LGBT + kids.


May 15, 2017
At this point people with some morals have to rise up and slap these idiots down before we lose a whole generation of kids to very damaging agendas like this. I don't care if Christians Muslim or other at this point. I think the common ground is stay away you sicko's from our kids.
if nothing else can unite Us,what is happening in Our World
to Our Children should be enough to make one line for all to
unite for and hold strong


Mar 15, 2017
She went to a father of 2 yrs child and questioned why she always see her dressed in pink and further says the child should be allowed to gender fluidity and say the child may be trans
What's going on in society o_O
I bet that same woman would be encouraging that man to make his daughter "go trans" if the little girl decided she now only wants to wear blue....


May 15, 2017
YES!!! Agreed! Everything else is petty in compare.
right,it should be as simple as that

Peoples too afraid of getting canceled so they keep
their mouths shut going along to get along and virtue

be that unhammered nail,Ya may inspire someone else
to stand and add their voice
positive emotions/actions can spread just like the neg


Jun 28, 2020
This is what you get when mix nudism, homsexuality, sex ed and sex positivity ('cause were're all brought by storks, what with our parents being so sex "negative" and whatnot!), and specifically, acceptance of them.
It really is an escalating agenda.

It started with acceptance in the 80's, "I'm gay, deal with it".

Then they demanded marriage cause "love is love".

Then they demanded Christians bake their wedding cakes because bigotry is bad.

Then they demanded parades with children present.

Infiltrated the libraries and pre-school rooms for "story hour"
Then handed out condoms and sex toys to the older kids.

Demanded adoption and today they r*pe the kids.

Now if you don't join in on their festivities then you are simply not welcome in the country.

Its gonna get worse, today MAPS (pdf files) are fighting for their alleged rights ...and "furries" are a thing, where people dress up like animals and sodomize one another.


There is a reason the people of Sodom were absolutely destroyed.

Have you heard of Pompeii?


Jul 24, 2022
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Have you heard of Pompeii?

Indeed I have ... I was fascinated by Mount Vesuvius and the eruption and destruction when I was a young'un. As an adult I was fortunate to see the traveling exhibit about Pompeii (I forget the name of it). They had plaster casts that were made of some the victims, all sorts of museum quality artifacts. I distinctly recall the casts they had of a dog and a man ... This was long ago, I want to say that it was in the early 1980s and it was at the State Fair of Texas for that year's Fair. But I may be confusing that with the Cleopatra -- or was it Tutenkhatem? that also made a stop at the Fair one year.

We're fortunate here (or at least WERE fortunate) in that we used to have great exhibits that would make stops either at the State Fair, or the Dallas Museum of Arts, or the Fort Worth Museum. One year I got to see the Ancient Christianity exhibits--now THAT was cool. They had an ancient stone tomb with all sorts of carvings on it, ancient jewelry, stuff loaned from the Vatican (there was a HELLA old Bible, an illustrated one but could not touch) and also what was purported to be a portion of the True Cross. Many relics of Saints, and artwork from the Middle Ages. It was fascinating.

ANYWAY, I think you are trying to draw a parallel between Sodom/Gtown with Pompeii? Interesting theory about Pompeii that I have never heard proposed before. I mean, I've always chalked it up to natural forces and taken the eruption and preceding earthquake along with Pliny's history for granted. But I suppose that one explanation is as good as you know of any Christian writers of the period that make that argument?

I am a psuedo-scholar of the Ancients ,,. since Pompeii's destruction was in ... 79? anno domini, I'm surprised I've not seen it mentioned in (say) Eusebius? Maybe I just glossed over it. Or maybe some still-lost author's work. I'm only familiar with Pliny's take. If memory serves, it was the older Pliny that sailed to the rescue, and the younger Pliny wrote the account?

PS: and I'll be hornswargled if I didn't find a link for the Pompeii exhibit I went to see. Here ya go:

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Jun 28, 2020
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Have you heard of Pompeii?

Indeed I have ... I was fascinated by Mount Vesuvius and the eruption and destruction when I was a young'un. As an adult I was fortunate to see the traveling exhibit about Pompeii (I forget the name of it). They had plaster casts that were made of some the victims, all sorts of museum quality artifacts. I distinctly recall the casts they had of a dog and a man ... This was long ago, I want to say that it was in the early 1980s and it was at the State Fair of Texas for that year's Fair. But I may be confusing that with the Cleopatra -- or was it Tutenkhatem? that also made a stop at the Fair one year.

We're fortunate here (or at least WERE fortunate) in that we used to have great exhibits that would make stops either at the State Fair, or the Dallas Museum of Arts, or the Fort Worth Museum. One year I got to see the Ancient Christianity exhibits--now THAT was cool. They had an ancient stone tomb with all sorts of carvings on it, ancient jewelry, stuff loaned from the Vatican (there was a HELLA old Bible, an illustrated one but could not touch) and also what was purported to be a portion of the True Cross. Many relics of Saints, and artwork from the Middle Ages. It was fascinating.

ANYWAY, I think you are trying to draw a parallel between Sodom/Gtown with Pompeii? Interesting theory about Pompeii that I have never heard proposed before. I mean, I've always chalked it up to natural forces and taken the eruption and preceding earthquake along with Pliny's history for granted. But I suppose that one explanation is as good as you know of any Christian writers of the period that make that argument?

I am a psuedo-scholar of the Ancients ,,. since Pompeii's destruction was in ... 79? anno domini, I'm surprised I've not seen it mentioned in (say) Eusebius? Maybe I just glossed over it. Or maybe some still-lost author's work. I'm only familiar with Pliny's take. If memory serves, it was the older Pliny that sailed to the rescue, and the younger Pliny wrote the account?

PS: and I'll be hornswargled if I didn't find a link for the Pompeii exhibit I went to see. Here ya go:

Problem with history is its his-story and the winner records it. We don't really know unless we were there ourselves.

I think Pompeii very well could have been Sodom,

History says Pompeii was destroyed by a volcanic eruption from Mt Vesuvius.


If these people were buried in volcanic rock, most of their flesh and organs would have been eviscerated as molten lava will reach 1400F and up to 2,200F depending on the composition.

You would not have these perfectly preserved casts.

The face alone would be absolutely erased, that should be a skull minimum. But even the lips are intact.

If you can access a metal foundry go toss a complete chicken into some molten aluminum which is typically 1300-1400F. I highly doubt the bones will remain, let alone its fleshy bits.

We live in a secular world where the people running things are desperate to remove all signs of God. If you're Christian you should at least question what you are being told. Especially when it comes from the academic world which churns out atheists left, right and center.

We live in a world where "Science" is telling us grand dad is an ape.

I'm not saying for sure the people of Pompeii are the people of prophet Lot but they could be. God knows best what happened.

Welcome to the age of deceit.


May 12, 2023
Its gonna get worse, today MAPS (pdf files) are fighting for their alleged rights ...and "furries" are a thing, where people dress up like animals and sodomize one another.
You should probably look at the entire Governmental, Academic, and Media industry grooming kids first. The freaks come out when the powers that be make it acceptable.

Let's start with smartphones.










Jun 28, 2020
You should probably look at the entire Governmental, Academic, and Media industry grooming kids first. The freaks come out when the powers that be make it acceptable.

Let's start with smartphones.

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Yes, i am well aware it all comes from the top. Those who rule us are literally devil worshipers while satan wants to see us all in hell.


Mar 23, 2021
It really is an escalating agenda.

It started with acceptance in the 80's, "I'm gay, deal with it".

Then they demanded marriage cause "love is love".

Then they demanded Christians bake their wedding cakes because bigotry is bad.

Then they demanded parades with children present.
View attachment 88295

Infiltrated the libraries and pre-school rooms for "story hour"
Then handed out condoms and sex toys to the older kids.

Demanded adoption and today they r*pe the kids.

Now if you don't join in on their festivities then you are simply not welcome in the country.

Its gonna get worse, today MAPS (pdf files) are fighting for their alleged rights ...and "furries" are a thing, where people dress up like animals and sodomize one another.

View attachment 88292

There is a reason the people of Sodom were absolutely destroyed.

Have you heard of Pompeii?
View attachment 88294
I keep saying GOD will not be mocked anyone remember sodom or gomorrah it got literally nuked for deviant behavior. But no one seems to care or listen. SMH!


Mar 23, 2021
Problem with history is its his-story and the winner records it. We don't really know unless we were there ourselves.

I think Pompeii very well could have been Sodom,

History says Pompeii was destroyed by a volcanic eruption from Mt Vesuvius.

View attachment 88298

If these people were buried in volcanic rock, most of their flesh and organs would have been eviscerated as molten lava will reach 1400F and up to 2,200F depending on the composition.

You would not have these perfectly preserved casts.

The face alone would be absolutely erased, that should be a skull minimum. But even the lips are intact.

If you can access a metal foundry go toss a complete chicken into some molten aluminum which is typically 1300-1400F. I highly doubt the bones will remain, let alone its fleshy bits.

We live in a secular world where the people running things are desperate to remove all signs of God. If you're Christian you should at least question what you are being told. Especially when it comes from the academic world which churns out atheists left, right and center.

We live in a world where "Science" is telling us grand dad is an ape.

I'm not saying for sure the people of Pompeii are the people of prophet Lot but they could be. God knows best what happened.

Welcome to the age of deceit.
Doesn't matter if pompeii or not. Enough people know of the story of sodom think that would be enough but.....So even lets say thats sodom what does that do? They don't care. They will flaunt there wickedness even if proof is given. They need massive prayers to come to senses and repent.


Mar 23, 2021


Jul 24, 2022
I'm not saying for sure the people of Pompeii are the people of prophet Lot but they could be. God knows best what happened.

Welcome to the age of deceit.
Many are deceived throughout all ages--even the most sincere and devout are deceived.

The story of Pompeii and the archeology of it and how the casts were made are well documented and well known. Almost so well known to be common knowledge (well, until this post-modern age.)

While the ancient denizen of the city who returned to what is now called "House 26" and scratched the inscription "sodom & gemorah" therein (said inscription now held by a museum in Naples) he was making an allusion to the story that was recorded in Genesis. Pompeii is not Sodom. You can accept that or not. I accept the allusion. But I suppose anything is possible, no matter how unlikely it might be.
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Jun 28, 2020
Many are deceived throughout all ages--even the most sincere and devout are deceived.

The story of Pompeii and the archeology of it and how the casts were made are well documented and well known. Almost so well known to be common knowledge (well, until this post-modern age.)

While the ancient denizen of the city who returned to what is now called "House 26" and scratched the inscription "sodom & gemorah" therein (said inscription now held by a museum in Naples) he was making an allusion to the story that was recorded in Genesis. Pompeii is not Sodom. You can accept that or not. I accept the allusion. But I suppose anything is possible, no matter how unlikely it might be.
I agree, many are deceived today, even those who will put their life on their beliefs.

Much today is well documented and well known. Like how how 19 pious crack addicted Muslims attacked NY on 9/11/01 and the co-vid vaccine saved many lives In fact people still preach that today while "died suddenly" is a thing.

I can mention more "well documented and well known events" but i don't want to. This literally is an age of deception. For every way i can prove water is wet, someone else has proof for the opposite.

Its ok to disagree you know.


Mar 15, 2017
I agree 100% with her conclusion below.

Whole Tweet:
The term "cisgender" was coined by a German sexologist who also stated, "The sensuality that spontaneously unfolds between a child and an adult is something wonderful."

Volkmar Sigusch first used the terms "cisgender" and "cissexual" in a 1991 publication titled Transsexuals and our Nosomorphic View. "Speaking of cissexuals. If there are transsexuals, logically there must be cissexuals. One is not to be thought without the other at all. I have allowed myself to introduce the terms cissexualism, cissexuals, cisgender etc.," Sigusch wrote.

According to Dagmar Herzog, author of Sex after Fascism: Memory and Morality in Twentieth-Century Germany, Volkmar Sigusch and his colleague Gunter Schmidt, with whom he published research on child sexuality in the 70's, also argued that exposing children to pornography – a well-known grooming tactic of pedophiles – was completely harmless.

"Volkmar Sigusch and Gunter Schmidt argued provocatively that the representation of sex, per se, did no damage to youth or children, and that the kind of pornography in which sex was 'represented without prejudices as a pleasure-filled social activity … is exactly the kind that one could without worries give to children and adolescents,'" Herzog wrote.

Don’t tell me that the alphabet squad has no connection with p***philia. Your ideology is ROOTED in it from Sigusch to Alfred Kinsey. You can’t change your history.