George Floyd/Protests/Peace/Riots/Chaos

Apr 13, 2017
Public intoxication isn't a felony. And depending on where you live, isn't even considered a crime. Furthermore, the tox report shows anti-bodies, not levels of intoxication. Basically he could have done the drugs weeks ago. Plus, where's the record of him resisting arrest? It sounds like you are just making stuff up now.

The cause of death has been determined. 2 autopsies were performed that declared the cause of death homicide.
Consuming fentanyl and or meth is a felony. That's a fact. There was an autopsy saying cardiac arrest, and no autopsy established physical marks of strangulation or asphyxiation, if I'm not mistaking. I'm not saying any of these autopsies have concluded anything, but we're mostly still in the dark as far as I'm concerned.

Floyd did resist arrest. He refused to get in the car, didn't he?


Mar 13, 2017
Consuming fentanyl and or meth is a felony. That's a fact. There was an autopsy saying cardiac arrest, and no autopsy established physical marks of strangulation or asphyxiation, if I'm not mistaking. I'm not saying any of these autopsies have concluded anything, but we're mostly still in the dark as far as I'm concerned.

Floyd did resist arrest. He refused to get in the car, didn't he?
What law code are you citing?

Seems you are the only one in the dark here.
Mar 17, 2017
What does scripture have to do with it?
Didnt you say the pilgrims felt they werent wrong so they werent wrong? Sounds like they were holding themselves not guily...

Wasn’t the land mostly unoccupied? The Indians didn’t hold all the land did they?
Was the land really unoccupied if certain tribes moved to different parts of the land depending on the season?

Those people are all dead and their ancestors don’t own it anymore.

Just because you steal something that doesnt mean its actually yours. And it also doesnt mean the people or their descendants, dont own it anymore...

Bill Gates son doesn’t deserve his stuff...he might get his stuff by being his son but that doesn’t mean he deserves what his father built nor does it mean he will get it.
Legally, he does as long as his father doesnt decide he doesnt...

If Bill loses all his money..that doesn’t mean his son still gets what he had.
If its stolen from him, that means his son doesnt deserve it even if Bill Gates wants him to have it?

All that is yours is all that you own...nothing more than that.
Yea the sad thing is that it was stolen from them. The good thing is they'll get it back...
Apr 13, 2017
What law code are you citing?

Seems you are the only one in the dark here.
Not citing any law code. But if the debate in recent years on fentanyl have been about the severity of the sentence for opioid use, I assume it's considered a crime.

Baden's autopsy concludes cause of death based on the video footage, but it lacks mention of physical marks of strangulation or asphyxiation. Not saying it couldn't have been strangulation, but it's just not confirmed in my opinion. Baden does mention (mostly?) internal bleedings which could be the result of a long period of sustained pressure on parts of the body. But if it was the knee on the neck, there should be external marks on the neck, right? (not a medical expert, just wondering)
Apr 13, 2017
So if I find someone saying that there were dark skinned "Indians" in North America, or if there are depictions of dark skinned "Indians" in North America, then what? We say Canada?
Canada is in North America. But there were no black native Americans (or indigenous) in North America. They were probably Eurasian.
Mar 17, 2017
Canada is in North America. But there were no black native Americans (or indigenous) in North America. They were probably Eurasian.
Mexico is too. I asked if I find someone saying there were dark skinned "Indians" above Mexico OR show a depiction of dark skinned "Indians" above Mexico, then what?
Apr 13, 2017
Mexico is too. I asked if I find someone saying there were dark skinned "Indians" above Mexico OR show a depiction of dark skinned "Indians" above Mexico, then what?
Then nothing. The land in North America didn't belong to blacks. Never did. They were probably Eurasian. Am I not saying this right?


Mar 13, 2017
Not citing any law code. But if the debate in recent years on fentanyl have been about the severity of the sentence for opioid use, I assume it's considered a crime.

Baden's autopsy concludes cause of death based on the video footage, but it lacks mention of physical marks of strangulation or asphyxiation. Not saying it couldn't have been strangulation, but it's just not confirmed in my opinion. Baden does mention (mostly?) internal bleedings which could be the result of a long period of sustained pressure on parts of the body. But if it was the knee on the neck, there should be external marks on the neck, right? (not a medical expert, just wondering)
It sounds like you are confusing fentanyl possession or distribution with intoxication. Drug intoxication is considered a public health issue, whereas possession and distribution are criminal issues. At least, in America, that's how it is.

I'm not a forensic pathologist, but I've read reports of child abuse cases where a kid is killed that never showed any bruising. Of course, those kids weren't crushed to death. They were punched in the abdomen repeatedly. Apparently that finding had to do with childhood blood elasticity.

In the case of Floyd, I would say that the force of gravity over the course of 5 minutes did the job of crushing him. He wasn't struck, or placed in some aggressive chokehold, so we shouldn't expect his neck to be bruised up anyway. It's more like putting a plastic bag over someone's head while sitting on them.
Apr 13, 2017
It sounds like you are confusing fentanyl possession or distribution with intoxication. Drug intoxication is considered a public health issue, whereas possession and distribution are criminal issues. At least, in America, that's how it is.

I'm not a forensic pathologist, but I've read reports of child abuse cases where a kid is killed that never showed any bruising. Of course, those kids weren't crushed to death. They were punched in the abdomen repeatedly. Apparently that finding had to do with childhood blood elasticity.

In the case of Floyd, I would say that the force of gravity over the course of 5 minutes did the job of crushing him. He wasn't struck, or placed in some aggressive chokehold, so we shouldn't expect his neck to be bruised up anyway. It's more like putting a plastic bag over someone's head while sitting on them.
Use of fentanyl or any other opioid without prescription is a crime, if not at least a misdemeanour. I just can't believe it's not. It's possible that what you say about the cause of death is true, but it hasn't been confirmed is what I tried to convey. Is that fair?
Mar 17, 2017
You are the true black Hebrew Israelites and u know it, I know it, you need to get more of ur crew on here to whip these whippersnappers into shape lol but no seriously I strongly believe that you guys are.
Well Im not "black", and I never saw the term "Hebrew Israelite" in the bible so Im not one of those either. But I get the drift...

And thats part of it but for the most part its about getting right with the Creator. Maybe before whatever the "wheellike object" that was supposedly in a NASA feed a couple months ago reaches here... But thats for another thread I guess..


Mar 13, 2017
Use of fentanyl or any other opioid without prescription is a crime, if not at least a misdemeanour. I just can't believe it's not. It's possible that what you say about the cause of death is true, but it hasn't been confirmed is what I tried to convey. Is that fair?
I'm not sure about all jurisdictions. Either way, criminalizing drug abuse as you say is just not done often. It's too hard to prove a drug case without the criminal actually possessing the drugs or some other sort of paraphernalia. Like a pill bottle, or pipe. In any case, toxicology reports don't prove intoxication, just that the drug was present in someone's system. Plus reactions to drugs can vary widely case by case, and there are false positives.

What sort of confirmation do you need? The only area I feel giving at all is what Floyd's killer and accomplices should be charged with. This is at least murder 2. And quite frankly, there's a pretty good argument for murder 1. Look, man, if a cop needs to choke a dude out in the middle of a chaotic brawl, I get that. Or if said cop is getting wailed on and has no choice but to start grappling I'm fine with that too. Floyd's case is way past that line of self-defense, this is like butchering someone.

If a dude gets chopped into pieces you wouldn't show up and be like, but what about the drug screen and underlying health conditions?


Mar 13, 2017
Seattle Mayor Celebrates “Summer of Love” as r*pe and Violent Crime Soars in ‘CHAZ’ Communist Utopia

One has to ask...if she were black would it have been ok?
Video appears to show a white woman setting fire to Wendy's in Atlanta where Rayshard Brooks was killed as black protesters shout 'it wasn't us' - and cops offer $10,000 to track her down

Peace and safety without the police..but of courseo_O and she’s from the religion of she knows.
Communities will still be 'safe' without cops, says Ilhan Omar - but fails to explain how Americans will be protected or crimes investigated without law enforcement

edit: to go to the first article you will have to fix the word r*pe to access.
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Mar 16, 2017
Use of fentanyl or any other opioid without prescription is a crime, if not at least a misdemeanour. I just can't believe it's not. It's possible that what you say about the cause of death is true, but it hasn't been confirmed is what I tried to convey. Is that fair?
Having a drug in your system is not a crime. Maybe in Alabama (probably not even there). Neither is being high unless your falling over smashed face and then it’s a ticket, less then a misdemeanor. Don’t double guess yourself. Your not wrong.

operating a vehicle while high, still not a “crime” per se. it’s on It’s own schedule - not dmv, not crime. But you can go to jail. So it depends.


Mar 16, 2017
Seattle Mayor Celebrates “Summer of Love” as r*pe and Violent Crime Soars in ‘CHAZ’ Communist Utopia

One has to ask...if she were black would it have been ok?
Video appears to show a white woman setting fire to Wendy's in Atlanta where Rayshard Brooks was killed as black protesters shout 'it wasn't us' - and cops offer $10,000 to track her down

Peace and safety without the police..but of courseo_O and she’s from the religion of she knows.

Communities will still be 'safe' without cops, says Ilhan Omar - but fails to explain how Americans will be protected or crimes investigated without law enforcement
And how exactly do they know crime and r*pe are rampant in CHAZ - like what, a week in? If that. Who’s reporting these crimes? Like what media outlet and who are the victims? You guys are combing over expert level autopsy results that were confirmed by a second examination and throwing out claims with no back up like theyre skittles if it serves your purpose.


Mar 13, 2017
And how exactly do they know crime and r*pe are rampant in CHAZ - like what, a week in? If that. Who’s reporting these crimes? Like what media outlet and who are the victims? You guys are combing over expert level autopsy results that were confirmed by a second examination and throwing out claims with no back up like theyre skittles if it serves your purpose.
I would imagine you can leave that area if you so choose..
Am I combing over expert level autopsy reports? I don’t remember doing that.


Jul 27, 2017
I barely found out what CHAZ is today.

Better get some of those homeless people involved and developed at least


Mar 16, 2017
I would imagine you can leave that area if you so choose..
Am I combing over expert level autopsy reports? I don’t remember doing that.
You want EVIDENCE and think that the video tape of the encounter wasn’t even enough to fire the cop let alone criminally charge him. Try having consistent standards Lisa. Also.. try answering a question. What is your source for these claims?

your hysterical sounding link doesn’t work