The Saudi Regime Is 2- Faced!


May 20, 2017
If it's just Jewish Zionism you hate, your memes didn't make that distinction. From here, it just looked like the same old unhinged, unspecified ranting Joo-hate.
Lying @Thunderian? Look at the OP it slams 2 faced Muslim supporters of Israel in the Saudi Regime.
If you go to my Islamic Videos thread on the first page I discuss the Christian Zionists that support Israel.
I also have a video by a Muslim shaykh that discusses this stance.
"Imran Hosein in this video tells Muslims that we are only against the segment of the people of the book who formed an alliance against us in the end times."
Forum members are free to check on these facts.
What is it about that country and its Zionists supporters that makes ya'll liars?:mad:
Keep trying, you wish!
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Mar 13, 2017
I'm not a liar. You edited your post #36. It said nothing about Zionism when I replied to it, but was just a couple memes with quotes from American Jews -- not identified as Zionists or referring to Zionism -- that were clearly posted with the intention of making ALL Jews look like jerks. Textbook racism. When I called you out on it you started backpedaling about how it's really just the Zionists you hate, and not all Jews in general.

You don't think I know that the new antisemitism is cloaked these days as anti-Zionism? You slipped up and made it just about Jews. Next time throw a reference to Israel in there to at least make your denials believable.


May 20, 2017
I clarified my stance.
My stance in this forum and the last has not changed.
I am not bothered if you keep lying, people can read my words at my Islamic videos thread about my stance.
You are a liar.
I AM against all types of Zionists, Jewish, Muslim and Christian
............and the proof has been given and that makes YOU a liar.
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May 20, 2017
@Thunderian get lost .......
You accuse the MB of taking over America.......with a FALSE plan....
I am showing forum members which forces have subverted North America..
Was it the MB that did the ideological subversion of North America or people like Marxist Gus Hall who called for the overthrow of the US GOVERNMENT?
In addition to cultural Marxists from the Frankfurt School.
Were these people Muslims? MB?
Marxist and Communist Jews have done this. Not Muslim Brotherhood.

You wish to push make believe subversion by a segment of Muslims and I highlight that a segment of the Jews have gone further down this route. Hypocrisy.

You have been exposed as a liar, anyone can go to this OP and my Islamic videos thread to see I am against Zionism in all its forms and all its supporters.
:DThat includes you!
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May 20, 2017

UAE Asked US to Bomb Al Jazeera, Says 2003 Cable

Diplomatic cable, published by Wikileaks, refers to Mohammed bin Zayed asking for Qatari channel to be targeted
Abu Dhabi's crown prince asked the US to bomb Al Jazeera as America was planning its invasion of Iraq, according to a diplomatic cable detailing his conversation with a top US state department mandarin.

According to the cable, Mohammed bin Zayed (MBZ) "laughingly recalled" to Richard Hass a conversation between his father, Sheikh Zayed, and the emir of Qatar, Hamad Al-Thani, in which Hamad had complained MBZ had asked for the US "to bomb Al Jazeera".

"According to MBZ, Zayed [his father] derisively responded: 'Do you blame him?'"

In his comments, made in the run-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, MBZ warned that public opinion in the Arab world over the invasion - which he described as "containable" if the war was short and efficient - could be heavily inflamed by the Qatar TV network's coverage and advised that its influence be reined in.

MBZ said "it was a mystery to him why the Qataris continued to inflame public opinion" through Al Jazeera... "and suggested that the US use its weight to pressure Doha".

The cable added that MBZ had "emphasised the need for US engagement with the Qataris to rein in Al Jazeera".

In April 2003, the Al-Jazeera office in Baghdad was struck by a US missile killing one staff member and wounding another, though a US Central Command spokesman told BBC News the station "was not and never had been a target." In 2001 the station's Kabul office was hit by two bombs in another US attack, although there were no casualties.


May 20, 2017
Excellent video by DAHBOO77 he has looked at Islamic sources on this topic, also posting an excellent pinned comment:

"When you see Mecca, its mountain with holes (pierced through them), and its buildings reach its mountain tops, then as-Sa’ah (the Hour) has already cast its shadow."
(Musannaf ibn Abi Shaybah, hadith: 14306)

Saudi Arabia is Preparing for the Arrival of the Dajjal - The Dark Messiah (Anti-Christ)

The Ottoman Khalifat was destroyed with a plot conceived at least a century prior to it's implementation. First internally by the Domenh, who thoroughly infiltrated the government and used the young Turk movement and then after,with their puppet,Atatürk. Externally,the British empire using British agents like, TE Lawrence and others to create an Arab Guerrilla army to totally take control of the hejaz ie,the Haramain. Once this was accomplished, Arabia was balkanized into kingdoms and principalities. Lawrence himself wrote a report basically stating that once this was accomplished, the Arabs would never be a threat like the Ottoman empire, because their leaders were a greedy, petty people who would never unite or agree on anything. There was once only Arabia, now you can see the results of what has happen to the entire region because of the deal that was made with this ruling family and the one in the land which is now called Jordan.They sold their deen for a measly price. The Armenian Genocide, the taking sides in WWI ,the subsequent rise of Kamal Atatürk,and the creation of the state of Israel, were all carried out using the same blueprint,which has irrevocably destroyed the Khalifat system thereby allowing complete plundering of resources that lie in Muslim lands. Today this blueprint is still in use. The majority of Arab nations are almost completely destabilized by the Use of ISIS Al Qaeda, Al Nusra, AlShabaab, Boko Haram and other terrorist groups Their use in western nations is for the sole purpose by terrorizing it's own citizens, to gain popular support in justifying further incursions into Muslim lands. You can see now how these Arab nations who are being used as middlemen in the terrorist apparatus, turning cannibalistic on one another (Saudi and Qatar)it's just a matter of time before they meet the same fate of other despotic rulers of the world when their usefulness has come to an end.


Mar 18, 2017
Excellent video by DAHBOO77 he has looked at Islamic sources on this topic, also posting an excellent pinned comment:

"When you see Mecca, its mountain with holes (pierced through them), and its buildings reach its mountain tops, then as-Sa’ah (the Hour) has already cast its shadow."
(Musannaf ibn Abi Shaybah, hadith: 14306)

Saudi Arabia is Preparing for the Arrival of the Dajjal - The Dark Messiah (Anti-Christ)

The Ottoman Khalifat was destroyed with a plot conceived at least a century prior to it's implementation. First internally by the Domenh, who thoroughly infiltrated the government and used the young Turk movement and then after,with their puppet,Atatürk. Externally,the British empire using British agents like, TE Lawrence and others to create an Arab Guerrilla army to totally take control of the hejaz ie,the Haramain. Once this was accomplished, Arabia was balkanized into kingdoms and principalities. Lawrence himself wrote a report basically stating that once this was accomplished, the Arabs would never be a threat like the Ottoman empire, because their leaders were a greedy, petty people who would never unite or agree on anything. There was once only Arabia, now you can see the results of what has happen to the entire region because of the deal that was made with this ruling family and the one in the land which is now called Jordan.They sold their deen for a measly price. The Armenian Genocide, the taking sides in WWI ,the subsequent rise of Kamal Atatürk,and the creation of the state of Israel, were all carried out using the same blueprint,which has irrevocably destroyed the Khalifat system thereby allowing complete plundering of resources that lie in Muslim lands. Today this blueprint is still in use. The majority of Arab nations are almost completely destabilized by the Use of ISIS Al Qaeda, Al Nusra, AlShabaab, Boko Haram and other terrorist groups Their use in western nations is for the sole purpose by terrorizing it's own citizens, to gain popular support in justifying further incursions into Muslim lands. You can see now how these Arab nations who are being used as middlemen in the terrorist apparatus, turning cannibalistic on one another (Saudi and Qatar)it's just a matter of time before they meet the same fate of other despotic rulers of the world when their usefulness has come to an end.
Are these people awaiting the same entity? Yeah, its about land aquisition but one can't put anything past them. Perfect cover to livestream a fake Christ.

"Two leading Christian television networks are preparing for the return of Jesus with live streams. Daystar TV and the Trinity
Broadcasting Network have set up cameras overlooking the Mount of Olives, the Jerusalem
location where scripture says Jesus will return"


Apr 20, 2017
Are these people awaiting the same entity? Yeah, its about land aquisition but one can't put anything past them. Perfect cover to livestream a fake Christ.

"Two leading Christian television networks are preparing for the return of Jesus with live streams. Daystar TV and the Trinity
Broadcasting Network have set up cameras overlooking the Mount of Olives, the Jerusalem
location where scripture says Jesus will return"
{tongue-in-cheek mode on}

It might be Jared Kushner, in a (project) blue-beam beard, riding an AIPAC pale horse, with (speaking of "Balkanization" of the Arabian states of the Middle-East @DesertRose ) the Yinon Plan, PNAC and all powers of the US Departments of State and Defense under his arm. That might be enough to make the Televangelical Zionistas salivate with apocalyptic excitement and roll out the red carpet for the Chabbad/Lubavitch-approved "Messiah." At any rate, it's very good theater. I have my seat-belt buckled.

{tongue-in-cheek mode off}
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May 20, 2017
It might be Jarod Kushner, in a blue-beam beard, riding an AIPAC pale horse, with (speaking of "Balkanization" of the Arabian states of the Middle-East
:eek: That image tho.'
Love it when you are in the tongue in the cheek mode, @Serveto !
Just like the "Lord" Balfour of Arabia (levant :)) delivered them to the Holy Land.
......It is all going according to plan for sure.
Me too, about the buckled seat ...very bumpy ride ahead..:p
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