The American “Coup d’etat”

Feb 22, 2020
Do you know how easy it is to photoshop stuff and claim they are actual posts? Or do like I said earlier?

And no I didnt look I have better things to do than read troll posts on the internet. Social media posts dont mean jack shit about anything related to civil war from the right. Everything seems to indicate it comes from the left, who are the instigators in this. So keep posting away it does not change anything.
Everything incriminating the right wing is fake, but anything incriminating acting the left u jump all over to confirm your bias.

Its a tired position on this forum.
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Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Right.. as I thought. People I actually know. Who own so many guns they get monthly visits from the sheriff. But sure.. nothing to see there. Nothing to worry about. Property damage is not the same as violence against humans. And I’ve seen and provided numerous videos of the right committing violence against humans. Each time it’s just excused, brushed off, justified, downplayed. Just like HERE. I joined Parler and requested to follow that guy so we will see.
Some time ago in the Middle East, there was a group of people who were very unhappy with the governance they had ended up with. Some grumbled, others wanted to raise an insurrection but one young leader gave a very different message and talked about a kingdom even greater than the one that nation suffered under. Not everyone understood what he meant and even his own followers were divided by his message.

The notion that there was right and wrong that transcended even history, tradition and patriotism was divisive to say the least. Despite turning over the tables of the cheating money changers and speaking out against the evil things he saw in society and in peoples hearts, he never resorted to doing the wrong thing for the “greater good”.

Today people who claim to follow this unique individual are caught up in America amongst insurrectionists on both sides. There is still a better way to deal with conflict, and to stand up to corruption, according to the standards of a greater and far longer lasting kingdom, but whether people choose it remains to be seen.
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Feb 22, 2020
My point was that nationalism and sovereignty aren't synonyms, but that the former advocates the latter and that the latter isn't dependent on the former. Dont know how you could have misinterpreted that.

Open borders refers to unlimited immigration. No cap.

What is a nation to you? Is it just a geographical area with artificial borders?
Ok I agree with your first part.

No nation on earth has open borders, going by your definition.

The immigration debate is a distraction put out by the elites so they don't have to actually address the real reasons people are suffering. That would be decades of Neoliberal policies instituted by The Mont Pellerin Society and the Chicago school of economics.

Scapegoats serve the elites much better.


Jul 27, 2017
^ people I know personally so it will only stay up briefly before I delete. Don’t try to tell me that Parler post was bs, the reason they moved to Parler was so they could post more obscene shit then they do on fb or twitter or insta
People I know are getting the same way.
I think....ok hope emotions die down and it’s all talk.

But rogue patriots are unpredictable


Jul 27, 2017
It is very possible that something like this will happen before or on Jan 20th. That FBI entrapment plot from weeks ago (plan to kidnap Gov. Whitmer) was very likely meant to acclimate the public to something like this. Furthermore, it isn't helped by chatter from authorities about right wing extremists and how they should be dealt with.
It could be a right wing response or a recipe to carry out a false flag
Apr 13, 2017
Ok I agree with your first part.

No nation on earth has open borders, going by your definition.

The immigration debate is a distraction put out by the elites so they don't have to actually address the real reasons people are suffering. That would be decades of Neoliberal policies instituted by The Mont Pellerin Society and the Chicago school of economics.

Scapegoats serve the elites much better.
What is a nation to you?
Apr 13, 2017
The 45 day deadline apparently refers to the day an assessment has to be presented to the POTUS, cabinet members and agencies, after which another 45 days is preserved to submit a report. It also says 45 days “after the conclusion of the election”, whenever that is.

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Apr 13, 2017
Silicon Valley has been dragged into the legal fights.
