A monk once said to me "We pray for the world".
Or should they leave the seclusion of their monasteries and get out into the world to do "good deeds"?
In answer to your question, please see the following excerpt from
The Way home or face The Fire by JAH :
11:58 All the Prophets have spoken
directly to God, and have done His Will, and have been against religions, and have lived apart with God.
11:59 This does
not mean living in a monastery, or commune, it just means getting away from religions. Hiding from temptation, in a monastery, will do you
no good, because you have to
face temptation, and
overcome it (to win favour with God, by facing temptation and overcoming it -
James 1:2-4. You are, thereby, also setting a good example, to others, and can help the weaker ones to overcome
their temptations, by giving them moral [spiritual] support -
Sura 57:27).
Hiding in a commune, or monastery, is the
cowards’ way out, but they are only cheating themselves, because the more temptation you
overcome, the nearer you get to going home (
James 1:2-4).
11:61 Avoiding temptation is wasting what precious little time you have left, and is like running-on-the-spot, on a conveyor-belt rolling towards The Fire, where you are going nowhere fast, except The Fire.
11:62 These communes only create fear, and do more harm than good, for the former reason, and the following ones.
11:63 The bigger they become, the greater the number of people that are wasting their time, and, because people without faith always fear what they do not understand, public-opinion is set against them. If they become
really big, the people outside get
frightened, and eventually they will attack it. Religious wars start in the same way (
John 16:2).
11:64 These people should go home, to teach their families, and
fight for God. Jesus said that he came, not to bring peace, but a sword (the Word of Truth -
Heb. 4:12), and that a man’s enemies
would be the members of his own household (
Luke 12:51-53). This is because they will be used by Satan, to try to pull you away from your belief (
Micah 7:6) . If they
don’t , then you are
not doing it right, because Jesus has told you, it
WILL happen,
IF you
ARE doing it right (
Matthew 10:34-40).
11:65 Don’t run away and
HIDE in communes. Get on home, and
fight to convince the people that love you, that they are
wrong (love your enemies).
11:66 Fight with the Sword of Truth, not your fists. Truth and Light conquer all darkness and evil. Light destroys darkness painlessly, and easily, and so does the Light of Truth, when combined and delivered with love.
11:67 Stop being such
cowards! Put on God’s Armour (
Ephesians 6:11-19), and show people
The Way.
You once fought
against God, and that got
you sent
here. The
only way out, is to fight the Devil, to
PROVE to God that you have changed sides, and are fit to come home.
11:68 Your
REAL families, in heaven, are waiting for you to come home, and they are hoping that you don’t die, on the Last-Day, in The Fire.
11:69 The Devil’s greatest weapon has always been religions, and with them, he has divided; deceived and conquered the world. You must avoid organized-religions, like the
plague (
Rev. 18:4)!