in life. we have all done it at some point but we have to say enough is enough and try to be less careless with where our money is going.