Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
We already knew this but to hear it from them is important.
Screenshot 2023-09-30 at 06-54-51 Armstrong Economics.png...cause it doesn't exist.
Screenshot 2023-09-30 at 06-57-14 Armstrong Economics.png

This video clip shows that Moderna never even had a sample of "the virus" to make a vaccine gene therapy bio-weapon. It was all just theoretical computer science.

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Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
Joke of the Day

Screenshot 2023-09-30 at 07-50-38 Clouds can spread antibiotic-resistant bacteria Canadian-Fre...png

This plane is just a conspiracy theory.

Screenshot 2023-09-30 at 07-48-01 chemtrail planes at DuckDuckGo.pngScreenshot 2023-09-30 at 07-47-20 unnamed.jpg (JPEG Image 900 × 900 pixels) — Scaled (77%).pngScreenshot 2023-09-30 at 08-03-42 chemtrail planes at DuckDuckGo.png

Another crazy conspiracy theory right?

Screenshot 2023-09-30 at 07-53-42 Does Bill Gates Want To Put mRNA Vaccines Into Animals to ‘G...png

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Aug 21, 2023
I'm not sure about the real damage that the mRna rubbish can cause if it is ingested through meat. Our stomach is there to digest. It has a great protection system, which means that we are capable of detoxifying ourselves. Otherwhise the human race would have become extinct 300.000 years ago.
They could bribe the food safety authority, inject poison in food and sell it in stores, but they want us to take the damn mRna stuff to get the results they aim for. The stomach is not the way to go so they have no choice but doing injections.

Let's not forget that the new society they're creating is based on media-induced fear. So the online alerts on "their leaked plans" might come from the same evil source. They control the media and know everything about "conspiracies". It's smart to create conspiracies of their own. This way, they know exactly what passes through our brains. The goal is to hold our attention and make us mentally absorb their stuff as much as possible.
Pay attention to the wording of the article. "People think so". What people? And if the mysterious people think so we should automatically think alike, not questioning it? The wording is coarse, thus suspicious.
In this case, the target is not the vaxed layman who watches TV, but the people who were not deceived. The covid-believers are scared of something, the non-believers are scared of something else. We think we are not manipulated by them, but sadly we likely are. They certainly hold our attention. So take any scoop with a grain of salt.

At this point, "Bill Gates" have become the keywords that make any "leakage" believable. He is the epitome of evil, so he is behind all the evil things that may happen in the future, from malaric mosquitoes to devices that obscure the sun. Is he doing all this alone? Doesn't he get a tiny bit of sleep at night?
Be suspicious of your suspicions, is the rule.
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Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019


Aug 22, 2021
It's the same as the Canadian House of Commons. As soon as an MP talks about the killer jab deaths the place empties out. Sell-outs - every single one of them.
manipulating the public perception, they are aware there's an audience watching this
the average people see a bunch of people leaving and assume nobody really cares

don't remember the exact study name, but there was a science experiment about this
but when a group of enough individuals collectively react the same way or agree/disagree equally, then those unaware among them become incapable of doing the opposite, even tho it may go against their own will, and they know it's wrong, they still proceed to do and say the wrong thing only because everyone else is doing/saying it

some of us are watching how this unfolds, not just in English speaking areas, when the French and Spanish people report about the adverse reactions you know the dam is inevitably breaking... last week we had the first two local major mainstream news reports about the clot-shot adverse injuries


May 15, 2017
It's the same as the Canadian House of Commons. As soon as an MP talks about the killer jab deaths the place empties out. Sell-outs - every single one of them.
L3m4's right
tptb Know We are the mass majority now and it's extremely
easy to See when Ya look through the comments on any
sorta post anywhere about this poison now

there is no support,barely anyone is buying into it this
time around,those who have taken it have become injured
and are refusing to take anymore as the next may actually
kill them,or they've already lost someone to the poison

it will never be shown though even if it was 3 Peoples in
support tptb will always paint it as a majority for any of
the agendas they have so they can push through "laws"
in favor of their agendas

which is why I think they'll have to play a different card
from their hand this time around
I said it before somewhere in here,that the next thing they
pull if it's a suriv will have Peoples dropping dead in the streets
unlike the divoc

it will be horrific as in bleeding from eyes,nose ears,mouth
like a eebowla but of course not more than likely it will be them
cranking up the frequency everywhere but it will present as
a deadlier suriv to the Peoples and the mortality will be a

if that don't work to scare enough back into submission they do
have other cards to play like the blue beam which is gearing up
with these so called sightings that are now happening in multiple
places,all different times and are getting Seen,recorded everywhere

Ya Know they're prepping for something they always are
I think there is also a reason most of those We See coming through
the borders are mostly all fighting aged men

@L3M4 is the "program/study" Ya are thinking of posted
in here as I Know some of those sorta "studies/programming"
are posted in here



Aug 21, 2023
don't remember the exact study name, but there was a science experiment about this
but when a group of enough individuals collectively react the same way or agree/disagree equally, then those unaware among them become incapable of doing the opposite, even tho it may go against their own will, and they know it's wrong, they still proceed to do and say the wrong thing only because everyone else is doing/saying it
thanks L3M4, this is important information. All the social studies they have done... In there lies the key to understand the unexplicable mass behaviour we have witnessed. I wish I found a list of these studies. I can't still wrap my head about the harm that millions of my countrymen have done to themselves by getting the jab 3 times, trusting their lives to the government that was so hated and despised up until the virus. It used to be a nation of protesters, critics, satirists, authority challengers. Italians have been robbed on many levels with the unbelievable tax regime. Fantasizing about shooting politicians was common practice. But as soon as they started closing off small towns because of the "contagion", criticizing the government became the worst heresy. No one dared to say a word against the authorities. I don't buy the "fear of the virus" thing. They were afraid of the police on the streets asking for their circulation permit, afraid of incredible statements like "covid negationists are enemy of the people and should go around with a sign on their clothes". It was a reenactment of Mussolini's era, with (almost) total support from citizens. What about our culture of protest and satire, the worship of the partigiani who died for our freedom? Italians are anarchists or fascists? the answer has nothing to do with political ideologies. The answer is in the study you mentioned.
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Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
some of us are watching how this unfolds, not just in English speaking areas, when the French and Spanish people report about the adverse reactions you know the dam is inevitably breaking... last week we had the first two local major mainstream news reports about the clot-shot adverse injuries
Hopefully there is more to come as more people wake up to the fact that we are being annihilated or made to be less than human.


May 15, 2017
No this shouldn't have even been funded in anyway
why are We even trying to accomplish something
like this it should never have been a thing to begin
with as it already removes all bodily autonomy

We Know why though and that tptb want this sorta
thing for mass control and depop

hmmmmm makes me wonder now if what they did in
new yourk was actually this as they did say as they were
doing it's for the westnyil eh

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