The American “Coup d’etat”


Mar 16, 2017
View attachment 48356
View attachment 48354
So... I’m supposed to believe that Tucker Carlson is for the people? That’s what I’m really supposed to believe? He grew up with Swanson family money, his father was a diplomat who owned ISLANDS, he is massively wealthy and has been since birth. Not to mention he grew up in an area of California that has been long thought to be a government “intelligence” hotbed. I’ll never believe any billionaire trust fund baby is for the people. I’d suggest that others recognize the same.

In case anyone forgot: trump is another billionaire trust fund baby with dubious family connections to the intelligence network. As is the founder of the proud boys and probably if you dig even two seconds the majority of these other people you are holding out as populist hero’s of some sort.
Feb 22, 2020
Its a sick joke.

These Trumpists are looking TO THE ELITES to "save them"

They are looking TO THE ELITES to give them the latest conspiracy theory to believe in.

(I thought conspiracy theories were supposed to expose the elites, not be made up by them)

They are looking TO THE ELITES for guidance and understanding.

Trumpists love the elites, they love authoritarianism, they love being TOLD, what to think BY THE ELITES, so they can just shut off their brain and go on cult autopilot mode.

The real NPCs shut their brain off and let dear Orange leader think for them.

To the very end they follow this conman or pied piper off the cliff.
Feb 22, 2020
If yall haven't figured it out yet.

No crooked p***phile billionaire politician with connections to the deep state is gonna save you. Get it straight.

Rhetoric is something all politicians use to their advantage.
Apr 13, 2017
3 of those 4 allude to violation of the Equal Protection Clause and thus violation of the Constitution. This itself would probably be enough for SCOTUS to vitiate the election results.
Ahh, Texas agrees with me. Violation of the Equal Protection Clause.



Jan 29, 2018
So... I’m supposed to believe that Tucker Carlson is for the people? That’s what I’m really supposed to believe? He grew up with Swanson family money, his father was a diplomat who owned ISLANDS, he is massively wealthy and has been since birth. Not to mention he grew up in an area of California that has been long thought to be a government “intelligence” hotbed. I’ll never believe any billionaire trust fund baby is for the people. I’d suggest that others recognize the same.

In case anyone forgot: trump is another billionaire trust fund baby with dubious family connections to the intelligence network. As is the founder of the proud boys and probably if you dig even two seconds the majority of these other people you are holding out as populist hero’s of some sort.


Mar 16, 2017
Move on with my life. What are you going to do when “that pipe dream” becomes reality? (which it will)
If it was going to there would be atleast some indication of that already. All this super secret evidence would have been presented and the president wouldn’t be planning his 2024 campaign and some action movie exit from the White House during Biden’s inauguration. But let’s just say it does.

I will continue doing what I’ve been doing under every single president throughout my existence. Living my life with the full knowledge that our political system is a joke and every pansy that’s gets a seat at the table is given that seat for a purpose which is never to benefit the actual citizens of this country - or any other.

personally, I worry a bit about your well being when Biden’s sworn in and your world comes crashing down around you as you Process that your great white hope President was a sham the whole time.
Apr 13, 2017
If it was going to there would be atleast some indication of that already. All this super secret evidence would have been presented and the president wouldn’t be planning his 2024 campaign and some action movie exit from the White House during Biden’s inauguration.
There’s only one deadline to present the hard evidence, and that is noon January 20th. The 2024 campaign plans or Biden inauguration rally are media gossip based on anonymous sources, meaning trash. Your conviction is built on a house of cards and a stunning inability to put together the pieces of the puzzle.


Mar 16, 2017
There’s only one deadline to present the hard evidence, and that is noon January 20th. The 2024 campaign plans or Biden inauguration rally are media gossip based on anonymous sources, meaning trash. Your conviction is built on a house of cards and a stunning inability to put together the pieces of the puzzle.
The electors vote on December 14th. That is the hard deadline and quite frankly I can’t see any reason if they have this beast to unleash that they would wait until the 25th hour. Not a single one. Feel free to enlighten me. I’m sorry that I haven’t drank the q koolaid and joined your club but quite frankly I think anyone that has is completely delusional.

if trump concedes he can not continue getting campaign donations. Run that over in your head a few times. He isn’t conceding - he is dragging this out - so he can continue milking people like you for every last dollar you have. He will announce a 2024 bid ASAP for the exact same reason. To continue milking his adherents for cash. That is all this is.
Apr 13, 2017
The electors vote on December 14th. That is the hard deadline and quite frankly I can’t see any reason if they have this beast to unleash that they would wait until the 25th hour. Not a single one. Feel free to enlighten me. I’m sorry that I haven’t drank the q koolaid and joined your club but quite frankly I think anyone that has is completely delusional.

if trump concedes he can not continue getting campaign donations. Run that over in your head a few times. He isn’t conceding - he is dragging this out - so he can continue milking people like you for every last dollar you have. He will announce a 2024 bid ASAP for the exact same reason. To continue milking his adherents for cash. That is all this is.
Your human knowledge skills are on par with vancity’s and another indicator that you can’t accurately assess the situation. There’s absolutely no argument that Trump is in this for the money, not when you look at the trajectory of his net worth since taking office, nor what he does with his salary.

Dec 14 is not a deadline and it isn’t even certain if Biden will still have the 270 electors by then.

Neither does team Trump have to release the hard evidence right away when the purpose is to expose the corruption. Let the attorneys do their job; let the evidence come out one piece at a time; let the Dems pretend they’ve won; let the media cover it all up; let the corrupt Republicans expose themselves by not supporting Trump and let the people witness it for themselves.

You’re still waiting for the QFS watermarks, but who said that is the hard evidence? No one said that. What about the Frankfurt servers they’ve seized? If they can show the election data was sent abroad, they have enough. If they can show the software had weighted race algorithms, they have enough. If they can prove the voting systems can be hacked, they have enough. If they can prove violation of the US Constitution, such as the Equal Protection Clause, they have enough. They have all of these and much more. How do you think this is going to end? It will either end quietly if Biden concedes or turbulently if the DS keeps playing pretend and diabolically inverse reality that Trump is actually the one who’s trying to steal the election.


Mar 27, 2017
I’m supposed to believe that Tucker Carlson is for the people
He seems to be for the country. How much they're worth doesn't and shouldn't define whether they are patriotic or not. It's just more kill the messenger. The man isn't the one on tape saying that Wall St. and gov officials are in on the fix. This is what happens when you swing too far left or too far right: ignore the messenger. But who else presented this info? And this is the second Chinese professor caught on tape talking smack about how they are taking America down. But hey, Beijing Biden, amirite? Here's the main guy that Chinese professor was talking about. #1 sellout: Kissinger ("we have our old friends.") Right. We should go easy on them while they admit to plotting our downfall.
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Mar 16, 2017
He seems to be for the country. How much they're worth doesn't and shouldn't define whether they are patriotic or not. It's just more kill the messenger. The man isn't the one on tape saying that Wall St. and gov officials are in on the fix. This is what happens when you swing too far left or too far right: ignore the messenger. But who else presented this info? And this is the second Chinese professor caught on tape talking smack about how they are taking America down. But hey, Beijing Biden, amirite?
I guess you missed where I threw the Vanderbilt under the bus as well. This isn’t about left or right - it’s the people versus the system/elite and I’m not ever going to trust a member of the system/elite has the interests of the people at heart. All this election fraud nonsense at this point - whether true or not - is doing is serving to further divide the people. Which is the only singular goal of every freaking thing they do.

you think he’s “for the country” because he uses his platform to talk about things which gel with what you already believe and already agree with. That isn’t any more a reflection of “being for the country” then someone who’s using a platform to say things I find pleasing would be.


Mar 16, 2017
Your human knowledge skills are on par with vancity’s and another indicator that you can’t accurately assess the situation. There’s absolutely no argument that Trump is in this for the money, not when you look at the trajectory of his net worth since taking office, nor what he does with his salary.

Dec 14 is not a deadline and it isn’t even certain if Biden will still have the 270 electors by then.

Neither does team Trump have to release the hard evidence right away when the purpose is to expose the corruption. Let the attorneys do their job; let the evidence come out one piece at a time; let the Dems pretend they’ve won; let the media cover it all up; let the corrupt Republicans expose themselves by not supporting Trump and let the people witness it for themselves.

You’re still waiting for the QFS watermarks, but who said that is the hard evidence? No one said that. What about the Frankfurt servers they’ve seized? If they can show the election data was sent abroad, they have enough. If they can show the software had weighted race algorithms, they have enough. If they can prove the voting systems can be hacked, they have enough. If they can prove violation of the US Constitution, such as the Equal Protection Clause, they have enough. They have all of these and much more. How do you think this is going to end? It will either end quietly if Biden concedes or turbulently if the DS keeps playing pretend and diabolically inverse reality that Trump is actually the one who’s trying to steal the election.
Do you act so smug and condescending in your real life? Curious minds would love to know.

you know members of the military and government don’t get paid too well on paper either.. except all their expenses are covered and the perks are rather nice. It’s a facade. Yeah He’s donated his salary - and spent 1000x that of tax payer money on his golf trips at his own properties lol. Why didn’t he waive the fees instead of charging the government to use his hotels and golf courses and country clubs in service of the presidency? Do you know what being president does for branding and marketing? You think wayyyyyyy too small bro. Way too small. And then act like your above everyone else while you do so. I don’t like snobs. That’s why I married beneath my “class” And you sir are a snob of the first order lately.

December 14th will come and go and nothing will change. January 20th will come and go and nothing will change. Biden will be president and trump will not. There is no miraculous Hail Mary coming to save the day at the very last second. It’s over. If I’m wrong I will gladly publicly state so and own it. I highly doubt I’m wrong. If your wrong your just going to come up with some additional q fairy tale to explain why you weren’t actually wrong. See the difference?