God at Eventide

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
The Peace of God. - November 11

The Peace of God lies deeper than all knowledge of earth's wisest. In that quiet realm of the Spirit, where dwell all who are controlled by My Spirit, there can all secrets be revealed, all Hidden-Kingdom-Truths be shown and learned.

Live there, and Truth deeper than all ‘knowledge’, falsely so-called, shall be revealed to you.

Their lines are gone out into all the earth - so travels the influence, ever-widening, of those who live near to Me.

Take time to be with Me. Count all things but loss, so that you may have Me.
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A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Heaven's Music. - November 12

To glorify Me is to reflect, in praise, My character in your lives. To mount up with wings as eagles, higher and higher, to soar ever nearer to Me.

To praise Me is to sing, to let your hearts thrill. To glorify Me is to express exactly the same, but through the medium of your whole Beings, your whole lives. When I say, "Rejoice, Rejoice," I am training you to express this in your whole natures.

That is the Music of Heaven, the glorifying Me, through sanctified lives and devoted hearts of Love.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
A Lonely Road. - November 13

To Me each one of My children is an individual with varying characteristics and varying needs. To one and all, The Way to the Highest must be a lonely road, as far as human help and understanding are concerned.

None other can feel the same needs and desires, or explain the inner self in the same way. That is why man needs Divine Companionship. The Companionship that alone can understand each heart and need.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Joy is Yours. - November 14

The future is not your concern, that is Mine. The past you have handed back to Me, and you have no right to dwell on that.

Only the present is My gift to you, and of that only each day as it comes. But, if, into that day you crowd past sorrows and resentments and failures, as well as the possible anxieties of the years that may be left to you here - what brain and spirit could bear that strain?

For this I never promised My Spirit and Comfort and Help.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Faithful peace can surpass intelligence.
Numbers 6:24-26
6:24 The "I AM" bless thee, and keep thee:
6:25 The "I AM" make His face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:
6:26 The "I AM" lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Sharing with Me. - November 15

Not by life's difficulties and trials are you trained and taught as much as by the times of withdrawal to be alone with Me.

Difficulties and trials alone are not remedial, are not of spiritual value.

That value is only gained by contact with Me. Joy shared with Me, or sorrow and difficulty shared with Me, both can prove of great spiritual value, but that is gained by the sharing with Me. Share all with Me.

Remember in true friendship sharing is mutual, so as you share with Me, do I in ever-increasing measure share with you - My Love; My Grace; My Joy; My Secrets; My Power. My Manifold Blessings.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
All are Worthy. - November 16

Treat all as those about whom I care.

You would visit the poor, the sick or those in prison, knowing full well I would see it as done unto Me.

I want you now to go still further along The Way of My Kingdom. You contact many who are not poor, not sick, not in prison.

They may be opposed to you. They may disregard much that you consider of value, they may not seem to need your help. Can you treat these, too, as you would wish to treat Me? They may be in need greater than the others you long to aid.

To you their aims may seem unworthy, their ‘Self’-seeking may antagonize you. When I said "Judge not," was I not including them too?

Can you limit My words to suit your own inclinations?

This is not an easy task I set you, but your way is The Way of Obedience. I did not suggest to My followers one they could take or not as they willed. My "Judge not" was imperative, and a new commandment I gave unto them that they should love.

For those who do not yet name Me Lord, Love is the only magnet that will draw them to Me.

Be true; be strong; be loving.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Union with God. - November 17

religion is that which binds the soul to God, and supplicatory prayer binds the soul less than any other form of approach.

It is necessary, how necessary, but how often it can fail to bind truly. Meditation and Communion are of infinitely more value.

Meditation is man's line thrown out. It links the soul to God. Communion is God's line thrown out. It draws and unites the soul to Him.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Joy and Courage. - November 18

Trust in Me. Do more than trust. Joy in Me. If you really trust, you cannot fail to Joy. The wonder of My Care, Protection and Provision is so transcendingly beautiful, as your trust reveals it to you, that your whole heart must sing with the Joy of it.

It is that Joy that will, and does, renew your youth. That source of your Joy and Courage.

Truly did I know what I was enjoining when I said, "Love and Laugh." But - your attitude must be right, not only with Me, but with those around you.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Check Up. - November 19

Turn out all of your ‘Self’ that would rebel against My sway. Know no other rule.

Check your actions and motives habitually. Those that are actuated by ‘Self’-esteem or ‘Self’-pity - condemn.

Discipline yourself ruthlessly rather than let ‘Self’ gain any ascendancy. Your aim is to oust it, and to serve and follow Me only.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Watchful Expectancy. - November 20

Wait before Me, in humble, silent anticipation. Wait in entire and childlike obedience. Wait as a servant anticipating his master's orders and wants.

Wait as a lover eager to note the first suggestion of a need, and to hasten to supply it. Wait for My orders and commands. Wait for My Guidance, My Supply.

Well, indeed, in such a life may you be of good cheer. Can a life be dull and dreary when always there is that watchful expectancy, always that anticipation of glad surprise, always wonder of fulfillment, Joy of supply?


Sep 4, 2023
Hey Freeman mate, as a matter of interest what bible version are you using, it all sounds new to me?

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Be Glad in the Lord. - November 21

Wait before Me with a song of praise in your hearts. Sing unto Me a "New Song". There will always be something in each day for which to thank Me.

Acknowledge every little happening as a revelation of My Love and thought for you. Praise has the power to wash away the bitterness of life. Be glad in the Lord.

Rejoice evermore. Great is the heart's "Thank You." As you learn to thank Me more and more you will more and more see Me in the little happenings, and increasingly see much about which to rejoice. Praise and thanksgiving are the preservers of youth.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
The Look of the Lover. - November 22

How few wait on Me.

Many pray to Me.

They come into My Presence feverish with wants and distress, but few wait there for that calm and strength that contact with Me would give.

Look unto Me and be ye saved. But the look was not meant to be a hurried glance. It was to be the look into My face of the lover beholding the Beloved.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
When Misunderstood. - November 23

Wait upon Me.

Wait until My strength has filled your Being, and you are no longer weak, petty, "misunderstood."

Rise above any fret as to how others may judge you. Leave Me to explain what I will of you and your actions.

Would you seek to follow a Christ Who had wasted His God-power on fruitless explanations?

So with you. Leave Me to vindicate you, and to be your Advocate, or trust My silence in this as in all else.