Are The Gods 12 Twelve?

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Quetzalcoatl is an interesting character...

The 'Plumed Serpent" was very fond of human sacrifice and takes very little time with a decent web browser to find a certain resonance to the Nachash of the early chapters of Genesis.


"The word serpent is the Hebrew word, nachash, which can be translated as serpent or snake but has other meanings as well. According to Dr Michael S. Heiser, "the Hebrew root is the basis for a noun, verb, and adjective. Of course as a noun it is usually the word for serpent. The verb form means deceiver or diviner with divine knowledge. The adjective version means bronze or brazen with a bright shine. Therefore, used as an adjective it should be translated as “shining one.” "

This shining one no doubt wishes to receive worship as a god...

I, for one, won't be providing any ;-)


Mar 26, 2017
Quetzalcoatl is an interesting character...

The 'Plumed Serpent" was very fond of human sacrifice and takes very little time with a decent web browser to find a certain resonance to the Nachash of the early chapters of Genesis.

View attachment 1431

"The word serpent is the Hebrew word, nachash, which can be translated as serpent or snake but has other meanings as well. According to Dr Michael S. Heiser, "the Hebrew root is the basis for a noun, verb, and adjective. Of course as a noun it is usually the word for serpent. The verb form means deceiver or diviner with divine knowledge. The adjective version means bronze or brazen with a bright shine. Therefore, used as an adjective it should be translated as “shining one.” "

This shining one no doubt wishes to receive worship as a god...

I, for one, won't be providing any ;-)
Have you read a single book about Quetzalcoatl? You just casually dismiss Quetzalcoatl based on what you see on the internet?

You haven't done your research on Quetzalcoatl and what you write is misleading. You're out of your depths. You would need to really study and really know ancient Mesoamerican culture before you could start saying this stuff. And I don't expect you to care about ancient Mexican pre-Hispanic culture. It's mostly something that Mexicans and Latin Americans are interested in.

Quetzalcoatl was an ancient Mexican political and spiritual leader. If you actually study his teachings, he was very similar to Lao Tzu and Jesus in what he taught.

He was against human sacrifice.

This stuff is really complicated and you can't just go off the internet. Because you have to study the history. The human sacrifice started later.

Quetzalcoatl was a historical figure and his deification as a God came later. He was revered by the Nahuas and the Nahuas were later conquered by the Aztecs. It was the Aztecs who insituted human sacrifice. They were into black magic and I think it was their black magic that ended up attracting the Spanish barbarians.

Seriously- your arrogant dismissal of what you don't even know about and what is complicated and requires serious study... your arrogant dismissal of such, simply because it falls outside of your preconceived beliefs just shows your belief system's intolerant and latently genocidal nature. If you really want to know more about Quetzalcoatl, read a book called Burning Water.


Mar 26, 2017
When I say I am interested in the Aztec deities, I say that because I don't expect people to be familiar with the Nahuas and the more ancient roots of the Aztec beliefs.


Mar 26, 2017

The Greec Philosopher Hypatia, killed by Christians in Alexandria, Egypt
That is just horrible. Greek philosophy is part of the world's great heritage and the Christians would simply just casually destroy whatever does not conform to their ideology...


Aug 13, 2017

The Temple of Garni is a classical Hellenistic temple in Garni, Armenia.
It is perhaps the best-known structure and symbol of Greece

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
That is just horrible. Greek philosophy is part of the world's great heritage and the Christians would simply just casually destroy whatever does not conform to their ideology...
I will leave you guys to it ;-)

Just before I go, and by way of polite response to your 'robust' comments, I have had an interest in this area for some time...

I wonder who you think might have been involved in building these pre-Aztec structures. Apparently you can't get a piece of paper between them?


Joshua 24

"14Now therefore fear the LORD, and serve him in sincerity and in truth: and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, and in Egypt; and serve ye the LORD. 15And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD."


Mar 26, 2017
There's a lot of ancient stuff that appears to suggest technology more advanced than what was supposedly available at the time


Aug 13, 2017
Do you think that's really a laptop?

I've actually seen a Mayan sculpture that appears to depict a flying machine.

I do not think that's really a laptop. But Archimedes Invention Antikythera Mechanism 100 Years Older ....