Nations taking their places for Ezekiel 38 / Psalm 83 / Isaiah 17 / Jeremiah 49


May 17, 2020
I'm not sure if that guy is a zionist propagandist or if he is just ignorant of the historic record of what is known as 'modern day Israel'. His 'prophesy update' is over 74 years late in as much as 'dividing the land' is concerned as the zionists themselves divided the land in May 1948.

"MY DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: I have the honor to notify you that the state of Israel has been proclaimed as an independent republic within frontiers approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations in its Resolution of November 29, 1947..." source

I know zionists like to hide the fact that they declared borders so i'll give Andy Woods the benefit of the doubt and say he is ignorant of the facts but if he's some sort of teacher then he really should be doing a fact check so as not to lead the sheep off a cliff edge. As it is, whether ignorant or not, that video if full of distortions where he talks of 'Judea and Samaria' being the land of Israel or Gaza being the 'Palestinian state' and going by some of the comments on youtube he has infected gullible peoples minds (knowingly or unknowingly) with a lie.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
I'm not sure if that guy is a zionist propagandist or if he is just ignorant of the historic record of what is known as 'modern day Israel'. His 'prophesy update' is over 74 years late in as much as 'dividing the land' is concerned as the zionists themselves divided the land in May 1948.

"MY DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: I have the honor to notify you that the state of Israel has been proclaimed as an independent republic within frontiers approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations in its Resolution of November 29, 1947..." source

I know zionists like to hide the fact that they declared borders so i'll give Andy Woods the benefit of the doubt and say he is ignorant of the facts but if he's some sort of teacher then he really should be doing a fact check so as not to lead the sheep off a cliff edge. As it is, whether ignorant or not, that video if full of distortions where he talks of 'Judea and Samaria' being the land of Israel or Gaza being the 'Palestinian state' and going by some of the comments on youtube he has infected gullible peoples minds (knowingly or unknowingly) with a lie.
I think it comes down to the question “who owns the land”. Is there something distinctive and prophetic about the land of Israel or is it just a piece of ground in the Middle East?

My take is that God owns the land, and gives it to who He chooses, for His reasons. The Jews are back in the land but their return was a divine appointment, not a stamp of approval.


May 17, 2020
I think it comes down to the question “who owns the land”. Is there something distinctive and prophetic about the land of Israel or is it just a piece of ground in the Middle East?

My take is that God owns the land, and gives it to who He chooses, for His reasons. The Jews are back in the land but their return was a divine appointment, not a stamp of approval.

Psalm 24:1. I'd go even further and say that God owns the very clothes on my back. But none of that changes the fact that the fella in the video, who claims dividing the land is a 'trigger' for God (seriously, God gets triggered?) is 74 years out of date as the zionists had already divided the land. It's right there in the quote i used. It can't be denied by any reasonable person.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Psalm 24:1. I'd go even further and say that God owns the very clothes on my back. But none of that changes the fact that the fella in the video, who claims dividing the land is a 'trigger' for God (seriously, God gets triggered?) is 74 years out of date as the zionists had already divided the land. It's right there in the quote i used. It can't be denied by any reasonable person.
What do you make of this?

Joel 3:2 - King James Version

2 I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.


May 17, 2020
What do you make of this?

Joel 3:2 - King James Version

2 I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.
I don't make anything of it tbh as it's not a passage that does anything regarding my daily walk. I do know however that Christian zionists like to quote it whenever talk (and talk is all it is) of a two state solution hits the headlines and it has been so for many, many years. What i don't think i have ever encountered though is someone claiming 'biblical prophesy is unfolding before our eyes' whenever there's mention of a two state solution. I also watched another ppov video (226) where Andy Woods claimed that Israel 'won' Judea and Samaria in 1967. Quite peculiar. but like i already stated zionists divided the land in 1948 when they declared their borders and nothing outside those borders is the 'state of Israel'. I mention that again because Andy Woods would like us to believe that this Palestinian state will be inside Israel's borders when clearly, regardless of how many Jews live in the West Bank, it will not be inside Israel's borders.

How someone can claim, and others believe, that 'prophecy is unfolding before our eyes' because Lapid and Biden say they support such a solution (they also did so on July 14th) is beyond me. Perhaps you could explain that to me?

EDIT: Heres Lapid From 14th July

"About the two-state solution, I haven’t changed my position. A two-state solution is a guarantee for a strong democratic state of Israel with a Jewish majority".

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Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
I don't make anything of it tbh as it's not a passage that does anything regarding my daily walk. I do know however that Christian zionists like to quote it whenever talk (and talk is all it is) of a two state solution hits the headlines and it has been so for many, many years. What i don't think i have ever encountered though is someone claiming 'biblical prophesy is unfolding before our eyes' whenever there's mention of a two state solution. I also watched another ppov video (226) where Andy Woods claimed that Israel 'won' Judea and Samaria in 1967. Quite peculiar. but like i already stated zionists divided the land in 1948 when they declared their borders and nothing outside those borders is the 'state of Israel'. I mention that again because Andy Woods would like us to believe that this Palestinian state will be inside Israel's borders when clearly, regardless of how many Jews live in the West Bank, it will not be inside Israel's borders.

How someone can claim, and others believe, that 'prophecy is unfolding before our eyes' because Lapid and Biden say they support such a solution (they also did so on July 14th) is beyond me. Perhaps you could explain that to me?

EDIT: Heres Lapid From 14th July

"About the two-state solution, I haven’t changed my position. A two-state solution is a guarantee for a strong democratic state of Israel with a Jewish majority".

For a long time the “Palestinian Question” has been a source of conflict in the Middle East. The Arab states have eased their position to a degree economically following the Abraham Accords, but remain mainly aloof over the insistence on an agreed two-state solution.

If one is achieved, Israel may quickly become a land of “unwalled villages” and may welcome a seven year covenant that gives them the go-ahead to build a third temple. It’s easy to construct prophetic scenarios out of current events, but as for what will actually transpire, we will just have to wait and see.


May 17, 2020
It's one thing for us 'nobodies' to discuss what might or might not happen or what this or that might mean but it's a totally different thing when a pastor and 'teacher' spreads it on youtube.

No offence, Red, but i think this guy Woods is part Christian part zionist propagandist. Even worse he's an individual who thinks Universal Health Care could be a 'trigger for God's wrath'. I would think, and i would like to think all genuine Christians would agree, that God would probably be more 'upset' at the lack of Universal Health Care. I guess for some though the God of money comes before all else.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
It's one thing for us 'nobodies' to discuss what might or might not happen or what this or that might mean but it's a totally different thing when a pastor and 'teacher' spreads it on youtube.

No offence, Red, but i think this guy Woods is part Christian part zionist propagandist. Even worse he's an individual who thinks Universal Health Care could be a 'trigger for God's wrath'. I would think, and i would like to think all genuine Christians would agree, that God would probably be more 'upset' at the lack of Universal Health Care. I guess for some though the God of money comes before all else.
I think support for Israel’s existence and ideas on universal healthcare are separate issues, as perhaps are taste in cloths or preferred sporting teams.

We have “universal health care” in the UK, except what you get on the NHS and what you get privately are two different tiers of treatment. UHC delivered well is a good thing and delivered badly is a money pit. It all depends on who is delivering it, and if I were a US citizen I wouldn’t trust the Democrats to deliver a pair of socks, never mind a new national healthcare infrastructure.


May 17, 2020
Different issues...agreed. However Andy Woods lumped in 'dividing the land' and UHC when asking 'what could trigger God'. The fact that he even thinks God could be 'triggered' says a lot about his 'faith' imo.

I don't trust the tories, labour or lib dems with our NHS (or anything at all) but i still see the need for it. And wouldn't it be great if we all could afford to go private.

I guess some nations, to quote Don Francisco, like to '...make the poor man beg for a bone'.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Different issues...agreed. However Andy Woods lumped in 'dividing the land' and UHC when asking 'what could trigger God'. The fact that he even thinks God could be 'triggered' says a lot about his 'faith' imo.

I don't trust the tories, labour or lib dems with our NHS (or anything at all) but i still see the need for it. And wouldn't it be great if we all could afford to go private.

I guess some nations, to quote Don Francisco, like to '...make the poor man beg for a bone'.
I remember the song!



Mar 23, 2021
And the god of this world is mammon so....universal healthcare to private is all a facade when they are the ones making people sick to then make them well but just well enough so that they need this drug for x amount of time etc

As for Israel until GOD sets foot on it again its going to be a place of contention no matter what any thinks its in the bible....

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Petraeus: War in Ukraine ‘looks very dire indeed for Vladimir Putin’

Former CIA Director and retired Gen. David Petraeus is interviewed by host Anthony Scaramucci and Maria Bartiromo during the taping of the premiere show of “Wall Street Week,” on the Fox Business Network, in New York Thursday, March 17, 2016. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)

Former CIA Director and retired Gen. David Petraeus said the war in Ukraine “looks very dire indeed for [Russian President] Vladimir Putin” in that Ukraine has outmaneuvered Russia throughout the conflict.

Petraeus told radio talk show host John Catsimatidis on “The Cats Roundtable” on WABC 770 AM that Putin has found himself in an “irreversibly desperate” situation. He said Ukraine has been much more successful than Russia in mobilizing its capabilities.

He said that has led to Ukraine’s major counteroffensive, which has seen it retake thousands of square kilometers of its territory in the past month, and to Russia being on the defensive.

“At the end of the day, the situation looks very dire indeed for Vladimir Putin,” he said.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Putin 'in a corner' with options narrowing

US President Joe Biden admitted this week that American diplomats still did not know how Russian President Vladimir Putin could bring an end to his faltering war in Ukraine and save face. Western analysts see no good options.

The question of Putin's "off-ramp" -- or decisions that allow him to end the fighting without admitting defeat -- has exercised Western policymakers and foreign policy experts since the very start of the war in February.

"Where does he find a way out?" Biden asked on Thursday while talking in New York. "Where does he find himself in a position that he does not, not only lose face, but lose significant power within Russia?"

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
People have long speculated why America stands by during a future Ezekiel 38 invasions. I can now see both politically and practically why it might…

From Amir Tsarfati on Telegram…

“US defense secretary signaled that the U.S. and its Western allies are having trouble keeping pace with Ukraine’s demand for the advanced weaponry it needs to fend off Russia’s invasion. That signal reflects dwindling supplies for Ukraine and fear in the White House of escalation that could lead to war between the U.S. and Russia.

The risk of reduced U.S. stockpiles of high-end munitions has been reported almost since the U.S. began contributing to Ukraine’s defense. Now, nearly eight months since the start of the war, experts say the U.S. is at or very near the end of its capacity to give. “

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Russian ex-president: If Israel sends weapons to Ukraine it will destroy Moscow ties

Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman and head of the United Russia party Dmitry Medvedev speaks during a meeting outside Moscow, Russia, Oct. 3, 2022 (Ekaterina Shtukina, Sputnik Pool Photo via AP)

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Monday warned Israel against sending weaponry to Ukraine, saying it would destroy all diplomatic relations between Jerusalem and Moscow.

“It seems Israel will supply weapons to the Kyiv regime. A very reckless move. It will destroy all diplomatic relations between our countries,” Medvedev wrote on Telegram.

Medvedev currently serves as the deputy chairman of the Security Council of Russia, and is considered to be a key ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin.