Canadians Unite

Feb 22, 2020
. So they instantly go into the divide and conquer. Did you not think it strange from day one Trudeau came out saying these people are racist? Islamaphobic? rada rada rada?
No I dont find it strange because it is true. Where have you been the last 4 or 5 years ? Now I wouldn't say the majority of people involved in the protest are racist. However It is a fact beyond a shadow of a doubt, that those who organized this ARE RACIST. I've already posted plenty of evidence of the racism and islamophobia of the organizers, but of course the usual suspects here just bury their heads in the sand and pretend they didn't see it. It doesn't matter if the MSM says something, that doesn't discredit whether it is true or not. The fascists have you believing that everything the MSM ever says is a lie. That cannot even be true considering that there are 2 MSM's and they are both always saying different things. So that very assumption is faulty.

so what the MSM is doing is basically stretching the truth.
How can you not see what is more obvious then the nose on your very face?
How can you be so blinded by your hate for the MSM that you cannot see a clear racist speaking on youtube clips, that you just pretend you did not see what you just saw. That is some serious brainwashing man.

Its about DIVISION. Its about us verses them. Its not about ...the protestors are racists, transphobic, lgbt qxy zed.
WTF do you think the Fascists are driven by ?

DIVISION. You know like anti-muslim, anti-immigrant, and joining a fucking SEPARATIST PARTY. Are you seriously that blind and deluded ?
If you want to get drunk on msm talking points then do it alone. End of the day its us against those who seek to rule us.
The 0.001% that have amassed 90% of the worlds wealth leaving us to fight over the scraps from their table.
Dude I'm talking reality, you are blinded by fascsit propaganda where you cannot even see the obvious anymore when it stares you in the face. I can gaurantee you that the fascists and their billionaire backed propagandists are doing nothing to stop the elites from amassing wealth, thats why they need to distract their useful idiot followers with anti-islam anti-immigrant rhetoric.

STOP.... recognize who your enemy actually is. We both know they aren't racist but lets play devils advocate and say they are. They are fighting for YOUR RIGHTS so who gives a damn what they believe?
No they aren't really "fighting for my rights" They couldn't give a damn about my rights, this is all just political posturing if you haven't figured it out yet. Fascists trying to get a foothold in Canada, thats the end game.
Mar 30, 2017
but that isn't true. Just because you believe or spout lies does not make it truth.

a political party right wing racist separatist organized the funding.

and as I pointed out earlier. They've organized these rallies before. You are so pathetic the way you ignore reality.

the same people who organized "freedom convoy" organized "united we roll" back in 2019. Same exact people.

Tamara Lich, the main speaker at a protest media briefing in Ottawa Thursday afternoon, is one of the organizers of the controversial and currently frozen GoFundMe campaign that has raised more than $10-million for the demonstration. Lich was also involved with the Canadian “Yellow Vest” protests and the smaller “United We Roll” truckers’ protest convoy of 2019.

The Saskatchewan native was living in Medicine Hat when she became politically active three years ago with Wexit, which later merged into the Wildrose Independence Party of Alberta. When Lich and her husband moved to Manitoba, she left Wildrose and joined the fringe and fledgling Maverick Party as an original member of its governing council

But Lich is also on the radar of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, which has flagged her association with the “Yellow Vest” movement and her support of the anti-Muslim Clarion Project.

I'm convinced that you and others simply aren't interested in the truth (which is what I thought conspiracy forums were about) you are stuck on pushing a narrative and hide from and dismiss and deny anything that counters your narrative.

Basically you are no different than MSM.
And you think that ANY of this supersedes what Davos/WEF wants to do to our country if we don't stop them? I personally don't care what her political affiliations are. If she's helping to wake up Canadians about what's happening to our country, more power to her.

Your fixation on partisan politics is borderline obsessive to say the least, not to mention this is a thread about Canada being UNITED, but here you are, falling for the division tactics.
Feb 22, 2020
That said she put up the gofundme page. None of that money went to help the protest. So she did nothing. Again, this protest was organized by the truckers, these random people you are fixated on to try to justify to yourself why you dont support a protest with a clear and simple goal of ending fascistic mandates, when the real reason is your brain is melted by partisan politics.
where is your evidence this was orchestrated by "truckers" ?

this was organized by the people I have identified. They are even speaking for the movement in press conferences.

Its hilarious you keep accusing me of partisan politics when you are all burying your heads in the sand and ignoring the fact that this was organized by partisan/political operatives.

By taking this charade at FACE VALUE it is you who has your brain melted with the partisan politics.

This movement is being supported by the new Conservative leader for heavens sake.

Again your hypocrisy knows no bounds. I'm sure you would get behind a movement being lead and promoted by Nanci Pelosi while Trump was president.
Feb 22, 2020
And you think that ANY of this supersedes what Davos/WEF wants to do to our country if we don't stop them? I personally don't care what her political affiliations are. If she's helping to wake up Canadians about what's happening to our country, more power to her.

Your fixation on partisan politics is borderline obsessive to say the least, not to mention this is a thread about Canada being UNITED, but here you are, falling for the division tactics.
because the Davos crowd and the fascists are not really opposed.

still haven't figured that 101 out yet ?

the "freedom convoy" is 100% political, backed and organized by political operatives. Canada is not UNITED by the way, I dont know where on earth you get that nonsense from. Watching too much propaganda ?

and isn't it hilarious you are telling me "im falling for division tactics" while you are supporting a woman who literally belongs to a separatist party. That is literally their whole MO to push division,

wake up man.
Mar 30, 2017
They've always been corrupt. With all of the false flags and people getting rich from them, many i know refer to the company as gofraudme. I do hope with this latest event they go bankrupt.

Far as legalities go, the entire system is corrupt. From the top to bottom people are routinely bought off, threatened and blackmailed.
The so called elite are above the law and won't know what justice is until they meet the One whose the most severe in punishment.
Not surprisingly, they did the same thing to a family from Texas family who mentioned Ivermectin:

More about it here:

GoFundMe Removes Fundraiser for Dying Texas Sheriff Deputy After Wife Posts About Ivermectin (EXCLUSIVE)
May 18, 2018
where is your evidence this was orchestrated by "truckers" ?

this was organized by the people I have identified. They are even speaking for the movement in press conferences.

Its hilarious you keep accusing me of partisan politics when you are all burying your heads in the sand and ignoring the fact that this was organized by partisan/political operatives.

By taking this charade at FACE VALUE it is you who has your brain melted with the partisan politics.

This movement is being supported by the new Conservative leader for heavens sake.

Again your hypocrisy knows no bounds. I'm sure you would get behind a movement being lead and promoted by Nanci Pelosi while Trump was president.
Nope they came about after the protest started. Your evidence is someone put up a gofundme page that didn't even do anything. The protests goal is to end the mandates so I don't care if a Alberta separatist is there. Are you saying they are trying to make this an Alberta separatist movement? Rhats not part of the protest. This protest was organized by the truckers. I know your definition of fascism is working class movements not being led by corporations, and your definition of freedom is government mandates and revoking rights so your opinion is a self parody. Make sure to respond with some capital letters those are good arguments
Mar 30, 2017
because the Davos crowd and the fascists are not really opposed.

still haven't figured that 101 out yet ?

the "freedom convoy" is 100% political, backed and organized by political operatives. Canada is not UNITED by the way, I dont know where on earth you get that nonsense from. Watching too much propaganda ?

and isn't it hilarious you are telling me "im falling for division tactics" while you are supporting a woman who literally belongs to a separatist party. That is literally their whole MO to push division,

wake up man.
Having an intelligent conversation seems futile. All you do is get defensive, angry and pout. Enjoy...whatever it is you think you're doing - later.
Feb 22, 2020
Having an intelligent conversation seems futile. All you do is get defensive, angry and pout. Enjoy...whatever it is you think you're doing - later.
certainly is futile when you've got your head in the sand and cannot even simply acknowledge the facts that I have raised regarding the movements organizers.

enjoy your echo chamber. Like a true partisan hack.
Feb 22, 2020
Nope they came about after the protest started. Your evidence is someone put up a gofundme page that didn't even do anything. The protests goal is to end the mandates so I don't care if a Alberta separatist is there. Are you saying they are trying to make this an Alberta separatist movement? Rhats not part of the protest. This protest was organized by the truckers. I know your definition of fascism is working class movements not being led by corporations, and your definition of freedom is government mandates and revoking rights so your opinion is a self parody. Make sure to respond with some capital letters those are good arguments
dude you cannot be this dishonest.

Tamara Lich spoke at the press conference for the entire movement. She isn't just some nobody.

anyways you never do facts. Its easier to create fantasy.

You guys are so full of ish

first its "no she's got nothing to do with it"

then "well so what if she does"

Look how dishonest you people are. So you basically admitting the MSM was right, but that you just dont care. Same as always.
May 18, 2018
certainly is futile when you've got your head in the sand and cannot even simply acknowledge the facts that I have raised regarding the movements organizers.

enjoy your echo chamber.
Your facts have been garbage and basically unrelated to anyone looking at them without your prejudice.
dude you cannot be this dishonest.

Tamara Lich spoke at the press conference for the entire movement. She isn't just some nobody.

anyways you never do facts. Its easier to create fantasy.

You guys are so full of ish

first its "no she's got nothing to do with it"

then "well so what if she does"

Look how dishonest you people are.
So the media interviewed her. She started the gofundme which was a stupid idea. Anyone could've done that. That's not "organizing". None of even went to them. So she literally did nothing. She's a grifter politician.

The protest has a clear goal and is a net positive. Evidently, to discredit it like you and Justin Trudeau want to do, you need to go to absurd lengths like it's transphobic and racist to protest against government mandates, or an Alberta separatist made a fundraising page that did zero to help them. So if that's the best that can be done to discredit it....well it looks good
Feb 22, 2020
The protest has a clear goal and is a net positive.
its the same goal that their previous protest in 2019 "united we roll" had

it goes beyond the Covid mandates, which are all comming to an end anyways.

its all political and you are too invested in the political goals to want to expose it.

Like honestly is it too much to ask that this movement not be organized by fascists. Its one thing if the fascists are among the protesters, but leading the whole thing, I mean come on.
May 18, 2018
Protesting against a government taking away your rights is fascism. this person organized it by making a fundraiser after it started when none of them money went to help it.

How can you be so dumb to not understand this?!

Haha being vancityeagle is fun
May 18, 2018
the same goal that their previous protest in 2019 "united we roll" had
No it's not lmao wtf. It's the same method not the same goal. It's a completely different goal. Or are there people talking about pipelines there?? It's about covid mandates. Imagine being vancityeagle lol
Mar 30, 2017
While it's known that O'Toole is no longer the leader of the CPC party, according to the following tweet, all members below are part of the Privy Council in the WEF. I haven't been able to find too much about the Council but if what they're saying is true, I think it's something ALL Canadians should be cognizant of. Someone did mention someone for the CPC leader who's not on the list so we'll see:



Feb 22, 2020
No it's not lmao wtf. It's the same method not the same goal. It's a completely different goal. Or are there people talking about pipelines there?? It's about covid mandates. Imagine being vancityeagle lol
same organizers

same "drive down to Ottawa"

and you really dont see the connection ?

You dont know that certain issues get used on the surface to hide the deeper agenda.

of course if it was BLM and Antifa organizing this you would suddenly wake up and have plenty to say.

Again you aint nothing but a hypocrite and dishonest fascist with cheap tricks.
May 18, 2018
same organizers

same "drive down to Ottawa"

and you really dont see the connection ?

You dont know that certain issues get used on the surface to hide the deeper agenda.

of course if it was BLM and Antifa organizing this you would suddenly wake up and have plenty to say.

Again you aint nothing but a hypocrite and dishonest fascist with cheap tricks.
So where is your evidence that this is a pro pipeline protest?
Feb 22, 2020
While it's known that O'Toole is no longer the leader of the CPC party, according to the following tweet, all members below are part of the Privy Council in the WEF. I haven't been able to find too much about the Council but if what they're saying is true, I think it's something ALL Canadians should be cognizant of. Someone did mention someone for the CPC leader who's not on the list so we'll see:

the new leader of the Conservative party is Candice Bergen, she fully supports the Trucker protest and she IS a member of that Privy council as you can see her name there.
Mar 30, 2017
Protesting against a government taking away your rights is fascism. this person organized it by making a fundraiser after it started when none of them money went to help it.

How can you be so dumb to not understand this?!

Haha being vancityeagle is fun
FWIW, you're not going to get anywhere with this debate. Vancity doesn't seem to understand what's really at stake here. All you're going to get is the same answer over and over again with ZERO common ground to learn something new. It's reminiscent of a learner I had years ago who used to disrupt my class when I asked him for his homework, which he never seemed to complete. Not interested in understanding a new perspective in the least. That said, my learner left the school and went back to washing dishes so clearly, some people are comfortable where they are and don't want to learn more than that.

Sometimes, it's just that easy.
Last edited:
May 18, 2018
FWIW, you're not going to get anywhere with this debate. Vancity doesn't seem to understand what's really at stake here. All you're going to get is the same answer over and over again with ZERO common ground to learn something new. It's reminiscent of a learner I had years ago who used to disrupt my class when I asked him for his homework, which he never seemed to complete. Not interesting in understanding a new perspective in the least. That said, my learner left the school and went back to washing dishes so clearly, some people are comfortable where they are and don't want to learn more than that.

Sometimes, it's just that easy.
You’re right. He’s good at trolling though, quoting everyone he can and calling them names so they have to come and defend themselves and the topic is abandoned. And he thinks no one will notice if he just makes his theory complex enough, a pro pipeline protest when a few hundred truckers drove to Ottawa, and an anti mandate protest share the same covert goal of Alberta separatism which is the same goal as Donald trumps campaign etc. It’s like he doesn’t think people notice that there is no logical connection if he writes in capital letters and call people names.