

Mar 16, 2017
They still have to pay back a loan they probably didn’t want in the first place which will cut into any profits they could make...that’s not helpful at all.
Why are you only concerned with your own wel being? Are you truly that selfish?

Greed is a deadly sin Lisa.


Mar 18, 2017
No, demand did not create Amazon..Jeff Bezos came up with a company that created demand.

Jeff Bezos creates the kindle. I was watching Martha Stewart the day he cam on to talk about it. I didn’t know about it before but after I saw he had the product, I knew I needed it. Lol! Entrepreneurs try to create things they think people will need to create demand..
no the kindle creates a solution to a problem. Remember that is the number one rule of sales. Find a problem to solve and you have a product to sell.

the kindle creates a convenient way to store books. It creates a convenient way to self publish books. It creates a more affordable way to buy new books. These were all problems that people who liked to read and write books had that were solved by a kindle. Maybe try reading a book on running a business that sells products.


Mar 13, 2017
Amazon existed and was incredibly profitable before he introduced the kindle. Amazon sold books and cd’s.
Sure but someone had to create Amazon it didn’t start on its own. Someone had to put up the capital to get their business going hoping it would succeed. Opening a business does not mean it succeeds..


Mar 13, 2017
no the kindle creates a solution to a problem. Remember that is the number one rule of sales. Find a problem to solve and you have a product to sell.

the kindle creates a convenient way to store books. It creates a convenient way to self publish books. It creates a more affordable way to buy new books. These were all problems that people who liked to read and write books had that were solved by a kindle. Maybe try reading a book on running a business that sells products.
What problem? Books worked good. :rolleyes:

The book business was running pretty good before kindle.


Mar 18, 2017
Exactly...trump got China to go along with his trade deal..they probably don’t like trump. The dems have spent his whole time as president trying to get something on him..and couldn’t come up with anything to stick. Did they do this to get him...or did this conveniently come into play? Only time will tell if this puts a damper on his presidency or not. If the election is delayed he will still be president until then won’t he? Do we have an interim president in the meantime?

Ya, small business will struggle and go under..and maybe even some bigger businesses. You can’t pay and have no income coming in for doesn’t work like that. What about the suppliers to places like Disney...things get out of whack and they have a hard time getting back into the way things were. This is not good to shut the world down. Just because you think businesses are so stinking rich they can afford it..doesn’t mean that they actually can.
answers some questions.



Mar 13, 2017
Why are you only concerned with your own wel being? Are you truly that selfish?

Greed is a deadly sin Lisa.
I’m concerned that many people and businesses might not recover from this shut down, honestly.

I’m sure your one of the ones that freaks out when they talk about a government shut down..shutting down business is never a good business plan. And getting tax payers to pay for shut downs isn’t good either!


Mar 16, 2017
Sure but someone had to create Amazon it didn’t start on its own. Someone had to put up the capital to get their business going hoping it would succeed. Opening a business does not mean it succeeds..
He saw a need (ability to buy books on the internet when internet shopping was becoming a thing) and filled that need. Yes he created the business but if customers didn’t exist that wanted the service the business wouldn’t have continued. Things are INTER RELATED. You seem to have a need to prop business owners up as special or more important, they are not. They are one piece of a puzzle Lisa.


Mar 16, 2017
I’m concerned that many people and businesses might not recover from this shut down, honestly.

I’m sure your one of the ones that freaks out when they talk about a government shut down..shutting down business is never a good business plan. And getting tax payers to pay for shut downs isn’t good either!
Yeah Lisa I’m a bit freaked out about what this means for our finances - both my job and our business. But preventing deaths is a bit more important then my bank account balance.

And the government has more than enough ability to make sure this doesn’t ruin people financially by reallocating our tax dollars away from war to the actual crisis we are in the midst of.


Mar 18, 2017
What problem? Books worked good. :rolleyes:

The book business was running pretty good before kindle.
Just wondering, but do you read a lot of books.

when I was younger, I read Anna Karenina and les miserables as a hard cover and paperback. So yes, the book business was fine, but I also enjoy not having to find a comfortable way to hold a book that is larger than my hand.

you know those times when you have a book that is over a thousand pages and the pages are relatively small. Maybe like 8 x 6 inches and it takes you three hundred pages before they will lay flat on their own so you have to hold both sides and one side has so many pages, your hand starts hurting trying to stretch around them until you get far enough along that it gets smaller.

that isn’t a life or death problem, but it is still a problem that an ereader solves. Therefore, there is the possibility that someone will even prefer to use an ereader, but you would have to actually be a reader to see that this is a problem to solve. Otherwise, you might say something flippant like ,”the book industry was doing just fine before the kindle.”

Feb 22, 2020
Exactly...trump got China to go along with his trade deal..they probably don’t like trump. The dems have spent his whole time as president trying to get something on him..and couldn’t come up with anything to stick. Did they do this to get him...or did this conveniently come into play? Only time will tell if this puts a damper on his presidency or not. If the election is delayed he will still be president until then won’t he? Do we have an interim president in the meantime?

this thing is WAY bigger than Trump.

this is a global agenda, likely to do with

1. Mandatory Vaccines
2. Economy collapse
3. Biological warfare
4. 5G and internet targeting our DNA
5. Worldwide control, loss of freedom of movement
6. More authoritarianism

this is NOT a conspiracy against the Orange Clown.

If anything the people backing Trump are the ones who created this mess and lied to everyone about it.

I find it way too much of a convenience that the 2 countries Trump administration labelled as their BIGGEST THREATS (China and Iran) just so happen to be #1 and #3 in terms of the worst countries effected.

Its likely that they targeted China and Iran, but I think this agenda is also to serve other purposes as well, besides just crippling the enemies of the American empire.

I also think that the psuedo "populists" will use this crisis to further their anti-immigrant and isolationist agenda. Trump in one of his speeches kept highlighting the fact that it was a Chinese disease. This will only increase xenophobia and division, isolationism.
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Dec 21, 2017
any one know what NAG (as in nag hammadi or nag- town in egypt or even NAGYN - snake shapeshifter) might have to do with corona virus?


Jan 11, 2020
QUOTE="Kais_1, post: 279683, member: 1659"]
any one know what NAG (as in nag hammadi or nag- town in egypt or even NAGYN - snake shapeshifter) might have to do with corona virus?

Nothing as far as l know.


Do you have a connection between them?