Ancient Egyptians are Black


Sep 8, 2018
I believe in a different evolution, not the "we came from monkeys" but that we were all initially one race at some point in time. And the only conclusion I could land upon was black since it's the only race which can produce children which can look phenotypically different than themselves in rare cases.

And even with that, climate influences everything, when the language barrier was created I believe, people separated into different tribes, moving into different parts of the world and once they settled there, their features had to adapt to the area then they changed. Apparently it takes 1200 year's for a human evolution.
That’s interesting. I don’t believe in that at all. I believe the Elite have been doing genetic experimentation for 6000 years since they descended from the serpent.

Why do I believe that? It’s what they’ve been doing with the vaccines the last three years.

The genetic variation comes from the Elite trying to eliminate the race. I believe we are just different nations like the Bible describes.


Aug 11, 2021
Gene study shows human skin tone has varied for 900,000 years
Previous studies of a skin pigmentation gene called MC1R had led many geneticists to think that dark skin colour – which is thought to protect against UV damage – is a fixed and consistent trait in all people of African descent. “They thought [MC1R] shows that there has been selection for dark skin in Africa and therefore there’s no variation,” says Tishkoff.​
But in retrospect, it’s obvious that the story of skin pigmentation in sub-Saharan Africa is more complicated than that, as there is huge variation in skin colour across the continent today. The San hunter-gatherer populations of southern Africa often have lightly pigmented skin, and belong to one of the most ancient branches of the Homo sapiens family tree.​
“I think the most interesting observation is that some ancestral light skin alleles are shared between the San and archaic hominins such as Neanderthals and Denisovans,” says Carles Lalueza-Fox at the Institute of Evolutionary Biology in Barcelona, Spain. “This suggests a shared, common ancestry for this trait before the split of these three hominin lineages.”​
Of the darker-skin gene variants, three appear to have evolved from less pigmented variants. This means that some people with particularly dark skin – such as the Nilo-Saharan pastoralists of East Africa – gained the trait relatively recently, from paler-skinned ancestors. “People have thought it was just light skin that has been evolving,” says Tishkoff. “I think dark skin continues to evolve as well.”​
No single “African race”​
Research into the genetics of skin tone and other traits has a significance beyond understanding our species’ evolutionary history. “There are racists who want to associate skin pigmentation with intellectual traits or traits dealing with moral behaviour,” says Nina Jablonski at Pennsylvania State University.​
But there is no justification for white supremacist arguments that people of European descent with typically paler skin are inherently superior or more evolved. “We see these variants associated with whiter skin actually came from Africa,” says Tishkoff.​
“There is no homogeneous ‘African race’,” says Tishkoff. In fact, recent surveys of the views of physical anthropologists suggest that most of them flatly reject the idea that humans can be divided into biological races at all.

Ancient British Man Had Dark Skin and Blue Eyes
Genetically, he belonged to a group of people known as the “western hunter-gatherers”, Mesolithic-era individuals from Spain, Hungary and Luxembourg. His ancestors migrated to Europe from the Middle East after the Ice Age. Today, 10 per cent of white British people are descended from the group.​


May 21, 2021
Who is hiding what?
I find all of your reasoning to be off the mark and I will leave it at that.
White elites, mostly the men to be precise. They're hiding the true identity of whoever's apart of the black diaspora. If I get into this, I'll be labeled as racist even though I'm merely teaching history. To put it in simple terms:

Earth = Africa populated first, which many of them then go on to travel all over the world. Black people are indigenous to every continent on earth. Those fair skinned straight hair Natives you normally see when discussing the origins of America are not what the true Natives looked like. Example: That's why the "dark ages" are referred to as "DARK" because at some point, Black people ruled in Europe. You can literally look that up. They're called the Moors, and they taught Europeans basic human necessities such as bathing, cooking, etc.

Africa = Black people are the original people

Other races = Mutations (please do not declare I'm racist for this, this is a known fact and it's not my fault this happened. Blame Adam and Eve for disobeying God. The fall is what caused mutations of all kinds to appear)

White people origins = Caucasus Mountains, that's why they're referred to as "Caucasian"

All of this is recorded in the Bible. Meanwhile, History and Science has their proof in other forms of discovery.

Sun = Recognizes Black people as natural; part of nature.

Nothing is "off the mark" at all.
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May 21, 2021
True,but the different races came from Ham, Shem and Japeth. To which Abraham was a descendent of Shem. That's why I am quite confused since Abraham was a Jew, not an Arab.

I found something important.



May 21, 2021
Black is a skin color and not a people. Depicting people to look like you isn't trying to hide anything. Did you notice how many times Jesus's skin color is mentioned in the bible? NONE! Because it does not matter! Egyptians depicted skin of all colors including black. No one is hiding that.

"Black people" in the west mostly descend from enslaved west Africans. Unfortunately, that is real history. Africans were sold or kidnapped and treated like animals. There is no conspiracy to keep "black people" from knowing they are the real Jews or the real Egyptians or the true whomever. There isn't any big secret or some amazing discovery waiting to be uncovered.

It is painful not to know where you are from, your culture, families traditions, beliefs, heroes & legends of your people. "Black people" do not need to be the real/secret "______" to have value.

This is where "black people" come from.

"Of those Africans who arrived in the United States, nearly half came from two regions: Senegambia, the area comprising the Senegal and Gambia Rivers and the land between them, or today’s Senegal, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau and Mali; and west-central Africa, including what is now Angola, Congo, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Gabon. The Gambia River, running from the Atlantic into Africa, was a key waterway for the slave trade; at its height, about one out of every six West African enslaved people came from this area. "​

This is Africa.

Noses range from thin to wide to small to big across the world.

Pictures were defaced because it caused them to lose their "power".

As he explained, ancient Egyptians attributed considerable importance to images of the human form, essentially believing that a deity’s essence might inhabit its material likeness, or that a part of a dead person’s soul could dwell in a statue ascribed to it. Therefore, Bleiberg postulated, by damaging a statue the perpetrator would seek to “deactivate an image’s strength” rather than simply revel in an act of vandalism.​
"The damaged part of the body is no longer able to do its job", he said, noting that, for example, breaking off a statue’s nose effectively "kills" a statue as it wouldn’t be able to breathe, while a likeness of a god won’t be able to hear a prayer if its ears get destroyed.​
He also pointed out that these acts of iconoclasm weren’t caused by some vandals "recklessly and randomly striking out works of art", but were carried out instead by labourers hired for the job. Source
Oh no, this whole post is an issue!

First of all, you say "depicting people to look like you isn't hiding anything" but yes in fact it is! First of all, Europeans stole a shit ton of art- a plethora of all kinds from Africa. They then proceed to HIDE them from the WORLD. Most of them are whitewashed, and those are the ones they have no problem displaying to the world?

I think the animosity is pretty clear with that one. And again, Maccabees says the heathen wanted to paint the likeness of THEIR image on the original images. Is that not what we've been seeing for centuries? You tell me.

I love how everytime someone claims Jesus was black, all of a sudden "No his skin color doesn't matter, shut up!" Oh so NOW it doesn't matter?

I know for a fact you wouldn't and likely have NEVER said this if/when someone shows an image of Jesus being white with blue eyes, which is another LIE.

If the Bible, history, and science- all PRIMARY forms and ONLY forms of proof- show you that the world began with Black people...then why would you doubt Jesus falls in that category is my question. Not only that, but the Bible says his skin is the color of brass as if BURNT in a furnace. Brass is the color of a penny. But then it says "as if burnt" I think we can accurately imagine what color that is.

And those images you say "is Africa" are only CERTAIN parts of Africa. All of that isn't Africa. You see this is what I'm talking about. White elite men have pulled a blindfold over our eyes and told us, "Africa is just one big jungle" No, Africa is a continent with numerous countries, modern buildings, and modern technology. Those images are very stereotypical and not true for the entire continent.

And then you bring up a point about noses. What...for what reason? Other races are mutations so yes a lot of them adopt the same "well known" features of Black people.

To conclude, it's always been about keeping Black people oppressed all over the world. They have erased true history. And if they deceived the world about history then they damn SURE have always hid the truth of Black people BECAUSE Black folks are the ONLY reason why white elites lied ANYWAYS. They have HEAVY DISDAIN for them. Where have you been?

I can write a novel about this.
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Sep 8, 2018
The Earth is a young place-- not an old place. The old earth racket is just that a scam to erase all of the resets the Elite have done.

The religion of the Elite is literally stuff from the "Book of the Dead"-- Babylonian practices essentially.


Jul 27, 2018
Wow what a lot of stupid fucking braindead morons around here. I guess that's my cue to leave. Really, a lot of the people writing shit here would do well to open a book instead of looking up bullshit theories that fit their worldview. But they won't because they are arrogantly ignorant.
Apr 13, 2017
In Upper Egypt you would've found people with Nubian complexions, like Ethiopians. But in Lower Egypt, the northern part of Egypt, the complexion was generally paler. If you want a comparison, look at the Copts of today. They are most likely the most authentic reference of what people in Lower Egypt used to look like.

I understand why BHI and similar theories are getting traction, mostly rooted in American blacks searching for a meaningful identity, but they're being guided by a rabid europhobia and white guilt. It would be nice if people could analyze history from an objective, non-racialized perspective without political biases.


May 21, 2021
Chapter one can be "Sub-Saharan Africans never invented the wheel"
Everytime a topic of black and white history comes up, you always like to mock me.

I get it. You don't like the truth- but I mean that's like a large majority of your people so it's not surprising.

Anyways, if anyone here thinks I'm racist just for teaching you what white elitists don't want you to know, then simply mute me. Because you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink it. If you want to be in denial or get so triggered that you just absolutely have to mock me, silence my profile and talk to other people.

We have our solution.

Oh and lightseeker? Your name is quite ironic. I'm trying to give people here, apparently including you, some light, but you're not seeking it. Anywho, this is my only reply to you. I can't even bother.


Sep 8, 2018
Gene study shows human skin tone has varied for 900,000 years
Previous studies of a skin pigmentation gene called MC1R had led many geneticists to think that dark skin colour – which is thought to protect against UV damage – is a fixed and consistent trait in all people of African descent. “They thought [MC1R] shows that there has been selection for dark skin in Africa and therefore there’s no variation,” says Tishkoff.​
But in retrospect, it’s obvious that the story of skin pigmentation in sub-Saharan Africa is more complicated than that, as there is huge variation in skin colour across the continent today. The San hunter-gatherer populations of southern Africa often have lightly pigmented skin, and belong to one of the most ancient branches of the Homo sapiens family tree.​
“I think the most interesting observation is that some ancestral light skin alleles are shared between the San and archaic hominins such as Neanderthals and Denisovans,” says Carles Lalueza-Fox at the Institute of Evolutionary Biology in Barcelona, Spain. “This suggests a shared, common ancestry for this trait before the split of these three hominin lineages.”​
Of the darker-skin gene variants, three appear to have evolved from less pigmented variants. This means that some people with particularly dark skin – such as the Nilo-Saharan pastoralists of East Africa – gained the trait relatively recently, from paler-skinned ancestors. “People have thought it was just light skin that has been evolving,” says Tishkoff. “I think dark skin continues to evolve as well.”​
No single “African race”​
Research into the genetics of skin tone and other traits has a significance beyond understanding our species’ evolutionary history. “There are racists who want to associate skin pigmentation with intellectual traits or traits dealing with moral behaviour,” says Nina Jablonski at Pennsylvania State University.​
But there is no justification for white supremacist arguments that people of European descent with typically paler skin are inherently superior or more evolved. “We see these variants associated with whiter skin actually came from Africa,” says Tishkoff.​
“There is no homogeneous ‘African race’,” says Tishkoff. In fact, recent surveys of the views of physical anthropologists suggest that most of them flatly reject the idea that humans can be divided into biological races at all.

Ancient British Man Had Dark Skin and Blue Eyes
Genetically, he belonged to a group of people known as the “western hunter-gatherers”, Mesolithic-era individuals from Spain, Hungary and Luxembourg. His ancestors migrated to Europe from the Middle East after the Ice Age. Today, 10 per cent of white British people are descended from the group.​
Correct. There is one biological race.
Jun 4, 2021
Everytime a topic of black and white history comes up, you always like to mock me.

I get it. You don't like the truth- but I mean that's like a large majority of your people so it's not surprising.

Anyways, if anyone here thinks I'm racist just for teaching you what white elitists don't want you to know, then simply mute me. Because you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink it. If you want to be in denial or get so triggered that you just absolutely have to mock me, silence my profile and talk to other people.

We have our solution.

Oh and lightseeker? Your name is quite ironic. I'm trying to give people here, apparently including you, some light, but you're not seeking it. Anywho, this is my only reply to you. I can't even bother.
is a bot


Jul 15, 2020
White elites, mostly the men to be precise. They're hiding the true identity of whoever's apart of the black diaspora. If I get into this, I'll be labeled as racist even though I'm merely teaching history. To put it in simple terms:

Earth = Africa populated first, which many of them then go on to travel all over the world. Black people are indigenous to every continent on earth. Those fair skinned straight hair Natives you normally see when discussing the origins of America are not what the true Natives looked like. Example: That's why the "dark ages" are referred to as "DARK" because at some point, Black people ruled in Europe. You can literally look that up. They're called the Moors, and they taught Europeans basic human necessities such as bathing, cooking, etc.

Africa = Black people are the original people

Other races = Mutations (please do not declare I'm racist for this, this is a known fact and it's not my fault this happened. Blame Adam and Eve for disobeying God. The fall is what caused mutations of all kinds to appear)

White people origins = Caucasus Mountains, that's why they're referred to as "Caucasian"

All of this is recorded in the Bible. Meanwhile, History and Science has their proof in other forms of discovery.

Sun = Recognizes Black people as natural; part of nature.

Nothing is "off the mark" at all.
Ok you are even more off the mark than I thought.
Moors were not "black people ruling europe". Moor was a term used by europeans to describe the north african (mostly muslim) tribes. Yes they invaded Iberia and ruled parts of it for a while (mainly Andalusia). Left some nice cultural influences that did enrich european heritage but in no way did they teach europeans how to cook or bathe. Lol what have you been reading?! You do know that bathing practices and cooking has been a thing in europe (and probably everywhere) since man discovered fire. Moors did not rule over europe, nor were they black. The dark ages was a term coined by Petrarch who was lamenting the fall of roman culture (light) compared to the so called barbaric darkness that followed (he was a bit biased). The sun likes us whites too you know but hey you can think that the universe is somehow racially biased. I find that kind of thinking insane.


May 21, 2021
Ok you are even more off the mark than I thought.
Moors were not "black people ruling europe". Moor was a term used by europeans to describe the north african (mostly muslim) tribes. Yes they invaded Iberia and ruled parts of it for a while (mainly Andalusia). Left some nice cultural influences that did enrich european heritage but in no way did they teach europeans how to cook or bathe. Lol what have you been reading?! You do know that bathing practices and cooking has been a thing in europe (and probably everywhere) since man discovered fire. Moors did not rule over europe, nor were they black. The dark ages was a term coined by Petrarch who was lamenting the fall of roman culture (light) compared to the so called barbaric darkness that followed (he was a bit biased). The sun likes us whites too you know but hey you can think that the universe is somehow racially biased. I find that kind of thinking insane.
Moors ruled the entirety of Europe and they are the only reason why Europeans today are successful. They did in fact teach them all human essentials; bathing, cooking, building, all of that. Do you need me to provide you videos, articles, and images? Actually, should I even bother? Because it seems like you're simply on denial.

Then you say I have a mindset that the universe is racially biased. It's not a racist thing that Black people were created first. It's really not. God chose to make them first, this wasn't my decision. The real problem is that YOU have a problem with that fact. And funny you say "racially biased" your people are the ones that deceived the entire world to be racially biased against Black people!

Objectively, your people are the reason why almost every country has an independence day. Now, isn't that just a sad shame? Objectively, your people are the biggest murderers, thieves, and rapists known to man. Objectively, your people are responsible for mass generational trauma.

And then you have the nerve to say the sun likes you. Apparently it doesn't, it BURNS you. Because again, you lack of Melanin- something that the ORIGINAL beings of earth have hence why they were able to build amazing architecture in the sun with little to no conflict. Those are the two main reasons why slave masters forced them to build.

I'm not going to sugarcoat anything. It's time you hear what you need to hear. Plug your ears, call me racist, stay in denial all you want- but it's not going to do you any good. Like at all.

What's hidden in the darkness must be brought to the light. What's been swept under the rug must be revealed. What's been kept private must be exposed to the public.
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Jul 15, 2020
Moors ruled the entirety of Europe and they are the only reason why Europeans today are successful. They taught them all human essentials; bathing, cooking, building, all of that. Learn for yourself.

Then you say I have a mindset that the universe is racially biased. It's not a racist thing that Black people were created first. It's really not. God chose to make them first, this wasn't my decision. The real problem is that YOU have a problem with that fact. And funny you say "racially biased" your people are the ones that deceived the entire world to be racially biased against Black people!

Objectively, your people are the reason why almost every country has an independence day. Now, isn't that just a sad shame? Objectively, your people are the biggest murderers, thieves, and rapists known to man. Objectively, your people are responsible for mass generational trauma.

And then you have the nerve to say the sun likes you. Apparently it doesn't, it BURNS you. Because again, you lack of Melanin- something that the ORIGINAL beings of earth have hence why they were able to build amazing architecture in the sun with little to no conflict. Those are the two main reasons why slave masters forced them to build.

I'm not going to sugarcoat anything. It's time you hear what you need to hear. Plug your ears, call me racist, stay in denial all you want- but it's not going to do you any good. Like at all.

What's hidden in the darkness must be brought to the light. What's been swept under the rug must be revealed. What's been kept private must be exposed to the public.
Melanin is produced in people that have any type of skin, not just "black". I should know, I have pretty dark hair. My mum has jet black hair... Sunburns are universal, black, white - all alike can get them. Though obviously white skin is more susceptible to sunburns but with care you can get a nice tan without getting burned. Clothes were not primarily invented to shield the skin from the sun but to prevent loss of heat in colder climates.
Moors never ruled the entirety of Europe. How, when? Where did you get that from?!?! Why are you spewing such lies. That is some diabolical twisting of reality. And I am pretty sure that europeans bathed and cooked and wrote and painted and built and philosophised before the moors came to europe.
And no, the egyptians were not the "original beings of the earth". Even in my tiny country you can find relics from the past (certain musical instruments) that predate by around 40000 years anything from what you might call egyptian culture.
Europeans are not of one culture nor are africans... You have this literal black and white notion of culture that has nothing to do with reality. My people for example never colonised anyone but were in fact colonised by Ottoman invaders so don't lump every white person with say the British. I don't identify as white culturally as there is no such thing as white culture, nor is there such a thing as black culture.
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Jul 15, 2020
I thought the same as you however found out it was false, Ancient Egyptians were initially black.The Greek travellers compared the ancient Egyptians to look similar to Cushites meaning they knew they were different from each other yet they looked similar.Look at the videos I linked
Ok intriguing, do you have a citation for those greek travelers? I only watched the first video and found it lacking. It reminded me of that youtube dude who tried to pass himself as an academic and convince the gullible that europe (including certain slavic countries) had black nobility in the middle ages by using paintings that clearly depicted the magi with their gifts yet he claimed were noble knights from Bohemia. Same level of discourse.