Differences between the Bible and Islam


Jun 28, 2020
Yes, i believe God's word is infallible.
Agreed, but when the Bible has been changed and man added his own content. Is it still God's word?

"blessed are those who believe without seeing"
Hate to point out the obvious, but if blind faith was sufficient, why send revelation down at all?

Logic comes from God, not satan. Neglect the gift at your own peril.

- done for profit/copyrights. The KJV doesnt have a copyright.
What does KJV stand for? King James Version.

It is literally the way "King James" interprets "Gods word"

Why so many interpretations to the point we have 2k+ Bibles today?

Note a Version does not equal Translation.

Please no personal drama on the thread.
I'm not bringing any.

Feel free to copy / paste this into the last pm, and we can continue it there if you like. Totally up to you.



Mar 23, 2021
So In islam we believe the Earth and the animals/plants already existed. They were created before Adam. That’s why God taught Adam the names of things.

would it be safe to assume that Adam was created before everything according to the Bible? And that’s why he named things of his own accord?
No it would not be this is the order in genesis plants animals adam then adam named the animals but no partner was found for him.

So God creates all the animals and the birds and brings them to Adam to see what he will call them and “whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name” (Gen. 2.19). Adam named all the birds and beasts, but no partner was found for him.

The reason for the naming is dominion Adam was given dominion but screwed that up with the whole eating of said fruit from eve etc.


Dec 27, 2017
Council of Nicea....worship of Jesus to SOL. :)
Those were the Catholics. They didn't/don't represent all Christians then and now.

The Bible is inspired by God and He has always protected it. There is no other spiritual book in this world that is more reliable than the Bible. We can trust it is authoritative in spiritual, historical, and scientific matters. It is not about who wrote the Bible, but about God's message to us.

Some people say the Bible is full of errors and there are especially in newer versions of the Bible. Some of those so-called errors have been errors of judgment or a lack of understanding on the part of those who make the complaint. They are not errors at all, but simply truth misunderstood.

Muslims especially do not understand the Bible at all even if they think they do because they approach it not from a place of wanting to understand the truth of God.

Now It’s true that, in some cases, copyists might have mis-copied a small word or number here and there, but no such supposed error or any other alleged error has affected the absolute truth of God’s Word. Biblical doctrine is not built on one Bible passage, but upon the entire Bible which as I've mentioned above is all inspired by God.
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Sep 4, 2023
I personally think there is no harmony between the Bible and the Quran at all. They are completely different in everything. The character of the God of the Bible is very different to the one of the Quran and other Islamic writings.
Agreed, if Allah and the Christian God are one and the same, I'm Popeye the sailor man..:)






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Sep 4, 2023
This quote in particular tickles me, not only does it say Jesus wasn't crucified, it also says a "stunt man lookalike" took his place on the cross..:D



Sep 4, 2023
Jesus's credentials are way off the scale, his arrival was prophesied centuries before..:)-


And of course his miracles were out of this world..:)
The 37 MIRACLES OF JESUS http://www.bcbsr.com/survey/jmrcls.html
"..even though you do not believe me, believe the miracles, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me, and I in the Father" (John 10:38)
Bringing little girl back to life
Bringing widows son back to life
Bringing Lazarus back to life
Stilling the storm
Feeding 4000
Walking on sea
Feeding 5000
Coin in fishes mouth
Withering fig tree
Big catch of fish
Water into wine
Another big fish catch
Healing leper
Healing Centurions servant
Healing Peters mother-in-law
Healing sick at evening
Healing paralysed man
Healing haemorraging woman
Healing two blind men
Healing mans withered hand
Healing Canaanite womans daughter
Healing boy with seizures
Healing blind man
Healing deaf and dumb man
Healing another blind man
Healing crippled woman
Healing man with dropsy
Healing 10 lepers
Restoring a cut-off ear
Healing noblemans sons fever
Healing crippled man at Bethesda
Healing a born-blind man
Casting out demons into pigs
Curing a mute lunatic
Casting out dirty spirit
Curing a possessed blind-dumb man
Appeared to his followers after his death
Jun 26, 2022
As for incest, one of the reasons it was forbidden during Moses' time, was because of the of the risk of genetic weakness and health complications with the offspring (Deuteronomy 27:22). The first generations on this earth since Adam had almost perfect health. There are many reasons for that including, the time they lived in, the weather, they had a superior diet to ours (they did not eat meat until after the flood), plus the fruit, seeds and plants they ate were not tampered with and provided them with nutrients that we can only dream of nowadays since almost all the fruit and plants we eat are hybridized. Genetically they obviously were superior. It is well known that after the flood human genes have been deteriorating with each generation. So marrying a sister or cousin would not result in the genetic weaknesses and complications that are a huge risk today.
These are good points.

Another reason incest (they didn't think of it as incest nor was it a disgusting thing to them as it today) was allowed before Moses' time was because God did not want His people mixing with the heathen. We are told in the Bible, "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty” (2 Corinthians 6:14-18). God does not want His people marrying unconverted or unbelieving people. He knows those kind of relationships will have problems and His people will mainly end up compromising and being influenced by the unconverted or believing people.

As you know the Bible is filled with stories of believing people mingling and/or marrying unbelievers and we read about the the disasters that followed as a result.
Yes, also true.

The law, as in the ten commandment law existed before God wrote it on stone on Mt Sinai and gave it to Moses and all humanity who choose to submit to Him. We know this because the Bible tells us, "sin is the transgression of the law” (1 John 3:4). There was sin before Sinai and its the reason the world is in the state its in. The book of Genesis tells us of the fall of Adam and Eve and the first murder takes place in chapter 4 when Cain kills Abel. Cain also knew he was guilty of murdering his brother. Plus God would not have destroyed this earth with a flood or destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for their evil deeds if no law existed before Sinai. So where sin is found its because the law has been implemented so that sin can clearly be seen. The law of God shows us sin like a mirror.
Yes, i just meant in terms of how the Law spelled out every kind of illicit relationship, whereas before they werent spelled out.

But yes, before the law Cain knew murder was wrong.
Jun 26, 2022
Another apologetic is they make out a big thing about Islam vehemently rejecting the trinity, yet so many of these people are Protestants who deny the literal presence of Jesus in the eucharist (taking it all as metaphor) and deny that Mary is the "mother of God" (even though the implication is very obvious if Jesus was God), which for Catholics and Orthodox Christians is effectively the same as denying the Trinity. And it is true that the Trinity is inseparable from the literal presence in the Eucharist and the Motherhood of Mary.
Protestants have less of an argument in this matter than Catholics and Orthodox Christians, because they do not commit to their position, whereas Catholics and Orthodox Christians do.
Catholics and Orthodox Christians can argue that "Islam is false because Islam rejects the Eucharist, Mary as Mother of God and the Trinity". Whereas Protestants effectively do the same while claiming it against Islam, despite their claim to believe in the Trinity.
It IS a metaphor, otherwise it would be cannibalism. Not to mention that it would be sacrificing Jesus more than once and the Bible is clear He was a ONE TIME sacrifice.

Hebrews 7
27Who needeth not daily, as those high priests, to offer up sacrifice, first for his own sins, and then for the people's: for this he did once, when he offered up himself. 28For the law maketh men high priests which have infirmity; but the word of the oath, which was since the law, maketh the Son, who is consecrated for evermore

And no Mary is not the "mother of God". She is the mother of Jesus. I recall us discussing this months ago and i mentioned the corrupt council of ephesus, where they declared her the "mother of god". It was an obvious political play because the pagans at ephesus worshipped diana, so the corrupt catholics decided to turn the biblical Mary into their false goddess.

Even catholics admit that their worship - im sorry, veneration - of Mary is based on diana. This has been mentioned before on the forum. I've even posted pictures ive taken of a catholic book in which they admit this.

I'm not going to bother reposting, but a search for diana and ephesus together should bring up the posts and pictures.

And the issue of "the trinity" is obviously not inseparable from the issue of turning a human woman into the "mother of God", or else they would have imposed it at the same council, which they didnt. Both councils which were political plays, and those who had other views were silenced. It was not some unanimous agreement. There have always been differing views, but they were silenced. The political faction that "won" went agaisnt the Bible, as the purpose was increasing converts, not the truth.

The purpose of this thread is not to convert people, it's to discuss the differences between what the Bible says (not what the catholics say, as i made explicitly clear in the OP) and what Islam says.

Trying to invalidate "protestantism" (which includes a variety of beliefs) by insinuating the catholics and orthodox are the only real Christians is not helpful.
Jun 26, 2022
Agreed, but when the Bible has been changed and man added his own content. Is it still God's word?

Hate to point out the obvious, but if blind faith was sufficient, why send revelation down at all?

Logic comes from God, not satan. Neglect the gift at your own peril.

What does KJV stand for? King James Version.

It is literally the way "King James" interprets "Gods word"

Why so many interpretations to the point we have 2k+ Bibles today?

Note a Version does not equal Translation.

I'm not bringing any.

Feel free to copy / paste this into the last pm, and we can continue it there if you like. Totally up to you.

- Some Christians actually would say no, the modern versions are no longer accurately God's word. I don't necessarily agree with them, but it's important to be vigilant when reading a modern translation, and if possinle to stick with the King James.

- blind faith in the gospel, believing just by hearing it. As opposed to people like me who have to read the entire thing many times and study it diligently. There are some Christians who don't require that in order to believe.

- no it's not as king James interpreted it. It was compiled during the reign of king James, using manuscripts from the city of Antioch for the New Testament and the Masoretic text for the Old Testament. King James did not write any if it.

And i already mentioned that there is so many version now because each version makes the publishers money and also because they remove verses, or even idiotic things like making it less "sexist". Many also spread the idea that the KJV is difficult to read, so the agenda of dumbing people down has heloed in this aspect.

I prefer discussing the issue out in the open. By personal drama i mean any comments about other posters on the forum.
Jun 26, 2022
Council of Nicea....worship of Jesus to SOL. :)
The council of nicea would have to do with establishing catholic doctrine, not editing the Bible.

The thing about claims that catholics edited the Bible is that THE CATHOLICS DON'T EVEN FOLLOW THE BIBLE.

If they were gonna edit it, wouldn't they have edited it to endorse their practices?
Wouldnt they have made it say "pray to Mary"?
Or taken out the part about Jesus having brothers and sisters, which contradicts their pagan ever-virgin doctrine?
Or taken out the part about Jesus being a one time sacrifice?
Or the part about how bishops and deacons should be married men?
Or baptism occuring after the person believes, not as a baby, who obviously can't believe anything?

The plan was not to edit it, but to keep it hidden from the people. And once the people had access it was obvious that they were misrepresenting the word of God.


Aug 20, 2023
I read somewhere they believe that Judas got crucified in Jesus' place, if i remember correctly.

Can someone confirm is that is what Islam teaches?
No, this is my own opinion, although I truly believe that somebody else was crucified instead just as mentions the Verse 157 of The Glorious Qur'an's Chapter 4, The Women.

Islam is Pure Monotheism.

One God for everybody since the dawn of time until forever and ever.

I wonder why is it so complicated to understand that that is what is the most important part of anybody's life, that is, to make God the main focus?

I mean, no matter what religion one is born into, what does it matter except for the sure belief that One Omnipresent All-Powerful Entity Is Watching over each and every single one of our thoughts, dreams, and bodies Constantly, and then be good and do good?

I mean, don't we all have a mind whereby we can conduct research alone free from the bias or opinion of anybody else?

Let God Guide you to the truth in your own spare time where nobody else intervenes, because the truth is the only thing that really matters.

Because if one was truly on the truth, there would really be no need whatsoever of support from any other third party, or to feel the need to mock others and whatnot for their belief systems.

In the end, what really matters is one's own personal relationship with God Who Never Dies, while I await it at any turn of the road.


Mar 15, 2017
The way i read it and understand it, the very utterances Adam made did not have a meaning beforehand.

As in, it's not that he knew what the "correct" name was for something, but rather the something had not been named previously, so the sound or series of sounds that Adam made in regard to that creature became it's name.

In Genesis 1, before Adam was created, some names of animals (like whales) are listed. But we have to keep in mind that by the time scripture was revealed to Moses and writen it was long after the time period of Genesis 1.

BUT God created Adam to think, so it could be said the source if all his thoughts is God.

Different prophets wrote different ones. Some of the books claim authorship explicitly.

The first five books (the Torah) are said to have been written by Moses himself, with later additions at the very end of Deuteronomy (the 5th book) after Moses'death Joshua.
So what you say about Adam is that your own conclusion or is in your Bible? I know a few Christians in real life and I’ve had this discussion before with them. They’ve told me that God taught Adam the names of things. Also if some animals like the whale were already named, doesn’t that point to God telling Adam what the names of things were? It’s a bit strange for Adam to just utter some sounds and God say yeah cool we’ll go with that. If God creates something he names it is my argument, not Adam.

Are you and I not created to think? The source of all our thoughts is definitely not God.

The reason I ask the authorship of the accounts of the prophets is, it’s important to consider the perspective and date they were written. Id argue there seems to be some ambiguity in this and a lot of the prophet stories according to the Bible don’t show them in a great light. It would be helpful to know who wrote the accounts so we could get an idea of reliability. Probably something I’ll look into this weekend.
Jun 26, 2022
Because if one was truly on the truth, there would really be no need whatsoever of support from any other third party, or to feel the need to mock others and whatnot for their belief systems.
I hope no one is taking this thread as an attempt to mock anything or anyone.
The point of the thread is to highlight the differences, especially since it has been said before that both teach the same things with the exception of Jesus. From what i have read this is simply not true.