Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG


Jun 28, 2020
This 100%! @DesertRose and @Serveto were always good at giving a comprehensive analysis of geopolitics of the Middle East, but neither are here.
Problem is the language barrier. Most of the west can only take information in English, which leaves them subject to Zionist propaganda.

It is as the say, the first casualty of war is the truth. While deception is literally Israels motto.


Question what you read, unless you're there its impossible to know whats going on.



Jan 22, 2018
The reporting of the Palestinians firing over 5000 missiles in a twenty minute period has not been validated by any video evidence. This equates to over 4 missiles a second for a full 20 minute period. I'm sure there would have been quite a few mobiles pointing at the sky to capture this attack but no footage has made its way to the msn channels.

There is an ominous air of familiarity with the narrative that's being framed by the UK media with them all using phrases such as "retaliatory attacks" and "as a response to" in justifying Israels actions.

The footage we have been shown relating to the damage those missiles caused is a burning car here, an immobilised tank there and a couple of buildings with small fires. On tonight's evening news they were showing the Israel Air Force levelling buildings in Palestine with no international condemnation whatsoever.

If you want to see how one sided the reporting of this latest atrocity is then watch this garbage by GB news.

The comments section is an interesting read also.
Mar 30, 2017
The reporting of the Palestinians firing over 5000 missiles in a twenty minute period has not been validated by any video evidence. This equates to over 4 missiles a second for a full 20 minute period. I'm sure there would have been quite a few mobiles pointing at the sky to capture this attack but no footage has made its way to the msn channels.

There is an ominous air of familiarity with the narrative that's being framed by the UK media with them all using phrases such as "retaliatory attacks" and "as a response to" in justifying Israels actions.

The footage we have been shown relating to the damage those missiles caused is a burning car here, an immobilised tank there and a couple of buildings with small fires. On tonight's evening news they were showing the Israel Air Force levelling buildings in Palestine with no international condemnation whatsoever.

If you want to see how one sided the reporting of this latest atrocity is then watch this garbage by GB news.

The comments section is an interesting read also.
I think this comment seems to sum it up:

13 hours ago
This happens everyday in Palestine. Pray so that both countries could live in peace."

The thing is, no one in the West ever really cares what happens in Palestine. The collective mindset is either apathy or just plain uninterested, despite the fact Israel is basically funded by the US. Case in point:

President Biden tells Netanyahu in phone call that more military aid is on its way to Israel


Jun 28, 2020
The reporting of the Palestinians firing over 5000 missiles in a twenty minute period has not been validated by any video evidence. This equates to over 4 missiles a second for a full 20 minute period. I'm sure there would have been quite a few mobiles pointing at the sky to capture this attack but no footage has made its way to the msn channels.
4 per second is pretty high and 5000 seems unlikely. But i hear the PA and Hezbollah (Lebanon) have joined in. So it could be higher numbers.


Here's the video.

Idk if anyone bothered to watch the TPS video i posted towards the beginning but in it he does mention the "iron dome" (Israels defense system) being fake. Makes one question why its not stopping all of these rockets now?
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Mar 30, 2017
the blind beast called America is supporting who ?
isreal the tenth largest arms exporter almost for a dacade...... isn't that amazing

This document is interesting. I know it's been said by a few analysts that the sign of an empire falling is its only export is military arms. The US being 1st is no surprise, but considering that Israel is 10th considering it's size is remarkable.
Mar 30, 2017
Interesting video about 6 minutes long from a Gazan. Highlights some things

I agree, it's probably one of the best videos I've watched that explain exactly what's going on. When the gentleman was describing what was transpiring in Palestine, all I kept thinking is they're dealing with satan's underlings. The footage showing how the zionists treat them is maddening.
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Jan 10, 2019
We know why, but like usual it is every news company reporting the same headlines, politicians and celebrities saying identical sentences.
Just like "covid" it's extremely revealing on what side of the fence people's allegiances fall. It's been great to see the outpouring from those who understand and support the Palestinian cause for nationhood. As for honest reporting both Palestine Chronicle and Middle East Eye are two trusted sites keeping a live journal of updates. The events in Palestine are horrific but I think necessary. Maybe now the world will be forced to respond to the living hell that the native inhabitants of the land have endured under psychopath Israel's control.


Jan 10, 2019


May 20, 2017
Thanks, Orwell's mentor for the shout-out. Currently battling a cold but I am glad for this thread.
Just in case some are morally stunted and do not recognize the oppression, apartheid, torture, wrongful imprisonment, and the ethnic cleansing that has been going on for the last 80 or more years. Here is a report from Amnesty International as an heads-up.
To read the full report:
Israel And Occupied Palestinian Territories 2022

"Israel’s continuing oppressive and discriminatory system of governing Palestinians in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) constituted a system of apartheid, and Israeli officials committed the crime of apartheid under international law. Israeli forces launched a three-day offensive on the occupied Gaza Strip in August during which they committed apparent war crimes. This compounded the impact of a 15-year ongoing Israeli blockade that amounts to illegal collective punishment and further fragments Palestinian territory. Israel escalated its crackdown on Palestinians’ freedom of association. It also imposed arbitrary restrictions on freedom of movement and closures that amounted to collective punishment, mainly in the northern West Bank, ostensibly in response to armed attacks by Palestinians on Israeli soldiers and settlers. The year saw a rise in the number of Palestinians unlawfully killed and seriously injured by Israeli forces during raids in the West Bank. Administrative detentions of Palestinians hit a 14-year high, and torture and other ill-treatment continued. Israeli forces demolished al-Araqib village in the Negev/Naqab for the 211th time. A further 35 Palestinian-Bedouin towns in Israel were still denied formal recognition and residents faced possible forcible transfer. Authorities failed to process asylum claims for thousands of asylum seekers, and imposed restrictions on their right to work."

If someone is still supporting that psychopathic oppressive state with their words, and deeds, I hope they receive the same judgment in the next life as those they are supporting. God willing.

Beautiful response by a brother from Gaza, Alhamdulillah

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