Canadians Unite


Feb 8, 2021
this crap right here
is why the blockades are happening
it's not just truckers maybe everyone
needs to start holding signs up with
their professions so people can see
it is not just truckers there is every level
of our economy there that without ya
will see impact through the province
that is the governments fault
not the fault of all those people that have
for 2 yrs kept this economy flowing smooth
did what was asked of them
What happened last yr the turd was telling everyone
to thank these people when ya see em
now he wants everyone to believe that they are
horrible for wanting to be able to decide
what they do with their body which is a freedom
because all are tired of not seeing them normal
smiling faces wherever we go
that were tired of seeing our children not
being able to be children
that most of all
we are all just sick n tired
of a goverment trying to shape this country to
their idea of what it should be instead of
actually listening to the people of this country
what we want for our country
that we all know that theturd has sold out Canada
it's not hard to see if people would just do the searching/reading
required to see it
how he brags about owning the media by buying it
how a certain someone owns theturd n over half his people
it's all out there just need to look

we all need to find a way
for those who are not able to get
to Ottawa or any of the other gatherings
for w/e reason
to show theturd we are there too
it's not just the massive amount of people
ya see online it's so much more
the coveys happening around the world
should tell everyone it's not a small group
maybe we can put together a video
or something to send I dunno
as I have said maybe people would see clearer
if everyone who is there that wears a certain
type of uniformed outfit for work examples
police,firefighters,nurses,doctors,military etc....
if all at home seen that then maybe they would realize
with their own eyes
why the goverment is pushing they are the problem
why the goverment is trying so hard to tarnish their image
because it's everyone we need for our economy to flourish

I am just exacerbated by the government
I am done ranting
God bless them all!
Jul 31, 2021
Looks like its over for Canada at least.
Not here in Quebec. The minister of health said the vaccine passport and masks are here to stay. This is literally the worst place to live in North America right now.
Mar 30, 2017
She's written some insightful articles for the National Posts such as this one below. Someone told her she was racist and she replied they should get help :):

Rupa Subramanya: Chrystia Freeland's side gig with the WEF is endangering Canadian democracy

This is a good video explaining what's going on in Ottawa:



Jun 28, 2020
Not here in Quebec. The minister of health said the vaccine passport and masks are here to stay. This is literally the worst place to live in North America right now.
I see. Well i think they will give up soon enough. Many nations are already working on the next plan-demic, which seems to be HIV. Probably induced from the con-vid vax.
Feb 22, 2020
just to keep the score for those who want to be aware of the facts and not simply be pied pipered by psychological operations.

This "freedom convoy" is an American/Trump operation. This can no longer be denied. US flags, Confederate flags, Infowars flags, Trump flags have absolutely NOTHING to do with the situation in Canada. But of course these are the people leading this operation and they need their symbology all over this op.

Here is Pastor Artur Pawlowski, a Canadian preacher who was one of the leaders of the shutting down of the border in Alberta. He was arrested days ago.

and of course our favorite Canadian Zionist is outraged.

but Pastor Artur Pawlowski has also met with General Michael Flynn.

So we have people organizing this operation who are meeting with Flynn, the man behind both QANON and PIZZAGATE hoaxes. This operation is being lead by the Special Operations Command. The same people who wanted to install martial law and military dictatorships in America.

But the Pastor is also meeting with Steve Bannon.

So we have Canadian footsoldiers in this op taking orders from Steve Bannon and Michael Flynn the Qanon general.

Totally "grassroots"

So many cult members around.

Its like NOBODY learned a thing from the Trump operation in 2016.

"anti-establishment" politics and "conspiracy theories" are now mainstream with scripts being read by Tucker Carlson, the most watched news person in America.

"grassroots" movements are now being lead, organized and funded by Military intelligence and right wing billionaires, and supported by the richest man in the world LOL


This is foreign funded destabalization operation.
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May 15, 2017
Ok where are these friggin flags n crap
I been watching,talking,seeing pics n videos
from a lot of sources other than online
I just ain't seeing it
when are people gonna wake and realize
there is no left/right or politics
its a show put on to keep the people divided
and fighting amongst each other
it's always been used as such
these people pretend when they have to
they are actors
behind close doors
they are eating drinking and having grand ole times
they are the wings of the same bird
they may have some who think they should take
this route instead of that one but in the end
it's all leading to the same goal
what we are all witnessing right now
is when people choose to start ignoring that
put on show
there is no divide only love ❤
That right now watching this unfold
if you think it will stop with this
that TPTB
will be happy with this win ya better think again
cause either wing is still gonna take as much as we
are willing to sit back and say we are ok with
if ya cannot see that this
is the most horrendous crimes of history
starting to be repeated only this time its
gonna be on a global scale the numbers
are about to be astronomical to the numbers
that put into place the numberge code

I wish I could find that friggen population
prediction for 2024 as those numbers
prove they were planning this for yrs
the USA is somehow supposed to lose 300million people
it will go from roughly 300 million to 55 million
Canada some how dropped from 36 million to 15 million
I cannot remember specifics for every country
can say every single one
is losing a third to almost 90% of the population
When I saw this a few yrs back I wondered how the hell can
the world lose that many all at once
of course my mind also went to the stockpile of coffins
they have been saving up for how long now
then when divoc hit I knew the how
I thought maybe the rusiv but then
I started seeing things when the eniccav
started and I knew for sure
now I suppose it could all be speculation or coincidence
all one has to do is take the time to look and read
most of its put out by TPTB as it seems they like to gloat
also they know readers are a dying breed
this day and age where no one uses full words
we got acronyms for just bout everything
most read a headline and believe they know the entire story

I am sorry to rant
I just do not know why some can
see and accept that we have been lied to
then thinkthat TPTB
will speak truth to us ever
I'm done
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Jul 31, 2021
wish I could find that friggen population
prediction for 2024 as those numbers
prove they were planning this for yrs
the USA is somehow supposed to lose 300million people
I dont usually read fact checking sites but this one seems accurate.

Those population predictions were on site but they have been removed. When I saw that I immediately thought of a nuclear war where Russia/China win due to NATO forces not launching their nukes. Which would explain why their population remained intact.

On the Deagel it said after the Covid plandemic that the population would be drastically reduced due to nuclear war triggered by economies collapsing around the world (massive inflation always leads to war according to history). All that because of the lockdown restrictions. But before that it said it would be because of mass emigration. (which seems impossible). Not really sure that site is really trustworthy now.


May 15, 2017
No that's not it
Terminator Resistance thank you
I never saw this one
The one I am talking about
was put out long before
this even was a known reality
it was just population projections for the yr 2024
I have been looking since I started posting
I think we may have lost it though with
all the censoring crap going on
I really need a bigggggg harddrive
as i do think if we do not start logging and saving
a lot of this information will be wiped
once it's all gone
then I guess klauses new
Great narrative
will happen


May 15, 2017
Ok well I guess I stand corrected
how old are the pics if ya don't mind my asking
as I been watching,reading and talking to others
that are not seeing it either
also just cause ya see that crap
does NOT mean every single person there
is in support of it
I am not a supporter of it yet I am in complete
support of this movement
as are many of the people there
I am sure there are some using this moment
for their own personnel gains
however this movement is not all full of pretenders
they are the economy ,they are our neighbors,friends and family
we have all had enough
this country is boasted by TPTB
as one of the truely free countries
Every single person I know involved
just want our free country again
ignore the divides that they have used
since the start of this so called democracies
they use every tool they can to achieve this
for the most part it works
however your now seeing people that can see threw
all that crap now and are standing together as
one voice trying to turn Canada back to a free country
There is no use in arguing I am sure if ya cannot
relate to anything else this movement stands for
we can all agree that for too long the government
around this world have taken enough of our rights away
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Feb 22, 2020
That’s because boomers associate trump with anti establishment you moron lmao. Its not evidence trump paid for it. the logical leaps shillcity doesn’t realize he takes are actually schizophrenic level
No it's because General Flynn, Steve Bannon, the whole Trump op is behind this operation. They've even paid for it.

The evidence keeps getting shown and you just pretend it isn't there.

You don't have an entire media apparatus supporting something, and then try to claim they aren't supporting it.

You don't have a "grassroots" movement being lead by Trump, General Flynn, Steve Bannon, Ezra Levant, Tucker Carlson, Fox News, Infowars, Elon Musk, Ted Cruz, Rupert Murdoch.

Funny when it was BLM, you were all over the "elite fingerprints " but now you stick your head in the sand.

You are nothing but a political operative shill trying to con people into following your elite billionaire backed fascist movement, using mainstreamed "conspiracy theory" talking points read off teleprompters by clowns like Tucker Carlson, WHO DESPISES THE WORKING CLASS, yet gets to play make believe "populist" for dumbed down Americans who fall for simplistic bullshit.

They are using COVID as a political recruiting tool, it is a legitimate cause being co opted and exploited for politics and ideology. they are using it to hide behind. It's necessary to call the FRAUDS out. Just because they are deceptive and know how to make manipulate on a mass scale does not mean they are for THE PEOPLE.
Feb 22, 2020
Ok well I guess I stand corrected
how old are the pics if ya don't mind my asking
as I been watching,reading and talking to others
that are not seeing it either
also just cause ya see that crap
does NOT mean every single person there
is in support of it
I am not a supporter of it yet I am in complete
support of this movement
as are many of the people there
I am sure there are some using this moment
for their own personnel gains
however this movement is not all full of pretenders
they are the economy ,they are our neighbors,friends and family
we have all had enough
this country is boasted by TPTB
as one of the truely free countries
Every single person I know involved
just want our free country again
ignore the divides that they have used
since the start of this so called democracies
they use every tool they can to achieve this
for the most part it works
however your now seeing people that can see threw
all that crap now and are standing together as
one voice trying to turn Canada back to a free country
There is no use in arguing I am sure if ya cannot
relate to anything else this movement stands for
we can all agree that for too long the government
around this world have taken enough of our rights away
I support the end of the mandates as well

I support the MANY genuine people who are at the protests.

However I will not be blind to TPTB who are organizing, funding, and promoting this rally as their political tool.

The fact that there are people on this forum who want no deeper look into the origins of this thing, just shows the level of delusion, and the agenda they have at downplaying certain sections of the elites while hyping up others.

They are simply political/ideological actors who want to push their scripted narratives and not go any deeper than whats on the surface.

Thats exactly how the MSM operates. They are simply one MSM narrative fighting the other MSM narrative.

The truth is usually somewhere in between and gets attacked by shills of both opposing camps.
May 18, 2018
No it's because General Flynn, Steve Bannon, the whole Trump op is behind this operation. They've even paid for it.

The evidence keeps getting shown and you just pretend it isn't there.

You don't have an entire media apparatus supporting something, and then try to claim they aren't supporting it.

You don't have a "grassroots" movement being lead by Trump, General Flynn, Steve Bannon, Ezra Levant, Tucker Carlson, Fox News, Infowars, Elon Musk, Ted Cruz, Rupert Murdoch.

Funny when it was BLM, you were all over the "elite fingerprints " but now you stick your head in the sand.

You are nothing but a political operative shill trying to con people into following your elite billionaire backed fascist movement, using mainstreamed "conspiracy theory" talking points read off teleprompters by clowns like Tucker Carlson, WHO DESPISES THE WORKING CLASS, yet gets to play make believe "populist" for dumbed down Americans who fall for simplistic bullshit.

They are using COVID as a political recruiting tool, it is a legitimate cause being co opted and exploited for politics and ideology. they are using it to hide behind. It's necessary to call the FRAUDS out. Just because they are deceptive and know how to make manipulate on a mass scale does not mean they are for THE PEOPLE.
And your evidence is that people flew flags there and fox news reported on it. I literally refuse to believe you’re not gaslighting. you get some strange amusement from knowingly lying and being disingenuous.