God at Eventide

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
All on the Alter. - September 24

Absolute Love must decide all your actions.

Fear nothing. Ride the storm.

Delight to do My Will.

Not only money affairs; lay all your letters, your work, all, upon My altar.

Make an offering of each day to Me for the answering of your prayers and for the salvation of My poor world.

Subdue every ‘Self’-thought, utterly, entirely.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
The Love that Satisfies. - September 25

My Mercies are great to all who turn to Me, and to all who turn from Me.

How tenderly I yearn over these wayward ones. How I seek ever to save them from the hurts their very refusal of Me will bring upon them.

I long to save them from the hunger of loneliness that will follow their driving away the only love that will satisfy.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Storms May Rage. - September 26

Live with Me, and words will not be necessary. You will know My Will.

The real necessity is your receptiveness.

That comes through ‘Self’-discipline, that allows of spiritual progress into, and in, a Higher Life.

In that spirit realm you are conscious of My Will. You are one with Me. Truly, you may count all things well lost to win Christ.

I wish you to learn the Glory of a God-protected, guided life. No idle, fruitless rushing hither and thither. Storms may rage, difficulties may press hard, but you will know no harm. Safe, protected and guided.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
My Striving Spirit. - September 27

There is never a time when a man cannot turn repentant to Me and, craving My pardon, receive it.

But there is a time when I cease to be persistent in urging My follower to an action.

The human ear can hear a sound so often until it ceases to convey a meaning, to be heard with awareness.

So with the spirit-ear, unless the whole desire and effort is to carry out My plan, My servant may cease to hear, cease to be aware of My wish.

This is a grave spiritual danger, and I say unto you, watch and guard against it.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Your Only Way. - September 28

There is a stage in Christian development at which My follower should have passed beyond that of general service and conformity to the rules I laid down for My disciples.

When he should be seeking to serve in some special way planned for that soul, and in the service that soul was destined for, which none other can so adequately do.

Think, the Salvation of My world, all planned, even to the minutest detail, but that work is not done through neglect, through failure, through indifference.

My way for you is not a path of general righteousness and obedience, but the actual road mapped out for you, in which you can best help My needy world.