Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Jul 23, 2020
I found this from 2010.
SHINee has been giving out illuminati vibes for a long time. The article so some of the photos are missing...but it has been a topic of discussion for a long time it y'all think they we the foundation?



Miss Bunny

Jan 11, 2018
All of these pop idols are evil even j0nghyun did alot of problematic things in his career so it is not right to consider him as a victim he may have been a part of the occult agenda to fool the masses we just need to protect ourselves from this poison and try to spread awareness as much as we can
"ALOT of problematic things"...?!
List them for us please, so we can be aware.


Oct 13, 2020
I found this from 2010.
SHINee has been giving out illuminati vibes for a long time. The article so some of the photos are missing...but it has been a topic of discussion for a long time it y'all think they we the foundation?

you are horrendously missing the point. where has anyone said that this thread right here is the "foundation". we are not saying that this page is the only page that villainises taemin, rn i dont rly care abt any other page that is biased bc im focusing on yall. plus that page u linked is ancient aint nobody still on there. its like ure not even trying to understand or take advice. ure fr not are u ? its ok to admit that biasing jh and villainising taemin was a wrong move. its ok to admit that jh, although deceased, still was just as involved as taemin as onew and any other member of shinee and that none of them are/were the saints yall r so desperately fighting to say jonghyun was. accept the bitter truth - jonghyun was involved in the occult, he promoted the agenda, he aided in the subliminal indoctrination and hexing of his fans. yall think if he wasnt involved and if he had nothing to do w anything evil that they would have taken his life ? he was chosen to be involved since his youth , they all were raised in that atmosphere they ALL have a share of responsibility whether breathing or not.


Oct 13, 2020
"ALOT of problematic things"...?!
List them for us please, so we can be aware.
hey i’ll start , look at vcs own article

look at the pictures.

that’s just a small example if u want i’ll find more lolz.

and don’t even try and downplay the one eye symbolism just bc it’s jh doing it.

Miss Bunny

Jan 11, 2018
yesss like yea he may be dead but i dont see the reason for bias w him and taemin. jonghyun was a grown ass man who was obviously just as responsible as his groupmates in the spreading of the occultic agenda. they all played a part in promoting the agenda we rebuke here and yes its sad he died but his death does not remove the fact that he was involved just as much as taemin and the rest of the idols in the industry. i see the bias here villainising taemin and victimising jonghyun and it makes no sense to me. yes i know taemin blew up as a solo artist and he is very deep in this mess but jonghyun was also an idol like taemin - he was his groupmate they share responsibility.

The reason of victimizing Jonghyun and villainising his member mates (not only taemin), is due to his death was shortly prior of his contract expiration. Accordingly, Jonghyun wasn't involved in spreading the occultic agenda as the rest members who renewed theirs as soon as he passed away. So practically, they've been involving three years more than he has and their contracts are still active btw so is their involvement period.

It's a simple equation really that doesn't require too much to comprehend


Jan 19, 2021
yes they're slaves to the elite. and I think jinghyuns death wasn't a sacrifice for shinee success but for kpop worldwide (aka bt$). People had discuss this many times in this forum especially because of Obama's mockery speech, taehyung's dog twitter post, bts arriving first at jh's funeral and after 2017 bts wasn't just a kpop group but a worldwide famous group. coincidence?

View attachment 57159
sorry what was obama's mockery speech?


Oct 13, 2020
The reason of victimizing Jonghyun and villainising his member mates (not only taemin), is due to his death was shortly prior of his contract expiration. Accordingly, Jonghyun wasn't involved in spreading the occultic agenda as the rest members who renewed theirs as soon as he passed away. So practically, they've been involving three years more than he has and their contracts are still active btw so is their involvement period.

It's a simple equation really that doesn't require too much to comprehend
hellooooo lmaoooogdgsj im sorry what. yall r blaming his members especially taemin for the fact he was chosen to die first ??????? (now ik u not tryna say u been demonising his other members too when all yall talk abt is how much of a bad person taemin is and how much of an angel jh was). also u think its in their power to prevent or choose when he died ? jh dying was not for shnees benefit. u think his members (taemin) said to their big boss "can u kill jh just before his contract expires pls". shawty are u reading the same thread i am. u the one talking abt comprehension when it seems ure the one lacking it - jh was killed According To The Satanic Calendar. go do ur own research for that. and how on this good earth is it taemins fault that they renewed their contracts . . . i wanna see yall demonise onew key and minho go ahead. Of Course jonghyun wouldnt have been involved after his death um bc he died ???? he died BC he was involved and so u saying that his other members r more evil bc they werent the unfortuate soul chosen to be a satanic blood sacrifice is an astonishingly awful take.
we both know that u r just reaching to the heavens with all of this mess and i promise u u aint high fiving jonghyun with all this reaching.

Miss Bunny

Jan 11, 2018
Well I read somewhere that l5m had planned X-O concepts in 2004-5 way before their debut so I wouldn't be surprised if jh's death was planned before sh1nee debut although I don't think sh1nee members were themselves involved in his murder bcz his death did not benefit them in any way they lost half of their fanbase and I know this forum is biased against t@emin but j0nghyun's death happen at a time when he was at the peak of his career 2017 was the best year for t@em with move going viral and stuff and he hasn't been able to have that kind of success after that his career kinda stagnated like he doesn't win any awards or stuff anymore
As you said, Jonghyun's fan base is larger than the other members' together. And I believe that you're familiar with that bullshit all kpop groups representing to say "we are family". So, how do you think Jjong's fans will react to SHINee's promotions if they use Jjong's name at that duration...?!

We've spoken about how this industry attracts audience's sympathy before.

Miss Bunny

Jan 11, 2018
hellooooo lmaoooogdgsj im sorry what. yall r blaming his members especially taemin for the fact he was chosen to die first ??????? (now ik u not tryna say u been demonising his other members too when all yall talk abt is how much of a bad person taemin is and how much of an angel jh was). also u think its in their power to prevent or choose when he died ? jh dying was not for shnees benefit. u think his members (taemin) said to their big boss "can u kill jh just before his contract expires pls". shawty are u reading the same thread i am. u the one talking abt comprehension when it seems ure the one lacking it - jh was killed According To The Satanic Calendar. go do ur own research for that. and how on this good earth is it taemins fault that they renewed their contracts . . . i wanna see yall demonise onew key and minho go ahead. Of Course jonghyun wouldnt have been involved after his death um bc he died ???? he died BC he was involved and so u saying that his other members r more evil bc they werent the unfortuate soul chosen to be a satanic blood sacrifice is an astonishingly awful take.
we both know that u r just reaching to the heavens with all of this mess and i promise u u aint high fiving jonghyun with all this reaching.

They don't need anyone to demonize them, since they do it themselves perfectly. I don't know if they chose or prevented his death, but I'm certain that they were completely fine with it.

Yes, I'm reading the same thread as you're. But the radical difference between us, is that I'm using something called "Critical Thinking" that I recommend you to read about, I ensure you'll be enjoyed. Besides, someone who doesn't know anything about "Open Mind" and "Being Realistic" more than their names isn't qualified to valuate my comprehension. Regarding Onew, Key and Minho, I've been already doing what should be done and I'm not waiting for anyone's permission.

Do you realize that you're deluding yourself?!
It's very known that the sacrifices of Satanic cults must be immaculate of sins so they can please Lucifer's wickedness; for instance: specific type of animals, baby human, or a virgin woman. So as long as you claim that Jjong's death was totally due to the cult's choice, that means he wasn't involved at all, or at least he was the purest one among them all.
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Oct 13, 2020
They don't need anyone to demonize them, since they do it themselves perfectly. I don't know if they chose or prevented his death, but I'm certain that they were completely fine with it.

Yes, I'm reading the same thread as you're. But the radical difference between us, is that I'm using something called "Critical Thinking" that I recommend you to read about, I ensure you'll be enjoyed. Besides, someone who doesn't know anything about "Open Mind" and "Being Realistic" more than their names isn't qualified to valuate my comprehension. Regarding Onew, Key and Minho, I've been already doing what should be done and I'm not waiting for anyone's permission.

Do you realize that you're deluding yourself?!
It's very known that the sacrifices of Satanic cults must be immaculate of sins so they can please Lucifer's wickedness; for instance: specific type of animals, baby human, or a virgin woman. So as long as you claim that Jjong's death was totally due to the cult's choice, that means he wasn't involved at all, or at least he was the purest one among them all.
bestie ure not using any type of thinking. and i think u getting satanic sacrifices mixed up w Godly sacrifices from the bible bc only God wanted the best of the best of animals when he wanted a sacrifice. pls find me a source saying that for satanic sacrifices all offerings must be pure and good ppl. u continue to miss the point and idk if its bc u see that i’m dragging ur ass w valid statements but my point is that there should be no bias w jh and taemin bc there’s no Good guy in this. and where in my words did i allude to jong not being involved in the occult hello are u actually reading my words. how are u concluding that bc jonghyun was killed that he wasn’t involved in the occult or that he was an angel. did u not see the vc article i linked earlier. did jonghyun not partake in lucifer ? was he not the same man in the internet war video looking all drugged up and possessed ? and of course his death was up to the occult ??? u think they asked him when he wanted to die ? see if it fit w his schedule ? and about u saying that he must be the “purest”, baby i think ure the deluded one look at u are u not embarrassed. fighting for this grown man who doesn’t care about u and never did. this is kind of embarrassing ngl how will u say all of this w ur entire chest, that his members were cool w him dying ? u know that for sure ure certain ??? i ain’t even claim smth like that bc there’s nothing to indicate that. how will u say that he is the purest and that’s why he died. i can give u many examples of western deaths who were sacrificed and they were not the “purest” bitch even if they were how will we know ? but i know for sure that jh died according to the satanic calendar and that he was involved in evil things, he is not the angel u so desperately want him to be. so wake up shawty u don’t know if he was the purest bc u don’t know him. u don’t. even if u think u do bc u used to stan him or bc he said he got sad and doesn’t like lsm. there are some things that we cannot assume from these idols and their real personality is one of them. what we Can assume is their involvement in the occult bc they show that mess to us - they don’t show us their inner selves. what ure basing all of ur weak arguments on is from a personality that was handed to him during debut , a personality that was traumatised and broken to pieces during his mk ultra - you’re simply forming an Opinion based on what jonghyuns bosses wanted to show his fans. what i’m basing my arguments on are facts. we can all see the hexes, the symbols, the lyrics etc that are blatantly satanic. we can all see jonghyun walk his grown ass self on that mv set, on that stage and practise the magic he does alongside his members. im giving u facts ure choking me w incorrect opinions.
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Oct 13, 2020
bestie ure not using any type of thinking. and i think u getting satanic sacrifices mixed up w Godly sacrifices from the bible bc only God wanted the best of the best of animals when he wanted a sacrifice. pls find me a source saying that for satanic sacrifices all offerings must be pure and good ppl. u continue to miss the point and idk if its bc u see that i’m dragging ur ass w valid statements but my point is that there should be no bias w jh and taemin bc there’s no Good guy in this. and where in my words did i allude to jong not being involved in the occult hello are u actually reading my words. how are u concluding that bc jonghyun was killed that he wasn’t involved in the occult or that he was an angel. did u not see the vc article i linked earlier. did jonghyun not partake in lucifer ? was he not the same man in the internet war video looking all drugged up and possessed ? and of course his death was up to the occult ??? u think they asked him when he wanted to die ? see if it fit w his schedule ? and about u saying that he must be the “purest”, baby i think ure the deluded one look at u are u not embarrassed. fighting for this grown man who doesn’t care about u and never did. this is kind of embarrassing ngl how will u say all of this w ur entire chest, that his members were cool w him dying ? u know that for sure ure certain ??? i ain’t even claim smth like that bc there’s nothing to indicate that. how will u say that he is the purest and that’s why he died. i can give u many examples of western deaths who were sacrificed and they were not the “purest” bitch even if they were how will we know ? but i know for sure that jh died according to the satanic calendar and that he was involved in evil things, he is not the angel u so desperately want him to be. so wake up shawty u don’t know if he was the purest bc u don’t know him. u don’t. even if u think u do bc u used to stan him or bc he said he got sad and doesn’t like lsm. there are some things that we cannot assume from these idols and their real personality is one of them. what we Can assume is their involvement in the occult bc they show that mess to us - they don’t show us their inner selves. what ure basing all of ur weak arguments on is from a personality that was handed to him during debut , a personality that was traumatised and broken to pieces during his mk ultra - you’re simply forming an Opinion based on what jonghyuns bosses wanted to show his fans. what i’m basing my arguments on are facts. we can all see the hexes, the symbols, the lyrics etc that are blatantly satanic. we can all see jonghyun walk his grown ass self on that mv set, on that stage and practise the magic he does alongside his members. im giving u facts ure choking me w incorrect opinions.
@Miss Bunny pls dont even reply here or at all bc im fr ending this. ure stubborn as hell and refuse to open ur mind up to the fact that its wrong to bias jh over taemin in this situation. im tired of wasting my energy on this bc its getting nowhere . . . now pls , i dont wanna wake up to see ur opinions abt dis in my replies.


Oct 13, 2020
T@emin was 19 or 20 at that time. Jj0ng's Performance during practice was different from his performance on stage. I think T@emin was caught off guard. Jj0ng was behaving like a wild beast with a boner to boot and shamelessly grinding his crotch on young T@emin, stimulating a response. Can't blame him for responding. I mean he was still a hormonal teenager.

I thing Jj0ng may have taken advantage of T@emin at some point. On "we got married" they showed us SHIN33 dorm and their sleeping arrangements. M!nho and K3y had their own bedroom, 0new shared with their manager and T@emin and Jj0ng shared a room. Poor boy! T@emin's international age was twenty around that time. Tsk tsk...

Look at Jj0ng touching young T@emin's butt
oh wow thats a heavy statement. what makes u think that ? also abt the butt touching . . . boys r weird they tend to do stuff like that w friends hdgdhs.


Feb 16, 2021
oh wow thats a heavy statement. what makes u think that ? also abt the butt touching . . . boys r weird they tend to do stuff like that w friends hdgdhs.
How is it heavy? There are so many videos from that performance.
I grew up with male friends (both straight and gay) and didn't get to see scenes like in the photo (one friend being hard while dominating the other)



Aug 4, 2020
woah . . . something is very off w this brand and the designer . . . i want to so badly say it looks trash but some of it looks kinda cute on the idols or wtv :rolleyes:
Ig it looks fine in small amounts like in Rose's pic, but overall, I think the moon design looks so weird and almost disturbing, like there are scallops and fish scales all over the person....either way, it is still a way overrated design. So many people could work way harder on their designs, yet this moon design is all over the place...that must mean there is something suspicious and symbolic going on with the industry.


Oct 13, 2020
How is it heavy? There are so many videos from that performance.
I grew up with male friends (both straight and gay) and didn't get to see scenes like in the photo (one friend being hard while dominating the other)

View attachment 57161
accusing someone of sexual assault is a heavy accusation, i’m wondering what’s made u to jump to that extreme.
and i was referring to the butt touching - boys do weird things like that w friends they’re close w.


Oct 13, 2020
Ig it looks fine in small amounts like in Rose's pic, but overall, I think the moon design looks so weird and almost disturbing, like there are scallops and fish scales all over the person....either way, it is still a way overrated design. So many people could work way harder on their designs, yet this moon design is all over the place...that must mean there is something suspicious and symbolic going on with the industry.
yep exactly. it’s very simple and not that special but still kinda cute in a way but i do understand u. it would make sense if it was a better design and it was popular but it’s rly nothing special. welp idk fashion is weird if fricking chanel made a plain white t-shirt i’m sure it’ll sell too lol. but the moon symbolism definitely gives it away

Miss Bunny

Jan 11, 2018
bestie ure not using any type of thinking. and i think u getting satanic sacrifices mixed up w Godly sacrifices from the bible bc only God wanted the best of the best of animals when he wanted a sacrifice. pls find me a source saying that for satanic sacrifices all offerings must be pure and good ppl. u continue to miss the point and idk if its bc u see that i’m dragging ur ass w valid statements but my point is that there should be no bias w jh and taemin bc there’s no Good guy in this. and where in my words did i allude to jong not being involved in the occult hello are u actually reading my words. how are u concluding that bc jonghyun was killed that he wasn’t involved in the occult or that he was an angel. did u not see the vc article i linked earlier. did jonghyun not partake in lucifer ? was he not the same man in the internet war video looking all drugged up and possessed ? and of course his death was up to the occult ??? u think they asked him when he wanted to die ? see if it fit w his schedule ? and about u saying that he must be the “purest”, baby i think ure the deluded one look at u are u not embarrassed. fighting for this grown man who doesn’t care about u and never did. this is kind of embarrassing ngl how will u say all of this w ur entire chest, that his members were cool w him dying ? u know that for sure ure certain ??? i ain’t even claim smth like that bc there’s nothing to indicate that. how will u say that he is the purest and that’s why he died. i can give u many examples of western deaths who were sacrificed and they were not the “purest” bitch even if they were how will we know ? but i know for sure that jh died according to the satanic calendar and that he was involved in evil things, he is not the angel u so desperately want him to be. so wake up shawty u don’t know if he was the purest bc u don’t know him. u don’t. even if u think u do bc u used to stan him or bc he said he got sad and doesn’t like lsm. there are some things that we cannot assume from these idols and their real personality is one of them. what we Can assume is their involvement in the occult bc they show that mess to us - they don’t show us their inner selves. what ure basing all of ur weak arguments on is from a personality that was handed to him during debut , a personality that was traumatised and broken to pieces during his mk ultra - you’re simply forming an Opinion based on what jonghyuns bosses wanted to show his fans. what i’m basing my arguments on are facts. we can all see the hexes, the symbols, the lyrics etc that are blatantly satanic. we can all see jonghyun walk his grown ass self on that mv set, on that stage and practise the magic he does alongside his members. im giving u facts ure choking me w incorrect opinions.

First of all, you took one of my examples to claim that I got them mixed up with " Godly sacrifice". So, are you saying that sacrificing infants and virgin women is usual practice in churches?!!
Second of all, I already told you that you aren't qualified to valuate my thinking, since you need to work hardly on yours, and what you did above proves that.

The internet is full of sources you need, and the first one of mine was in one of Mark Dice's books. And the second one, was a clip recorded and leaked from the Bohemian grove in California while the elite members were sacrificing an infant. But I couldn't find that video on YouTube. Also, D J mentioned the qualities of the human sacrifice in one of her videos (which were what I mentioned earlier).

Apparently, you're the one who has problems in reading, cuz I'm the one who "alluded to jong not being involved in the occult". Moreover, I've explained how I conclude that, so I'm not going through it again for the sake of your "eyes problems".

And here you go deluding yourself again. You objected my opinion just because I didn't know him, as if you were there to confirm his drugging and possession or maybes during his mk ultra...!

You asked "how will I say all of this with my entire chest, that his members were cool with him dying?"
I believe that I already did, and explained why. (Seriously girl, you need to get your eyes checked.)
And no, I'm not embarrassed at all and I'll keep fighting for him clearly and loudly; cuz it's more than enough for me that I have a gut feeling he was the "PUREST".

You called my argument "weak", while calling your paradoxical arguments as "facts"?!!
Didn't you just admit that it's hard to assume idols' real personalities, so how can you tell for sure which one of Jjong's personalities I'm forming my opinion on?!!

And what "Mess" you're referring to that Jjong showed to us?!!
His blonde hair?!!
The only mess he actually showed to us was his rebellious attitude toward SM's polices, which was something that no one have dared to even think about it, not even his seniors. So are you gonna claim that character was handed over to him again, just because his attitude doesn't suit the dirty image in your head which you've been trying to impose in almost all of your comments since your joining in 2020...? (I still don't know for whom you're doing it tho)

That's why I said "Hanging everything on Satanism is completely madness" so thank you to improve my opinion.

BTW, You're not dragging anything other than yourself through the mud.

Miss Bunny

Jan 11, 2018
T@emin was 19 or 20 at that time. Jj0ng's Performance during practice was different from his performance on stage. I think T@emin was caught off guard. Jj0ng was behaving like a wild beast with a boner to boot and shamelessly grinding his crotch on young T@emin, stimulating a response. Can't blame him for responding. I mean he was still a hormonal teenager.

I thing Jj0ng may have taken advantage of T@emin at some point. On "we got married" they showed us SHIN33 dorm and their sleeping arrangements. M!nho and K3y had their own bedroom, 0new shared with their manager and T@emin and Jj0ng shared a room. Poor boy! T@emin's international age was twenty around that time. Tsk tsk...

Look at Jj0ng touching young T@emin's butt

All boy bands members do it to each other on the stage, according to them it helps them relieving their stress. There are plenty of such a photo for many idols.