All-purpose, off-topic religious responses thread

Jun 26, 2022
they will harass Muslims as well for opposing liberal degeneracy. it's easy for you to ignore. the thing is Muslims stand their ground much more than Christians.
I found this relevant reddit post
Can someone give me a reason why the West ignores Islamo-fascism?
I honestly don't understand it. It's like "turkey's voting for Christmas". I keep seeing LGBT groups and "socialist parties" marching in "solidarity" with Muslims, do they realise what Islam actually is? Maybe it's because I've had live among Islam fanatics and know how uniquely toxic the ideology is to non-followers, but the idea of a gay social democrat in Norway or France or England supporting literal fascism in the form of Islam is just mind-boggling to me. Do they just support every ideology, regardless of what it is?
The answers (language warning)

theyre avoiding being labeled as "islamaphobic" (a term i dislike) "bigots" "racists
No, it's just the liberal leftwing policy of trying to coexist with followers of an ancient Arab desert religion cult.

Now it's true the majority are well-behaved and law-abiding. However, the cult founder preached violence, misogyny and r*pe. They don't understand what they're getting everyone into and still keep commercializing it like anyother cause and contradict themselves. "We must accept gays in", "we need to accept Muslims and protect them!"
islam is receiving so much solidarity is because it’s the religion of a minority. The political left used to oppose the spreading of religion (especially christianity in the west), but they have always stood up for the minorties. I just don’t think they fully understand what it means to support islam.
  1. Leftist naivety about minorities, and Islam has the biggest voice among minorities.
  2. Western post-colonial guilt.
As a leftist it boils my piss to see leftists allying with Islamists. By shutting down valid concerns about Islam/multiculturalism they're driving waves of traditional Left voters towards the working-class-driven Far Right
There is a lot of racism in the west, muslims are victims to a lot of this racism, because of this, and muslims being a minority, people feel they have to speak in defence of them and protect them, which in itself is a good thing. Defending people doesn't have to mean defending their beliefs, which some people conflate. On the right you have people who think because islam is bad therefore muslims are bad, and on the left you have people who think because muslims need to be protected therfore islam should also be protected
The west is not a monolith. Rich elite assholes use islam to promote their agendas
  1. Western excess guilt over their past bullshit.
  2. West's outlook of islam as just another religion.
  3. Left's stupidity over multiculturalism and liberalism
Misguided anti racism and cultural relativism
In summary, due to Islam's perception as the "other" the liberal/leftists give it a free pass - for now.

As for muslims standing their ground, that same subreddit has hundreds of posts that would show otherwise.


Aug 8, 2023
I found this relevant reddit post

The answers (language warning)

In summary, due to Islam's perception as the "other" the liberal/leftists give it a free pass - for now.

As for muslims standing their ground, that same subreddit has hundreds of posts that would show otherwise.
what would non-muslims know about the pressures Muslims face. it isn't that Muslims don't face pressure to adopt cultural marxist nonsense, it's that Muslims have greater willingness to resist it than Christians do.


Mar 23, 2021
so either the government is liberal secular democracy or there is "compulsory worship"?

I don't get why people seem to think like that. I think people have been given this false idea of what a religious government would look like in order to make them accept the masonic system of liberal secular democracy. they'll do things like talk as though a religious government means the government genocides everyone who doesn't hold a particular religious doctrine.

You mention Catholicisim but I don't think even Catholic monarchies were normally out to genocide non-Catholics or anything like that (although I know there were cases where that kind of thing happened). I wasn't talking specifically about a Catholic monarchy, though.

Also, you say theocracy.

To me, a theocracy in a pejorative sense is- the government claims to be directly inspired by God.

To me, the government should have a person at the head who is religious and who presents himself as pious and a champion of the faith.

Another thing is, I think the masses of people are basically sheep. Any idea that we can change this I think is naïve. I think the masses are basically sheep. Right now all sorts of means are used to turn them into immoral degenerates. What I believe is the same sort of means should be used to encourage them to be pious.

As far as what I'm talking about with Christianity, the Francoist regime in Spain is a modern example. The ruler presents himself as a defender of the faith, morals and religiosity are strongly encouraged but I don't think anyone was genocided for not believing in the faith or anything like that. And the government also concerned itself with protecting morality.

The ruler is like a father and the state is like a family on a large scale. The people are like sheep. The ruler needs to present himself as a religious person and in this way set a proper example for the masses. The ruler also should combat public immorality. This means things like OnlyFans are shut down. This means lgbt is criminalized. This means people who involve themselves in open, public immorality are cracked down upon.

The ordinary masses of people are not these bright intellectual people. They are like sheep. They need to be guided and they will be guided. If they're not guided by moral people, they will be guided by immoral people.

You can engineer the society to have moral values just like it is currently engineered to have immoral values.

So I believe the state should enjoin the good and forbid the evil, it should promote morality and combat immorality. I don't think there is anything about this that implies the ruler is going to genocide non-believers or anything like that.

Of course I think the state should be Muslim and I hold that Islam is the only acceptable religion in the sight of Allah.

But I think Western society would be better off if Christians would think more like their medieval predeccessors and not be ok with things like secularism and not think things like "you can't legislate morality". I mean true you can't force people to be truly moral... but you can persecute open immorality, promote morality and guide the masses of people to following higher moral standards just as they are currently guided to being degenerates.

Just talking against immorality is not enough. Relatively more moral societies can be built and it should be done by things like "legislating morality". Look at covid. The masses will go along with whatever. You can make them go along with moral principles just like you can make them go along with covid mania.
Have you not see what happens when religious people are in charge? For examples check out every cult or popes start with medival since you say christians should think more like their medival predecessor and tell use how that worked out.


Aug 20, 2023
please explain how ones religion is protected by the state yet wicca (religion) would be banned or have members imprisoned.
protection against immorality: upon whos standards? obviously, its upon islams standards. so if someones religion involves what islam would consider immorality, it would be banned. thats unfair.

do i get right to speak my mind?
do i have freedom of expression?
do i have freedom of the press if it challenges or critiques islam?
how about classical artwork with nudity done in a tasteful manner: banned?
can women take their tops off at the beach? can i go to a nude beach if i feel like it?

cognac and some other liquors have some health benefits. this would banned under sharia law, never mind that public drunkenness should be your main target, not someone having a glass of wine with dinner (wine: also beneficial for ones health).

by the way, is marijuana banned in the koran? what about psilocybin mushrooms? where do you draw the line between "drug" and ''medicine", natural and synthetic?

if you find a beneficent government, ill find you in fantasyland.
name any government. im against it.
you would have to be crazy to give up your right to fight against the government.
Note that wine is a synonym for intoxicant here, first image.

And no, indecent exposure is forbidden simply because 3rd image first then the 2nd one. The devil wants us to be shameless whereas God wants us to never lose our innocence and shyness for fear of us becoming pervs, hence depriving us of His Guidance.


Jun 26, 2022
"only the Christians are being targeted... I have no idea what Muslims experience so let me tell me tell you how Muslims aren't being targeted like I am"


So in his eyes traditional Muslim dress and hijab being banned is synonymous with being FORCED to dress like a prostitute?

I'm sure women can still wear loose fitting long sleeve shirts and ankle length skirts - no body parts on display. It's not about forcing women to be on display, it's about enforcing secularism.

(I'm not saying im pro secularism)

But consider this -- secularism does not HAVE to lead to degeneracy. If one believes in free will, then one realizes that people make CHOICES and no one is forcing anyone to dress like a prostitute. No one is stopping parents from instilling faith in their children.

If one does NOT believe in free will (as i understand, Muslims believe everything is preordained, correct me if i'm wrong), then no matter what someone who turns out degenerate would have turned out degenerate...

Just something to think about.

(Homeschooling being banned is horrible, not gonna lie)


Mar 23, 2021
Muslims are targeted but Muslims are the ones that most resist. that is a different than a helpless victim mindset and it is the truth.
Because what you say so? Anyone who wants freedom is being targeted its not just "insert victim muslim here" come on even the movies don't use jihad john anymore your group isn't the "IT" poster victim flavor of the month anymore. Your group has been used and now its on to another group to use for an agenda just as "insert religious group here" "nationality here" see why it so easy to seperate us and make The P that BE's job so easy. In fact I prophesy that your Muslim group will gladly jump on the AC's new one world religion because it will be a full crack down on individual freedoms and your group doesn;t have the best track record.
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