The American “Coup d’etat”


Mar 16, 2017
I think the allegation is that in certain area of the US, these rules were not upheld in the way they should have been. Those allegations have sworn testimony behind them (but may be untrue). I am waiting to see if the actual evidence supports these claims, but I will not be convinced my media pronouncements, social media “fact checkers” etc.
I can’t speak for the whole country. I can for Pennsylvania and they were here. All allegations have sworn testimony behind them, many allegations turn out to be bs. I haven’t seen a smoking gun here. I’ve been looking and I’m willing to consider it if it ever comes but so far just a whole lot of nothing imo.

anyway do you get election Day off?


Mar 16, 2017
You're just giving a source which says what I already said, that the Dems wanted $25billion for postal services. It was denied. How does not giving billions of extra dollars equal "dismantling the postal service"?

lol ok. The Dems were genuinely concerned for the people's health. So concerned.

Because in that case, the voter requests an absentee ballot, which is then sent to his address, then returned to sender with his vote.

How many of the mail-in-votes did not follow this procedure this year? Do you know?

Then there's also this, from the TX lawsuit:

View attachment 48541

So all businesses lost money and were struggling really bad because of the shut downs and corona virus remember? Many private businesses got bailed out - including really wealthy businesses that didn’t need it - but the postal service did not. Denying them the funds to provide the services they are required to provide during a time where they can’t get them by other means (Lost revenue) is the same damn thing as defunding them since it resulted in the same end result. And refusing bailout funds isn’t all they did anyway - removed mail sorting equipment, refused to sweep post offices to ensure ballots were delivered on time. You have selective reading and quite frankly it’s quite convenient. You rant and rave about voter fraud that isn’t proven but turn a blind eye and shrug off voter suppression which actually is.

I never said they were concerned for people’s health. Stop reading into what I’m saying. Democrat voters themselves were concerned for their own health and democrat leaders knew this would impact turnout during the election in a way that was detrimental to them unless they did something to allow people a way to vote that didn’t jeopardize their health. So they did that. Trump knew doing that would be detrimental to him and has been fighting against any efforts to do so since March by preemptively labeling it fraudulent so that he could play out this scenario when it was over. They are all power grabbing assholes who only care for themselves. The voices of the people caught in the middle of them shouldn’t be lost as a causality of their elitist war.

I don’t know how many didn’t follow that procedure this year. I do know Pennsylvania votes did follow that procedure this year and Pennsylvania votes are still being contested. You are a ok with this. I am not.

where are the millions or even thousands of people claiming their votes were incorrectly cast or tabulated? No where. Where are the hundred exhibits that should be attached to those allegations as proof or evidence of the assertions being made? Conspicuously absent. I read the whole lawsuit. There is neither proof or evidence of any of the claims. Claims without proof are NOTHING.


Mar 16, 2017
Some sworn testimonies are false? That's a serious felony. Do you have examples?
Are you serious? Everyone knows eyewitness testimony is highly unreliable. Everyone knows that the courts don’t pursue charges against people for lying 99% of the time and even if they do in this case The president would just pardon them on his way out the door. And yes sworn testimonies are often false.. look up any criminal case in existence where the defendant testified themselves and was found guilty anyway. Criminals lie.
Apr 13, 2017
Are you serious? Everyone knows eyewitness testimony is highly unreliable. Everyone knows that the courts don’t pursue charges against people for lying 99% of the time and even if they do in this case The president would just pardon them on his way out the door. And yes sworn testimonies are often false.. look up any criminal case in existence where the defendant testified themselves and was found guilty anyway. Criminals lie.
Stop wasting people's time with your usual obfuscation. Do you have an example of an affidavit that contains false testimony or not?
Apr 13, 2017

So all businesses lost money and were struggling really bad because of the shut downs and corona virus remember? Many private businesses got bailed out - including really wealthy businesses that didn’t need it - but the postal service did not. Denying them the funds to provide the services they are required to provide during a time where they can’t get them by other means (Lost revenue) is the same damn thing as defunding them since it resulted in the same end result. And refusing bailout funds isn’t all they did anyway - removed mail sorting equipment, refused to sweep post offices to ensure ballots were delivered on time. You have selective reading and quite frankly it’s quite convenient. You rant and rave about voter fraud that isn’t proven but turn a blind eye and shrug off voter suppression which actually is.

I never said they were concerned for people’s health. Stop reading into what I’m saying. Democrat voters themselves were concerned for their own health and democrat leaders knew this would impact turnout during the election in a way that was detrimental to them unless they did something to allow people a way to vote that didn’t jeopardize their health. So they did that. Trump knew doing that would be detrimental to him and has been fighting against any efforts to do so since March by preemptively labeling it fraudulent so that he could play out this scenario when it was over. They are all power grabbing assholes who only care for themselves. The voices of the people caught in the middle of them shouldn’t be lost as a causality of their elitist war.

I don’t know how many didn’t follow that procedure this year. I do know Pennsylvania votes did follow that procedure this year and Pennsylvania votes are still being contested. You are a ok with this. I am not.

where are the millions or even thousands of people claiming their votes were incorrectly cast or tabulated? No where. Where are the hundred exhibits that should be attached to those allegations as proof or evidence of the assertions being made? Conspicuously absent. I read the whole lawsuit. There is neither proof or evidence of any of the claims. Claims without proof are NOTHING.
Don't use the Lord's name in vain.

And to cut to the chase, do you accept the bet or not? That's actually the only thing you could say that I'm still interested in.


Mar 16, 2017
Don't use the Lord's name in vain.

And to cut to the chase, do you accept the bet or not? That's actually the only thing you could say that I'm still interested in.
What bet artful? Funny I lost interest in what you were saying atleast five years back. In the beginning your gnostic stuff was very interesting, until I realized it came with a heaping tablespoon of hate and bs.
Apr 13, 2017
What bet artful? Funny I lost interest in what you were saying atleast five years back. In the beginning your gnostic stuff was very interesting, until I realized it came with a heaping tablespoon of hate and bs.
You missed it? How convenient.


Mar 16, 2017
Stop wasting people's time with your usual obfuscation. Do you have an example of an affidavit that contains false testimony or not?

There you go artful the first is a scholarly study of the rate of prevalence of lying on affidavits in Government and police agencies. Three minutes is about all the time I’m going to commit to spoon feeding you common knowledge.
Apr 13, 2017

There you go artful the first is a scholarly study of the rate of prevalence of lying on affidavits in Government and police agencies. Three minutes is about all the time I’m going to commit to spoon feeding you common knowledge.
For crying out loud. ABOUT THIS ELECTION !


Mar 16, 2017
For crying out loud. ABOUT THIS ELECTION !
For crying out loud.. how would you know that yet? You asked for proof that people lie on affidavits. People do it all the time. I have no proof those people are lying and I have no proof they are telling the truth. No one has either. The courts seem to think they are lying as they’ve thrown out every single case brought using them. You need more then hearsay or witness testimony to bring a case precisely because it is the most unreliable type of evidence.
Apr 13, 2017
Yeah I missed it, shit happens. If I was just ignoring it I wouldn’t have commented on it at all. Care to restate it or direct me to it or no?
I'm going to start demanding some accountability for claims made.

Since you're so convinced I'm full of bs, I will leave the forum permanently if Biden gets inaugurated on January 20. What's your offer?