Canadians Unite

Mar 30, 2017
How times have changed.

Good archival footage! I would post some of the protesters protesting the protest, but I honestly can't be bothered giving them any PR. They look like one sad and sorry bunch! Oh and they're following Justin Trudeau and Steven DeLuca so it's evident how that party has drastically changed over the last few years.
Jul 31, 2021
.Poilievre is one of the schwabs young global turncoats.

I was able to find that info with webarchive but it's not on the WEF site...what happened is he still a member but hidden? Man these people are masters of deception but a single Google search exposes them. Heh.

Feb 22, 2020
You weren't playing devil's advocate when it came to George Floyd-BLM. Moreover, when it's very clear that it's a play that has been staged from beginning to end. I guess then it was enough that the protests were fair for you.

Truckers can be an example of controlled opposition. If so, I just wish this got out of control.
Unlike pretty much everybody on this thread.

I can admit that BOTH BLM and "freedom convoy" have legitimate causes, that were both exploited by the elites for one reason or another.

The hypocrites cried and complained that BLM were "disrupting businesses" yet are cheering as the "freedom convoy" has disrupted far more business and trade, shutting down borders and international trade. If it was BLM doing that, we wouldn't hear the end of it.

People are intentionally being socially manipulated and isolated by the controllers to see their political opposition as evil and illegitimate, and they have an inability to think rationally beyond what their "teams" propaganda is telling them to think and feel.

The right was cheering for authoritarianism to "stop BLM" while the "liberals" cheer for authoritarianism to stop a virus that kills less people than Cancer.

Until each side can stop being brainwashed and think rationally and outside of their social conditioning box, then we are all fucked.

That's what I'm trying to wake people up to, but people just want to stay polarized because it makes them feel superior.

And even more important both sides have been brainwashed to not be able to distinguish REALITY from nonsense.
Feb 22, 2020
.Poilievre is one of the schwabs young global turncoats.

I told you from the beginning this "freedom convoy" was POLITICAL.

Organized and funded by POLITICAL actors with a POLITICAL AGENDA.

It was never about "freedom" or Truckers.

This is about putting Canada's version of Trump into office. That's all.

It's why Ezra Levant is pushing this hard. Why right wing media and politicians across the border are pushing it hard.

Not about your freedom, it's about putting in another politician who can play "anti establishment" hero for all the suckers who still don't understand how the game works.

Looks like the Trump op can be repeated over and over again, long as the suckers have not learned.


Mar 18, 2017
I was able to find that info with webarchive but it's not on the WEF site...what happened is he still a member but hidden? Man these people are masters of deception but a single Google search exposes them. Heh.

So this is all just theatre?? Acting like he is some serious opposition figure when at the end of the day he and Freeland are both WEF stooges?
Mar 30, 2017
So this is all just theatre?? Acting like he is some serious opposition figure when at the end of the day he and Freeland are both WEF stooges?
Yup. Posted it here that they're part of the WEF Privy Council:

This thread has some more Canuck politicians in it as well:



Mar 18, 2017
Yup. Posted it here that they're part of the WEF Privy Council:

This thread has some more Canuck politicians in it as well:

Funny, Youtube actually recommended that clip to me. :)
While it's known that O'Toole is no longer the leader of the CPC party, according to the following tweet, all members below are part of the Privy Council in the WEF. I haven't been able to find too much about the Council but if what they're saying is true, I think it's something ALL Canadians should be cognizant of. Someone did mention someone for the CPC leader who's not on the list so we'll see:

Even Maxime Bernier?? He is often touted as some good guy...Saviour-type politician.
Steven Guilbeault & Jean Yves surprise there.
Are the two Bronfmans listed any relation to the Bronfman sisters of NXIVM infamy?
I think it was Frank who posted a clip of Candice Bergen questioning it was some serious opposition...can't remember what page it was.

ps. iam a bit slow with this thread so i guess iam missing quite abit but i'll get myself together and properly go through it.
Mar 30, 2017
Funny, Youtube actually recommended that clip to me. :)

Even Maxime Bernier?? He is often touted as some good guy...Saviour-type politician.
Steven Guilbeault & Jean Yves surprise there.
Are the two Bronfmans listed any relation to the Bronfman sisters of NXIVM infamy?
I think it was Frank who posted a clip of Candice Bergen questioning it was some serious opposition...can't remember what page it was.

ps. iam a bit slow with this thread so i guess iam missing quite abit but i'll get myself together and properly go through it.
Yeah, it's one hot mess, that's for sure. I watched a clip Whitney Webb being interviewed by Reiner Fuellmich the other day in the trial. She said something interesting that made me wonder. She said that the WEF will do what it can to build back trust with the public over time because they understand how they're being viewed now. Granted, over that time, they'll be preparing for the next psy-op, Whitney mentioned.

I then got to thinking, playing the devil's advocate, I wonder if some of these politicians who signed up earlier had no idea what they were signing up to or with as I mentioned in the NWO thread? I'm sure the WEF uses a lot of doublespeak when they discuss how they want to "help" countries, their site looks like it has a bunch of smiling professional faces and notable people joining it. As well, Rupa Subramanya pointed out that in Chrystia Freeland wrote in a 2015 opinion piece in The Guardian stating “After my book, Plutocrats, was published in 2012, I was even disinvited to a Davos dinner party." Therefore, these socio/psychopaths don't like being exposed and it could be some may have just liked the prestige of mingling among the elite but don't know their true intentions. Clearly, I'm speculating, but if someone's being "cheered on" in the Privy Council by MSM or some alt media site/channel, my guess is they're still beholden to WEF. I don't really see that happening too much with Maxime Bernier, although, with Pierre Poilievre, it's a different story.


Mar 18, 2017
Yeah, it's one hot mess, that's for sure. I watched a clip Whitney Webb being interviewed by Reiner Fuellmich the other day in the trial. She said something interesting that made me wonder. She said that the WEF will do what it can to build back trust with the public over time because they understand how they're being viewed now. Granted, over that time, they'll be preparing for the next psy-op, Whitney mentioned.
Oh! I remember that. I watched the clip last year but it seems as though you are mentioning something more recent. WEF stated that as a goal at the start of last year.... Jan 2021...sorry can't find the link right now. Yes, it seems they are going to play a double game. They will continue to advance the agendas while at the same time build up trust. Maybe it is why some of the legacy media has been in penance mode since December.
I then got to thinking, playing the devil's advocate, I wonder if some of these politicians who signed up earlier had no idea what they were signing up to or with as I mentioned in the NWO thread? I'm sure the WEF uses a lot of doublespeak when they discuss how they want to "help" countries, their site looks like it has a bunch of smiling professional faces and notable people joining it. As well, Rupa Subramanya pointed out that in Chrystia Freeland wrote in a 2015 opinion piece in The Guardian stating “After my book, Plutocrats, was published in 2012, I was even disinvited to a Davos dinner party." Therefore, these socio/psychopaths don't like being exposed and it could be some may have just liked the prestige of mingling among the elite but don't know their true intentions. Clearly, I'm speculating, but if someone's being "cheered on" in the Privy Council by MSM or some alt media site/channel, my guess is they're still beholden to WEF. I don't really see that happening too much with Maxime Bernier, although, with Pierre Poilievre, it's a different story.
I agree. I don't think all the people who graduated from WEF kindergarten have/had diabolical intentions. I think that many were just happy to have that on their CV and didn't look too deep into the WEF unless they had conspiracy leanings but they now know it is a liability. For the WEF, it's all about grooming these people and trying to get them into office but sometimes, things don't work out. When i checked WEF's wiki page, i found that even one of Gaddafi's sons (name presently escapes me) was a YGL but look at what happened to the country and where he is now.
@Stucky recommended a link to me in the Putin-Nuclear war thread and something in it took my mind in this direction. I wound up thinking that even though the WEF may have all these people in high office, it still wouldn't have been possible to pull all this off without dumping bags of money in their laps or outright personal threats.
Yes, the WEF has substantial amounts of money as reserves but it has to be "someone" else dolling out money disbursed worldwide to pull this off. If my memory serves me right, the ex-BC Premier, Vander Zalm, said exactly that...alot of money has gone into this operation inorder to pull it off.

At the time i checked their wiki page, i scrolled to the bottom for sources and found an interesting article about the prostitutes who pour into Davos every year to service the invited guests, which naturally leads to the question: how many attendees have been compromised this way, from year to year? Ofcourse when i read that, my mind drifted further to Epstein (he was a member of the CFR and Trilateral commission but not sure about him attending Davos). Frank also posted in the Covid thread one of the Maxwell sisters designing?? WEF's software systems.

Anyway, to me, it's not enough being an alum of WEF kindergarten. They probably put handlers aka advisers into your orbit once you get into office and i've been thinking about that quite abit in regard to Trudeau. Who are Trudeau's advisors...paid & unpaid? Because let's be honest, Schwab can't be on the phone all day telling you what & what not to do.
The only good thing about this is that if he does invoke this, it means Trudeau has lost complete control over the situation because it's a peaceful protest, and he is no longer fit to govern as there's no "emergency" (goes without saying, but just saying):

Rumblings from last April (i started a thread on it btw)
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Mar 30, 2017
Oh! I remember that. I watched the clip last year but it seems as though you are mentioning something more recent. WEF stated that as a goal at the start of last year.... Jan 2021...sorry can't find the link right now. Yes, it seems they are going to play a double game. They will continue to advance the agendas while at the same time build up trust. Maybe it is why some of the legacy media has been in penance mode since December.

I agree. I don't think all the people who graduated from WEF kindergarten have/had diabolical intentions. I think that many were just happy to have that on their CV and didn't look too deep into the WEF unless they had conspiracy leanings but they now know it is a liability. For the WEF, it's all about grooming these people and trying to get them into office but sometimes, things don't work out. When i checked WEF's wiki page, i found that even one of Gaddafi's sons (name presently escapes me) was a YGL but look at what happened to the country and where he is now.
@Stucky recommended a link to me in the Putin-Nuclear war thread and something in it took my mind in this direction. I wound up thinking that even though the WEF may have all these people in high office, it still wouldn't have been possible to pull all this off without dumping bags of money in their laps or outright personal threats.

Yes, the WEF has substantial amounts of money as reserves but it has to be "someone" else dolling out money disbursed worldwide to pull this off. If my memory serves me right, the ex-BC Premier, Vander Zalm, said exactly that...alot of money has gone into this operation inorder to pull it off.

At the time i checked their wiki page, i scrolled to the bottom for sources and found an interesting article about the prostitutes who pour into Davos every year to service the invited guests, which naturally leads to the question: how many attendees have been compromised this way, from year to year? Ofcourse when i read that, my mind drifted further to Epstein (he was a member of the CFR and Trilateral commission but not sure about him attending Davos). Frank also posted in the Covid thread one of the Maxwell sisters designing?? WEF's software systems.

Anyway, to me, it's not enough being an alum of WEF kindergarten. They probably put handlers aka advisers into your orbit once you get into office and i've been thinking about that quite abit in regard to Trudeau. Who are Trudeau's advisors...paid & unpaid? Because let's be honest, Schwab can't be on the phone all day telling you what & what not to do.
I should really be doing other things but I'm listening to this video which has captivated me. It's the 2nd day of the Grand Jury trial:

Grand Jury | Day 2 (English)

I can't comment on it now, but the second guy in the video. who's Canadian, is touching on a lot of what you're mentioning (i.e. Pierre and Justin Trudeau, WEF, Chatham House, British Commonwealth, etc.). The history of it all is something that should be taught in Canadian history courses.

The video is over five hours long so I'm hoping there's a point where I don't find it interesting... :)
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May 18, 2018
Who are Trudeau's advisors...paid & unpaid? Because let's be honest, Schwab can't be on the phone all day telling you what & what not to do.
I wouldn't be surprised if someone like Trudeau could operate as a semi autonomous agent for the WEF. He has internalized that vision of the future and can steer his little corner towards it while enriching himself with insider trading. He's more akin to a graduate of the global powerstructure given he was born into power

Im sure they know the general layout is Plandemic>Jab>Passport>Digital Id>Central Bank Digital Currency>Universal Basic Income>Social Credit Score, operating through social control mechanisms of climate change and similar buzzterms; racism/phobias; corporate scientism, when things get off course, in order to coral the masses.

Ontario already has the Digital ID in place, notice the computer chip in the hand graphic1644853159289.png
May 18, 2018
Trudeau gives power to banks to freeze any funds they believe will be going to help the truck convoy. He didn't get the CBDCs in place in time to have the power to do so himself
The Counsel will not be happy about this misstep
Jul 31, 2021
Emergencies Act invoked...but 4 provinces oppose it.

Trudeau, like father, like son. This is October Crisis 2.0 and will be used to track protesters and build an AI powered database of their identities. Poilievre is already mining data with his Google Docs petitions on Twitter. This is all starting to smell like controlled opposition.