Nations taking their places for Ezekiel 38 / Psalm 83 / Isaiah 17 / Jeremiah 49

Mar 14, 2017

It is with sadness that the following words from Romans 1 come to mind.

28And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; 29Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, 30Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: 32Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.”
you realise that portion of romans 1 was about homosexuality and furthermore it covers a topic you have zero knowledge on? seriously you xtians make me laugh.

it speaks of the 3 mind states, collective/individual states of Sattva, Rajas, Tamas and here it is talking about the collective state of tamas which is the islamic equivalent of the 'state of jahilliya'.
in the state of jahilliya people mass murder and have little conscience.
Hence Paul explains how they began with God, then followed their passions and then fell into complete evil.

Within that spectrum, Yahweh was 'good' in the beginning in that Yahweh was a human conception of some idea of a primordial power. However as the israelites fell further into sin this entity as a collective thoughtform reflecting the nation, echoed that evil back to them.
Hence if they were cruel and wicked, so was their God. Even titus saw through that when he mass murdered 1m jews and instead said 'it was the jewish God acting through me'.

it's the fact i have a conscience that im using curses to express the utter shit that the old testament Yahweh really is. Jesus called him the devil and that is fact. When he told the rabbis 'your Father is the devil' he was on about their actual God, Yahweh. 'he was A MURDERER FROM THE BEGINNING'
erm hello? the flood? mass murder?
of course the other side to all this is that this story is a copy of the Enlil story. In otherwords all these ideas and conceptions of a primordial power are regionally influenced and not pure, but subject to many flaws and evils.

In fact even using the above text is something Yahweh would do as a false crux to prove himself.
Deception has many forms and i see through a lot of it now that im older.

As ive said, Yahweh is a collective thoughtform and so is The Father, hence the 'blood sacrifice' theme. Neither God nor an independent demon require blood. Blood contains the life force which only an artificial thoughtform feeds off. Humans can only project an idea of God and that idea reflects more of us than it does 'the primordial power'.
Jesus gave this world, The Father....but then the roman church hijacked and turned that into a demonic thoughtform too.

It's even ironic you have the nerve to quote Paul given Paul himself was a component of that thoughtform when he was MURDERING christians and then he woke up. He realised and later condemned the law.

finally you still worship a child killing state in the middle east. who the fk are you?

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
you realise that portion of romans 1 was about homosexuality and furthermore it covers a topic you have zero knowledge on? seriously you xtians make me laugh.
Homosexuality in this context is a symptom of a wider mindset. You appear to hate the God of the Bible and believe you can school Christians on its correct interpretation. You appear to believe that by use of scorn, rudeness and bullying that your point will be made successfully. I simply disagree with you but I think I understand some of the reasons for your vitriol towards Israel and Christians who maintain a futurist interpretation of scripture.
Mar 14, 2017
Homosexuality in this context is a symptom of a wider mindset. You appear to hate the God of the Bible and believe you can school Christians on its correct interpretation. You appear to believe that by use of scorn, rudeness and bullying that your point will be made successfully. I simply disagree with you but I think I understand some of the reasons for your vitriol towards Israel and Christians who maintain a futurist interpretation of scripture.
1) Yes but you don't actually posess the knowledge on the topics covered in Romans 1. Islam explains it in detail.
The state of islam
The state of hawa/passion
The state of jahilliya
both individual and cllective levels.

So you're quoting something that relates to the state of jahilliya against me, because i use curse words. That's kind of funny.
The truth is we are all collectively in a state of jahilliya, yourself inc and within that spectrum sexual 'disease' is akin to mold growing in a humid environment, it can affect anyone in any part of the world.

However the context Paul spoke of was 'mockers', like what Jude 1 covers. Those people do not posess much conscience at all.
Look at a man like Stephen Fry, he is gay, but he certainly posesses conscience when he questions why God caused cancer in babies, disease and poverty etc.
No matter what your personal argument would be against that, you cannot use the bible against him since the very thing he is rejecting is the same biblical version of God (if you can call it God at all).

IF the God of the bible is what ive said, then why use the scripture against me when the scripture itself is a working of a demon?

2) the fact is Jesus told the rabbis their FATHER was the devil and a murderer.
The only murderer in the bible is Yahweh and all his agents hence it is still yahweh. Whether it was David/Solomon, whether it was the king of babylon or the horns of Daniel, they were all in effect agents and components of Yahweh, it was Yahweh acting through them.
The story of the flood is a case of MASS MURDER.

since Jesus's idea of the devil was 'a murderer' then clearly the same rule applies to Yahweh and it is clear Yahweh was a mass murderer.
plus it makes sense given the rabbis were worshipping Yahweh. Jesus never ever accused them or being fake in that regard. Even when he called the pharisees 'hypocrites' he didnt accuse them or worshipping something other than Yahweh.

Why is 'conscience' ignored here?
eg 'you swearded derfor you are evil and condemned'
but what im condemning through curses is a mass murdering DEMON.
eg my hatred is against something i deem to be demonic and evil.

At the same time i understand that whilst the triune brain theory is not accurate, it reflects elements of truth within the metaphysical system it relates to. Eg the reptilian and limibic parts of the brain in turn reflect something 'lower' both demonic/serpent and animal kind.
You know why we curse? it's because it releases dopamine and is a component of the limbic brain. yet even how we attach meaning inc negative and positive meaning to letters which form words, is a reflection of a higher metaphysical system eg the letters and words are an aspect of a numerological system coming from ancient astrology. You're already familiar with numbers attach to hebrew, works the same for all languages albeit reflecting a different set of metaphysical interpretations.

just like stephen fry is a homosexual but posesses conscience, he is a victim of a much larger metaphysical system. just the same any aspect of this 'jahilliya' state i speak of impacts us all. if anyhing due to mass belief in said system we are subject to it.

You can't levy it against any one individual, we are all subject to the same system and it's flaws. My weakness being human, an aspect of reptilian and limibic and yet because it's 2022 and we are a little more aware of our own nature and flaws, i also understand how all of this reflects back of Yahweh. Yahweh in much the same way reflects those levels, reptilian, limibic and human/neo cortex.
Throughout the old testament you see all manner of demonic aswell as loving/human behaviour from Yahweh.

my conclusion is that Yahweh is a collective monkey mind component that is ultimately demonic and hence 'the devil'. that is the only way to make sense of the fact that the ONLY murderer and inspirer of murder in the bible, is Yahweh.
whether it was the egyptians, the assyrians, the greeks, romans, babylonians etc, it was always Yahweh controlling them.

3) so you're devoted to the bible?
Yet the higher ideald of zion speak of a 'land without borders, walls, weapons' (a partition wall for example) 'a peaceful and unsuspecting people' (idf, mossad for example) and yet you say 'dat iz God by way, team CUFI ftw'

much of the curses i throw out are against the hypocricy of your kind and how that all plays into the theme of a demonic yahweh who uses false promises, moves goalposts etc and inspires evil, to perpetuate the problem.
a man cursing at something evil from a place of clean conscience is condemned...
but jews murdering children is something you clearly wank over.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Luke 6

43For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 44For every tree is known by his own fruit. For of thorns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes. 45A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.
Mar 14, 2017
see violence and evil from an entity calling itself God

me: not in my name, that isnt God

see people murdering children

red sky morning: DAT IZ JESUS BTW
Mar 14, 2017
i forgot to add that the Tree and fruit analogy was used by Jesus against the jewish nation.
who was their God? Jesus's condemnation of the judean people was 'you're murderers' and yet he told the rabbis 'your father is the devil, he was a murderer from the beginning' 'you do as your father does'.

so here i am arguing that the jewish people murder palestinian children and YOU worship them.
ive argued that the land withour border/walls and a peaceful and unsuspecting nation....has become the complete opposite.
so now you're using Jesus's argument against the jewish nation, against me, for comdemning the jewish nation.


Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
I wonder how this will play out??

Zelensky blasts Israel, says its neutrality helped create Russia-Iran alliance

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky speaks by video at a conference organized by Israel's Haaretz daily, October 24, 2022. (Screenshot: YouTube; used in accordance with Clause 27a of the Copyright Law)

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky tells an Israeli conference that Russia wouldn’t have been collaborating militarily with Iran if Jerusalem hadn’t decided not to send military aid to Kyiv.

The Russia-Iran alliance would not have happened if Israeli leaders had agreed to help protect Ukraine’s skies, he tells a conference organized by the Haaretz daily, speaking on video.

Zelensky adds that the Moscow-Tehran alliance will likely see Russia help Iran develop its nuclear program in exchange for the drones supplied by the Islamic Republic.


Israel should stay out of the war in Ukraine

Being dragged into an endless and unwinnable conflict, to virtue-signal opposition to Russia’s illegal invasion, makes no sense for Jerusalem or Washington.


Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
“Peace and Safety”

Biden drafts letter guaranteeing Israel’s rights in Lebanon maritime deal

US President Joe Biden (L) and Israel's Prime Minister Yair Lapid shake hands after signinig the Jerusalem Declaration before the start of a joint press conference in Jerusalem, on July 14, 2022. (photo: Mandel Ngan, AFP)

US President Joe Biden has drafted a letter to Prime Minister Yair Lapid guaranteeing America’s commitment to the full implementation of the new maritime boundary deal with Lebanon and to Israel’s security and economic rights contained in the agreement, a senior US official said on Saturday evening.

The text of the letter was concluded between Israel and the US on Friday and Biden is expected to sign it early this coming week, the official said.

In the letter, Biden stresses the US commitment to supporting Israel’s ability to defend itself, including its gas infrastructure and ships in the Mediterranean.
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Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Iran’s Supreme Leader Khamenei:

“The US is very weak... and we will fulfill our promise (of revenge) after the martyrdom of Soleimani and co.

Those who think that the United States is a superpower are wrong. - It is extremely weak."
(Abu Saleh)

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Russia has informed Israel that it will retaliate if Israeli-made air-defense missiles or other interceptors get to Ukraine, whether directly or via third countries.


Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Russian President Putin and Iran's President Raisi spoke on the phone and discussed the cooperation between the countries. The conversation comes amid reports that Iran has begun receiving advanced SU-35 fighter jets from Russia.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
'400 seconds' to Tel Aviv: Iranian media publishes Hebrew hypersonic missile threat

Iran’s Sobh-e-Sadegh newspaper published a threat in Hebrew on its front page on Monday, warning that a new Iranian hypersonic missile could reach Israel in 400 seconds.

“400 seconds: General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Aerospace Force, said that Iran has obtained technology for hypersonic missiles,” wrote the newspaper, which is affiliated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

(400 seconds is approximately 6.66 minutes.)

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
NOVEMBER 24, 2022

United States Enters a New Era of Direct Confrontation With Iran

Iran's Fordow Nuclear Facility in 2016. (illustrative photo: Google Earth / Times of Israel)

Over the past few days, Iran has told international inspectors that it plans to begin making near bomb-grade nuclear fuel deep inside a mountain that is hard to bomb, and dramatically expand its nuclear fuel production at a plant that Israel and the United States have repeatedly sabotaged.

Iranian forces have shot or locked up antigovernment protesters, provided Russia with drones for its war in Ukraine and, some Western intelligence agencies suspect, may be negotiating to produce missiles as well for Russia’s depleted arsenal. The United States accused Iran on Tuesday of once again violating Iraqi territory to conduct attacks in the Kurdistan region.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Khamenei’s niece arrested after calling for foreign governments to cut ties with Iranian regime

Farideh Moradkhani, niece of Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, in a video posted online criticizing her uncle's regime. (Twitter video screenshot: used in accordance with Clause 27a of the Copyright Law)

Farideh Moradkhani, the niece of Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has been arrested after calling on foreign governments to cut all ties with the Iranian government.

Moradkhani was arrested on Wednesday when she went to the prosecutor’s office in response to a court order, according to a tweet from her brother Mahmoud Moradkhani.

In a video statement shared by her brother prior to her arrest, Moradkhani called on people around the world to urge their governments to cut ties with the Iranian regime amid protests sweeping the nation, and to ask their governments to “stop any dealings with this regime.”

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
IRGC chief: We will turn the world into a graveyard for US, Israel, Saudi policies

Maj. Gen. Hossein Salami, commander of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, June 8, 2018. Source: MEMRI.

(December 4, 2022 / JNS) Maj. Gen. Hossein Salami, the commander-in-chief of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), predicted that Israel would soon fall and Iran will use the impending “world war” as a “graveyard” for the policies of the United States, Israel, Saudi Arabia and their allies.

According to a report by MEMRI, Salami, in a speech that was broadcast on Ofogh TV (Iran) on Nov. 27, said, “Rest assured that we will witness the collapse of the Zionist regime, but we will never witness any serious damage to our revolution.”