

Mar 14, 2017
Total biased article. Trump doesn't want the election postponed because it gives an opportunity for Pelosi to be interim president. And "the plan" this article tried to use as a way to put words in his mouth was a political way of not making a statement to twist even though they tried anyway. Another article for the sheeple who read headlines and not the article.

Stop posting political bias and change your name to NeverTrumper on here
Jess has been a clear never Trumper, and there's nothing wrong with that.


Mar 16, 2017
The viewpoint from a teeter totter looks much different from the balanced middle than it does from the onesided bottom/top...just saying
He has mused about staying in office until forever on twitter even before this started. You shouldn’t just dismiss whatever I say because I hated him before it became apparant to some of you that doing so was reasonable. I don’t like what he did to people in our shared geographic area. That’s before the apprentice even introduced you to him.


Mar 14, 2017

They ( some of them )contain cell lines from aborted fetuses decades ago, it’s not like it’s new aborted tissue. That claim is misleading at best.
I don't care if it was two weeks or two eons ago, it's not going in my body. My body, my choice!
Mar 15, 2019
I’m not trying to be a prophet or pretend like I have a crystal ball that foresees a chip in a vaccine or some other dastardly ending coming. So you are really being petty by trying to say that I’m pretending to be god because I’m not joining the club you belong to.

Quantum-dot tattoos hold vaccination record
“The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation came to us and said, ‘Hey, we have a real problem — knowing who’s vaccinated,’” said McHugh, who was recruited to join Rice with funding from the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas.
Mar 15, 2019

‘The Curve Has Been Flattened’: Michigan Doctors Sue Gov Whitmer Over Shutdown Order
A group of Michigan health practices and one patient filed a lawsuit against Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer over her shutdown order that is “risking lives and imperiling health.”
The plaintiffs are pushing the governor to lift her ban on “non-essential” treatments, warning that the ban is endangering the lives of many patients.
Last edited:


Mar 13, 2017
Companies are already trying to roll back the COVID-19 "hazard" pay increases. Of course, it should be noted, a great many essential workers got no pay increase period.

Idk what the conclusion will be yet, but I can see how this is going to play out. It's not mystical or anything, my argument is simply goofy people are going to keep goofing.

Basically it's not going to be safe enough for workers to take the masks off. But it will be safe enough to stop paying us a few pennies extra. GOOFS
Mar 15, 2019
If Your Child Tests Positive for COVID will They be Removed from your Home? Washington Hires More CPS Workers to Prepare

I'm sure Hillary Clinton is very excited right now.


Aug 21, 2017
Stand firm because they intend to stick all of us...whether we want it or not:

Will government mandate COVID-19 vaccinations?

Top CDC Official: ‘We’ll Just Get Rid of All Whites in the United States’ Who Refuse Vaccines

Alan Dershowitz: State has right to 'plunge a needle into your arm' (This is Trump's attorney, the math)

During this pandemic, we are seeing the PTB, oligarchy, deep state, or whatever u want to call them, mandating draconian measures. But as time goes on and more people resist we WILL see they will enforce these measures with a spirit of "do what we tell u or else" attitude. I hope I am wrong, but I believe we can count on it. This isn't about a's about a New World Order...order for them, chaos for u!


Jul 27, 2017
Stand firm because they intend to stick all of us...whether we want it or not:

Will government mandate COVID-19 vaccinations?

Top CDC Official: ‘We’ll Just Get Rid of All Whites in the United States’ Who Refuse Vaccines

Alan Dershowitz: State has right to 'plunge a needle into your arm' (This is Trump's attorney, the math)

During this pandemic, we are seeing the PTB, oligarchy, deep state, or whatever u want to call them, mandating draconian measures. But as time goes on and more people resist we WILL see they will enforce these measures with a spirit of "do what we tell u or else" attitude. I hope I am wrong, but I believe we can count on it. This isn't about a's about a New World Order...order for them, chaos for u!
I’m standing by stance.
Not taking any covid vaccine


Jul 27, 2017
Stand firm because they intend to stick all of us...whether we want it or not:

Will government mandate COVID-19 vaccinations?

Top CDC Official: ‘We’ll Just Get Rid of All Whites in the United States’ Who Refuse Vaccines

Alan Dershowitz: State has right to 'plunge a needle into your arm' (This is Trump's attorney, the math)

During this pandemic, we are seeing the PTB, oligarchy, deep state, or whatever u want to call them, mandating draconian measures. But as time goes on and more people resist we WILL see they will enforce these measures with a spirit of "do what we tell u or else" attitude. I hope I am wrong, but I believe we can count on it. This isn't about a's about a New World Order...order for them, chaos for u!
Just last night on this forum we were talking about the plans to mobilize military forces to force vaccines. Let that set in a bit


Mar 13, 2017

Called it. (Congratulations, you're a prophet)


Mar 13, 2017

Called it. (Congratulations, you're a prophet) neighbors across the street wash their groceries before bringing them in the house.

What concerns me is how fast they can change that and go back to the way they had case they needed to.


Mar 18, 2017
I don’t know, the cleaner store thing has been great though. Fox says towards the end about returning to normal and normal used to be me questioning whether I should bring a power washer with me to clean my grocery cart before I go shopping.

I mean seriously, sometimes I would find myself pushing around a grocery cart that just seemed to defy everything I know about germs. There would like this film in the corners of the cart that had collected dust and turned gray. Is that really a normal I want to have back?

being a little cleaner is quite frankly fantastic because there are really a lot of things that survive on surfaces that people overlooked. It would be interesting to know how this cleaner store products things reduces the spread of MRSA in the community. Cleaning means people will inevitably become healthier, so fox just seems to be a horrible source for this subject overall.

if normal is returning to grimy shopping carts, I’m seriously gonna have to take matters into my own hands this time. I can’t go back to grimy shopping carts anymore.


Jul 27, 2017
I don’t know, the cleaner store thing has been great though. Fox says towards the end about returning to normal and normal used to be me questioning whether I should bring a power washer with me to clean my grocery cart before I go shopping.

I mean seriously, sometimes I would find myself pushing around a grocery cart that just seemed to defy everything I know about germs. There would like this film in the corners of the cart that had collected dust and turned gray. Is that really a normal I want to have back?

being a little cleaner is quite frankly fantastic because there are really a lot of things that survive on surfaces that people overlooked. It would be interesting to know how this cleaner store products things reduces the spread of MRSA in the community. Cleaning means people will inevitably become healthier, so fox just seems to be a horrible source for this subject overall.

if normal is returning to grimy shopping carts, I’m seriously gonna have to take matters into my own hands this time. I can’t go back to grimy shopping carts anymore.
I’d like to hope that people will start taking hygiene and cleanliness in general a bit more serious. On my way home today though the lady in the lane next to me had her finger up in her brain practically. The expression on my face more than likely made her embarrassed but I’ve never seen someone digging for gold like that.