BTS discussion thread


Jun 23, 2021
Ugh. Why do they keep coming to a country they can't stand?
Good question! I once read that most of their fans were from South East Asian countries yet they never visit there. It's clear they only care about western fame and prestige. I live in the U.S. and most people I come across don't even know who they are. They're never played on the radio etc. but they have the number 1 song in the country?! Lol some things are not adding up.


Jun 23, 2021
Good question! I once read that most of their fans were from South East Asian countries yet they never visit there. It's clear they only care about western fame and prestige. I live in the U.S. and most people I come across don't even know who they are. They're never played on the radio etc. but they have the number 1 song in the country?! Lol some things are not adding up.
Lmao I came across this awhile back and forgot.


Nov 26, 2020
Hello everyone, I am here because I am sick of everything that has been going on, im tired of all these fake personas and the fact that people that seem to be ok have the most twisted personalities. Im talking about lal golapi, yes I know you will see this but I don’t care anymore im tired of you being fake and im going to show everyone how you are really like. Its up to others to believe me or not but I cant stay quiet about this anymore. I feel as though my security has been threatened by your messages and I need to voice my concern because of my freedom of speech so please guys I need you to believe me on this lal golapi is not how she shows so many other members think the same but are afraid to speak up because she has threatened them like she did to awkward pink but I have a voice and im not afraid to speak up now. Yall always asking for proof, here ill give you the proof. This is about lal golapi and awkward pink
So heres where lal golapi asked her if she had Pinterest
View attachment 59139
You might not be able to see this clearly but here you see how lal golapi messaged awkward pink this- ‘U on? Hey do u wanna be on pinterest? Umm I wont be talking abt any studies and vc anymore its too exhausting… if u want (red heart) share the link of ur acc here I lost it
Then awkward pink replied- “yeah well tysm <3 I hope ur not feeling guilty or anything im sorry,” the apology she meant about lal golapi losing her account link.
You can see that they messaged on the 2nd of April 2021.
Then heres what she said to her on pinterest on the 20th of April 2021
View attachment 59140
This im sure you can read correctly and I don’t have to repeat all those nasty things that she wrote to awkward pink : ( Then on the same day April 20th she said she’s leaving this group chat
View attachment 59141
View attachment 59142
Do you guys see the way yuna asked “WHAT HAPPENED? WHAT DID SHE DO AGAIN” just shows how this isn’t the first time lal golapi has been harassing and bullying members, and why on the same day she bullied awkward pink and said such horrible things to her did she want to leave the group chat? When you think like this it becomes so obvious that lal golapi has been bullying around. Also how yuna even knows that people blindly follow lal golapi just because she “contributes” doesn’t mean she can go around and say such horrible things to members on this thread, awkward pink probably felt so helpless : (
However because of that she made a post which she later deleted because she was scared, here are the screenshots for proof.
View attachment 59143
Do yall see this screenshot said by awkward pink herself, I am so disgusted and shocked at how lal golapi managed to get away with all of this shes literally 21 yall and awkward pink is a MINOR A MINOR. How much more disgusting does this have to get for yall to realise the true troll here? And look at the end she said that lal golapi told her to go kill herself this is ridiculous.
Open your eyes people and stop believing someone just because they post because even though lal golapi has been an active member, look at what shes done and what shes most likely currently doing. She’s done the same thing to other members aswell who were forced to leave this thread. There are users here that are afraid to speak up about lal golapi because shes threatened them and most are MINORS too,and not to forget how lal golapi has literally made several other accounts too.
Guys the truth is in front of you. I have high hopes for this post, don’t let me down and help awkward pink and the other members get the justice they deserve and hold lal golapi accountable for what she has been doing. This is my request for you all. Thank you
Thank you so much for posting this. Hope this clears the "accusations" about lal golapi, with proof and all
Some of you are in so much grudge with her, whats you purpose girl? She is someone who comes up with new articles and solution each and every time with her posts. Nonetheless, your this response is coming in this heinous way for I didn't agree with bts having a normal trainee life? Doesn't it prove what others exposed some users go around victimizing idols to keep fans obsessed? Their testimonies are becoming real from some of your responses. Nevermind
Why do we have a grudge with her? People have said before that its not about her information or the way she posts but the person she is. I can't stand to see the person said those things to me, act completely sane on the thread and think that she's never gonna get exposed. This was just to get my justice and clear stuff about lal. And again, thank you for posting this
Mar 1, 2021
Bling Bling
It's so obvious they hate coming to the States. Jm looks bored, so does Tae and Sg. They're ultranationalists and can't be assed to learn English, but keep making horrible songs to dominate the Americans charts. The fact they made 3 so-so songs to pander to Americans, means this is how they see American pop music. Considering the depth of kpop, it's the pot calling the kettle black.

This is one of the reasons I stopped liking them. IArmys know they don't like them as much, but have stockholmed themselves into a fan idol relationship with someone who holds them in contempt. Seeing grown women say it's ok that the group doesn't like them as much as Koreans is sad. A fan is a fan. This is another reason why it's ridiculous they want to get a Grammy. They hold the country and it's culture in contempt.
Mar 1, 2021
Good question! I once read that most of their fans were from South East Asian countries yet they never visit there. It's clear they only care about western fame and prestige. I live in the U.S. and most people I come across don't even know who they are. They're never played on the radio etc. but they have the number 1 song in the country?! Lol some things are not adding up.
The funny thing is South East Asian fans are a huge market. They're seen as good for streams only, but tours and albums sell out. I never understood SEA fans. They're in love with idols who come from a country that can't stand them. A country that looks down on their culture and treats them like garbage if they immigrate or visit there. I don't know anyone here who knows btees. I hear rap, oldies and alternative music. The radio doesn't play their songs.


May 21, 2021
Hello everyone, I am here because I am sick of everything that has been going on, im tired of all these fake personas and the fact that people that seem to be ok have the most twisted personalities. Im talking about lal golapi, yes I know you will see this but I don’t care anymore im tired of you being fake and im going to show everyone how you are really like. Its up to others to believe me or not but I cant stay quiet about this anymore. I feel as though my security has been threatened by your messages and I need to voice my concern because of my freedom of speech so please guys I need you to believe me on this lal golapi is not how she shows so many other members think the same but are afraid to speak up because she has threatened them like she did to awkward pink but I have a voice and im not afraid to speak up now. Yall always asking for proof, here ill give you the proof. This is about lal golapi and awkward pink
So heres where lal golapi asked her if she had Pinterest
View attachment 59139
You might not be able to see this clearly but here you see how lal golapi messaged awkward pink this- ‘U on? Hey do u wanna be on pinterest? Umm I wont be talking abt any studies and vc anymore its too exhausting… if u want (red heart) share the link of ur acc here I lost it
Then awkward pink replied- “yeah well tysm <3 I hope ur not feeling guilty or anything im sorry,” the apology she meant about lal golapi losing her account link.
You can see that they messaged on the 2nd of April 2021.
Then heres what she said to her on pinterest on the 20th of April 2021
View attachment 59140
This im sure you can read correctly and I don’t have to repeat all those nasty things that she wrote to awkward pink : ( Then on the same day April 20th she said she’s leaving this group chat
View attachment 59141
View attachment 59142
Do you guys see the way yuna asked “WHAT HAPPENED? WHAT DID SHE DO AGAIN” just shows how this isn’t the first time lal golapi has been harassing and bullying members, and why on the same day she bullied awkward pink and said such horrible things to her did she want to leave the group chat? When you think like this it becomes so obvious that lal golapi has been bullying around. Also how yuna even knows that people blindly follow lal golapi just because she “contributes” doesn’t mean she can go around and say such horrible things to members on this thread, awkward pink probably felt so helpless : (
However because of that she made a post which she later deleted because she was scared, here are the screenshots for proof.
View attachment 59143
Do yall see this screenshot said by awkward pink herself, I am so disgusted and shocked at how lal golapi managed to get away with all of this shes literally 21 yall and awkward pink is a MINOR A MINOR. How much more disgusting does this have to get for yall to realise the true troll here? And look at the end she said that lal golapi told her to go kill herself this is ridiculous.
Open your eyes people and stop believing someone just because they post because even though lal golapi has been an active member, look at what shes done and what shes most likely currently doing. She’s done the same thing to other members aswell who were forced to leave this thread. There are users here that are afraid to speak up about lal golapi because shes threatened them and most are MINORS too,and not to forget how lal golapi has literally made several other accounts too.
Guys the truth is in front of you. I have high hopes for this post, don’t let me down and help awkward pink and the other members get the justice they deserve and hold lal golapi accountable for what she has been doing. This is my request for you all. Thank you
You know, it's weird because I remember her and I got along. She always complimented people, and we were always just having a great time until she began going in this "denial" state and started questioning everyone's views on if bts is truly demonic or not. Whenever we'd say they are with proof, she would insult us or question us in an improper manner. Then, she made an account named "Sapphire" and trolled us.

I'm still shook by that new attitude of hers. She did a complete 180° turn. It's weird. How are you on board with something that's proven to be true then out of nowhere you're going through the stages of denial that causes you to lash out on everyone??

I don't know what's wrong with that girl, but thanks for sharing.

Also, question: How do you know this? You're a new account. Have you had a previous account before and befriended Pink?

It's either that, or you're Pink, but just with this new account in case anything happens to your main account (awkward_pink) because in the pictures, there's only three people in that group. Pink, Yuna, and lal golapi. Pink is the one liking everyone's comments and I've never seen a "awkward_pink liked Yuna's post/lal golapi's post" so...whose perspective is this? Same account or just a friend?
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Jul 14, 2021
As I am going through the older pages(some really good stuff that was being shared btw) but this interview was shared as an example if how Tae eas teased often about his skin color. I know this is not occult related but it does point to deeper issues at work that would give way to his current behaviors. It does seem that his skin is lighter these days, is it possible that him, Joon, and even Hope have been lightening their skin?
Mar 1, 2021
As I am going through the older pages(some really good stuff that was being shared btw) but this interview was shared as an example if how Tae eas teased often about his skin color. I know this is not occult related but it does point to deeper issues at work that would give way to his current behaviors. It does seem that his skin is lighter these days, is it possible that him, Joon, and even Hope have been lightening their skin?
It's so common for kpop idols to bleach. It's dangerous and never looks good. On very dark skin, it makes the person look ashy and ghostly. I think all of them do it.


May 21, 2021
As I am going through the older pages(some really good stuff that was being shared btw) but this interview was shared as an example if how Tae eas teased often about his skin color. I know this is not occult related but it does point to deeper issues at work that would give way to his current behaviors. It does seem that his skin is lighter these days, is it possible that him, Joon, and even Hope have been lightening their skin?
Colorism is a big thing in Asia, but we're mainly talking about Korea, and to MY knowledge, South Korea is the most colorist.

Yes, some of them naturally had a darker skin tone, a tan if you will, but all that makeup and plastic surgery did wonders to them and it's easy to tell that it was intentional because we already know the world prefers light skin over dark skin unfortunately. Pretty sure they were forced to do that, but if you think otherwise, well, you're entitled to your opinion.

Beholden to Paramatma

May 15, 2021
Hey, you don't need to know who I am my work here is done, those screenshots were given by awkward pink herself and then were sent to me, im just a fellow helper : )
Mis @lalgolapi, you are a terrible human being for harassing a 14 year old in this dastardly manner.
Your unprincipled actions have not only derailed the thread but have effectively stopped a rabid army, to whom i had recommended this thread from leaving the fandom.
Forget leaving the fandom, she can’t even be persuaded to read the initial pages For she now considers us to be a bunch of fools, snowflakes and rabble rousers perpetually quarreling amongst each other.

Are you not an adherent of Islam.Where are your morals?

Kudos to you @Churro for confronting @lal golapi and bringing her reprehensible actions to light.

@Awkward_pink , as a victim of online bullying myself, all the reassurance that i can give you is that , if a 21 year old can take time out of their day to spew utter filth at a minor for no fault of their own, then it is they who are an underdeveloped pathetic attention seeking loser.
Don’t let these internet trolls with no life or intelligence whatsoever, ruin your day.
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Mar 11, 2021
Mis @lalgolapi, you are a terrible human being for harassing a 14 year old in this dastardly manner.
Your unprincipled actions have not only derailed the thread but have effectively stopped a rabid army, to whom i had recommended this thread from leaving the fandom.
Forget leaving the fandom, she can’t even be persuaded to read the initial pages For she now considers us to be a bunch of fools, snowflakes and rabble rousers perpetually quarreling amongst each other.

Are you not an adherent of Islam.Where are your morals?
Perfect description of where the thread is currently at. thank you! .... before checking BTS why not look at your own character and sort it out. We don’t need hypocrisy here. Far too many bullies and self righteous people who are close minded enough to bash and bully those who have a different opinion to them. This hasn’t just happened with awp but also with pretty woman who was ridiculed and bullied into not posting here as well as a Jewish member of this thread. It’s disgusting and it’s a stain on these peoples characters. Army coming here will not have their eyes opened because this thread has not fulfilled the purpose it was always meant to. Sad reality

Beholden to Paramatma

May 15, 2021
Army coming here will not have their eyes opened because this thread has not fulfilled the purpose it was always meant to. Sad reality
Its highly probable, that chasing away any potentI’ll ex-army’s with valuable contributions and preventing army’s who were looking to leave the fandom was their goal all along.

Beholden to Paramatma

May 15, 2021
Hello everyone, I am here because I am sick of everything that has been going on, im tired of all these fake personas and the fact that people that seem to be ok have the most twisted personalities. Im talking about lal golapi, yes I know you will see this but I don’t care anymore im tired of you being fake and im going to show everyone how you are really like. Its up to others to believe me or not but I cant stay quiet about this anymore. I feel as though my security has been threatened by your messages and I need to voice my concern because of my freedom of speech so please guys I need you to believe me on this lal golapi is not how she shows so many other members think the same but are afraid to speak up because she has threatened them like she did to awkward pink but I have a voice and im not afraid to speak up now. Yall always asking for proof, here ill give you the proof. This is about lal golapi and awkward pink
So heres where lal golapi asked her if she had Pinterest
View attachment 59139
You might not be able to see this clearly but here you see how lal golapi messaged awkward pink this- ‘U on? Hey do u wanna be on pinterest? Umm I wont be talking abt any studies and vc anymore its too exhausting… if u want (red heart) share the link of ur acc here I lost it
Then awkward pink replied- “yeah well tysm <3 I hope ur not feeling guilty or anything im sorry,” the apology she meant about lal golapi losing her account link.
You can see that they messaged on the 2nd of April 2021.
Then heres what she said to her on pinterest on the 20th of April 2021
View attachment 59140
This im sure you can read correctly and I don’t have to repeat all those nasty things that she wrote to awkward pink : ( Then on the same day April 20th she said she’s leaving this group chat
View attachment 59141
View attachment 59142
Do you guys see the way yuna asked “WHAT HAPPENED? WHAT DID SHE DO AGAIN” just shows how this isn’t the first time lal golapi has been harassing and bullying members, and why on the same day she bullied awkward pink and said such horrible things to her did she want to leave the group chat? When you think like this it becomes so obvious that lal golapi has been bullying around. Also how yuna even knows that people blindly follow lal golapi just because she “contributes” doesn’t mean she can go around and say such horrible things to members on this thread, awkward pink probably felt so helpless : (
However because of that she made a post which she later deleted because she was scared, here are the screenshots for proof.
View attachment 59143
Do yall see this screenshot said by awkward pink herself, I am so disgusted and shocked at how lal golapi managed to get away with all of this shes literally 21 yall and awkward pink is a MINOR A MINOR. How much more disgusting does this have to get for yall to realise the true troll here? And look at the end she said that lal golapi told her to go kill herself this is ridiculous.
Open your eyes people and stop believing someone just because they post because even though lal golapi has been an active member, look at what shes done and what shes most likely currently doing. She’s done the same thing to other members aswell who were forced to leave this thread. There are users here that are afraid to speak up about lal golapi because shes threatened them and most are MINORS too,and not to forget how lal golapi has literally made several other accounts too.
Guys the truth is in front of you. I have high hopes for this post, don’t let me down and help awkward pink and the other members get the justice they deserve and hold lal golapi accountable for what she has been doing. This is my request for you all. Thank you
I have read through the post again and new concerns have cropped up.
This harassment that awkward pink had to undergo is revolting.
But, I was wondering whether there has been any disagreements between the both of you that has caused her to act in this reprehensible manner, not that it justifies any of the mental trauma that @Awkward_pink has been subjected to.

Because if she spewed all this filth without any trigger or provocation, then I am afraid that she might suffer from some mental disorder.


Nov 26, 2020
I have read through the post again and new concerns have cropped up.
This harassment that awkward pink had to undergo is revolting.
But, I was wondering whether there has been any disagreements between the both of you that has caused her to act in this reprehensible manner, not that it justifies any of the mental trauma that @Awkward_pink has been subjected to.

Because if she spewed all this filth without any trigger or provocation, then I am afraid that she might suffer from some mental disorder.
Im glad you asked this! When we were friends she actually had a habit of not believing who i was, she would always think i was lying about something or another. If i said i was 14, she wouldn't believe me. If i said i was from x country, she wouldn't believe i was from there. She even made the most weird theories of how i was a spy, or didn't believe my childhood even if i explained it to her in detail. This kept making our friendship worse and eventually led to happened. In her very small defense, i had once lied about having instagram when i actually didn't, and ONCE accidentally said that i wasnt born in Asia

Edit: Also the whole conflict of me defending pretty woman and bashing lal on the thread, She got really angry on that and sweared soo much at me on dms.
Btw i was only defending pw because i was the one who knew that lal golapi LOVES to make false accusations on people. I dont think she has a mental disorder tho
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Jun 23, 2021
It's so obvious they hate coming to the States. Jm looks bored, so does Tae and Sg. They're ultranationalists and can't be assed to learn English, but keep making horrible songs to dominate the Americans charts. The fact they made 3 so-so songs to pander to Americans, means this is how they see American pop music. Considering the depth of kpop, it's the pot calling the kettle black.

This is one of the reasons I stopped liking them. IArmys know they don't like them as much, but have stockholmed themselves into a fan idol relationship with someone who holds them in contempt. Seeing grown women say it's ok that the group doesn't like them as much as Koreans is sad. A fan is a fan. This is another reason why it's ridiculous they want to get a Grammy. They hold the country and it's culture in contempt.
I saw someone say that they use America only to bring their achievements back to Korea and their government. I believe this. They and their company don't give a crap about the U.S. or anywhere else. And I found it insulting that they come out with watered down nonsensical lyrics and Disney esque melodies when making music for U.S. charts. As if we Americans are too dumb to understand the songs they normally create in Korean. Iarmys are just foolish and in denial to support a group like this.


Jun 23, 2021
Its highly probable, that chasing away any potentI’ll ex-army’s with valuable contributions and preventing army’s who were looking to leave the fandom was their goal all along.
I believe Lal golapi is a troll and a secret army. She has several accounts open that were active these past couple of days. All of these accounts liked each other's posts and derailed the thread. Notice how quiet they all are now that she's been called out. She will argue and disagree with anything someone says on here. She questions to the point of idiocy. I'm surprised she didn't start asking why the sky was blue or the earth round lol. Anything to keep people from exposing B*S! I wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't working for bh with the way she moves on here.