BTS discussion thread

Beholden to Paramatma

May 15, 2021
Im glad you asked this! When we were friends she actually had a habit of not believing who i was, she would always think i was lying about something or another. If i said i was 14, she wouldn't believe me. If i said i was from x country, she wouldn't believe i was from there. She even made the most weird theories of how i was a spy, or didn't believe my childhood even if i explained it to her in detail. This kept making our friendship worse and eventually led to happened. In her very small defense, i had once lied about having instagram when i actually didn't, and ONCE accidentally said that i wasnt born in Asia

Edit: Also the whole conflict of me defending pretty woman and bashing lal on the thread, She got really angry on that and sweared soo much at me on dms.
Btw i was only defending pw because i was the one who knew that lal golapi LOVES to make false accusations on people. I dont think she has a mental disorder tho
@Awkwardpink .. The whole fiasco with the vicious troll @lal golapi makes more sense now. I personally use this forum to reach out to those who research different schools of thought within Sanatan Dharma and to be aware, at least superficially, of the conspiracy theories that are brimming.
I use it only once in a week owing to constraints of time.But even then during this short while i have been vehemently attacked and ridiculed for my beliefs. The point is you don’t have to prove your authenticity or that you are not a spy to anyone at all by divulging information regarding your age , childhood , country of origin etc. I
if someone happens to be an occultist then their posts and activity in the forum will speak for itself.
I will never pin any blame on you because you have done nothing wrong but remember that you don’t owe anyone any explanation or information.
My intention is not to sound patronizing or condescending, but just make sure that never again do you have to be intimidated by such lifeless zombies.
Stay safe , happy and brave!

Beholden to Paramatma

May 15, 2021
I believe Lal golapi is a troll and a secret army. She has several accounts open that were active these past couple of days. All of these accounts liked each other's posts and derailed the thread. Notice how quiet they all are now that she's been called out. She will argue and disagree with anything someone says on here.. Anything to keep people from exposing B*S! I wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't working for bh with the way she moves on here.

@lal golapi is prone to making the same grammatical errors over and over again and also happens to have a distinct way of typing.Thanks to that ,, be We will be very easily able to figure out if she creates any more proxy accounts.
She questions to the point of idiocy. I'm surprised she didn't start asking why the sky was blue or the earth round lol
True , its either that she doesn’t comprehend the language very well or she is a sad troll hell bent on driving the rest of us to the point of insanity with her repetetion of senseless questions that serve the solitary purpose of derailing the thread.
She is from Bangladesh, if her posts in the Bollywood thread are to be believed.
So, its highly likely that her fluency in English isn’t the best.
I too am a non-native speaker.

Beholden to Paramatma

May 15, 2021
I saw someone say that they use America only to bring their achievements back to Korea and their government. I believe this. They and their company don't give a crap about the U.S. or anywhere else. And I found it insulting that they come out with watered down nonsensical lyrics and Disney esque melodies when making music for U.S. charts. As if we Americans are too dumb to understand the songs they normally create in Korean. Iarmys are just foolish and in denial to support a group like this.
Honestly, I have heard from multiple sources (although I doubt their reliability) that they are ultranationalistic and xenophobic.
All Korean schools provide mandatory English classes for their students.
Given The popularity that they enjoy amongst A primarily English speaking fandom and the resources at their disposal , would it be that hard to learn English?
I doubt it considering it is not an entirely new language .
Disney esque melodies when making music for U.S. charts. As if we Americans are too dumb to understand the songs they normally create in Korean. Iarmys are just foolish and in denial to support a group like this.

Couldnt agree more. My ears bleed every time butter plays on some insta-shorts background.
Conservative political commentator, Matt Walsh, was subject to an onslaught of threats and abuse after critiquing the artful masterpiece (sarcasm, specifying since nobody seems to get it these days) that was butter.


Jun 23, 2021
Honestly, I have heard from multiple sources (although I doubt their reliability) that they are ultranationalistic and xenophobic.
All Korean schools provide mandatory English classes for their students.
Given The popularity that they enjoy amongst A primarily English speaking fandom and the resources at their disposal , would it be that hard to learn English?
I doubt it considering it is not an entirely new language .
I have also heard this especially Y**ngi apparently. I've also heard that any rumors of T*e dating a westerner is false because he's more of a traditional Korean male than fans think, whatever that means. Also, that J*K has an obsession with American entertainment and culture but in a superficial way. He apparently thinks it's cool. I kind of believe this rumor due to him trying to learn English at one point, the kind of tattoos he got, and music he listens to etc. but I think if true he'll grow out of it lol.


Dec 9, 2020
The song butter is almost a 1:1 with this song. It starts at 00:25.

Yikes. They won't get in trouble for this, unfortunately. Not unless a lawsuit happens.

I did some research. The original melody was written by Sebastian Garcia in 2019. The artist in You Got Me Down bought that melody in 2019. Sebastian Garcia reused his melody from 2019, to produce butter. Not very original, but he owns the rights to reuse his melodies how he wants.


Jul 14, 2021
It's so common for kpop idols to bleach. It's dangerous and never looks good. On very dark skin, it makes the person look ashy and ghostly. I think all of them do it.
Yes exactly, what perfect descriptions because there were times looking at Hope & Tae and they look ashy. I know colorism is an issue everywhere but it doesn’t make it any less saddening. It’s basically telling God… “Hey you made a mistake”!


Jul 14, 2021
Colorism is a big thing in Asia, but we're mainly talking about Korea, and to MY knowledge, South Korea is the most colorist.

Yes, some of them naturally had a darker skin tone, a tan if you will, but all that makeup and plastic surgery did wonders to them and it's easy to tell that it was intentional because we already know the world prefers light skin over dark skin unfortunately. Pretty sure they were forced to do that, but if you think otherwise, well, you're entitled to your opinion.
I’m saying I wouldn’t be surprised if he willingly went along with it as to not have to be ridiculed or teased but all the same forced or not it’s a shame either way.


Jul 14, 2021
I saw someone say that they use America only to bring their achievements back to Korea and their government. I believe this. They and their company don't give a crap about the U.S. or anywhere else. And I found it insulting that they come out with watered down nonsensical lyrics and Disney esque melodies when making music for U.S. charts. As if we Americans are too dumb to understand the songs they normally create in Korean. Iarmys are just foolish and in denial to support a group like this.
That would make sense that America is being used for a greater agenda than we could possibly think. I think this was a theory that was mentioned earlier on in the thread when the President wrote a message directly to the boys when they hit top 200 on billboard.


Jul 14, 2021
They keep whining about the U.S. being xenophobic, but here they are, again. Literally every time they come here, they whine about xenophobia. Makes me wonder if the xenophobia is actually happening, or if they are making this up to garner sympathy and grow their following.
They probably don’t have a choice.
Mar 1, 2021
I saw someone say that they use America only to bring their achievements back to Korea and their government. I believe this. They and their company don't give a crap about the U.S. or anywhere else. And I found it insulting that they come out with watered down nonsensical lyrics and Disney esque melodies when making music for U.S. charts. As if we Americans are too dumb to understand the songs they normally create in Korean. Iarmys are just foolish and in denial to support a group like this.
They find anyone not South Korean contemptuous, and look down on them. It's a joke among US Armys that Tae hates white people, and btees hates straight people. Their racism, cultural appropriation and sexism is well known. There's a former Army that said when the group did a shoot in her neighborhood, their staff were racist to her. A resident was asked to leave the area because Jm and Jk didn't want blacks around. It made them feel uncomfortable.

Why would anyone stan a group that hates anyone, especially some of their fans? Oppar is sleeping with an ulzzang and could care less about the wokies unless it adds to his bank account. Looking at the scandals, makes me wonder how many kpop idols are involved in something shady.

There's so many good American artists but they're feeding Armys Disney lyrics mumbled out while they hop around and dance with their fingers. It's like mumble rap the kpop edition. A lot of people learn Korean to understand the idioms and double entendres in their songs. Yet they can't be assed to learn basic English songwriting skills. I've heard that since they went international a few years ago, Western companies have written all their songs.
Mar 1, 2021
They keep whining about the U.S. being xenophobic, but here they are, again. Literally every time they come here, they whine about xenophobia. Makes me wonder if the xenophobia is actually happening, or if they are making this up to garner sympathy and grow their following.
Howling racism, homophobia and xenophobia whenever someone says they suck, is a way to manipulate awards and charts. China and South Korea have learned to use SJW catchwords against Americans. People are afraid to say no, and go along to avoid being dragged by Armys. It worked when China screwed the world with covid. Works even better to get on the billboards and win a Grammy.


Jul 14, 2021
They find anyone not South Korean contemptuous, and look down on them. It's a joke among US Armys that Tae hates white people, and btees hates straight people. Their racism, cultural appropriation and sexism is well known. There's a former Army that said when the group did a shoot in her neighborhood, their staff were racist to her. A resident was asked to leave the area because Jm and Jk didn't want blacks around. It made them feel uncomfortable.

Why would anyone stan a group that hates anyone, especially some of their fans? Oppar is sleeping with an ulzzang and could care less about the wokies unless it adds to his bank account. Looking at the scandals, makes me wonder how many kpop idols are involved in something shady.

There's so many good American artists but they're feeding Armys Disney lyrics mumbled out while they hop around and dance with their fingers. It's like mumble rap the kpop edition. A lot of people learn Korean to understand the idioms and double entendres in their songs. Yet they can't be assed to learn basic English songwriting skills. I've heard that since they went international a few years ago, Western companies have written all their songs.
So much to unpack here… hate white people and did I read that correctly?! Straight people? So they are gay? Can’t be around black people? Yet you can drool while watching Normani dance!? The irony here is just:eek:
Oh my goodness so this isn’t just about them being caught up in the occult this is also about possibly finding out these men are actually horrible people?! #shooketh
So that’s why Tae seems so disinterested in US interviews and often times looks to be mocking the interviewer.
And sorry what’s an Oppar and ulzzang and wokie? Sorry US native here who hasn’t brushed up on her KPOP vernacular.;)
:Dat Mumble KPOP, hopefully that will not become a new trend.
Mar 1, 2021
So much to unpack here… hate white people and did I read that correctly?! Straight people? So they are gay? Can’t be around black people? Yet you can drool while watching Normani dance!? The irony here is just:eek:
Oh my goodness so this isn’t just about them being caught up in the occult this is also about possibly finding out these men are actually horrible people?! #shooketh
So that’s why Tae seems so disinterested in US interviews and often times looks to be mocking the interviewer.
And sorry what’s an Oppar and ulzzang and wokie? Sorry US native here who hasn’t brushed up on her KPOP vernacular.;)
:Dat Mumble KPOP, hopefully that will not become a new trend.
Haha I'm American too and btees took me down a rabbit hole of kpop and Korean slang I never knew before. Oppar is making fan of the word Oppa which is a term of endearment for a woman towards a man. Wokies are sjws and an ulzzang looks like this.

I have a theory that btees fell into wokeness by accident. It makes them money so they don't rock the boat, but won't do anything to screw things up at home. Tae once said that his brother didn't agree with his lifestyle. What lifestyle? When a black girl tried to hug Tae on the set of Hustle life, he lost his shit. So did JK when a woman tried to say hi to him. He was upset that the hyungs were talking to those girls. He reiterated that it's only a business relationship, so I don't know why people think it means they like black girls. Tae, Jn and Jm have both said they prefer Korean girls, which is ok. They have very traditional ideas on dating and seem like normal Korean men.

Whatever they do is to capture the US market. If they studied American tastes as much as Japanese, they could do it. The Japanese market is catered to and received shows and fanmeets that even Koreans didn't get. I think they're intrigued by the freedom of Americans but also look down on the culture. Have you seen the video of Tae getting offended during by Solar's performance? It starts around 2:06.

Mar 1, 2021
So apparently they will be attending the Met Gala(big ritual event)official title of “culture special Envoy” by the President, UN, VMA’s… oh yes these fellas are definitely being used for an agenda that we probably haven’t even scratched the surface of yet. Lord have mercy!!!
This has been all over twitter and YouTube. Armys were begging for them to go, and it's now a reality. I wonder how much fans and btees help manifest their reality. It's rare they don't get what they want.
Mar 1, 2021
Tae hating everything.

Around 0:21 seconds below.

Starts at 0:29 seconds

The international fans think this is funny, but it's given him a bad reputation in South Korea. Karmys aren't big on him.