Canadians Unite

Feb 22, 2020
And your evidence is that people flew flags there and fox news reported on it. I literally refuse to believe you’re not gaslighting. you get some strange amusement from knowingly lying and being disingenuous.
you just ignore everything dont you.

General Flynn has met personally with some of the organizers, as has Steve Bannon.

Organizers connected to Peoples Party of Canada and Maverick party of Alberta.

Ottawa Police have confirmed that funding and organizing is coming from the US. Single donations as much as $215,000.

Trump and co. are officially promoting the event and looking into investigating Gofundme seizures. Why on earth would they do that ?

I know you are not stupid enough to not realize that EVERY SINGLE OP is accompanied by Media support. The coordinated support by all of the pro-Trump and rightwing media world wide is a dead giveaway.
May 18, 2018
Ottawa Police have confirmed that funding and organizing is coming from the US.
No they didn’t. They said they suspected funding (not organizing, you literally just threw that in to pretend you have evidence for your schizo claims) was coming from the us because they didn’t believe it could gain popular support. Furthermore, they didn’t give any evidence of this when the donations on gofundme are publically transparent and they could have.

the rest of your “””evidence””” is nothing except that they are trying to grift off of it. It’s not that they organized it. It’s not that they funded it. It’s not even that they had foreknowledge of it. It’s that they’re trying to throw themselves into a popular movement. So get your shit straight if your schizo brain is capable of comprehending the difference
Feb 22, 2020
Ignore the troll. His only aim is to kick the subject along another page or two. Literally just don’t respond to him.
stating the facts and connecting dots is now "trolling" LOL

thats what a person incapable of discussing facts and looking at things objectively would say. Your feelings are always more important than the facts. Its a FEEL GOOD cult you all belong to.

Your avatar name is fitting "JUST FOLLOWING ORDERS"

Yes that's what you cult members do best. Your head in the sand and lack the ability to look beyond the indoctrination of your CULT.

Well Keep following those orders.
Oct 20, 2021
Hey @vancityeagle check this out.

It appears that Justin Liedeau himself has been reading your posts and has decided to use your very own form logic to defend himself. He didn't go straight in with the fascists thing like you do but did throw in terms like "swastikas" and "hateful rhetoric" to try and give you that nazi-esque undertone.

You probably won't be able to sit through the entire video because as each moment passes by it reveals what an absolute bellend you are by bringing contrived msn bullshit talking points into a thread focusing on something positive, which is something we all need right now.

The people you appear to be trying to educate on this thread all seem to have a greater understanding of what's really going on so you're making yourself look a bit of a tit....again.

Here is Hugo to add a bit of common sense to a very unbalanced narrative.

Wasn't it Goebbels himself who said if you want to defeat the opposition you have to lead it? From the way you go around insulting people's intelligence here it appears this is your own MO anyway.

It doesn't look good old chap.
Vancityeagle is the reason the ignore button was invented.
Oct 20, 2021
So where is the evidence that the Conservative party organized this beforehand and didn’t jump onto it after it had already started? Nowhere as always with your retarded fake theories and copes
No offense but arguing with a fool is not doing yourself any good.
Oct 20, 2021
I dont usually read fact checking sites but this one seems accurate.

Those population predictions were on site but they have been removed. When I saw that I immediately thought of a nuclear war where Russia/China win due to NATO forces not launching their nukes. Which would explain why their population remained intact.

On the Deagel it said after the Covid plandemic that the population would be drastically reduced due to nuclear war triggered by economies collapsing around the world (massive inflation always leads to war according to history). All that because of the lockdown restrictions. But before that it said it would be because of mass emigration. (which seems impossible). Not really sure that site is really trustworthy now.
I read somewhere that the population of Bangladesh is over 300 million living in a place the size of Illinois. That's one place I never want to go.
May 18, 2018
I went out today in Canada for a few hours to some parks and beaches, and as I was leaving it struck me, I didn't see a single person wearing a mask. I didn't go to any shops but still, if I did the same 2 months ago there would've been lots of people walking around with masks on collecting goodboy points from the corporate psychosphere. It really does seem like people have thrown off the shackles.

Also tons of people honking horns and flying Canadian flags, holding signs, conversations about freedom etc. Feels good


May 15, 2017
It's bothering me
since I saw it as it make lil sense to me
they want these people to leave
why then put concrete barriers up
in the way of the direction they will have to exit?
it's strange just like the snipers on the roof
why would ya need that with people that have been
nothing but peaceful it's just strange to me
swear I saw a G5 dispersal tool on top of one them
police vehicles anyone else notice
I heard a few say water cannon
that makes no sense to me though
as they know there are children at these gatherings
if they start spraying people in minus weather
with freezing cold water even if there
were no children I don't think that plays out
for them good in public opinion
ya add the children into the mix
that will be downright a death stroke
to any arguments ya may have
for trying to disperse the crowd

it does make me so proud to see
all holding that line for all us
in the face of all the threats
they are receiving from TPTB
and everyone still sleeping
believing all that msm tells them
we just have one thing to do
that's spread and speak the truth
to any and everyone that will listen
even if at the time they think it's just
crazy conspiracy theories
when it comes to pass into
conspiracy truths then our words
will echo threw their memories
maybe then they start their own research
Mar 15, 2019
stating the facts and connecting dots is now "trolling" LOL

thats what a person incapable of discussing facts and looking at things objectively would say. Your feelings are always more important than the facts. Its a FEEL GOOD cult you all belong to.

Your avatar name is fitting "JUST FOLLOWING ORDERS"

Yes that's what you cult members do best. Your head in the sand and lack the ability to look beyond the indoctrination of your CULT.

Well Keep following those orders.
You weren't playing devil's advocate when it came to George Floyd-BLM. Moreover, when it's very clear that it's a play that has been staged from beginning to end. I guess then it was enough that the protests were fair for you.

Truckers can be an example of controlled opposition. If so, I just wish this got out of control.
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May 20, 2017
Feb. 12 - Live From Ottawa's Freedom Convoy 2022 - Viva Frei Live Stream

Love the stories of everyday Canucks. :)
There are a couple of dudes(Albanian Canadians) saying we don't want Canada to become like the previously commie state we left.

This lady also discusses the CCP/USSR form Canada has taken!:
Justin Trudeau's Ceauşescu Moment
Denouncing truckers for "unacceptable views," Canada's Prime Minister skipped town rather than face evidence of his own unpopularity. Is neoliberalism finally cracking?
Oct 20, 2021
Feb. 12 - Live From Ottawa's Freedom Convoy 2022 - Viva Frei Live Stream

Love the stories of everyday Canucks. :)
There are a couple of dudes(Albanian Canadians) saying we don't want Canada to become like the previously commie state we left.

This lady also discusses the CCP/USSR form Canada has taken!:
Justin Trudeau's Ceauşescu Moment
Denouncing truckers for "unacceptable views," Canada's Prime Minister skipped town rather than face evidence of his own unpopularity. Is neoliberalism finally cracking?
I am really having a new respect for Canadians because of the truckers. I have nothing but admiration for the truckers especially considering how cold it is there. I almost feel guilty in California where it's a warm beautiful day but my heart is with them all the way. I still despise Neil Young though and no longer blame Canada for producing him. Unfortunately he in California too living it up on his compound being a traitor.