LGBT + kids.


Jun 17, 2017
You have to see this sick crap to believe it - Young childrens books about 'Swinging'

Feb 12, 2022
How is this progressive? I'm pretty sure, once it was considered as
Exhibitionism involves exposing the genitals to become sexually excited or having a strong desire to be observed by other people during sexual activity. Exhibitionistic disorder involves acting on exhibitionistic urges or fantasies or being distressed by or unable to function because of those urges and fantasies.


May 15, 2017
since it's about the target fiasco
I'm sharing the video CFAU did on this
subject ,he talks about the artist used to design
some of the featured items.

usually they're a very questionable props and real shady
person/s involved,as We have all Seen with other medias/

bawlinceeaga,look at the artists and the rest
that worked on that one ad,We See things that
shouldn't be done by anyone with ties any of tptb
evil agenda

they definitely shouldn't be allowed to use Children,
make reference to Children or to even create things
for Children

Ya would think these other companies would See
the repercussions,the cost to those companies who've
tried to stick with the agendas but looks like they
didn't learn at all from all the other "inclusive"woke
brands eh

there's still many jumping on board with the agenda

I watched a video yesterday that explained perfectly
whythat happens with some of the bigger well Known

I'm looking for it so I can add to this
Mar 30, 2017
Jul 12, 2022
Some more good news:

‘Huge success’: Thousands of students absent from schools across Canada in protest of ‘Pride Month’
Wow this is good, I'm happy they aren't attending. It's sad, cause it seems like most of them from what I know are going to school and sadly believe in the LGBT.


Jul 24, 2022
.... It's sad, cause it seems like most of them from what I know are going to school and sadly believe in the LGBT.
The saddest part is those whose parents have abdicated their responsibilities as parents; instead, they've left their children to the whims of the media and the "educators" of the State. They'd rather party and have their second childhood. Many that I know simply refuse to "parent" because they are more interested in being their child's "best buddy" (reliving a childhood via that route, I suppose).

I never thought I would say that I'm glad my next door neighbor is a devout Muslim. I may not agree with his chosen religion, but I don't have any problem with his children or his ethics. He seems to be one of the few residents in my neighborhood who doesn't exhibit some form of insanity or criminality. I've been here over fifty years, and the area has taken a distinct turn for the worse ever since that coof plague.
Jul 12, 2022
They'd rather party and have their second childhood. Many that I know simply refuse to "parent" because they are more interested in being their child's "best buddy"
Definitely seeing more of this. A parent should be a friend, yes, but also still continue to be a parent and discipline the kid in a fair way that can help teach them properly. We have too many kids having kids these days, even ones with a child mentality.


Feb 18, 2020
So I went to my local library today and found out it was pride month. There was something so obvious about the decorations. The children and teen section was packed with lgbt decorations/balloons/books. Hanging over the top of a statue of 2 small boys reading books were balloons spelling out “pride.” Then they had all these books about children having different genders and whatnot. The teen section was about the same.

Interestingly, when you head over to the adult section….there’s barely anything. I only saw a rainbow flag but that’s pretty much it. It was much more toned down compared to the kids section.


May 12, 2023
I never thought I would say that I'm glad my next door neighbor is a devout Muslim. I may not agree with his chosen religion, but I don't have any problem with his children or his ethics. He seems to be one of the few residents in my neighborhood who doesn't exhibit some form of insanity or criminality. I've been here over fifty years, and the area has taken a distinct turn for the worse ever since that coof plague.
Someone said theres a passage in the Bible that states something like. If religion isn't in your house, and your house lies empty. Something else will take up residence.


Jul 24, 2022
Perhaps you're thinking of the Parable of the Empty House (Matthew 12:43)?


May 15, 2017
this is ridiculous now
no doubt parents are getting fed up,everybody is
even those that are apart of the lgb

why does it seem like every time some place declares
measures to protect Children from this crap
california takes even more measures to indoctrinate



May 12, 2023
this is ridiculous now
no doubt parents are getting fed up,everybody is
even those that are apart of the lgb

why does it seem like every time some place declares
measures to protect Children from this crap
california takes even more measures to indoctrinate

It's what happened in Germany. During the Weimar Republic. When the Frankfurt School and Critical Theory were in control.

In October 1923, when one US dollar could buy 4.2 billion marks and six wheelbarrows of banknotes could barely buy a loaf of bread, it was said that “the most exquisite blow job to be had in Berlin never cost an American tourist more than 30 cents.” 19

Arriving in Berlin during the hyperinflation crisis (1923), Klaus Mann—son the great German novelist Thomas Mann—remembered walking past a group of dominatrices:

Some of them looked like fierce Amazons, strutting in high boots made of green, glossy leather. One of them brandished a supple cane and leered at me as I passed by. ‘Good evening, madam,’ I said. She whispered in my ear, ‘Want to be my slave? Costs only six billions and a cigarette.’ 14
Georg Grosz, Before Sunrise. Prostitutes and their clients in the red-light district… this is how they actually dressed and paraded themselves in the garish, lamp-lit streets.

“Berlin nightlife, my word, the world hasn’t seen anything like it!” “We used to have a first-class army. Now we have first class perversions.” 20
10-year-old children turned tricks in the railway stations. A group of 14-year-old Russian girls, refugees from the Red Terror in Stalin’s Communist slaughter house, managed to make a lucrative living in Berlin as dominatrices. Little girls were freely available for sex not only in child brothels and pharmacies but could be ordered by telephone and delivered to clients by taxi, like takeaway meals. Particularly bizarre were mother-and-daughter teams offering their services to the same client simultaneously. Mel Gordon writes: “One French journalist, Jean Galtier-Boissière, described, in sickly pornographic detail, the creeping horror of feeling a nine-year-old girl’s tiny, but proficient, fingers stroking his upper thigh while the broken-toothed mother covered his face with hot sucking kisses.” 15
Magnus Hirschfeld (1868-1935). The first advocate for homosexual and transgender rights and himself a homosexual, Hirschfeld figured out that there were 64 different types of male, ranging from the extremely masculine heterosexual male to the extremely feminine homosexual male. Whether there are also 64 different types of females, ranging from the extremely feminine heterosexual female to the extremely masculine butch lesbian, is not clear. Described as the “the Einstein of Sex”, Hirschfeld thought abortion was a good thing and approved of miscegenation and the mongrelization of the White race.
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