Maybe it's me, (and remember I'm watching from afar in a Foreign Nation), but it seems like the past few weeks things have calmed down somewhat... emphasis on somewhat.
honestly, where I am, it has never not been calm this whole year overall. There are a few things that have increased like there probably are more people at risk of suicide where I am, but nothing that I can think of that really has anything to do with the election.
the media makes the presidential election larger than life. In reality, the president is only one thing of many on most ballots. But I think the media presenting the presidential election the way it does serves as a way of dumbing down our voter population.
voting is great but there is some prerequisite level of information a voter needs to make an informed decision. The media drops the ball on informing the public that the privilege of voting includes being educated about what your voting on.
the people who vote and put all their eggs in a basket connected with the outcome for the president are going to be the ones most likely to come unhinged depending on what happens, but even then. I don’t know that I see a whole lot of drama happening for me locally at the moment.
no one talks about the election this year anywhere I go. Even four years ago, I remember more willingness to get in a political bullpen, but I think not hearing about the election this year indicates that many people understand the potential consequences to a real falling out with each other concerning politics this year.
If I could I would vote for not voting for a president at all. I don’t feel like we need a president anymore than some major department store needs a bloated administration department. The people in the administration department are not really the ones getting work done and I’m fully convinced that life would continue on with its regularly scheduled programming whether we had a president or not.