Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Jun 2, 2021
I work in the health industry and while I know depression can take a toll, Jonghyun would never have been able to even hold a concert days before his death if his condition was that serious. He was open about his issues stemming from his dad's emotional rejection of him, but his ability to create music and perform shows that he had a mild scale form of depression and someone used that.

Well he had seasonal depression so it was more like episodes of depression not that he had it bad all the time my point is simply this that we should be open to the idea that he might have actually commit suicide don't misunderstand me its simply that in my religion it is a major sin to accuse someone of murder or spread false information about someone only based on secondary sources of information and If I accuse his friends or family or shinee of sacrificing him and that turned out to be incorrect I would be held accountable for it on the day of judgement so I try to be more neutral towards this particular case there is a possibility he was sacrificed but I cannot 100% believe it without concrete proof because of that.


Jun 2, 2021
A little off topic but latest news about britney
before anyone tries to use this to prove that Jonghyun was sacrificed please remember that the same sympathy you hold for Jonghyun should be held for every kpop idol/artist. Kpop idols don't have as much control over their career as most western artists their concepts are made for them their personalities are crafted for them they are forced to go through plastic surgery and diets to maintain unhealthy standards of beauty and when they start to get old they are disposed off like used goods. Their lyrics and choreographies and even Mv concepts are made by others they might say they have control but we don't know what goes behind the scene they may just be forced to lie to gain credibility if Jonghyun had no control over his career and was forced to do this stuff until he eventually died shinee bt5 x-0 and T@emin are probably forced to do this stuff as well so the blame should be directed towards the companies the way these people are treated I wouldn't be surprised if they actually do end their lives themselves because they are sick of this slave like lifestyle. I mean do you honestly believe that 5m entertainment the same company that only gave shinee good promo for dcm because it was lee soo man's favourite song and forced T@emin to work 23456729 schedules before his enlistment on a one meal per day diet even though he said himself he wanted to focus on one thing and hated this way of living would allow them to murder their band mate for their success? 5m doesn't care about their artists and neither do all these other companies all this lip service about their artist is all for getting good pr because half of these companies are involved in scandals for tax evasion and corruption they simply use their talents and then dispose them off like trash.
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May 12, 2021
Spaceship, asteroids, portals... from the stuff out of k-pop I'm keeping my eye on, it looks like predictive programming.

Must tell you guys and girls, when I'm looking at Christians some say it's very possible rapture will happen this year. And since I follow this topic of rapture for several years now, I can tell you the signs, the fulfilled prophecies, things are getting really crazy and interesting this year. Rabbis say the 'messiah' will be revealed to the Jews at least this Rosh Hashana (September) and it looks like satanists are also doing their things regarding end times. And then we have k-pop idols singing about wormholes, end of the world, having pseudo-alien concepts, connecting their songs to eclipses in one way or another...

Tbh, k-pop is now your smallest problem. If you're Christian, spend some time with God and make sure you're ready. It's wonderful that you now see true face of k-pop, but digging in it will not help. If somebody new comes here, they'll have tons of info to learn from past comments. If you're not Christian I recommend at least considering becoming one and not being blind to the things that are happening in the world. Why Christian? So far every prophecy in Bible of the past was fulfilled. And one of the next prophecy on our calendar are 7 years or God's judgement (something like 2012 movie, but worst). However Christians believe we will be taken from this world before the 7 years start. If you wanna call me crazy, go ahead, I don't mind.

Some material to look at regarding rapture:
Sorry for derailing, I'll not mention this again.
Funny, Christians have been wrong about every single Doomsday prediction throughout history. But hey, 403,564th time the charm, right?


Feb 16, 2021
Thanks! for the reply
I know illuminati is real and occult stuff does exist I am not denying that actually believing in this stuff is part of my religion so I am not claiming everything is a conspiracy theory but what I mean to say is that this thread and this conversation has been dragged on for too long its been 3 freaking years now. I joined this sub to learn about the dark stuff happening in the kpop world but now I find that instead of steering away from kpop I am spending more time on trying to decode symbolisms and occultic imagery and finding out the clues about the occult there should be a line people shouldn't be too obsessed with this stuff by watching their Mvs and reading every single twitter post about them we don't have to literally stalk them like their fans do someone already mentioned here but if they put spells on these Mvs if you are watching it only to find clues there is still a chance you will fall in their trap so our priority should be to avoid them at all cost and watching every interview observing their facial expressions and actions this is unhealthy behavior and no different from the kind of behavior thier fans display remember they want us to be obsessed with these idols and they would be successful if we display this kind of behavior. Just look at the mess bt5 thread has become people are discussing the most minute details about their lives that even some fans don't care about.Its perfectly ok to discuss about their Mvs or award show performances or other IMPORTANT things that happen in kpop but don't take it too far its not going to benefit any of us. Also Some of the claims are too exaggerated and even inaccurate like every single death does not have to be about the occult people should be open to the idea that natural deaths do happen and from suicide and depression its a major problem in south korea that has to be acknowledged.
Now my problem with the Jonghyun/T@emin/Shinee narrative is that people go too far sometimes like saying they faked their emotions on the funeral or blaming them for murdering him. If they don't mention him people say they don't care about him if they do mention him than they are only faking it or using him for cheap sympathy then what should they do? maybe they aren't in a position to do something they could be threatened by 5m as well. Also all the information and claims made about how T@emin gained anything from his death have been factually incorrect so far. My concern is that people shouldn't be blinded by their love for jonghyun and all those they believe did not do anything for him to the point where they are willing to accept factually incorrect information just to prove their points. Otherwise I have no problem with this narrative In fact I myself have shared some things I found suspicious about his death before but I don't necessary believe them to be 100% correct factually and I am still open to the idea that he actually did commit suicide because it is all speculation and I would feel guilty if I ended up hating his family and friends and Sh1nee for murdering him based on speculation that might not even be correct because accusing someone of murder is a huge sin in my religion and I want to avoid that at all costs.

Peace! May God be with you
I appreciate the concern and the detailed reply. I don't think anyone here is obsessed, most people seem busy and dedicating 5-10 min to post a couple of replies definitely does not place you in the same position as the stans/ sasaengs. We are vigilant, like the forum title says and a vigilant person pays attention to the details instead of waiting for one massive cataclysmic event.

Personally I stay on this forum because thanks to the other members I have noticed things that I would not have seen by myself had it not been for their posting.

Interestingly, the occult can be used to make someone commit suicide and even if we accept that J0nghyun committed suicide that does not rule out the possibility that he was a sacrifice. But I agree with the members who believe that he was murdered, @btach had some strong arguments about minor vs major depression and I looked it up and she is absolutely right.

I used to be Taemin's fan when I looked at kpop superficially, until I started noticing the blasphemous elements in their videos, things in the interviews that didn't add up and my own preoccupation with specific songs that I would end up listening on repeat, something that had never happened with other talented artists. So now I avoid kpop as much as I can.

Did I check out Atlantis? Sure. Did I listen to the songs more than a couple of times? No. Did I waste my money to buy merch? Nope. Did I watch any of the interviews that are in fact just promo and fakeness? Not at all.

So I don't know if someone would think I am obsessed, but I definitely don't see myself this way. It was less than 2% of my time in the last 2 months.


Feb 16, 2021
Well he had seasonal depression so it was more like episodes of depression not that he had it bad all the time my point is simply this that we should be open to the idea that he might have actually commit suicide don't misunderstand me its simply that in my religion it is a major sin to accuse someone of murder or spread false information about someone only based on secondary sources of information and If I accuse his friends or family or shinee of sacrificing him and that turned out to be incorrect I would be held accountable for it on the day of judgement so I try to be more neutral towards this particular case there is a possibility he was sacrificed but I cannot 100% believe it without concrete proof because of that.
Discussing on a forum between a few people is not spreading misinformation. We do not make videos or give interviews or accuse anyone of anything. I don't know what your religion is, but conversation and opinion exchange is not a crime, since we do not slander anyone. You make us sound like we have hate accounts on twitter or tumblr. Several members have repeatedly prayed for artists, T@emin included.
What is your suggestion? For us to become censored? To exchange no information and have no opinion because that's a sin? Each of us is responsible for their own actions and will be judged accordingly at the end times.
If what is said here triggers you, then your own posts could be considered a "secondary source of information" since none of us have access to the morgue or police reports or eye witnesses or whatever could be considered primary source of information.
I will continue expressing my opinion since no one is harmed. I am sorry if that upsets you beforehand, but I do not make decisions based on the religious beliefs of other people. I respect them, but I make decisions based on my own beliefs.


Jun 2, 2021
Discussing on a forum between a few people is not spreading misinformation. We do not make videos or give interviews or accuse anyone of anything. I don't know what your religion is, but conversation and opinion exchange is not a crime, since we do not slander anyone. You make us sound like we have hate accounts on twitter or tumblr. Several members have repeatedly prayed for artists, T@emin included.
What is your suggestion? For us to become censored? To exchange no information and have no opinion because that's a sin? Each of us is responsible for their own actions and will be judged accordingly at the end times.
If what is said here triggers you, then your own posts could be considered a "secondary source of information" since none of us have access to the morgue or police reports or eye witnesses or whatever could be considered primary source of information.
I will continue expressing my opinion since no one is harmed. I am sorry if that upsets you beforehand, but I do not make decisions based on the religious beliefs of other people. I respect them, but I make decisions based on my own beliefs.
That was not meant for everyone else on this forum I was merely explaining to @btach ch why I PERSONALLY can't 100% agree with their belief because I WILL FEEL GUILTY or how I will be held accountable for this. Maybe I didn't word it correctly but I was not attacking anyone on this forum for spreading misinformation I don't want this forum to be censored this is the one platform I know where you can discuss about the illuminati without being called a lunatic I only expressed my opinion which was different from the popular opinion on this thread and @btach started to post things to convince everyone that he was definitely a sacrifice not one time I have said the jonghyun murder/sacrifice narrative was completely baseless or a conspiracy theory in my post that I have repeatedly said that MIGHT be the case myself and I have shared things that I found suspicious related to his death plus expressed my disapproval of the satanic stuff these artists keep promoting so what's the big deal? Why is everyone now starting to hate on me for simply saying that there might be a possibility he died a natural death? Suicide is a major problem in the world I myself have seen people around me take their lives so I was merely explaining why I do think he might have done it out of his own will if anyone doesn't agree with it they can simply ignore it me saying he commit suicide does not mean the illuminati doesn't exist or that elites are not using kpop to promote satanic stuff.

I just think jonghyun's death has already been discussed on this forum quite extensively and if anyone new comes on this forum they have plenty of material already to realize that his death was not merely a suicide or form their own opinion about his death. I simply see no benefit in discussing about this topic anymore because only God knows what is true Shinee/Jonghyun aren't the big players in kpop anymore their popularity will subside in a few years and there are more sinister and dark things happening in kpop that should be our concern.
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Jun 2, 2021
I appreciate the concern and the detailed reply. I don't think anyone here is obsessed, most people seem busy and dedicating 5-10 min to post a couple of replies definitely does not place you in the same position as the stans/ sasaengs. We are vigilant, like the forum title says and a vigilant person pays attention to the details instead of waiting for one massive cataclysmic event.

Personally I stay on this forum because thanks to the other members I have noticed things that I would not have seen by myself had it not been for their posting.

Interestingly, the occult can be used to make someone commit suicide and even if we accept that J0nghyun committed suicide that does not rule out the possibility that he was a sacrifice. But I agree with the members who believe that he was murdered, @btach had some strong arguments about minor vs major depression and I looked it up and she is absolutely right.

I used to be Taemin's fan when I looked at kpop superficially, until I started noticing the blasphemous elements in their videos, things in the interviews that didn't add up and my own preoccupation with specific songs that I would end up listening on repeat, something that had never happened with other talented artists. So now I avoid kpop as much as I can.

Did I check out Atlantis? Sure. Did I listen to the songs more than a couple of times? No. Did I waste my money to buy merch? Nope. Did I watch any of the interviews that are in fact just promo and fakeness? Not at all.

So I don't know if someone would think I am obsessed, but I definitely don't see myself this way. It was less than 2% of my time in the last 2 months.
Thanks for the reply my post was merely out of concern for people so that they don't end up falling for their trap while trying to decode the symbolisms



Apr 6, 2018
I watch the French program 'Mieux chez soi', where they show objects. And in colorful objects, they show objects, projecting colors. Which acts on the body but also on the mind. For example: Red stimulates the brain.


Jun 22, 2021
what occult energy? the man didn't win any awards last year his sales never crossed 200k mark in his entire career his Mv views are low his fans don't act like zombies to stream his mvs nor do they buy 1000s albums to make him win awards nor are they as obsessed with his chart achievements he did not even have music show wins for advice his fans rarely start wars send death threats to people over small things or show toxic or unhealthy behavior that we see from Armys/Ba3khyun/x-0 fans/B1g bang fans what does he have? some military updates? lip service from his company? thats not where the money comes from ka1 and ba@khyun outsold him at their DEBUT half of the kpop fandom doesn't even know who he is his popularity did not increase because of jonghyuns death his recent rise in popularity is because of superm and Dcm success and he still in't considered one of the biggest names in kpop despite being in the industry for 13 years one year old rookies such as Aespa are more popular than him also the only reason this sub talks about him is because he is from Jonghyun's groups so where is this occult energy and why is it so useless that it hasn't even got the power to give him a few music show wins or chart higher on melon he isn't the only idol using symbolisms or dark imagery there are plenty others who use way more sinister symbolisms so I don't understand why this sub always singles him out. Rookies cover his songs because he is a veteran also he is scandal free compared to someone like Gd so it is easier for rookies to cite him as their inspiration.
chill sis... you're competely wrong LOL. mostly when you say that '' half of the kpop fandom doesn't even know who he is ''.


May 26, 2021
what occult energy? the man didn't win any awards last year his sales never crossed 200k mark in his entire career his Mv views are low his fans don't act like zombies to stream his mvs nor do they buy 1000s albums to make him win awards nor are they as obsessed with his chart achievements he did not even have music show wins for advice his fans rarely start wars send death threats to people over small things or show toxic or unhealthy behavior that we see from Armys/Ba3khyun/x-0 fans/B1g bang fans what does he have? some military updates? lip service from his company? thats not where the money comes from ka1 and ba@khyun outsold him at their DEBUT half of the kpop fandom doesn't even know who he is his popularity did not increase because of jonghyuns death his recent rise in popularity is because of superm and Dcm success and he still ain't considered one of the biggest names in kpop despite being in the industry for 13 years one year old rookies such as Aespa are more popular than him also the only reason this sub talks about him is because he is from Jonghyun's groups so where is this occult energy and why is it so useless that it hasn't even got the power to give him a few music show wins or chart higher on melon he isn't the only idol using symbolisms or dark imagery there are plenty others who use way more sinister symbolisms so I don't understand why this sub always singles him out. Rookies cover his songs because he is a veteran also he is scandal free compared to someone like Gd so it is easier for rookies to cite him as their inspiration.
For AESPA I think I can say their debut was indescribably hyped up because of them being from SM, appearing in the midst of Irene attitude scandal, having a ton of plagiarism accusations under their belts since day one of their content coming out, having the highly criticized AI concept that was and still is rubbing people in the wrong way, and also because of members themselves already getting into scandals for their past before they even debuted - because of that, Black Mamba was so viewed debut, which broke the records when it came to the views.
But the large number of views wasn’t caused by them having so large a fanbase like it normally is in the case of other groups. It was caused by curious people, who got caught up in them because of all the mess surrounding them and simply wanted to check out if they are going to be worthy of all that attention, if there wasn’t so much chaos around their debut, they wouldn’t get half of the hype they got.
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Jun 2, 2021
For AESPA I think I can say their debut was indescribably hyped up because of them being from SM, appearing in the midst of Irene attitude scandal, having a ton of plagiarism accusations under their belts since day one of their content coming out, having the highly criticized AI concept that was and still is rubbing people in the wrong way, and also because of members themselves already getting into scandals for their past before they even debuted - because of that, Black Mamba was so viewed debut, which broke the records when it came to the views.
But the large number of views wasn’t caused by them having so large a fanbase like it normally is in the case of other groups. It was caused by curious people, who got caught up in them because of all the mess surrounding them and simply wanted to check out if they are going to be worthy of all that attention, if there wasn’t so much chaos around their debut, they wouldn’t get half of the hype they got.
They use controversy to gain attention its common even for western artists like lady gaga and the kardashians its all business


May 24, 2021
They use controversy to gain attention its common even for western artists like lady gaga and the kardashians its all business
Because scandals and gossip always sell.

It’s the same, in this case, with the K-Pop. If it wasn’t for the crazy visuals (also in other countries but since this is K-Pop focus), they wouldn’t get so much views.

The agencies get in touch and contract western producers (normally from America but there are also interesting ones from other countries like LDN Noise (from the UK) who made some hits songs for EXO, “GGs“ TaeYeon or TaeMin for example).

Visuals are the rare or, in other cases, aesthetic attraction, combined with the music and their sometimes weird-but catchy-pop frequencies and effects that makes you get hooked into that (more or less).

In the scandal music I remember for example, when BTS got the scandal from one of their American or Holland music producers in the song Cypher 4, where the guy used the same music base for another rapper before that it was used in the Korean band, and that caused a lot of stir and people on YouTube were spinning around the Korean band and the American rapper. They guy apologised on his Twitter after that mistake.