Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Sep 28, 2018
not even south korean population itself listen to kpop to begin with. every fandom is solely built on people who are in their 10s and 20s. i guess thats why these kpop idols dont do well anymore once they reach their 30s cause their music is only sold to their cult circle and once the circle decrease its number, the idols' music career also fade away with it...then u'll see some of these idols trying to break into acting careers instead
i think in the past generations of idols they were more known to the general public because they did a lot of variety shows

Super Junior for example were always invited to TV shows in korea, so the public knew them for that (and not for their ,music)

with this new generation of idols. the public really has no idea who they are
And in BT5 and Blackp!nk case, the public only knows them as "the idols that chart on billboard" but not much more


Apr 22, 2022
I thought the meaning of the song was a bit different. Many people mistake it for a love song but she's actually speaking to her younger self who was more naive and innocent to the world, that's why you see young rose wearing white (purity, innocence) and blackpink rose (wearing black and pink) have a brief interaction in the MV
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She already sold out, so her saying that she "realizes" that everything she needs is "on the ground", the ground refers to the earth, is saying that she realizes that everything she's ever dreamed and chased after since she was young (fame, stardom) is on earth and she will continue to strive for earthly desires.

The bible clearly says to keep away from worldly or earthly things (and if I recall correctly I heard that her and her family is chrisitian even though you can't really be a christian and be in that demonic industry) so either she doesn't practice the religion anymore or she's lying but off-topic)
Colossians 3:2-
Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.
James 4:4

You adulterous people! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.

So since the ground is referring to earth in her song, and she's speaking to her younger self in the song, she says at first "I worked my whole life just to get right, just be like, look at me I'm never coming down" meaning that she was brought up in the christian faith by her family to work hard and do the right thing. It could also mean her referring to young trainee Rose, who entered the industry not knowing much and just working hard to reach her goal. But she also says in the song Funny when you want it, suddenly you have it, You find out that your gold's just plastic meaning that the promise of becoming a star as a trainee was granted, as her and her group are one of the biggest kpop girl groups right now, but she realized as she got higher up, fame and stardom is all just a fake illusion she was working hard for and comes with a price (losing your soul) and whatever her group had to do to reach that level of success.
"Yeah what goes up, it must come down" is a metaphor of Newton's law of motion to stardom... as she climbs higher and higher to success and stardom on earth, she most eventually come down... meaning hell, hence why there is fire all around her in a certain scene as she surrounded by theater shows
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which contrasts to her inncoent younger self, enclosed in a room with musical instruments (practicing to become a musician) and wearing the same fur like coat, but more softer. Satan doesn't give things for free and in the end she will pay the price of fame and choosing the "ground" (earth) which is why her younger self, or her right conscious warns her in the song "you're running out of time" meaning it will all eventually come to an end once Jesus will come again soon during the second resurrection and she will be judged for her choices and how she decided to spend her God given gifts on earth, which she chose to selfishly for herself by serving the devil and deceiving many.
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Thank you and others for these good analyses and discussion. I was not surprised when once again they released utter garbage. They should stick to modeling instead of "music" because it's really awful. I really don't know how there are people that can still consume this, entertainment is absolute garbage now that I honestly cannot stomach most music or media. It's way too dark, depressing demonic. It is exponentially more difficult to find any wholesome content.

Even before I converted I was feeling unease and wanted to avoid all of the nihilistic and dark media. It's really scary, and to think that Bl@ckp!nk are very popular with young girls. We must keep praying because kids are so failed right now and it's very scary times. God help us

Matthew 18:6
But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea.

She looks miserable now but still wears her cross. I wonder why. I believe it was only her that was ever religious in the group right? The rest don't seem to care and L!sa has been irreverent to all, even her own buddhist background



Apr 22, 2022
He’s under Sm, the possibility to be a Christian is 0%
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I was reminded by an interview I saw a while ago about Jess1ca who was in GG/SNSD calling herself Christian curious. She said she obviously couldn't talk about it or mention before when she was in SK as an idol. That was when she was still in the US I believe because now she's working in China and the Church is persecuted there


May 10, 2022


May 10, 2022
Hi! I'm the only one who sees it, right?
Note that the hands highlighted by the arrows do not belong to the members of the group, they even added a backup dance there for this...

UPD. I was wrong. It looks like the hands belong to Jihyo and Dahyun. However, this does not change anything
weird... i just noticed the attachments in your post has around 40 views already while you just posted it yesterday but usually the average views attachments get when a post was posted a couple days is like 16-20...


Sep 21, 2021
I was searching the meaning of Shinee,because i was curious,and i found these japanese words
To die=Shinu
Shiin=cause of death
Shinin=Dead person
It was creepy,because Jjong song Shinin in japanese means dead person o_O,and Shine(similar word to Sh1nee) means die in an imperative way o_O
Wow, this is interesting!

Hi Fujiko! (Asahi?) Welcome back to the forum! :)


Sep 21, 2021
Revisiting this blog...checking what has happened...4 years after some analyses on KPop "predictive programming" was made...

Mar 1, 2021
In his instagram posts, he subtly hinted about drinking blood and some vague symbolisms about adrenochrome i guess.
But yeah he is totally into the satanic stuff..

All these are just from his instagram itself ‍, so, o_O. he is open about being a satanist probably

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He doesn't look older, which is odd for his color and age. People who entered Hollyweird later look twice as old and have wrinkles.