The American “Coup d’etat”

Apr 13, 2017
For crying out loud.. how would you know that yet? You asked for proof that people lie on affidavits. People do it all the time. I have no proof those people are lying and I have no proof they are telling the truth. No one has either. The courts seem to think they are lying as they’ve thrown out every single case brought using them. You need more then hearsay or witness testimony to bring a case precisely because it is the most unreliable type of evidence.
You said this:
I can’t speak for the whole country. I can for Pennsylvania and they were here. All allegations have sworn testimony behind them, many allegations turn out to be bs. I haven’t seen a smoking gun here. I’ve been looking and I’m willing to consider it if it ever comes but so far just a whole lot of nothing imo.
The context is clearly the alleged election fraud. But now it suddenly was a general statement. Whatever.
Apr 13, 2017
I haven’t seen a smoking gun here.
About this smoking gun. I'm not excluding the possibility you personally haven't seen a smoking gun, but perhaps you should actually watch some of the evidence presented. I've watched the entire PA hearing (3.5 hours). I've watched 2.5 hours of the AZ hearing; 2 hours of the MI hearing with our wonderful Cynthia Johnson; the full 6 hours of the Georgia hearing; read all 75 pages of the Michigan dossier submitted by Powell; just finished reading the TX filing, and there are smoking guns and craters all over the place. And not only that, the evidence they have presented, the affidavits, the statistical evidence, the videographical evidence, the forensic evidence, etc ... they all corroborate. There are zero contradictions.

This is only a matter of time. What can you offer about any of the evidence put forward in hearings or lawsuits (by team Trump or Sidney Powell) that is erroneous, contradicting or plainly false?


Mar 16, 2017
I'm going to start demanding some accountability for claims made.

Since you're so convinced I'm full of bs, I will leave the forum permanently if Biden gets inaugurated on January 20. What's your offer?
Accountability? Well.. I’m not going to commit to leaving the forum so you can get that out of your head. I’m sure that’s your goal as well as others and has been for a long long time but it’s not going to happen. Sorry. I actually wouldn’t want you to leave if you lost that bet either. That would just be dumb. You routinely leave for years anyway so it’s not like your really giving anything up - my suspicion is that you plan to leave if trump loses anyway. Regardless of any bet with me.

I already stated I would openly admit I was wrong. Since your all so convinced I never do that should be good enough huh? If you come up with some reasonable option other then leaving the forum or doxxing myself I’ll entertain it. You sure your not on chassidy’s payroll buddy?


Mar 16, 2017
You said this:

The context is clearly the alleged election fraud. But now it suddenly was a general statement. Whatever.
That post was in response to a whole lot of things. The Pennsylvania comment was regarding how people got their ballots - which I can speak to since I live here and applied for a ballot for myself and helped my husband apply for his. Same process.

And yes the comment about lying in affidavits was general but applies to the election fraud as well. If people are known to consistantly lie in affidavits and the government is known to consistantly not charge them with crimes why would I believe that this doesn’t hold potentially hold true in this case? Typically affidavits are accompanied with hard evidence for a reason. They aren’t worth the paper they are printed on by themselves.


Mar 16, 2017
Judges that trump appointed himself threw out these cases artful. I have a life so no I haven’t watched a days worth of hearings as I’m not emotionally invested in either candidate enough to motivate me to do something like that. I did read the almost 200 page Texas lawsuit and there should have been addendums and foot notes following each and every claim made within it. There wasn’t. There were for about 15-20% of them and when you look at the footnotes it is nothing more than affidavits (which again are susceptible to lying) and “expert“ opinions written by people who are clearly political and open for interpretation and have been disagreed with by other experts. Further, they are based on statistical models which I put no faith in whatsoever after spending the last year up to my ears in PhD statistics and concluding its way too easy to manipulate to be worth a damn.

Where is the hard evidence artful? Where are the results from these servers you claim were seized? Where is the discrepancy between the hand count of ballots and the dominion tabulations? If you can show me either of those things or some other form of hard evidence that I can’t think up right now I will gladly apologize to you and admit I am wrong.

About this smoking gun. I'm not excluding the possibility you personally haven't seen a smoking gun, but perhaps you should actually watch some of the evidence presented. I've watched the entire PA hearing (3.5 hours). I've watched 2.5 hours of the AZ hearing; 2 hours of the MI hearing with our wonderful Cynthia Johnson; the full 6 hours of the Georgia hearing; read all 75 pages of the Michigan dossier submitted by Powell; just finished reading the TX filing, and there are smoking guns and craters all over the place. And not only that, the evidence they have presented, the affidavits, the statistical evidence, the videographical evidence, the forensic evidence, etc ... they all corroborate. There are zero contradictions.

This is only a matter of time. What can you offer about any of the evidence put forward in hearings or lawsuits (by team Trump or Sidney Powell) that is erroneous, contradicting or plainly false?
Apr 13, 2017
Accountability? Well.. I’m not going to commit to leaving the forum so you can get that out of your head. I’m sure that’s your goal as well as others and has been for a long long time but it’s not going to happen. Sorry. I actually wouldn’t want you to leave if you lost that bet either. That would just be dumb. You routinely leave for years anyway so it’s not like your really giving anything up - my suspicion is that you plan to leave if trump loses anyway. Regardless of any bet with me.

I already stated I would openly admit I was wrong. Since your all so convinced I never do that should be good enough huh? If you come up with some reasonable option other then leaving the forum or doxxing myself I’ll entertain it. You sure your not on chassidy’s payroll buddy?
Considering my odds are one against 81 million, and I'm full of bs, you're not really risking anything, right?
Apr 13, 2017
Where is the hard evidence artful? Where are the results from these servers you claim were seized? Where is the discrepancy between the hand count of ballots and the dominion tabulations? If you can show me either of those things or some other form of hard evidence that I can’t think up right now I will gladly apologize to you and admit I am wrong.
I've put all significant progress on the software and servers in this thread. Do a "search this thread" - "posts by artful revealer" and you'll see it develop, starting with Russ Ramsland who analysed the software and shared the findings before election day. My opinion is coherent and backed up by solid information. Yours can only be described by now as either pure denial or lack of consideration.


Jul 27, 2017
These are some facts about the vote in Georgia.

2,560 felons voted
66,247 underage voters
2,423 votes from people not registered
1,043 individuals registered at PO boxes
4,926 individuals who voted in Georgia after registering in another state
395 individuals who voted in two states
15,700 votes from people who moved out of state before the election
40,279 votes of people who moved without re-registering in their new county
30,000 - 40,000 absentee ballots lacking proper signature matching and verification

You don’t have to be a conspiracy nut to agree that things like that are wrong and should be investigated, do you?
Didn’t they do an audit and hand recount three times?

This is a he said she said thing now.
I’ll let SCOTUS make the final decision.

I’m just saying this lawsuit is probably not going anywhere. Texas is technically getting blessings in the lawsuit not exactly the other states pressing charges.

Dig a little deeper.
This is no different than the supreme court and PA.
It’s all theater now. I keep saying this and you guys keep insisting this lawsuit is the big one.


Dec 11, 2017
...well... at the direct invitation from Artful Revealer.... (many thanks, and much gratitude!;):p:cool:) I'm gonna jump in here, for the very first time, folks!.... :D's something I just barely put up in a private VC convo.....

Professor in Texas lawsuit: Odds of Biden winning all four contested states ‘less than one in a quadrillion to the fourth power’

Joe Biden’s “victory” that was manufactured in the early morning hours following Election Day was improbable. We knew that.

But when we put the numbers to the test based on known data and reliable prediction models, it turns from improbable to outright impossible according to a professor named in the lawsuit filed with the Supreme Court by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton.

Put another way, that puts Joe Biden’s odds at 1 in 1060. Anything beyond 1051 is considered absolutely impossible by quantum physicists. There are somewhere between 1078 to 1082 atoms in the known universe.

In other words, Joe Biden did not miraculously win Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin the morning after the election. Either he cheated or someone orchestrated massive cheating on his behalf.

...much more at link....

Professor in Texas lawsuit: Odds of Biden winning all four contested states ‘less than one in a quadrillion to the fourth



Mar 18, 2017
All states are now certified, which isn’t surprising because there has been absolutely no evidence that has been brought to court to change this outcome. The social media crap floating around that people think is evidence of something is not actually evidence of anything.

“Some states have laws that seek to bind their electors to the winning candidate and in some instances stipulate that so-called "faithless electors" may be subject to penalties or replaced by another elector. The Supreme Court ruled this summer that such laws punishing members of the Electoral College for breaking a pledge to vote for the state's popular vote winner are constitutional.”

funny because this is kind of what most of trumps lawsuits attempt to do, find a loophole where trump can win even though he didn’t get as many votes. It is illegal to go against the popular vote in many places after the vote is certified.

I expect the recent Texas lawsuit to get the same response that the Supreme Court gave in Pennsylvania to a similar claim about changes made to have an election during a pandemic.

these were the comments in response to this.

““At the time this action was filed on Nov. 21, 2020, millions of Pennsylvania voters had already expressed their will in both the June 2020 primary election and the November 2020 general election,” the court said. “Petitioners failed to act with due diligence in presenting the instant claim. Equally clear is the substantial prejudice arising from petitioners’ failure to institute promptly a facial challenge to the mail-in voting statutory scheme, as such inaction would result in the disenfranchisement of millions of Pennsylvania voters.”

There is a high probability the court will say the same thing to the Texas lawsuit which is similar to the same thing they said over the summer about upholding laws punishing electors for voting against the popular vote in their state. The court is not going to delegitimize votes of millions without legitimate evidence. Apparently, the quack YouTube videos of voter logs don’t amount to much in a court of law. Not shocked at all.

I realize that there is real abuse out there that gets whitewashed and labeled conspiracy, but then there is a whole lot of regular life that happens in the day. A majority of situations are happenstance, and a lot of the complaints about the election look more like human error. You know people can make mistakes. The court recognized this in Pennsylvania, but if there is no evidence this was intentional, you can’t throw out the votes of millions because of this especially when there is also no evidence it would have changed the outcome of the election.

there are abuses that happen in the world that get whitewashed and there is 90% of life that happens in daylight with average people. I think the pursuit to prove voter fraud is showing this reality to be true. People are becoming paranoid of shadows because of this and forgetting that most of life is filled with average people who do average things.

the only real fraud that is becoming apparent is the attempt to have the president win the election even though he didn’t get enough votes to win. That is the only coup taking place right now, but most of you have drank from trumps holy grail promising illumination and aren’t able to see this. The people posting that trump still has any chance still, may as well start calling yourselves the Illuminati or the illuminated ones. You could tell the story of how tragic it is that you have been rejected because people didn’t want to see the truth.

if this sounds familiar, it should, and it is entirely because humans create patterns. You can try to point out the differences all you want with different points in ideology or whatever, but it is still the same pattern. The lot of you act like you have special knowledge and in this case, it is being aired in the average supermarket right now, and basically proven false in the process.

nothing has ever gotten this much mainstream attention in this way. Just a shame that mainstream media is only going to pay attention to the pipe dreams that are easily proven false while continuing to ignore actual abuse that takes place that gets whitewashed.


Mar 18, 2017
What planet are you living on? Media is practically acting like the fraud allegations don't exist.

Remember the nonexistent Russia collusion / election theft that was covered 24/7 for 3 years?
no the media is all over the cases that have been submitted. There are a dozen articles everyday for months about the cases being brought to court alleging some kind of fraud.

the only reason you could try to say they are silent on the subject is because there has been no actual evidence of fraud that has held up in court. So yes the media is somewhat silent about the YouTube videos you see as smoking guns. This is because the information they include can’t be used in an actual courtroom and are therefore of no consequence when reporting on these things.

I would imagine you are suggesting that they are silent because they are not reposting what you have been posting. That’s because most of what you post on the subject isn’t very good or relevant to the reality of the situation as it is being handled in actual courtrooms.

even still, the media is including many of your sources at times. I found the video posted on the geller report from an associated press article.

so like I said, nothing has ever got this much mainstream attention. Too bad it is such a pipe dream without substance dragging people along because of their superficial belief about how something can be determined to be true or false based on the level of support it gets rather than the quality of the content presented.

it is ignorant to assume that lies always receive more praise than the truth. An more intelligent conman might see that as a way of tricking their opponent to see the truth as a lie and a lie as the truth. This is why content and testing all things is more important.

your theories have been thoroughly tested and the ones that weren’t tested didn’t have enough substance to be submitted. This is reality.
Apr 13, 2017
no the media is all over the cases that have been submitted. There are a dozen articles everyday for months about the cases being brought to court alleging some kind of fraud.

the only reason you could try to say they are silent on the subject is because there has been no actual evidence of fraud that has held up in court. So yes the media is somewhat silent about the YouTube videos you see as smoking guns. This is because the information they include can’t be used in an actual courtroom and are therefore of no consequence when reporting on these things.

I would imagine you are suggesting that they are silent because they are not reposting what you have been posting. That’s because most of what you post on the subject isn’t very good or relevant to the reality of the situation as it is being handled in actual courtrooms.

even still, the media is including many of your sources at times. I found the video posted on the geller report from an associated press article.

so like I said, nothing has ever got this much mainstream attention. Too bad it is such a pipe dream without substance dragging people along because of their superficial belief about how something can be determined to be true or false based on the level of support it gets rather than the quality of the content presented.

it is ignorant to assume that lies always receive more praise than the truth. An more intelligent conman might see that as a way of tricking their opponent to see the truth as a lie and a lie as the truth. This is why content and testing all things is more important.

your theories have been thoroughly tested and the ones that weren’t tested didn’t have enough substance to be submitted. This is reality.
How many hearings were aired on CNN and MSNBC? How many of them would’ve received full coverage if the situation was reversed? Rhetorical questions.

“My theories” lol. How and where have they been tested? And who was the judge? Everything I’ve been hinting at so far was met with confirmation.

Anyway, the future’s just around the corner and I don’t expect it will change your mind even if it proves you wrong, so I won’t break a sweat trying to either.


Mar 18, 2017
How many hearings were aired on CNN and MSNBC? How many of them would’ve received full coverage if the situation was reversed? Rhetorical questions.

“My theories” lol. How and where have they been tested? And who was the judge? Everything I’ve been hinting at so far was met with confirmation.

Anyway, the future’s just around the corner and I don’t expect it will change your mind even if it proves you wrong, so I won’t break a sweat trying to either.
lol, you mean the future you were thinking would lead to California giving its electoral votes to trump. That future is still up ahead?

California is certified. The electoral votes went to biden. No one even bothered to debunk that theory like they did with some of the dominion theories in mainstream media because it was that absurd.

but in general, you troll and take advantage of honest conservation, so this comment might even be one of many in the same vein.

I won’t break a sweat taking anything you say seriously ever again.


Mar 16, 2017
Hello Jessica @justjess how have you been? I can assure you Art is not on my payroll since I disagree with everything he says, so I'm not sure why you would even think that lol. I have no communications with anyone on this forum, I have no reason to be nor am I interested in keeping contacting with anyone outside this forum, don't worry, they are all yours!
Right... you just happened to pop in and read that :rolleyes:

happy holidays chassidy