Are The Gods 12 Twelve?

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Have you read a single book about Quetzalcoatl? You just casually dismiss Quetzalcoatl based on what you see on the internet?

You haven't done your research on Quetzalcoatl and what you write is misleading. You're out of your depths. You would need to really study and really know ancient Mesoamerican culture before you could start saying this stuff. And I don't expect you to care about ancient Mexican pre-Hispanic culture. It's mostly something that Mexicans and Latin Americans are interested in.

Quetzalcoatl was an ancient Mexican political and spiritual leader. If you actually study his teachings, he was very similar to Lao Tzu and Jesus in what he taught.

He was against human sacrifice.

This stuff is really complicated and you can't just go off the internet. Because you have to study the history. The human sacrifice started later.

Quetzalcoatl was a historical figure and his deification as a God came later. He was revered by the Nahuas and the Nahuas were later conquered by the Aztecs. It was the Aztecs who insituted human sacrifice. They were into black magic and I think it was their black magic that ended up attracting the Spanish barbarians.

Seriously- your arrogant dismissal of what you don't even know about and what is complicated and requires serious study... your arrogant dismissal of such, simply because it falls outside of your preconceived beliefs just shows your belief system's intolerant and latently genocidal nature. If you really want to know more about Quetzalcoatl, read a book called Burning Water.
I beg the historical Quetzalcoatl's apology here! It seems the mythos of a previous god has rather attached himself to him...

I had no particular gripe (arrogant or otherwise) with him anyway. The earlier plumed serpent who appeared to require a rather different style of worship is a different matter...,_Teotihuacan

"The Feathered Serpent was a prominent supernatural entity or deity, found in many Mesoamerican religions. It was called Quetzalcoatl among the Aztecs, Kukulkan among the Yucatec Maya, and Q'uq'umatz and Tohil among the K'iche' Maya. The double symbolism used in its name is considered allegoric to the dual nature of the deity, where being feathered represents its divine nature or ability to fly to reach the skies and being a serpent represents its human nature or ability to creep on the ground among other animals of the Earth, a dualism very common in Mesoamerican deities.[1]

The earliest representations of feathered serpents appear in the Olmec culture (circa1400-400 BCE)."

The earliest appearance of this mythology is tantalising as it coincides with Joshua's much maligned driving out of the giants (Men of Renown' / Nephilim) from the land of Canaan.

Various researchers have considered where this "Nephilim Diaspora" might have dispersed to and what 'religions' they would likely bring with them.

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Mar 26, 2017
I'm not going to debate this stuff with you. If you are serious and you really want to know about France, you need to study French and go study French sources. If you want to know about Russia, you need to know Russian and check out Russian sources. For Greece? You learn Geeek and examine Greek sources. If you really seriously want to know México and its history, you need to know Spanish and examine Mexican sources. I'm not interested in debating people who only want to appropriate the history to support their preconceived conclusions and don't even know about the culture or the history. I'm not interested in debating you or your internet sources and you shouldn't even be trying to talk about this stuff that you don't know about.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
I'm not going to debate this stuff with you. If you are serious and you really want to know about France, you need to study French and go study French sources. If you want to know about Russia, you need to know Russian and check out Russian sources. For Greece? You learn Geeek and examine Greek sources. If you really seriously want to know México and its history, you need to know Spanish and examine Mexican sources. I'm not interested in debating people who only want to appropriate the history to support their preconceived conclusions and don't even know about the culture or the history. I'm not interested in debating you or your internet sources and you shouldn't even be trying to talk about this stuff that you don't know about.

You have managed to confirm my musings this morning on the "flying pig" theory of debate!

If a concept is suggested that is too far out of the frame of reference, it falls into the category of the "flying pig" - i.e. something that cannot be.

The person who suggests that pigs fly automatically deserves a rude and dismissive response and further discussion is not possible.

Adiós / αντίο

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
I'm not going to debate this stuff with you. If you are serious and you really want to know about France, you need to study French and go study French sources. If you want to know about Russia, you need to know Russian and check out Russian sources. For Greece? You learn Geeek and examine Greek sources. If you really seriously want to know México and its history, you need to know Spanish and examine Mexican sources. I'm not interested in debating people who only want to appropriate the history to support their preconceived conclusions and don't even know about the culture or the history. I'm not interested in debating you or your internet sources and you shouldn't even be trying to talk about this stuff that you don't know about.
Tim Alberino is a researcher and explorer, fluent in Spanish, he spent 10 years living in the Amazon Rainforest of Peru. Tim has delved deep into research on many subjects relating to the Genesis 6 narrative, including, giants, the occult, the Nazi regime, ufology, transgenics and transhumanism.

I pass no comment - what do I know ;-)


Mar 26, 2017
Using Google does not give you a degree in Pre-Columbian Studies. Just the fact that you think you can talk about this stuff without actually reading books- much less Spanish-language material- shows that you have no idea what you're talking about.

And it's extremely arrogant. I'm not gonna Google some stuff and act like I'm an expert on ancient Chinese history. You're not on expert on ancient Greece if you read a Wikipedia article.

I don't care what you have to say because you don't know what you're talking about. Google and Wikipedia don't make you a scholar and the fact that you don't realize that shows that you have no idea how complicated the subject actually is.


Mar 18, 2017
Iam not saying Jesus Christ is Zeus but would it be wrong of a Greek to call Artemis, Diana? (Ex. Iam going to Diana's temple) or would it be wrong of a Roman to call Diana, Artemis?

You said:
look at USA: Why do you have a senate? Why do you name a city Cincennati (Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus) ? Is it cultural appropriation? Or are you really the true heirs of Rome?
I believe that to be correct. She is the 'true' heir of pagan and papal Rome.
Etagloc said:
Are you really a follower of
the ancient Greek religion?
In 2017? Bruhhhhhhhh that's hella cool! The end
times just got a little more
You guys may have missed this Greek Neo-pagans thread

Note: I was learning greek afew years ago but fell by the way side. :)


Aug 13, 2017
I'm not going to debate this stuff with you. If you are serious and you really want to know about France, you need to study French and go study French sources. If you want to know about Russia, you need to know Russian and check out Russian sources. For Greece? You learn Geeek and examine Greek sources. If you really seriously want to know México and its history, you need to know Spanish and examine Mexican sources. I'm not interested in debating people who only want to appropriate the history to support their preconceived conclusions and don't even know about the culture or the history. I'm not interested in debating you or your internet sources and you shouldn't even be trying to talk about this stuff that you don't know about.

Do not open a conversation with a fanatic.


Aug 13, 2017
Using Google does not give you a degree in Pre-Columbian Studies. Just the fact that you think you can talk about this stuff without actually reading books- much less Spanish-language material- shows that you have no idea what you're talking about.

And it's extremely arrogant. I'm not gonna Google some stuff and act like I'm an expert on ancient Chinese history. You're not on expert on ancient Greece if you read a Wikipedia article.

I don't care what you have to say because you don't know what you're talking about. Google and Wikipedia don't make you a scholar and the fact that you don't realize that shows that you have no idea how complicated the subject actually is.

there are all members of a cult.


Aug 13, 2017

The Monk skull collection in Athos.
Orthodox Christian paranoid Fanatics worship skulls.


Aug 13, 2017

Our Justice system also derived from ancient Greek and Roman concepts. Courthouses throughout America honor our Goddess of Justice with magnificent statues.