Canadians Unite


Dec 31, 2021
Does anyone else get the feeling that they are about to release the truth about the vaccine? This protest has nothing to do with the emergency act.


Dec 31, 2021
I have a bad feeling about everything right now....
It's no time to be weak right now. Start preparing your next moves. I'm sorry but, I think we know the truth, and we've been trying to tell everyone but they were asleep. Who do we blame? This has been planned for decades. DECADES and only a small amount of people were really awake.


May 15, 2017
I have a bad feeling about everything right now....
I know
I keep saying the same thing
to my other half here
that despite the love,unity and the just beautiful
sights we all be seeing everywhere
I keep feeling like something very horrible
is about to happen
Feb 22, 2020
13 people arrested at Coutts Alberta border, 13 long guns, additional handguns, body armour, thousands of rounds confiscated. Tractor attempted to ram police.

But no there's no radicals among the protesters at all.

Police say they grew aware of a small, organized group that was part of the overall protest. They began making arrests at midnight while executing a search warrant. Officers searched three trailers and police said they seized 13 long guns, handguns, multiple sets of body armour, a machete, a large quantity of ammunition as well as high-capacity magazines.

As an example of what police say was the group’s “militant mindset,” RCMP said a large farm tractor and semi truck involved in the blockade had also attempted to ram a police vehicle the previous evening.

The officer was able to avoid the collision and RCMP followed the suspects to a location where they found the protesters gathered. Police say they’ve identified the driver of the tractor and are working on finding him to take him to into custody. They have seized both vehicles.
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May 18, 2018
13 people arrested at Coutts Alberta border, 13 long guns, additional handguns, body armour, thousands of rounds confiscated. Tractor attempted to ram police.

But no there's no radicals among the protesters at all.

Police say they grew aware of a small, organized group that was part of the overall protest. They began making arrests at midnight while executing a search warrant. Officers searched three trailers and police said they seized 13 long guns, handguns, multiple sets of body armour, a machete, a large quantity of ammunition as well as high-capacity magazines.

As an example of what police say was the group’s “militant mindset,” RCMP said a large farm tractor and semi truck involved in the blockade had also attempted to ram a police vehicle the previous evening.

The officer was able to avoid the collision and RCMP followed the suspects to a location where they found the protesters gathered. Police say they’ve identified the driver of the tractor and are working on finding him to take him to into custody. They have seized both vehicles.
-Blue tape on mags, used to indicate blanks, loaded with live rounds
-box magazine loaded with shotgun shells, even though the only shotgun in the photo has a tubular magazine
-everything is in pristine condition right out of the amazon box
-one rifle has no scope or sights on it whatsoever, meaning it probably came right out of the box
-no names given
just go back to facebook v*ncitye*gle
May 18, 2018
why didn’t this guy put his mag pouch on straight? Surely if someone had worn it, they would’ve felt it was off centre. Do the police know that doesn’t hold real kevlar? Why doesnt it have a spec of dirt on it? Along with all the other equipment?

if this doesn’t stink like an op to you, youre so thirsty for kool aid you’d drink Jim joneses.

reminds me of the Michigan “kidnapping” plot arrests at the last American anti lockdown protest. Once again, v*ncitye*gle came in screeching mainstream talking points provided to own the stupid covid questioners here. Aand once again I told it it was an op. Aaaaaaand once again it turned out 8 months later, that of the 13 “arrests” all except one were FBI agents working to set up one single guy, a single father recently out of jail who told them frequently he didn’t want trouble. And once again, I’m pretty sure no charges stuck because it was all just for the media story.

crazy how someone can fall for the same tricks over and over because they want to confirm their bias


Jun 28, 2020
It must be amazing to live in a world where you can just create your own reality.
He makes alot of good points. While you've basically refuted nothing. Its pretty clear you watch main stream media going by your various posts. Which removes your credibility. Not sure if you've noticed but a single person here hasn't agreed with you in this entire thread on any point you've made.

Maybe its time to step back and reflect?
May 18, 2018
History lesson
‘Weapons’ seized in G20 arrests not what they seem
Police display items confiscated in unrelated incidents

if you don’t want to read it, at the g20 protests in the 2000s, police showed a “cashe or weapons they seized from protestors” to the media, saying they even had arrows with socks on them which they intended to light on fire. Turned out all the weapons were from unrelated incidents, the arrows were from someone going to a live action role play mideval nerd event. Still got them their story to justify what they wanted to do
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Mar 18, 2017
I have a bad feeling about everything right now....
I know
I keep saying the same thing
to my other half here
that despite the love,unity and the just beautiful
sights we all be seeing everywhere
I keep feeling like something very horrible
is about to happen
This stopped me dead because i've been having the same foreboding feeling for the last couple days, as though something bad is hanging in the air....and yet iam in an area that has no restrictions at all and everything seems fine.

The only thing that popped into my mind was something @Helioform posted years ago in regard to the energy picked up before & after 9/11
“Psychosphere” can be defined as the “sphere of human consciousness” and takes its roots in Carl Jung’s concept of “collective unconscious”. It basically states that all thoughts that go through the human brain are “converted” by the neocortex and projected outwards into ethereal dimensions. Humans, therefore, live in an “atmosphere of thoughts”, a concept that is also referred to as “noosphere” by Vladimir Vernadsky and Teilhard de Chardin. According to them, the existence of this psychosphere causes humans to be compelled to respond to similar ideas, myths and symbols.

Although referred to in other terms, the concept of psychosphere is important in occult circles who conduct mega-rituals to influence the “collective unconscious” – often for nefarious purposes." ~
(VC Article about tv show 'True Detective')

The Global Consciousness Project equipment picked up a massive increase of energy just before and after the event itself also.

On a side note, parasychologists are heavily involved, presently, in the alien agenda disclosure stuff.
So I hazard a guess that our collective Nous or psychosphere is being intentionally manipulated in preparation for something....i don't mind is in a spin right now over this.
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Mar 30, 2017
View attachment 71788
why didn’t this guy put his mag pouch on straight? Surely if someone had worn it, they would’ve felt it was off centre. Do the police know that doesn’t hold real kevlar? Why doesnt it have a spec of dirt on it? Along with all the other equipment?

if this doesn’t stink like an op to you, youre so thirsty for kool aid you’d drink Jim joneses.

reminds me of the Michigan “kidnapping” plot arrests at the last American anti lockdown protest. Once again, v*ncitye*gle came in screeching mainstream talking points provided to own the stupid covid questioners here. Aand once again I told it it was an op. Aaaaaaand once again it turned out 8 months later, that of the 13 “arrests” all except one were FBI agents working to set up one single guy, a single father recently out of jail who told them frequently he didn’t want trouble. And once again, I’m pretty sure no charges stuck because it was all just for the media story.

crazy how someone can fall for the same tricks over and over because they want to confirm their bias
Here's a video clip explaining what they found or what happened. There were 2,000 arms were stolen from Peterborough:

As an FYI, I think someone also mentioned that if Trudeau were to impose the Emergency Act, they wouldn't be allowed to investigate him with his involvement of the "vaccines", or something to that effect. I can't recall who made that statement but if I do find the video or article, I'll post it.

View attachment 71787

This is their logo on FB.
I saw this too. Personally, I wouldn't read much into this as someone made a comment about it earlier. While I'm not belittling the truckers, I'm sure they don't know what the significance of the three swirls around the circle means because I've seen the logo without it. However, it does say a lot about the graphic designer who designed it for them.
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Mar 30, 2017
I wouldn't be surprised if someone like Trudeau could operate as a semi autonomous agent for the WEF. He has internalized that vision of the future and can steer his little corner towards it while enriching himself with insider trading. He's more akin to a graduate of the global powerstructure given he was born into power

Im sure they know the general layout is Plandemic>Jab>Passport>Digital Id>Central Bank Digital Currency>Universal Basic Income>Social Credit Score, operating through social control mechanisms of climate change and similar buzzterms; racism/phobias; corporate scientism, when things get off course, in order to coral the masses.

Ontario already has the Digital ID in place, notice the computer chip in the hand graphicView attachment 71765
I saw this too. I can't be bothered to see if it's still on the Ontario gov't website as it I know it was at one point. I do remember the statement that it was optional, but I see it's also archived. That said, this was found out about the Toronto mayor:

As Matthew Ehret said in the video of Day 2 the Grand Jury with Reiner Fuellmich, the TPTB aren't as wise and as intelligent as they think they are, which explains why the entire narrative is crumbling. I do like Dr. Kaur's motto as I think she's right:



May 15, 2017
This is just out n out disgusting
also wondering how they got
the email addys to send this out ?

that they are perpetuating the same lies
I dunno anyone else but soon as I heard this letter
I thought plants for sure
they are mentioning all the different labels
just to make sure the divide stays
they are telling people they will not be safe
just so on the msm they can say that exact crap
"oh it wasn't safe for no one on the list to be present
cause all the hate,racism n w/e else"
Cause our people are labelling
who n who cannot be there right
No they are asking anyone who wants to come
No matter who ya are

how convenient the guns went missing
from Peterborough that's not suspicious
in anyway
Next it will have someone associated
to the convoy
I don't wanna keep calling this the trucker convoy
as that's what msm keeps doing
I think it summons a very different picture of who/what
is happening across the country
Across the globe
they want everyone to think that's all that is involved
we need everyone who wears any kind of uniform
for their occupation
to do the opposite of the anti protest protesters
Blah what a tongue twister lol
seriously though I don't think people know this
when everywhere n everyone talking about it
keeps saying the same line
everyone needs to know the convoy sparked
the flame of hope ,they sparked a little bravery
for all who was thinking they are just a small finge
that were too afraid to speak what they feel
so stayed quiet
that is what this did for all of us

I wonder if/when they go in and start
taking children from parents and have our
military(well trudeau men anyways)pointing
weapons at their own people in their own country
will we just stand watching and allowing that to happen
even if ya hate what is happening
we should all be in agreement
that what our so called leaders
are doing is wrong on so many levels
numberg has just been forgotten
the reasons why that was put into
place to protect everyone from
ever having to experience anything
as horrendous,disgusting and inhumane
can never happen again

I said the way he handles this
would reverberate through the world
if other peacekeeping protestors
see Canada fall to the tyranny being
put upon us in a violent way
they will turn from peaceful to violent
as if the friendliest place goes that way
it will tell everyone everywhere
this is not gonna be won with peace
it will come to a point where it will be
that you'll have to be willing to lay your life
down for this
I been hoping n praying that this does not happen

this foreboding feeling y'all feel too
is what I been feeling since before covid
was a reality like now

I told everyone I could
that the suriv in China will spread here
no one listened of course as at that time
I think no one thought it could
As I have said here
that feeling has been building and yea Lucy,Karlysymon
it's like an electrical charge in the air
or maybe I just cannot find the words to explain it
all I know
is right now we need to all put every ounce of our
Psychoshpere energy into love,unityand peace
focus it toward all our peaceful people gathered everywhere
right now that peace,love and unity will prevail
I just hope it can
I know I know
I rant on n on
I'm sorry I'll stop now lol
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Feb 22, 2020
He makes alot of good points. While you've basically refuted nothing. Its pretty clear you watch main stream media going by your various posts. Which removes your credibility. Not sure if you've noticed but a single person here hasn't agreed with you in this entire thread on any point you've made.

Maybe its time to step back and reflect?
Good points like "the mag pouch isn't straight" LOL

This is a guy who denies every piece of evidence that doesn't suit his narrative.

"MSM" is that your guys' only argument EVER ?

You realize that you ALL are trotting out MSM arguments.

So MSM is good when they support the convoy but bad when they don't ? I'm trying to understand your logic because it doesn't make sense.

Fox News is MSM. So your argument is not only stupid, but it backfires on yourself as well.

That's why you guys are like a cult. You only listen and look at what you pretend is some cutting edge "anti establishment" information, but its simply MSM garbage of another flavor.

You all are too juvenile to realize this.

Every time some crazy rightwinger dies something it's always

Crisis actors
FBI entrapment

Or even Antifa dressed in costumes LMFAO. It usually changes as time goes along and you shift goal posts to make ridiculous excuses for what people have known for over a century, that right wingers are violent and unstable psychopaths.

So same nonsense again and again.

Every single time. You might be taken seriously if this wasn't simply your reaction EVERY TIME without any evidence. But the likes of Alex Jones/Tucker Carlson (there goes the MSM again) has programmed your deluded minds into believing such nonsense.