BTS discussion thread

Feb 12, 2022
Yeah, no. I never once innsinuated that I think the members of this group are perfect innocent angels who are being exploited by the entertainment industry cabal.

I simply made an observation about the direction this thread has been taking. I am a conspiracy REALIST and theories need to have FACTS behind them for other people to be interested in to continue the conversation. With Research to back things up. Not fan war twitter threads, dissing singles, praising downfalls/flops, make fun of people for being miserable and thinking it’s ok simply bc we believe they sold their souls to Satan. Doesn’t seems very productive or conducive to the conversation imhao. Not saying this thread didn’t have that at the beginning, but now it’s simply an echo chambers for ya’ll just straight up sh*t talk them like anti’s on twitter lol. Just a different platform. the immaturity level is at an all time high.

It’s embarrassing, honestly really cringe and discourages comprehensive people from ever actually joining this thread. Why do you think you have fans on here who are on the fence? You have new people joining wanting to learn more and ya’ll turn and virtue signal and belittle make fun of them for ever having been Stan’s in the first place? Then complain about how “lame the threads gotten” LOL

Make it make sense
JM having a biggest fall on BB is a fact, discussing it is not shit-talking. He has no talent for singing whatsoever.
He acting like a gender-fluid fairy is not shit talking, the company s3lls this persona.
Jk heavily drinking is a fact and there is evidence by his own admission on his lives.
Do you have any research based evidence him breaking out of his programming so we can all be enlighted by that?


Dec 9, 2020
Okay fair enough.Everything aside, you have overtly admirable things to say about YG. If you consider bt* a cult, come clean about YG being a part of it, no?
Oh of course he's part of the cult. How could he not be?

I've got some really old posts on this thread about him how it looks like he's trying to get out, but that was also a few years ago when my viewpoint on that was different. Nowadays I do still think he wants out, but I also think he's taking advantage of the situation to feed his own agenda (agenda being music career). Sort of like manipulating the manipulator. I'm not calling him clever; I think he's just being very self-serving to a degree that it might even be harmful (I'm basing that on the lyrics of Ppl Pt. 2).

This is why I brought up the Glitch video. Nothing about what he said in that video was simple. Normally I can look at something and view it in a simplistic way that easily explains whatever is going on. That video though... nope, that whole thing is complicated. He's always spoken English kind of weird (I swear when he speaks English he sounds like a Korean William Shatner), but with the way he spaced out his recording of himself caught me off guard. Is he trying to put emphasis on certain words? Is he just trying to be weird/spooky/interesting/whatever? Also, he can't be calling the album D-Day and then have a video called Glitch film to promote it and think I'm not gonna notice that. Is this a political reference/WWII reference, or a doomsday reference?

Or, to put it this way, did he break out of his programming, realize it and this Glitch film is his hint at it?

(Note: Yeah, I speak positively about him because from my perspective it looks like there's still a person in there. I don't think he's lost like the others are).
Sep 17, 2020
JM having a biggest fall on BB is a fact, discussing it is not shit-talking. He has no talent for singing whatsoever.
He acting like a gender-fluid fairy is not shit talking, the company s3lls this persona.
Jk heavily drinking is a fact and there is evidence by his own admission on his lives.
Do you have any research based evidence him breaking out of his programming so we can all be enlighted by that?
Jm absolutely can not sing for sh*t. But you can’t cry chart manipulation on his fans part and that radio heavy singles are an “organic hit” in the western industry, oh the absurdity.

Also me suggesting that JK’s behavior is a symptom of MK Ultra breakdown was simply that- as opposed to just antics and attention seeking behavior. Last I checked, research based evidence behind a suggestion isn’t required.


Dec 9, 2020
victimizing the people who are now adults and are actively part of evil entertainment business by their own accord.
Most people don't willingly join cults. They often aren't even aware that they are being manipulated or are participating in a cult until it is too late.

Cult leaders target the most vulnerable. As an example, Jim Jones targeted black people because they were the most vulnerable, especially those who were from impoverished areas. With poverty comes a lack of education, a despair that makes people hungry for anything that looks like a way out. JJ promised many things to his black followers and they believed him. He knew exactly what to say and how to say it in order to use them. Sadly, they fell for it because of their vulnerable state. There's also a social component to this: People have such a thick desire to belong to something, to be loved and accepted by others and it is very difficult for people to allow themselves to be "lonely".

There's this thing cults will do when someone is breaking free, where they will give them an overabundance of "love". It's not real love, it's not healthy love. The goal is to overwhelm the person and make them feel like if they leave their life will be absolutely rotten unless they stay and consume that love.

Jim Jones used this love to manipulate people into poisoning their children.

From our perspective, outside of the cult, we see everything the manipulator is doing and what the people they are manipulating are doing as disgusting. We see it as horrible, and it is very much horrible, but we are also of sound mind. It's important to remember that members of a cult are not of sound mind. They are being constantly tortured psychologically.

My best guess, and this purely speculation on my part, is that YG knows what is going on, and based on some of his music, is preparing to GTFO of there.

Also, a weird and random-ish fact, is that people with autism typically aren't easily manipulated by cult leaders. Part of it is our delay in recognizing social situations in the same vein as people who are neurotypical. That employer I mentioned who was cult-like, their crap became noticable real fast and I was out of there as soon as I had a new job lined up. Cults never look like cults immediately, but they do show their face eventually. I don't need to belong to anything, be liked or validated by others. This is why religion has never worked out for me either.
Feb 12, 2022
I simply made an observation about the direction this thread has been taking. I am a conspiracy REALIST and theories need to have FACTS behind them for other people to be interested in to continue the conversation. With Research to back things up. Not fan war twitter threads, dissing singles, praising downfalls/flops, make fun of people for being miserable and thinking it’s ok simply bc we believe they sold their souls to Satan. Doesn’t seem very productive or conducive to the conversation IMHAO. Not saying this thread didn’t have that at the beginning, but now it’s become an echo chamber for ya’ll just straight up sh*t talk them like anti’s on twitter lol. Just a different platform. The immaturity level is at an all time high.

It’s embarrassing, honestly really cringe and discourages comprehensive people from ever actually joining this thread. Why do you think you have fans on here who are on the fence? You have new people joining wanting to learn more about how corrupt BTS is or to have a dialogue on their activities and ya’ll turn and virtue signal and belittle make fun of them for ever having been Stan’s in the first place? Then complain about how “lame the threads gotten” LOL
Jm absolutely can not sing for sh*t. But you can’t cry chart manipulation on his fans part and that radio heavy singles are an “organic hit” in the western industry, oh the absurdity.

Also me suggesting that JK’s behavior is a symptom of MK Ultra breakdown was simply that- as opposed to just antics and attention seeking behavior. Last I checked, research based evidence behind a suggestion isn’t required.
Make it make sense
You making suggestions is okay. Alright got it.
You are contradicting yourself bud.
Your tone is condescending by itself, can't blame others


Jun 9, 2022
Tae can make a fictional character taking inspiration from his tata-mic thing. After all armies think, the boy is artistically gifted(eye roll). I can totally see JM acting as he is a convincing baby-girl.
V can stop and go to modelling as he has lot of friends. But jm acting i can't , all i can imagine that he will do character which will have a lot cringe ageyo to do. I think opening a dance school is better for him
Feb 12, 2022
V can stop and go to modelling as he has lot of friends. But jm acting i can't , all i can imagine that he will do character which will have a lot cringe ageyo to do. I think opening a dance school is better for him
I was sarcastically suggesting that how he portrays and fits in a role of baby girl. Yes he is a sophisticated dancer, I agree.


Jun 9, 2022
I'm gonna drop this video here cause I'm genuinely curious what anyone's interpretation of it is
So d day has two meaning one important day and second i read it is a military code used for invasion, it was used in Normandy landings. B*s give hint about world affairs in some mv. And i slowed the vedio i observed some car accident diesel was leaking some one throwed lighter on it. Fire explosion so that why police was present. In last part of the vedio there was some big box i don't know what it is exactly but it looked like ancient coffin to me. Most of the vedio he is definitely describing about his multi personality disorder that's what I thought. Its like possession, that came to me and stayed in me and became a part of me. His alter is nothing but his different personality.
He worte min yoongi is dead i killed him God only knows what it is but if we compare both he is definitely saying of multi personality disorder


Jun 9, 2022
So d day has two meaning one important day and second i read it is a military code used for invasion, it was used in Normandy landings. B*s give hint about world affairs in some mv. And i slowed the vedio i observed some car accident diesel was leaking some one throwed lighter on it. Fire explosion so that why police was present. In last part of the vedio there was some big box i don't know what it is exactly but it looked like ancient coffin to me. Most of the vedio he is definitely describing about his multi personality disorder that's what I thought. Its like possession, that came to me and stayed in me and became a part of me. His alter is nothing but his different personality.
He worte min yoongi is dead i killed him God only knows what it is but if we compare both he is definitely saying of multi personality disorder
And the number 17 the first thought came is svt group. There currently next to btess everywhere so it may be hint they may become big. And if we compare svt and dday new project both are almost similar they hate his world.
In svt mv it is " in this fcking world you are not supposed to be happy but you deserve to be happy so fight till end''
In dday it is " rebelling and raising questions against what world demands"
Both concept are about fighting something and car accident
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Jun 2, 2021
About specifically (highlighted part ) lol, this thread is my main source of information, also as insta alograthim works, some snippets shows in my feed. I don't shy away from admitting from the fact that I'm an "Ex-fan" and not excusing anything they do without dehumanising them. But armies has too much empathy for these people who certainly don't deserve this amount of attention. At least I don't write paragraphs almost giving an impression that I know what goes in their minds like some ppl *cough cough* here do. Mostly observation and opinion in general.
I don't blindly believe who had a panic attack over whom because they showed it trying to garner sympathies from fans.

*ps too many edits due to grammatical errors as English is not my first language
Yeah, no. I never once innsinuated that I think the members of this group are perfect innocent angels who are being exploited by the entertainment industry cabal.

I simply made an observation about the direction this thread has been taking. I am a conspiracy REALIST and theories need to have FACTS behind them for other people to be interested in to continue the conversation. With Research to back things up. Not fan war twitter threads, dissing singles, praising downfalls/flops, make fun of people for being miserable and thinking it’s ok simply bc we believe they sold their souls to Satan. Doesn’t seem very productive or conducive to the conversation IMHAO. Not saying this thread didn’t have that at the beginning, but now it’s become an echo chamber for ya’ll just straight up sh*t talk them like anti’s on twitter lol. Just a different platform. The immaturity level is at an all time high.

It’s embarrassing, honestly really cringe and discourages comprehensive people from ever actually joining this thread. Why do you think you have fans on here who are on the fence? You have new people joining wanting to learn more about how corrupt BTS is or to have a dialogue on their activities and ya’ll turn and virtue signal and belittle make fun of them for ever having been Stan’s in the first place? Then complain about how “lame the threads gotten” LOL

Make it make sense
Guys I know this thread can go off-rail sometimes but it's still better than the KPOP thread. The K-pop thread has been infiltrated by delulu J0nghyun Stans who even go as far to claim that he was a gifted human being with special powers. I have literally seen one poster compare J0nghyun with Jesus Christ in that thread. You cannot even say that J0nghyun was brainwashed or he did work for the elites before he died or you will be dragged by his stans. Not just J0nghyun Stans there have been stans of other KPOP idols who have infiltrated that thread in the past. Recently, a Tw1ce Stan came to that thread to bash BP and RV and there are some people who stan Sh1nee's K3y but won't admit. There were a few Ka1 Stans and also a T@emin Stan used to post there in the past.

Personally I don't think that the posters on this thread are BT$ Stans. If someone says YG or JH released a good song I don't think they are a stan. If they release good music people will appreciate. I also don't think that if someone says X member wants to break free or if we talk about the members being forced to join the cult it doesn't mean we are a Stan either. As long as posters are willing to have peaceful discussions everything is fine.


Sep 21, 2021
Guys I know this thread can go off-rail sometimes but it's still better than the KPOP thread. The K-pop thread has been infiltrated by delulu J0nghyun Stans who even go as far to claim that he was a gifted human being with special powers. I have literally seen one poster compare J0nghyun with Jesus Christ in that thread. You cannot even say that J0nghyun was brainwashed or he did work for the elites before he died or you will be dragged by his stans. Not just J0nghyun Stans there have been stans of other KPOP idols who have infiltrated that thread in the past. Recently, a Tw1ce Stan came to that thread to bash BP and RV and there are some people who stan Sh1nee's K3y but won't admit. There were a few Ka1 Stans and also a T@emin Stan used to post there in the past.

Personally I don't think that the posters on this thread are BT$ Stans. If someone says YG or JH released a good song I don't think they are a stan. If they release good music people will appreciate. I also don't think that if someone says X member wants to break free or if we talk about the members being forced to join the cult it doesn't mean we are a Stan either. As long as posters are willing to have peaceful discussions everything is fine.
This thread has also "endured" some criticisms from VC forum, overall...just because we discuss so much about BTS...which others think is "trivial" and inconsequential as a topic... What the "critics" miss is the fact that the BTS phenomenon with its controversial fandom, is a prime example of "deep idolatry..." that has developed into "parasocial relationships..." bordering on a mass psychosis...

BTS has been an "effective tool" of social engineering...and systematic brainwashing...

BTS 2.0 (The "Solos") is just another "chapter" which will continue its fundamental goals of continued idolatry, brainwashing, and mass formation psychosis...

The "splintering" of the group into so-called "solos" is just part of the natural "progression" (or "regression")... which aims to further the "narrative and influence..." The solos are "designed" for "competition" between and among the members and "stans..." So expect more chaos, infighting, and dramas...

A thread like this expectedly "reflects" all the behavioral dynamics, covering the BTS topics/issues... Some find it hard to maintain "peaceful discussions" because of built-in biases, emotional reactions that manifest in insults, and typical bully behaviors... which are very counter-productive in a supposedly "civilized" world...

This remains to be the biggest thread here with 3000++ pages of discussion, one of the oldest, and more the chagrin and astonishment of some...people come and go...both posters and lurkers...but it remains.. until it's no more...but not in the near future.
Sep 17, 2020
Guys I know this thread can go off-rail sometimes but it's still better than the KPOP thread. The K-pop thread has been infiltrated by delulu J0nghyun Stans who even go as far to claim that he was a gifted human being with special powers. I have literally seen one poster compare J0nghyun with Jesus Christ in that thread. You cannot even say that J0nghyun was brainwashed or he did work for the elites before he died or you will be dragged by his stans. Not just J0nghyun Stans there have been stans of other KPOP idols who have infiltrated that thread in the past. Recently, a Tw1ce Stan came to that thread to bash BP and RV and there are some people who stan Sh1nee's K3y but won't admit. There were a few Ka1 Stans and also a T@emin Stan used to post there in the past.

Personally I don't think that the posters on this thread are BT$ Stans. If someone says YG or JH released a good song I don't think they are a stan. If they release good music people will appreciate. I also don't think that if someone says X member wants to break free or if we talk about the members being forced to join the cult it doesn't mean we are a Stan either. As long as posters are willing to have peaceful discussions everything is fine.
Honestly that’s all I’m trying to say, and apologies to anyone if I came off condescending and rude.

I just think when there’s this rhetoric floating around that every poster HAS to follow a certain belief system or their get their ass roasted and it doesn’t leave room for other perspectives. That’s the vacuum I am describing.

It’s kind of self serving if all everyone’s doing is just shit posting and not actually trying to analyze messages to spread awareness.
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Sep 17, 2020
Was I speaking English?? I believe I was. Maybe your comprehension skills could use some work. Better copy/paste my post into Google translate again, because I made it perfectly clear what theeartbooks said in my previous post.

And in the future, don't go around calling someone "weird" when you've never spoke to them before unless you're looking for a fight. Don't let your mouth write a check your ass can't cash.
I don’t need to speak to you directly to know you are a miserable human being who is probably struggling with self hate, (hence the projection) and you have to antagonize others, drag em down to your level. Anyone that doesn’t seem to agree with your ethos gets wrecked for it and others watch on like it’s entertainment. Ick, misery loves company I guess, praying for ya’ll.


Sep 21, 2021
Honestly that’s all I’m trying to say, and apologies to anyone if I came off condescending and rude.

I just think when there’s this rhetoric floating around that every poster HAS to follow a certain believe system or their get their ass roasted and it doesn’t leave room for other perspectives. That’s the vacuum I am describing.

It’s kind of self serving if all everyone’s doing is just shit posting and not actually trying to analyze messages to spread awareness.
True. The thread is called "BTS discussion thread" which sounds pretty "neutral..." However, it started as an analysis of its satanic/illuminati connections/meanings...and largely delved into it...But this should just be one aspect of the many possible topics under discussion...

Different/various perspectives must have been given "freedom of expression..." even from the so-called stans or fans... Isn't it a more objective approach to allow people, in general, to have their voices heard?
Feb 12, 2022
This thread has also "endured" some criticisms from VC forum, overall...just because we discuss so much about BTS...which others think is "trivial" and inconsequential as a topic... What the "critics" miss is the fact that the BTS phenomenon with its controversial fandom, is a prime example of "deep idolatry..." that has developed into "parasocial relationships..." bordering on a mass psychosis...

BTS has been an "effective tool" of social engineering...and systematic brainwashing...

BTS 2.0 (The "Solos") is just another "chapter" which will continue its fundamental goals of continued idolatry, brainwashing, and mass formation psychosis...

The "splintering" of the group into so-called "solos" is just part of the natural "progression" (or "regression")... which aims to further the "narrative and influence..." The solos are "designed" for "competition" between and among the members and "stans..." So expect more chaos, infighting, and dramas...

A thread like this expectedly "reflects" all the behavioral dynamics, covering the BTS topics/issues... Some find it hard to maintain "peaceful discussions" because of built-in biases, emotional reactions that manifest in insults, and typical bully behaviors... which are very counter-productive in a supposedly "civilized" world...

This remains to be the biggest thread here with 3000++ pages of discussion, one of the oldest, and more the chagrin and astonishment of some...people come and go...both posters and lurkers...but it remains.. until it's no more...but not in the near future.
We made them big, the masses. They are flawed humans just like us, so most of the internet deem them as some supernatural, naturally superior species so as a counter to that, at least for me I sometimes look at them extra critically. Like mostly they are famous due to horny teens, loners, old age people yeah who has no family to have an emotional bond with. And what they do is feeding more to that delusion and making money out of it and then cry about crazy stalkers/saesangs. Well, you signed up for this. Even I sometimes think why we think all idols are some poor victims, as statistics suggest that sometimes who've been abused in childhood chose to be the same as their abuser. It's a real phenomenon. We criticize PD as he is somewhat old and not pleasant looking for grabbing members or whatever but there is tons of inappropriate videos circulating on internet where they are doing weird stuff with each other. You've also recently shared one, and they are getting paid for it, for feeding shippers a narrative or fanservice or just pure perversion. This is one of the only place where I know I can talk about this openly because I know many people irl who are their crazy fans. It makes me uncomfortable.
Feb 12, 2022
Oh of course he's part of the cult. How could he not be?

I've got some really old posts on this thread about him how it looks like he's trying to get out, but that was also a few years ago when my viewpoint on that was different. Nowadays I do still think he wants out, but I also think he's taking advantage of the situation to feed his own agenda (agenda being music career). Sort of like manipulating the manipulator. I'm not calling him clever; I think he's just being very self-serving to a degree that it might even be harmful (I'm basing that on the lyrics of Ppl Pt. 2).

This is why I brought up the Glitch video. Nothing about what he said in that video was simple. Normally I can look at something and view it in a simplistic way that easily explains whatever is going on. That video though... nope, that whole thing is complicated. He's always spoken English kind of weird (I swear when he speaks English he sounds like a Korean William Shatner), but with the way he spaced out his recording of himself caught me off guard. Is he trying to put emphasis on certain words? Is he just trying to be weird/spooky/interesting/whatever? Also, he can't be calling the album D-Day and then have a video called Glitch film to promote it and think I'm not gonna notice that. Is this a political reference/WWII reference, or a doomsday reference?

Or, to put it this way, did he break out of his programming, realize it and this Glitch film is his hint at it?

(Note: Yeah, I speak positively about him because from my perspective it looks like there's still a person in there. I don't think he's lost like the others are).
Honestly, I don't know much about YG solo work. Its enough for me he is part of everything what this company does. If there is a grain of truth in anything about occult and music, then he is the biggest music lover out of this group. I'm pretty indifferent to this guy after knowing the whole jim jones sample in his work. He is a quiet spectator, if not a accomplice.
As dante said,
The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis.


Sep 21, 2021
V can stop and go to modelling as he has lot of friends. But jm acting i can't , all i can imagine that he will do character which will have a lot cringe ageyo to do. I think opening a dance school is better for him
V has been "known" for his love for Gucci...I wonder why the brand has not hired him as one of their official ambassadors...

As for Jm, he was trained in contemporary dance/ballet...I wonder why he hasn't presented even a single dance recital to showcase his talent in dance...That performance he had with Taemin was good...