Canadians Unite


May 15, 2017
Been watching this thread and reading
it's a shame that certain divides that were designed
to keep all of us divided are still being driven
so much
right now is a time when we all have to
look past any divisions that there maybe
come together and stand united
despite people saying this is a racist,anti-Semite w/e movement
I do not see that watching everything I watch and everything iread
from msm to online to first hand accounts
I see what my Canada in my heart was for a long time
Before I seen what it really is
I see a Canada
that has many that are different but all are Canadian
I see the Canada
that I was so proud to stand and sing an anthem
something I have not felt like
doing in soooooooo long but have done in the last
2 weeks in my home with my family
The Canada I am seeing everywhere I can see
is the Canada I want to be apart of
The home of the nicest people in the world eh lol
Seriously though I want to live in a country
where the people are as one and the so called
government is what they are supposed to be
the voice of its people
that cannot be bought by billionaire/millionaire
companies or people

The way I see TPTB responding isnt
sitting well with me and shouldn't be ok for anyone
watching it unfold
This is NOT the way a free country treats its people
simple question
what if that were you,your family or your friends
what about when it is ?
how would you want them to treat you or them

I am done ranting
Last edited:
May 18, 2018
Been watching this thread and reading
it's a shame that certain divides that were designed
to keep all of us divided are still being driven
so much
right now is a time when we all have to
look past any divisions that there maybe
come together and stand united
despite people saying this is a racist,anti-Semite w/e movement
I do not see that watching everything I watch and everything iread
from msm to online to first hand accounts
I see what my Canada in my heart was for a long time
Before I seen what it really is
I see a Canada
that has many that are different but all are Canadian
I see the Canada
that I was so proud to stand and sing an anthem
something I have not felt like
doing in soooooooo long but have done in the last
2 weeks in my home with my family
The Canada I am seeing everywhere I can see
is the Canada I want to be apart of
The home of the nicest people in the world eh lol
Seriously though I want to live in a country
where the people are as one and the so called
government is what they are supposed to be
the voice of its people
that cannot be bought by billionaire/millionaire
companies or people

The way I see TPTB responding isnt
sitting well with me and shouldn't be ok for anyone
watching it unfold
This is NOT the way a free country treats its peope
simple question
what if that were you,your family or your friends
what about when it is ?
how would you want them to treat you or them

I am done ranting
Well said, your sentiment is what most everyone feels I think. Even those trying to strain their brain into thinking this is some divisive movement can't do so without going to gaslighting. 95% of the most.liberal city Toronto voted that it was unjust for Ottawa to call it a state of emergency, that there are people asking to not live under a totalitarian bio security state.
They have to make up lies like it is racist, transphobic, the code words they use to shut down discourse. But nobody believes that. The Canadian government thought it could get away with anything. If they don't find a way to hyper politicize it and divide people like some are trying to do, they will have no choice but to capitulate to the peoples will. Trudeau has enough support to get voted in but not enough to govern against mass consent. This virus hoax was only ever successful as long as people allowed it to be. It was always going to end when we said no.
The demands of the people are simple, give us our freedoms back. Let's see if the regime has enough social engineering up their sleeve to turn that into a divide along the lines they draw, conservative liberal, black white. I don't see it happening but if they have orders to continue the slow roll into a biosecurity dictatorship, they might have to pull tricks. I think their best political move would be to capitulate in order to dispell the physical protesters, before continuing it and making sure it can't happen again. But regardless people have had enough. Everyone knows 2 dozen people who have got covid by now and they're all fine. Everyone is vaccinated and it didn't end any "cases". They've been locked in their homes and wearing their sheep diaper and it hasn't ended anything. I think people are officially done playing along


May 15, 2017
I agree a 100%
People are tired of all of it

despite them painting
this crap like a big bad boogey man
no one was or is dropping in the streets
that's how TPTB are acting though
most are now awaking and realizing
we don't need to live like the last 2 yrs no more
I have treated this just as it was
the ulf rebranded
so long as people believe it's anything more
give into these tyranny rules
the worse it's gonna get and the longer it's gonna last

we are at a spot right now while
most countries are now removing or
discussing to remove
all and any restrictions/manadates
that were put in place for this
We have a few trying to push into place
a small minority's ideas that will only cause
a vast majority more pain and suffering

even places here in Canada
are starting those conversations or
taking those actions


May 15, 2017
I wanted to share this
As I just seen it

I am so hoping this is true
I am trying to confirm but thought I would share
in case someone here can confirm

it would be so nice if
all the military,Drs,nurses,firefighters,police etc.....
that have lost their loved ones,livelihoods and w/e
to this mental,physical and soul sucking torture that
every country has perpetrated on their peoples
around the globe not just Canada
need to be there with the truckers showing everybody
The true faces of the people that are there
they are the people we need for our economy to function
they are all right there in Ottawa waiting to speak with our rat pm
they are not the ones destroying our economy or attacking
our democracy
they are the ones trying to save it
from those who want to and have
been succeeding in destroying both for the last 2yrs

I am so hoping that's the truth
that 50% the pd of Ottawa
have remembered their oath
that was to the peoples
not just for the goverment but all of us
specially if we face a corruption from the inside
we need them more now than ever to do just that
Mar 30, 2017
Mar 30, 2017
Nice article from Spencer Fernando. An excerpt:

"A New Nation
On January 24, 2022, I wrote about how it seemed possible that a new nation was being forged, as Canadians found a renewed willingness to speak out and stand up for our freedoms.
Since then, that has increasingly been what has happened, and what continues to happen.
You can sense that there’s no going back now, that a new attitude of defiance and courage has been awakened within Canadians, and that we won’t return to the supine, submissive, and meek approach that our politicians so ruthlessly took advantage of.
Canada will be a different nation going forward, a nation where real debates take place, where independence of thought is paramount, where individual freedom and personal responsibility are valued, where free thinkers in independent media counter the spread of false establishment press narratives, and where those who try to impose authoritarianism will be called out and challenged by freedom-loving Canadians of all backgrounds, united in our defense of our rights and liberties."

Canada Is Becoming A Defiant Nation


May 15, 2017
this crap right here
is why the blockades are happening
it's not just truckers maybe everyone
needs to start holding signs up with
their professions so people can see
it is not just truckers there is every level
of our economy there that without ya
will see impact through the province
that is the governments fault
not the fault of all those people that have
for 2 yrs kept this economy flowing smooth
did what was asked of them
What happened last yr the turd was telling everyone
to thank these people when ya see em
now he wants everyone to believe that they are
horrible for wanting to be able to decide
what they do with their body which is a freedom
because all are tired of not seeing them normal
smiling faces wherever we go
that were tired of seeing our children not
being able to be children
that most of all
we are all just sick n tired
of a goverment trying to shape this country to
their idea of what it should be instead of
actually listening to the people of this country
what we want for our country
that we all know that theturd has sold out Canada
it's not hard to see if people would just do the searching/reading
required to see it
how he brags about owning the media by buying it
how a certain someone owns theturd n over half his people
it's all out there just need to look

we all need to find a way
for those who are not able to get
to Ottawa or any of the other gatherings
for w/e reason
to show theturd we are there too
it's not just the massive amount of people
ya see online it's so much more
the coveys happening around the world
should tell everyone it's not a small group
maybe we can put together a video
or something to send I dunno
as I have said maybe people would see clearer
if everyone who is there that wears a certain
type of uniformed outfit for work examples
police,firefighters,nurses,doctors,military etc....
if all at home seen that then maybe they would realize
with their own eyes
why the goverment is pushing they are the problem
why the goverment is trying so hard to tarnish their image
because it's everyone we need for our economy to flourish

I am just exacerbated by the government
I am done ranting