The American “Coup d’etat”


Jul 27, 2017
Well? This is the next best thing you’ll get if they succeed in proving the fraud.

A lot less.
I do hope heads roll.
But I don’t see it happening. At least not until another decade.

I’m not to vested into my country’s politics myself. I find the liberal vs right wing narrative disturbing cause some truly want a civil war.


Mar 16, 2017
None of them actually joined the lawsuit though art. It is just Texas’s lawsuit with a lot of republican politicized lawyers trying to grab some spotlight and press for their own careers by endorsing it unofficially. The lawsuit alleges no fraud - part of its accusation is that the republican vote was suppressed. Care to explain exactly how they came to that conclusion? Being outvoted is not the same as being suppressed.



Jul 27, 2017
First the other states have to agree to allow the lawsuit, I think. But by the rate states are joining Texas, it’s looking promising.
Even if it other states join. The supposed evidence has already been looked at. They can re look at dominion machines and all that but it’s just a glorified recount being filed by Texas.

States have already certified and won’t change because they feel it undermines public distrust. The argument goes the other way with voter fraud causing distrust. So these lawsuits arguments off set. Nothing happens.

If it ends up as a draw cause they cannot decide. You thought Biden was bad.
I know I don’t want a President Pelosi


Mar 16, 2017
Even if it other states join. The supposed evidence has already been looked at. They can re look at dominion machines and all that but it’s just a glorified recount being filed by Texas.

States have already certified and won’t change because they feel it undermines public distrust. The argument goes the other way with voter fraud causing distrust. So these lawsuits arguments off set. Nothing happens.

If it ends up as a draw cause they cannot decide. You thought Biden was bad.
I know I don’t want a President Pelosi
The lawsuit is not even alleging fraud. So they won’t look at any of that. It’s just a blatant attempt to disenfranchise legal voters because they don’t like the way they chose to vote.


Jul 27, 2017
The lawsuit is not even alleging fraud. So they won’t look at any of that. It’s just a blatant attempt to disenfranchise legal voters because they don’t like the way they chose to vote.
And SCOTUS already stated they will not disenfranchise votes. I already said this is a last ditch nothing burger. I wonder how much of our taxes go into these lawsuits when tax money can be better served useful

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
EIGHT states have now joined Texas lawsuit, arguing that the Equal Protection Clause has been violated in this election

The Eight states to join the suite are: Louisiana, Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, South Carolina, South Dakota.

Col. Allen West joined Steve Bannon Tuesday evening on The War Room. Allen West, the Republican Party Texas state leader, went on to say that he expects TEN states will join the law suit against Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin challenging the election procedures in those states on the grounds that various changes to their voting rules or procedures - either through the courts or via executive actions - violated the Electors Clause of the Constitution because they did not go through the legislatures.



Apr 26, 2017
Even if it other states join. The supposed evidence has already been looked at. They can re look at dominion machines and all that but it’s just a glorified recount being filed by Texas.

States have already certified and won’t change because they feel it undermines public distrust. The argument goes the other way with voter fraud causing distrust. So these lawsuits arguments off set. Nothing happens.
According to the US Constitution, state legislatures have the sole authority to choose electors, not the Secretary of State or the Governor. A state legislature that has granted authority to choose electors to entities outside the legislature (such as the Secretary of State) can, if it so chooses, take back the authority to choose electors. This is the essence of the efforts by state legislators to not certify the results in Arizona.

If it ends up as a draw cause they cannot decide. You thought Biden was bad.
I know I don’t want a President Pelosi
If neither candidate receives the 270 electoral votes, due to states with contested results, the electoral process is over and the election moves into the US House of Representatives, where each state gets ONE vote. Delegates are sent by the 50 state legislatures to cast electoral votes. A majority of states (26) is needed. There are 31 Republican state legislatures and 19 Democratic state legislatures.

If the election results follow the process authorized by the US Constitution, through the House of Representatives, Trump will win.


Jul 27, 2017
According to the US Constitution, state legislatures have the sole authority to choose electors, not the Secretary of State or the Governor. A state legislature that has granted authority to choose electors to entities outside the legislature (such as the Secretary of State) can, if it so chooses, take back the authority to choose electors. This is the essence of the efforts by state legislators to not certify the results in Arizona.

If neither candidate receives the 270 electoral votes, due to states with contested results, the electoral process is over and the election moves into the US House of Representatives, where each state gets ONE vote. Delegates are sent by the 50 state legislatures to cast electoral votes. A majority of states (26) is needed. There are 31 Republican state legislatures and 19 Democratic state legislatures.

If the election results follow the process authorized by the US Constitution, through the House of Representatives, Trump will win.
I’m sitting back.
Whoever wins, wins. Pretty simple as that.


Mar 16, 2017
EIGHT states have now joined Texas lawsuit, arguing that the Equal Protection Clause has been violated in this election

The Eight states to join the suite are: Louisiana, Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, South Carolina, South Dakota.

Col. Allen West joined Steve Bannon Tuesday evening on The War Room. Allen West, the Republican Party Texas state leader, went on to say that he expects TEN states will join the law suit against Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin challenging the election procedures in those states on the grounds that various changes to their voting rules or procedures - either through the courts or via executive actions - violated the Electors Clause of the Constitution because they did not go through the legislatures.

Please be 100% conscious that you (and the states filing this suit) are no longer alleging fraud or that the votes that were counted didn’t actually represent the will of the people. Instead you are arguing in favor of disenfranchisement because you didnt like the results. Just be crystal clear on that for your own conscience.

i also find it ironic that conservatives are now rooting for federal overreach and a reduction in states rights - so much for the party of small federal government huh?


Mar 16, 2017

You should all read the supreme courts actual interpretation of the elections clause based on prior legal decisions they have made regarding it.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Please be 100% conscious that you (and the states filing this suit) are no longer alleging fraud or that the votes that were counted didn’t actually represent the will of the people. Instead you are arguing in favor of disenfranchisement because you didnt like the results. Just be crystal clear on that for your own conscience.

i also find it ironic that conservatives are now rooting for federal overreach and a reduction in states rights - so much for the party of small federal government huh?
Hi Jess,

I started this thread because the pattern of voting looked very unnatural to me. I have no particular agenda other than to keep an eye on the progress of this story as it interests me, firstly, as an “outsider” to the US political system and secondly as someone who is rather sceptical of the “fact checkers” provided to us by the MSM.

As regards fraud, this is the way I see it.

All elections attract fraud. Systems are put in place to mitigate it.

Some elections attract fraud on the scale that local or national outcomes are influenced by it.

This may or may not be the case in the US, but as evidence of fraud exists, the questions that must be addressed to determine a fair outcome must be:-

1 - to what extent can fraud be determined in terms of % swing

2 - is there evidence of fraud by one side or by both. If both, is there a greater effect for one than the other? (In experimental terms this would be the “noise” in the experiment).

3 - if there was large scale vote inflation for the Democrats, how can this be established? How was it achieved? At what level of fraud do elections have to be counted as void? How can fraud be democratically rectified in key swing states?

4 - If the vote skew was coordinated, are there individuals who can be brought to justice?

As far as I can tell, investigation of that chain of logic is underway, and I hope that real justice is done for the US voting public as a result (whoever is determined the winner by the Electoral College).
Apr 13, 2017
Please be 100% conscious that you (and the states filing this suit) are no longer alleging fraud or that the votes that were counted didn’t actually represent the will of the people. Instead you are arguing in favor of disenfranchisement because you didnt like the results. Just be crystal clear on that for your own conscience.

i also find it ironic that conservatives are now rooting for federal overreach and a reduction in states rights - so much for the party of small federal government huh?
Please be 100% conscious that you are denying fraud and are arguing in favour of disenfranchisement of American votes by 4 states, because they didn’t like the outcome on election day.


Mar 16, 2017
Hi Jess,

I started this thread because the pattern of voting looked very unnatural to me. I have no particular agenda other than to keep an eye on the progress of this story as it interests me, firstly, as an “outsider” to the US political system and secondly as someone who is rather sceptical of the “fact checkers” provided to us by the MSM.

As regards fraud, this is the way I see it.

All elections attract fraud. Systems are put in place to mitigate it.

Some elections attract fraud on the scale that local or national outcomes are influenced by it.

This may or may not be the case in the US, but as evidence of fraud exists, the questions that must be addressed to determine a fair outcome must be:-

1 - to what extent can fraud be determined in terms of % swing

2 - is there evidence of fraud by one side or by both. If both, is there a greater effect for one than the other? (In experimental terms this would be the “noise” in the experiment).

3 - if there was large scale vote inflation for the Democrats, how can this be established? How was it achieved? At what level of fraud do elections have to be counted as void? How can fraud be democratically rectified in key swing states?

4 - If the vote skew was coordinated, are there individuals who can be brought to justice?

As far as I can tell, investigation of that chain of logic is underway, and I hope that real justice is done for the US voting public as a result (whoever is determined the winner by the Electoral College).
All fraud cases have been thrown out. The lawsuit sitting in front of the Supreme Court right now does not allege fraud. What it actually says is that changing procedures in these swing states to make it easier for their citizens to vote in a pandemic was somehow unfair to Texas which imo is absolutely absurd. I don’t see how any one can think it’s not absurd.


Mar 16, 2017
Please be 100% conscious that you are denying fraud and are arguing in favour of disenfranchisement of American votes by 4 states, because they didn’t like the outcome on election day.
Does the lawsuit you are currently championing allege fraud? The plaintiffs in the lawsuit have said it does not. The lawsuits that actually did allege fraud have all been thrown out for lack of evidence. (Many by judges appointed by trump himself). If there was evidence they should have presented it when the cases regarding it were going through the legal system. They did not. One can only assume they did not because it doesn’t exist.

you are currently supporting a lawsuit that aims to disenfranchise millions of legal voters because Texas and other redneck shithole states are pissed that the results didn’t go their way. Read prior Supreme Court decisions regarding the elections clause - states have broad discretion to set their own election procedures and the word legislature has been previously and consistantly interpreted broadly to mean any law or rule making process typically used by a state. I’ve conveniently provided you the links which would allow you to do so.

your female hero in this story.. is an originalist isnt she? Considering those decisions were based on the original intent of the framers I don’t see this going your way at all.

I’d also love an explanation as to how voting procedures being expanded in Pennsylvania is unfair to Texas and how republicans were disenfranchised by making it easier for them to vote. I will wait.


Mar 16, 2017
Hahahahahahahahaha it isn’t even a freaking lawsuit. It’s a motion to request permission to file a lawsuit. Jesus Christ the media is so complicit in how entirely dumb some people are and how fucking divided over bullshit we’ve become. The media - all of them on both sides - should be punished severely.