Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


May 12, 2023

Check this out. The members start off in blindfolds just like a freem@son initiation. There's some background noise as if they are controlled by something and being "powered on" like robots. This is some messed up stuff that pretty much exposes everything we have been saying here. Yet of course the blind fans in the comment section will praise them for their "talent." It's sad how the fans have blindfolds on just like the artists do. Consume consume consume.

View attachment 97206

Is this a circle or a pentagram?
Groups don't typically throw in illumanti symbology unless its a title video. The Blindfolds are supposed to represent the wolf pup blind at birth.


Jun 2, 2021
I'm not targeting Muslim. I'm a Muslim myself. Let's see, if I can send you some SS in your DM.
Edit: I want more Muslims to join this conversation, I don't want to derail this thread but before Interacting with this person, make sure what he says about Muslims otherwise. He thinks the mass murder of thousands of children is justified because they are future terrorists.

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View attachment 97233

Decide for yourselves. I'm out.
@arhur12 atleast I request you, check his content on other threads. These people needs proper boycotting. I have SS of his replies , laughing on burnt corpses of little babies and calling them terrorist. You think you will provoke Muslims and will enjoy posting your stupid stuff here, I won't let you. This forum is already full of waste but I won't let your shit fly here before leaving you hypocrite.
Noted sister. Thank you for speaking up about this. I will add them to my "ignore" list.


Jul 11, 2019
Hi everyone! , long time no see, how are y'all doing... I pretty much given up on exposing K-Pop on my youtube channel after exposing it for 5 years, I know I said that before in an other video, but this will be probably be my last video of me exposing K-Pop... I didn't really participated actively in the discussions and debates here, but I want y'all to know, that I really appreciate this community, even though sometimes exposing this industry may definitely get very repetitive, cause they're all basically showing the same symbolism but in a different setting each time so yeah.... Even if they're not there with us anymore (not dead but you know what I mean) I want to give a shout out to J D, Not your unnie, Alex the activist, Sofia from Kpop MSS, Simple believer, A call for anti illuminati, Descent of Christ, Tracy, Daughter of the Most High and everyone who has been exposing the satanic symbolism within K-Pop for the last couple years, including you guys, thank you, it can be very lonely seeing all these dark and satanic symbols in the music videos and having no one to talk to this about. And btw my avatar is the all seeing eye but I'm not one of them obviously :oops: I'm just a 25 yo dude from France who have probably "wasted" 5 years of my life exposing these people for what they really are, now it's time for a change, here is my latest video that I released 8 months ago , which conclude my series about the dark side of Kpop and illuminati symbolism that I started in August, 2018
Some of the footage from this video not all is from a russian dude who also used some footage of my videos too in his original video, I thought that It would be a good way to end this series, I leave you with the video, for those of you haven't seen it yet, I will also probably make a post with all the part of this series for the sake of reference, btw I love y'all guys, it has been a very long journey and there is still so much more to come fam, don't let them steal your light y'all :

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Jun 26, 2022
Hi everyone! , long time no see, how are y'all doing... I pretty much given up on exposing K-Pop on my youtube channel after exposing it for 5 years, I know I said that before in an other video, but this will be probably be my last video of me exposing K-Pop... I didn't really participated actively in the discussions and debates here, but I want y'all to know, that I really appreciate this community, even though sometimes exposing this industry may definitely get very repetitive, cause they're all basically showing the same symbolism but in a different setting each time so yeah.... Even if they're not there with us anymore (not dead but you kinow what I mean) I want to give a shout out to J D, Not your unnie, Alex the activist, Sofia from Kpop MSS, Simple believer, A call for anti illuminati, Descent of Christ, Tracy, Daughter of the Most High and everyone who has been exposing the satanic symbolism within K-Pop for the last couple years, including you guys, thank you, it can be very lonely seeing all these dark and satanic symbols in the music videos and having no one to talk to this about. And btw my avatar is the all seeing eye but I'm not one of them obviously :oops: I'm just a 25 yo dude from France who have probably "wasted" 5 years of my life exposing these people for what they really are, now it's time for a change, here is my latest video that I released 8 months ago , which conclude my series about the dark side of Kpop and illuminati symbolism that I started in August, 2018
Some of the footage from this video not all is from a russian dude who also used some footage of my videos too in his original video, I thought that It would be a good way to end this series, I leave you with the video, for those of you haven't seen it yet, I will also probably make a post with all the part of this series for the sake of reference, btw I love y'all guys, it has been a very long journey and there is still so much more to come fam, don't let them steal your light y'all :

welcome back, thanks for posting this


Jul 11, 2019
Part 12 :
Part 14 :

There is more videos about the satanic symbolism of K-Pop on my channel, check them out, as you can see there is no part 5 or 13, cause I have put them in private, cause they contained some slight inacurracies or technical issues. Be abudantly blessed guys...
Jun 26, 2021
I'm not targeting Muslim. I'm a Muslim myself. Let's see, if I can send you some SS in your DM.
Edit: I want more Muslims to join this conversation, I don't want to derail this thread but before Interacting with this person, make sure what he says about Muslims otherwise. He thinks the mass murder of thousands of children is justified because they are future terrorists.

View attachment 97232

View attachment 97233

Decide for yourselves. I'm out.
oop i'm sorry. That user is so disgusting for calling Allah like that, a true ignorant.


May 8, 2023
They are FAR from artists!! They BARELY work and have an extremely small discography. They have NO TALENT. They are glorified models!!!
Adele and the Beatles somewhat make sense. Adele is a good vocalist and I hate the beatles but at least they wrote their own music. Wtf do black pink do to deserve this?? THEY'RE NOT EVEN BRITISH!!! FFS.
A friend on Instagram said blackpink did some sort of deal, or something behind closed doors for them to get the award. I hope it wasn't anything s*xual but it very well could have been.

Blackpink got the award because I'm guessing the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (the main psychological warfare and propaganda headquarters and directorate of The Committee of 300) wants to use Blackpink to make kpop as
mainstream as possible to try to make people "submissive like 'Asians'", as Klaus Schwab wants the whole world to be "submissive" like Asians.

The Beatles and Rolling Stones were created by Tavistock, to try to manipulate people using their newly created (at that time in the 1960s) "rock music".

Kpop is being used as a medium for elite and zionist propaganda and other agendas (like the lgbtq agenda), like we already know but kpop is being used even moreso than before. Hyuna was also once seen promoting a digital passport.

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Sep 21, 2021
A friend on Instagram said blackpink did some sort of deal, or something behind closed doors for them to get the award. I hope it wasn't anything s*xual but it very well could have been.

Blackpink got the award because I'm guessing the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (the main psychological warfare and propaganda headquarters and directorate of The Committee of 300) wants to use Blackpink to make kpop as
mainstream as possible to try to make people "submissive like 'Asians'", as Klaus Schwab wants the whole world to be "submissive" like Asians.

The Beatles and Rolling Stones were created by Tavistock, to try to manipulate people using their newly created (at that time in the 1960s) "rock music".

Kpop is being used as a medium for elite and zionist propaganda and other agendas (like the lgbtq agenda), like we already know but kpop is being used even moreso than before. Hyuna was also once seen promoting a digital ID, I can't find the post unfortunately.
...also BP must've been "honored" by King Charles for having been "very useful puppets..." We are aware how he is a staunch advocate of the New World Order via World Economic Forum...
Feb 12, 2022
oop i'm sorry. That user is so disgusting for calling Allah like that, a true ignorant.
Also to point out Miss/Mr Enoch also thinks, Imam Mahdi is the anti-christ. She/He continuously post from Israeli sites to propagate false beliefs about our relegion on this forum. We should be vigilant while interacting with these guys. Israel's PM just recently said nasty things about Islam, while committing a genocide, they are accusing our peaceful relegion of extremism despite killing thousands of Muslim children. Both these people openly defend it and are spreading propaganda. In past, I really didn't knew about it, but it's been an eye-opener to see what these people post in other threads. Like brands, such people too needs a boycott who openly defends genocide for whatever relegious belief they hold.

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Dec 14, 2018
I am sorry to butt in, and I condemn hate towards any religion, ethnic group etc. But we have to accept that this is a kpop/ entertainment thread, and anonymous people from different backgrounds will be posting. You can never get everyone to be knowledgeable and respectful or share the same ideology as you. That is the reality of the world, it is much worse on the internet. Just ignore them if they bother you! If you wish to challenge them om their beliefs do it on a separate thread or in a private chat.
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Jul 11, 2019
I really don't want to get thrown into this, but isn't this thread supposed to be about the occult and illuminati symbolism within the kpop industry, why it turned into hates toward some ethnic groups and religions, man wake up we're doing exactly what the devil wants us all to do, that is being divided and weakened, let's think more deeply just for a minute. This thread is without a doubt, the last and only place where we can discuss the satanic symbolism within the kpop industry on the face of the internet without being getting backlash from the mindless fandom and brainwashed kpop fans... Why don't we use this space for doing what we're supposed to do and not being divided, cause the division is weakening us... I love my fellow muslims brothers and sisters as a christian, remember even though muslims don't aknowledge Yeshua/Jesus Christ as the messiah but only as a prophet... I read the quran from time to time and this is almost the same stories as the Bible so please stop playing the devil's game and get back to topic guys. Man I'm really sad seeing the last and only place on the whole internet discussing this type of thing about the music industry going into endless meaningless debates, you're going into duality the exact same duality these agencies and kpop groups are showing you day after day in there music videos with the masonic checkerboard (playing black or white) ... Wake up! you are in the devil's world ! And he want us to be divided and weakened by the division. Stop arguing with each other guys come on we're in late 2023, there is no time for these kind of silly games now. :confused: At the end of the game the king and the pawns goes into the same box so anyways guys.....

"Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them." Ephesians 5:11
Feb 12, 2022
I am sorry to butt in, and I condemn hate towards any religion, ethnic group etc. But we have to accept that this is a kpop/ entertainment thread, and anonymous people from different backgrounds will be posting. You can never get everyone to be knowledgeable and respectful or share the same ideology as you. That is the reality of the world, it is much worse on the internet. Just ignore them if they bother you! If you wish to challenge them om their beliefs do it on a separate thread or in a private chat.
Sorry I disagree.
I'm not telling you or others to accept our ideology.
My message was directed towards my Muslim brothers/sisters and they got the message.
I've seen all day long, whatever productive goes on this thread. When the world has shake hands to stop the genocide, some people here spill their hatred and spread the nefarious agenda. I used this thread because these two individuals post here mostly. You can carry on with your discussion. I'm pretty sure, if it was against some black person on racism, they've chosen to done the same. Blasphemy and disrespect towards one group of people should not be allowed anywhere.
Feb 12, 2022
I really don't want to get thrown into this, but isn't this thread supposed to be about the occult and illuminati symbolism within the kpop industry, why it turned into hates toward some ethnic groups and religions, man wake up we're doing exactly what the devil wants us all to do, that is being divided and weakened, let's think more deeply just for a minute. This thread is without a doubt, the last and only place where we can discuss the satanic symbolism within the kpop industry on the face of the internet without being getting backlash from the mindless fandom and brainwashed kpop fans... Why don't we use this space for doing what we're supposed to do and not being divided, cause the division is weakening us... I love my fellow muslims brothers and sisters as a christian, remember even though muslims don't aknowledge Yeshua/Jesus Christ as the messiah but only as a prophet... I read the quran from time to time and this is almost the same stories as the Bible so please stop playing the devil's game and get back to topic guys. Man I'm really sad seeing the last and only place on the whole internet discussing this type of thing about the music industry going into endless meaningless debates, you're going into duality the exact same duality these agencies and kpop groups are showing you day after day in there music videos with the masonic checkerboard (playing black or white) ... Wake up! you are in the devil's world ! And he want us to be divided and weakened by the division. Stop arguing with each other guys come on we're in late 2023, there is no time for these kind of silly games now. :confused: At the end of the game the king and the pawns goes into the same box so anyways guys.....

"Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them." Ephesians 5:11
Yes I chose to expose the darkness of some people. That's it, also with receipts.

This message was for my Muslim brothers and sisters. You guys carry on.


May 8, 2023

Seunghan of Riize is removed from pre-debut content, and Lisa did not return to Korea from the UK with Blackpink.

I think she's spending some s*xual time with her disgusting lover ("rumoured boyfriend"), Frederic Arnault. Lisa went to France; she is "celebrating his birthday". The article also says,

"Sohu reported that Lisa seems to be preparing for a comeback at Crazy Horse. This performance at Crazy Horse may be more grandiose, surpassing the scale of her five previous shows."

It also says that Lisa may have been not invited and forced to buy an invitation if breakup rumours are true. But why would she buy an invitation, to keep connections with him since he's a billionaire? So she has access to his money like a golddigger escort?

Lisa was spotted shopping alone in France.

Lisa's definitely implying that she's escorting, leaving Blackpink behind for some d*ck.
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Jun 26, 2021
A friend on Instagram said blackpink did some sort of deal, or something behind closed doors for them to get the award. I hope it wasn't anything s*xual but it very well could have been.

Blackpink got the award because I'm guessing the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (the main psychological warfare and propaganda headquarters and directorate of The Committee of 300) wants to use Blackpink to make kpop as
mainstream as possible to try to make people "submissive like 'Asians'", as Klaus Schwab wants the whole world to be "submissive" like Asians.

The Beatles and Rolling Stones were created by Tavistock, to try to manipulate people using their newly created (at that time in the 1960s) "rock music".

Kpop is being used as a medium for elite and zionist propaganda and other agendas (like the lgbtq agenda), like we already know but kpop is being used even moreso than before. Hyuna was also once seen promoting a digital ID, I can't find the post unfortunately.
that's...interesting really. I knew they wanted an audience of guillible robot-like individuals but never in my head I have imagined anything I just read.
Jun 26, 2021
If you're muslim please watch this
lol pls bring this elsewhere. It's fine to bring up religion when you're speaking about yourself but if you're trying to convince someone to convert or whatever you're just derailing. (And btw the title alone is senseless. As if the Prophet Jesus wasn't someone very important in Islam, we just don't say he's God but a human who's a prophet and who isn't dead.)


Sep 21, 2021

Check this out. The members start off in blindfolds just like a freem@son initiation. There's some background noise as if they are controlled by something and being "powered on" like robots. This is some messed up stuff that pretty much exposes everything we have been saying here. Yet of course the blind fans in the comment section will praise them for their "talent." It's sad how the fans have blindfolds on just like the artists do. Consume consume consume.

View attachment 97206

Is this a circle or a pentagram?
Are they somehow trying to mimic any of these...?
