The American “Coup d’etat”


Mar 13, 2017
Why don’t you try reading it? Considering the lawsuit was just thrown out I guess Pennsylvania courts don’t agree with you.
I read it and didn’t find they have that power, so I was wondering where you got that idea. Also, the Supreme Court in Pennsylvania DID NOT throw it out on lack of merit. It was tossed because they said it was filed too late. They made no ruling on the constitutionality of the matter. Perhaps you should take your own advice and read the relevant rulings and documents.


Mar 13, 2017
If they can bring this in as evidence it would be huge.
I get a vibe though that it’s all narrative for shits and giggles to rile up the Trump fan base.

Joe has a lot in politics on his side. Republicans included.
Republicans have benefited from voter fraud as well. This is not just about Democrats. Next election could be a GOP candidate winning by a “landslide”. That’s why it’s important these matters are settled now.
Apr 13, 2017
Because I live here and applied for a mail in ballot here and had to fill out all the paperwork and read all the disclaimers and received about a million notices in the mail from the state regarding the whole thing going back to the primaries.
Did you have the intention to vote at this moment when you applied for an absentee ballot? If not, why did you?


Mar 27, 2017
Last edited:


Jul 27, 2017
Republicans have benefited from voter fraud as well. This is not just about Democrats. Next election could be a GOP candidate winning by a “landslide”. That’s why it’s important these matters are settled now.
Yeah. There needs to be a shake up in 2024.
I hope this is what sets it about.

I’m not investing energy anymore energy in this years. It’s obvious the feds, states and judges want biden in office.

Trump and his hardcore supporters are looking like loons right now.


Jul 27, 2017
If you believe Trump is looking like a loon because he is challenging election fraud, then why does there need to be a shake up in 2024? This seems contradictory.

Do you believe or suspect fraud occurred, and that biden will win in spite of the fraud because feds, judges, etc, want this outcome? If yes, do you believe we should ignore the fraud and corruption until 2024?
Maybe if the republican party can reach out to women, minorities and youth they’d have a successful chance.

The republican party is stuck in a too traditional narrative and they are afraid to progress further. Look at Kim Klacik. Republican who lost in Baltimore who had awesome ideas on helping poor communities turn into something. Trump had a good plan at the beginning by bringing back resource production but his hardcore fan base was his downfall.

I believe biden will win on fraud alone. The democrats and republicans don’t like Trump. I’ve stated a few times in this thread that the swamp was too thick for him to drain. Whining about it and throwing out all these absurd q anon theories isn’t going to keep him in office. If us citizens want to make a difference, well let’s hit up our state capitals and start demanding more from the local officials.

Politicians shouldn’t be career crooks. I think politicians like presidents should have term limits. Joe has more connections including republicans which is what got him in.

Just like the rule applies to us citizens. It’s not what you know but who you know


Jul 27, 2017
No, we really won't rebound. If this election is successfully stolen, then every election going forward will also be stolen. The fraudulent winners will NEVER relinquish power. They will maintain their power through any means necessary and continue on with their destructive agenda unimpeded.
I’d like to believe what Art said about there still being good people. Maybe having fresh faces can spark a rebound. And even if joe does get in the white house. The republicans will hold majority house it looks like.