

Mar 13, 2017
Fox News is a great source (when they agree with me). But the source for my last post was the CDC anyway, so if you want to attack the source you shouldn't aim at the messenger. I mean dang, let's not let bias get in the way of my self-gratification.

Seriously though, a cleaner environment is fine. I would just argue that just because it's clean on the surface doesn't mean there aren't darker, dirtier secrets buried beneath. So sure we can clean up the carts, but few retailers control the source of their products. Those same products that could have been sitting in a damp cardboard box for months, or even years.

A person could be buying a product that sat on a shelf collecting dust for a whole year. I have cleaned that type of dusty damp mess, and it's not fun. Don't even get me started on milk and how it's shipped. My point is a cleaner cart isn't going to translate to a cleaner warehouse or a cleaner meat packing plant.


Jul 27, 2017
Fox News is a great source (when they agree with me). But the source for my last post was the CDC anyway, so if you want to attack the source you shouldn't aim at the messenger. I mean dang, let's not let bias get in the way of my self-gratification.

Seriously though, a cleaner environment is fine. I would just argue that just because it's clean on the surface doesn't mean there aren't darker, dirtier secrets buried beneath. So sure we can clean up the carts, but few retailers control the source of their products. Those same products that could have been sitting in a damp cardboard box for months, or even years.

A person could be buying a product that sat on a shelf collecting dust for a whole year. I have cleaned that type of dusty damp mess, and it's not fun. Don't even get me started on milk and how it's shipped. My point is a cleaner cart isn't going to translate to a cleaner warehouse or a cleaner meat packing plant.
Distribution centers, warehouses, packing plants etc are some dirty places. Different sector, but even in the automotive industry, when we get a brand new vehicle factory direct to detail for the dealership, I am surprised by some of the messes. Idk if it’s messed from assembly, or during the transport process. Stuff is dirty. Germs are everywhere.
Just practice personal hygiene. I feel the body has a decent immune system to handle the majority of the germs out there.

Mrsa and that type of stuff is a different story


Mar 18, 2017

Artificial intelligence at work
Quote from article.

“Among the misinformation disseminated by bot accounts were tweets that conspiracy theories about hospitals being filled with mannequins, or tweets connected the spread of the coronavirus to 5G wireless towers, a notion that is patently untrue.”

this doesn’t surprise me at all.


Jul 27, 2017
Quote from article.

“Among the misinformation disseminated by bot accounts were tweets that conspiracy theories about hospitals being filled with mannequins, or tweets connected the spread of the coronavirus to 5G wireless towers, a notion that is patently untrue.”

this doesn’t surprise me at all.
Scary thing is this disinfo is having an effect.
We’re all in a lockdown pickle thanks to all this.


Mar 18, 2017
Scary thing is this disinfo is having an effect.
We’re all in a lockdown pickle thanks to all this.
I think the problem is that the subject of the pandemic is inheriting a lot from our previous election. The country never healed from the Clinton/Trump division and it seems like many people swing one way or the other based on this.

it isn’t based entirely on trump and Clinton in some cases, but even in the cases where it’s not, it seemed to be based on how you chose to swing politically based on that election even from an international perspective to a degree since it is common to make comparisons between Boris, Bolsonaro, trump. Putin even gets added as a fourth wheel to this.

so you have the supporters of this conservative right who are primarily the people who want to reject this as a hoax and the former supporters of Hillary who lean the other direction. And many people are really just looking at what the faction created by this, thinks about this situation.

so it really seems like people are missing opportunities. To me, containment should seem to be a priority for both sides because containment is why they didn’t continue pursuing a vaccine for sars to begin with. People who don’t want a vaccine should like the notion of containment. People who don’t want to get sick should like the idea of containment. It should be something that makes everyone happy for their own reason.

but discussing this subject for many people is no different than discussing the election. Things that are trivial like masks are being blown out of proportion and other things like the fbi being able to look at your browsing history without a warrant are hardly getting any attention.

in addition to this, I am learning how the media is used as a way to control the stock market the most from this experience. I think it is possible that Trump is now pressing on with the vaccine idea so that it will boost the stock market before the election and he can win some brownie points this way. His campaign was always directly tied to the economy and he is really failing bad right now and losing support right and left.

So it is a shame that so many things become political. This situation is no different.


Jul 27, 2017
I think the problem is that the subject of the pandemic is inheriting a lot from our previous election. The country never healed from the Clinton/Trump division and it seems like many people swing one way or the other based on this.

it isn’t based entirely on trump and Clinton in some cases, but even in the cases where it’s not, it seemed to be based on how you chose to swing politically based on that election even from an international perspective to a degree since it is common to make comparisons between Boris, Bolsonaro, trump. Putin even gets added as a fourth wheel to this.

so you have the supporters of this conservative right who are primarily the people who want to reject this as a hoax and the former supporters of Hillary who lean the other direction. And many people are really just looking at what the faction created by this, thinks about this situation.

so it really seems like people are missing opportunities. To me, containment should seem to be a priority for both sides because containment is why they didn’t continue pursuing a vaccine for sars to begin with. People who don’t want a vaccine should like the notion of containment. People who don’t want to get sick should like the idea of containment. It should be something that makes everyone happy for their own reason.

but discussing this subject for many people is no different than discussing the election. Things that are trivial like masks are being blown out of proportion and other things like the fbi being able to look at your browsing history without a warrant are hardly getting any attention.

in addition to this, I am learning how the media is used as a way to control the stock market the most from this experience. I think it is possible that Trump is now pressing on with the vaccine idea so that it will boost the stock market before the election and he can win some brownie points this way. His campaign was always directly tied to the economy and he is really failing bad right now and losing support right and left.

So it is a shame that so many things become political. This situation is no different.
I hear you. This whole thing has gotten out of hand politically.
What made it worse was when congress was having their arguments over the cares act. People were losing their jobs, unsure of income, states shutting down, people awaiting if they were getting some financial help all the while the house couldn’t come to an agreement.

Citizens are persuaded left or right too.
Too much divide amongst us
May 12, 2019
AstraZeneca Gets $1 Billion From U.S. to Make Oxford Vaccine

AstraZeneca Plc received more than $1 billion in U.S. government funding to develop a Covid-19 vaccine from the University of Oxford, and said it has supply agreements for 400 million doses.

The U.K. drugmaker received the money from the U.S. Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority and said it has secured capacity to make 1 billion doses. The move comes as the company’s vaccine candidate is still in human trials, with no guarantee of success.

The investment accelerates a race to secure vaccine supplies, seen as a key step toward getting global economies moving again after a lockdown-induced slump. Stock markets have been rising and falling on developments in research labs, as investors weigh the prospects for a successful shot.

Drugmakers around the world are looking for manufacturing capacity to ramp up output. The Oxford vaccine is one of the world’s fastest-moving, and AstraZeneca has said it expects to have doses ready as soon as September.

BARDA has also provided funding for French pharmaceutical giant Sanofi, including $30 million for its Covid vaccine and a $226 million award in December to increase production capacity for its pandemic influenza vaccine. A Covid vaccine developed by the company will probably go to Americans first if the company can successfully deliver one, Chief Executive Officer Paul Hudson said in last week in an interview with Bloomberg News.

Sanofi said later that it would make the shot available everywhere. While the absence of a European counterpart to BARDA has slowed efforts to secure supplies, Hudson said the French company is in talks with several governments on possible arrangements.

Supplying the U.K. with vaccine will be a priority for AstraZeneca, Chief Executive Officer Pascal Soriot has said. Astra plans to make as many as 30 million doses available in Britain by September and has committed to delivering 100 million this year.

Fair Allocation
Astra said it’s working with groups including the World Health Organization, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, on making sure the vaccine is allocated fairly.

Astra aims “to ensure broad and equitable supply of the vaccine throughout the world at no profit during the pandemic,” according to a statement from the Cambridge, England-based company.

The shares were little changed early Thursday in London.

The U.S. funding will support a final-stage clinical trial with 30,000 participants, as well as tests in children, AstraZeneca said.

Dozens of other vaccine projects are under way around the world, from the U.S. to China, drawing in major pharma giants, university labs and others. Moderna Inc. shares jumped earlier this week after the U.S. biotech revealed positive early results from its experimental vaccine.

President Xi Jinping of China has said any successful vaccine developed there will be made available as a global public good.

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Mar 13, 2017
Fun in the sun..we just don’t care anymore..
The escape outdoors: Sun seekers without masks go tubing in Texas, students swim in Colorado creeks and New Yorkers keep flocking to bars serving drinks outside - despite fears of a surge of infections this summer if social distancing is ignored

Nurse who only wore underwear under transparent PPE gown on male hospital ward in Russia because she was 'too hot' is disciplined (but the patients don't seem upset!)


Mar 13, 2017
It remains to be seen if this will be a thing..

Coronavirus Deaths and Lockdown
What about 'Deaths of Despair'?

More than 500 doctors sign letter to Trump pushing him to end shutdown because it's causing a 'mass casualty incident' and increases in suicide, alcoholism and drug abuse
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Mar 13, 2017
More vulnerable than they were before? They are already unclean and not social distancing..abusing drugs and alcohol..yet they don’t have that many cases or deaths amongst them....hmmm.

New tent cities spring up in the sidewalks and parks of Washington D.C as pandemic makes homeless people even more vulnerable

And we may get more drug abusers..
Canadian scientists are testing whether compounds in marijuana can prevent coronavirus from 'hijacking' human cells
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Mar 15, 2019
Canadian scientists are testing whether compounds in marijuana can prevent coronavirus from 'hijacking' human cells
oh holy bob marley... controlling an addicted population.


Jan 11, 2020
3,224 neighbors across the street wash their groceries before bringing them in the house.

What concerns me is how fast they can change that and go back to the way they had case they needed to.
I do that!
What's wrong with that?


Mar 13, 2017
'They have no plan': Frustration with Cuomo and de Blasio mounts as coalition of 300 small businesses say they're being brought 'to their knees' by lockdown 'dragging on'


Mar 13, 2017
Who would have thought...

Doctors warn that constant worry over COVID-19 is associated with poor long-term mental health.

This guy didn’t care...its all worth unseating trump..



Mar 13, 2017
6 Things Democrats and the Media Want You to Believe About the Coronavirus
"Alice laughed: "There's no use trying," she said; "one can't believe impossible things." "I daresay you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." -- The Red Queen in “Alice in Wonderland.”

In the spirit of Her Majesty, here are six impossible things about the coronavirus Democrats and the media want you to believe, as well as an explanation of why each is absurd.

1. China bears no responsibility for this pandemic – All the Chi-coms did was to deny the possibility of human-to-human transmission for as long as they could, destroy or remove tissue samples from the Wuhan lab, allow travel outside China (while banning it within the country), force physicians and researchers who tried to alert us to the danger early on to recant (they made one disappear) and stockpile medical supplies while refusing to admit there was a problem. Other than that, not much.

2. COVID-19 doesn’t discriminate: Old and young, sick and well – all are equally susceptible – You might as well say that an octogenarian is as likely to injure himself skateboarding as a 16-year-old. In Pennsylvania, the median age of death from COVID-19 is 84 years. Overall, the probability of death from the virus in the United States is 1.5 in 10,000. But for those under 55 who are healthy, it’s 1.5 in 100,000. In 14 states that report these statistics, nursing homes accounted for half of all coronavirus deaths. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule – which the media love to play up. But, overwhelmingly, the victims are elderly, with a pre-existing condition.

3. This epidemic is like a war. Some civil liberties have to be temporarily suspended as a matter of national survival. – In the name of combating the coronavirus, Americans have been denied freedom to work, freedom of movement, freedom of religion (with houses of worship closed) and freedom of speech. Protests are permitted, as long as there aren’t more than 10 people and everyone is wearing face masks and standing at least 6 feet apart. New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy said he wasn’t thinking about the Bill of Rights when implementing social-distancing guidelines. No kidding.

4. Social distancing and face masks work – New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo was “shocked” to discover recently that 66% of new coronavirus hospitalizations were among people “largely sheltering at home.” Proximity of one person to another has little to do with the spread of the disease, nor do the sacred face masks stop transmission. Both are largely symbolic as well as a form of virtue-flashing. When the virus first reached our shores, the experts told us that face masks were useless, unless you’re a medical professional using the type of masks not available to the general public. Now we’re told we must wear them – even if they’re makeshift. There’s no science behind this. They’re meant to assure us that politicians are doing all they can to keep us safe. Then, when fatalities decline, which happens in the normal course of any epidemic, they’ll demand that we thank them for saving us.

5. Damage to the economy is the price we have to pay to stop a deadly contagion. That’s easy to say if you work for government – which is now our only growth industry. While the coronavirus regimen that statists adore has done little, if anything, to halt the spread of the disease, it’s put our economy in the ICU. We lost 870,000 jobs in March and 20.5 million in April. The Wall Street Journal notes that this is the fastest economic collapse in our history – all so governors would have another opportunity to play big brother and bring us closer to the Democratic utopia. No one asked unemployed auto workers or the depressed who are out of work and can’t afford the co-pay on their meds if they were willing to pay the price.

6. The shutdown doesn’t favor one party or the other– In fact, it’s a gift from heaven for Democrats. They’re using the shutdown to destroy the Trump economy and push a bailout of bankrupt blue states. They’re also using the virus to get mail-in ballots, increasing the opportunities for voter fraud, the sine qua non of the Democratic party. The governors fighting hardest to maintain the status quo -- Cuomo, Wolf, Pritzker, Northam and Newson, among others – are Democrats, as are their congressional allies, Speaker Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Schumer. Why – because they’re dedicated public health or partisan politics?

It’s just possible that supporters of the shutdown want to make America look more like China. Welcome to the new normal.