George Floyd/Protests/Peace/Riots/Chaos


Mar 13, 2017
Well maybe you're right

Zec 11
5 Whose possessors slay them, and hold themselves not guilty:
What does scripture have to do with it?

Thats how it works with the pope/western Europe, but not the necessarily the rest of the world.
Wasn’t the land mostly unoccupied? The Indians didn’t hold all the land did they?

Lol at thinking the pope/western europe was just gonna take all that land and keep it forever. To its rightful owners it goes...
Those people are all dead and their ancestors don’t own it anymore.

Lisa:"Just because you descend from someone doesnt mean you deserve their stuff"

If I actually took your view serious:
"Hear that Bill gates Jr? Just because your son descends from you doesnt mean he deserves the wealth you earned"

Lisa: "And if they didnt own it anymore its not their stuff anyway"

If I actually took your view serious:
"Hear that Bill Gates? If someone takes your wealth from you, that means your son doesnt deserve the wealth you earned. Even though they took it thru theft, since they were successful, your son doesnt deserve it"

Thankfully the Most High is just and fair. I await you restoring me to whats mine Lisa ;)
Bill Gates son doesn’t deserve his stuff...he might get his stuff by being his son but that doesn’t mean he deserves what his father built nor does it mean he will get it.

If Bill loses all his money..that doesn’t mean his son still gets what he had.

All that is yours is all that you own...nothing more than that.


Mar 13, 2017
It only disturbed the British government and the British east India tea company. It didn’t bother the other businesses around that or the ship the tea was on or the ships around it.

The BLM is a political party that invites people to riot and loot others hurting local businesses with black owners as much as white owned businesses. It feeds off the mob where the tea party had one agenda and that was met without rioting or looting the world around them.

I’m not using his crime as anything. The police were only called because a crime had occurred..they weren’t bothering him before that.
I believe I've already addressed your first point. The fact is, racism doesn't have a place of business with a big logo out front saying, "Here are all the racists". Revolutionaries during American independence had it easy, the "Red Coats" literally came wearing red coats.

Everything feeds off the mob, so I don't get your point about BLM. And quite frankly, it seems like you are making a sweeping generalization. Like I'm pretty sure the BLM motto isn't "All looters welcome".

You still don't know if a crime even occurred, except for the murder of George Floyd. People call the cops on each other for any number of stupid reasons, that isn't justification for a person to end up dead. Come on Lisa, you can do better than that.


Jul 27, 2017
WE are the ones who can interrupt the media lies and propaganda. WE don't need to wait for anyone. WE can do this merely by stepping away from rage, anarchy, political correctness, emotional hysteria over everything, and media lies and propaganda. The only problem is that some are clinging to the anarchist lie that burning it all down, destroying businesses, getting rid of police (and therefore law and order), beating and killing is 'progress'. Read through this thread to see the proof of that.

States/Cities are governed by governors and mayors, not the federal government, and some of them are on the side of anarchy and violence. This isn't a Trump problem. He's done more for minorities than any democrat. This is a problem with the people WE have voted into local office. If WE want someone to blame, WE should be looking at ourselves and who WE voted for in our local governments first and foremost.
He’s the national voice.
Other than that. I agree


Mar 18, 2017
Idk anymore. Civil unrest is crazy now.
This has transcended beyond George Floyd. This is decades worth of pent up frustration by lower class and black communities.

I think we need a proper leader whose voice can make an impact. Clearly Trump is not the guy.

We absolutely need someone.
Who can interrupt the media for however long minutes. Get people to calm down and encourage citizens to help each other. Easier said than done,
but we are divided. The quarantine measures made people get used to that idea
honestly, I think the chaos of this will pass soon. People are acting like people didn’t start communes during Vietnam too or join crazy cults with people like Charles Manson. They would have looked the same as the people protesting the war at the time even though they had nothing to do with each other.

the protests were largely started on colleges during Vietnam and most of these people were fairly well educated throughout this time. These same protestors got good jobs after this and have been working towards making a lot of changes throughout the years. The world is still a very different place than it was in 1968. When I say working, I mean as teachers and business people after they hung up their protesting hats. Seeing the former anti war movement working as grown adults is actually what inspired a lot of my opinions towards work and whether there are more effective positions to take to create change rather than protesting in general.

there are intelligent people working in this process too so that something good can come out of it. Not everything seems to be as chaotic as the media wants us to think and it will pass.
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Jul 27, 2017
honestly, I think the chaos of this will pass soon. People are acting like people didn’t start communes during Vietnam too or join crazy cults with people like Charles Manson. They would have looked the same as the people protesting the war at the time even though they had nothing to do with each other.

the protests were largely started on colleges during Vietnam and most of these people were fairly well educated throughout this time. These same protestors got good jobs after this and have been working towards making a lot of changes throughout the years. The world is still a very different place than it was in 1968.

there are intelligent people working in this process too so that something good can come out of it. Not everything seems to be as chaotic as the media wants us to think and it will pass.
Hopefully. These riots seem more prolonged than Ferguson and Charlottesville. Unless my memory is shoddy


Mar 18, 2017
Hopefully. These riots seem more prolonged than Ferguson and Charlottesville. Unless my memory is shoddy
There was an article I was reading the other day that the Rodney king riots were actually more violent still. I don’t know if that’s still true, but everything in recent years still doesn’t seem to be reaching the worst it has ever been. People need to stop exaggerating.
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Mar 13, 2017
I believe I've already addressed your first point. The fact is, racism doesn't have a place of business with a big logo out front saying, "Here are all the racists". Revolutionaries during American independence had it easy, the "Red Coats" literally came wearing red coats.

Everything feeds off the mob, so I don't get your point about BLM. And quite frankly, it seems like you are making a sweeping generalization. Like I'm pretty sure the BLM motto isn't "All looters welcome".

You still don't know if a crime even occurred, except for the murder of George Floyd. People call the cops on each other for any number of stupid reasons, that isn't justification for a person to end up dead. Come on Lisa, you can do better than that.
Haha...they made it obvious all looters are welcome.

Staff working at Cup Foods grocery store called police after suspecting George Floyd was attempting to use a fake 20 dollar bill. The actual state of the bill has not been confirmed.


Mar 13, 2017
Haha...they made it obvious all looters are welcome.

Staff working at Cup Foods grocery store called police after suspecting George Floyd was attempting to use a fake 20 dollar bill. The actual state of the bill has not been confirmed.
Most protests have been peaceful. So the only thing that's obvious is your scapegoating.

Idk why you link me an article that confirms what I literally just said. Nobody knows if the bill was fake or not, so therefore nobody knows if Floyd was committing a crime.


Mar 18, 2017
Perfect invitation too for drug pushers and gangs to move cross country and set up shop in the neighborhood too.
drug pushers and gangs don’t have to move cross country to set up shop. A small time person probably doesn’t have the money to do this and someone who does have the money isn’t going to put a target on their back this way. Especially when the they can still be arrested at the federal level for selling illegal drugs.

if crime increases because of the absence of law enforcement, you will see it at the local level first. If people feel they need protection from gangs because their is no law enforcement as an alternative. The locals will start forming these solutions first. No one is going to be moving anywhere especially a gang that works by integrating within a culture or asserting a native status when confronting new people. Gangs don’t work by being the new kid on the block. Like “hi guys. I’m new here. I was wondering if you might want to join my gang. I’m giving out free coupons for a Big Mac at McDonald’s to the first 30 people.

seriously, a new person isn’t going to get allegiance by showing up with references to the Gangs they have run in other cities. And people don’t need to move anywhere to set up shop to sell drugs either. These ideas are all based on stereotypes of what people are like who join gangs and sell drugs. There is no reason to believe that this will happen based on reality outside of these stereotypes.

technically it is possible that the motivation to use drugs would decrease. A drug dealer can only sell drugs if people are motivated to buy them. An addicted person has the motivation in many cases, but someone who is not addicted might not be as motivated to start if they have some hope of change. Therefore, a drug business might not even be successful if it has a hard time finding new addicts to try drugs.

there are some unpredictable social outcomes to this situation right now.
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Mar 13, 2017
Most protests have been peaceful. So the only thing that's obvious is your scapegoating.

Idk why you link me an article that confirms what I literally just said. Nobody knows if the bill was fake or not, so therefore nobody knows if Floyd was committing a crime.
Staff working at Cup Foods grocery store called police after suspecting George Floyd was attempting to use a fake 20 dollar bill.
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Mar 13, 2017
20,288 he’s the father..instead of ex con and someone on drugs..

New video of George Floyd's 'murder' shows cop Tou Thao ignoring bystanders' desperate pleas to save the father's life as white cop Derek Chauvin knelt on his neck for eight minutes and 46 seconds


Mar 13, 2017
Yes, they suspected. Is that proof in your world or something?
It’s why the police were called. If he didn’t pay with it they wouldn’t have called the police. But they thought it was a fake bill and called the police to investigate.
Mar 17, 2017
The Pope didn't send. Even the Pope you have in mind did it because of pressure of the Kingdom of Portugal. But let's not digress.
They came to him for permission and he gave it to them. He and "the church" are complicit no matter how much you want to gloss over the laws HE and the CHURCH passed sanctioning what happened there..

I don't think it's impossible that indigenous people from Latin America were dark-skinned. But why would that give your people the right to the lands in North America?
Mexico IS in North America...
Apr 13, 2017
They came to him for permission and he gave it to them. He and "the church" are complicit no matter how much you want to gloss over the laws HE and the CHURCH passed sanctioning what happened there..

Mexico IS in North America...
Whatever you wanna call it, it didn't extend beyond the Mexican-US border.
Apr 13, 2017
You still don't know if a crime even occurred, except for the murder of George Floyd.
Taking fentanyl or meth or both is a felony. Whatever it was he was on, he was on something badly. Resisting arrest is also Class B misdemeanor. And as long as the cause of death hasn't been determined, it's not murder. So, there are two established crimes we know of so far, and it's Floyd's drug use and his resisting arrest.


Mar 13, 2017
Taking fentanyl or meth or both is a felony. Whatever it was he was on, he was on something badly. Resisting arrest is also Class B misdemeanor. And as long as the cause of death hasn't been determined, it's not murder. So, there are two established crimes we know of so far, and it's Floyd's drug use and his resisting arrest.
Public intoxication isn't a felony. And depending on where you live, isn't even considered a crime. Furthermore, the tox report shows anti-bodies, not levels of intoxication. Basically he could have done the drugs weeks ago. Plus, where's the record of him resisting arrest? It sounds like you are just making stuff up now.

The cause of death has been determined. 2 autopsies were performed that declared the cause of death homicide.