

Mar 13, 2017
At this point, the media is not helping at all.

I understand it's their job to report the news. But this is like I was saying before, it's as if they are yelling fire in a crowded movie theater. Actually, it's like they are repeatedly yelling fire through a megaphone.

Imagine if the virus really was as bad as they say. The panic crowds filling the grocery stores would literally all have gotten themselves sick. A grocery store is one of the dirtiest places you can group up. First of all dozens of people have all touched those products before anyone buys them. Plus those store shelves that hold the products are never sanitized.

What about the shopping carts 100 people touch every day? Yeah, those are never sanitized either.


Jun 4, 2018
At this point, the media is not helping at all.

I understand it's their job to report the news. But this is like I was saying before, it's as if they are yelling fire in a crowded movie theater. Actually, it's like they are repeatedly yelling fire through a megaphone.

Imagine if the virus really was as bad as they say. The panic crowds filling the grocery stores would literally all have gotten themselves sick. A grocery store is one of the dirtiest places you can group up. First of all dozens of people have all touched those products before anyone buys them. Plus those store shelves that hold the products are never sanitized.

What about the shopping carts 100 people touch every day? Yeah, those are never sanitized either.
i agree, they exaggerate everything at this point and it makes the panic grows more, they could at least tone it down a little and only leave some important summaries but its literally all over the news as if we dont know how much the corona has spread, its important to have the media give informations about it but they just seem to shove it down on us, and its not helping at all, it only worsen the situation, theres only 2%-3% of people that has dies from the virus , its a lot, i know but compared to the other 97% percent, theres 44% of people that has healed from the virus, yet the media only focuses on the bad things about the virus and its negatives only. people also needs to know that masks doesnt help at all, the virus can get killed by our antibodies, if we consume much vitamin E and C, the virus will be dead once it gets to the body, thats what happened to the 44% of people who healed, the media only talks about masks, hand sanitzer, masks, wash your hands, masks, wash your bodies, but they never gave any full and detailed infos on how to really prevent them. thats why im more convinced that they did it on purpose, they want more people dead, arent they?


Mar 13, 2017
In a way, yes it did.

A brick and mortar store does require a lot of capital these days. But there are other business models that don't require a storefront, thus not requiring huge capital. Plus that huge amount of capital is only needed because the banks and government own all the real estate.

If you have some goods or service you can start a business for cheap. You will just never be able to scale up in the modern economy.
But someone has to start a store...


Mar 13, 2017
i agree, they exaggerate everything at this point and it makes the panic grows more, they could at least tone it down a little and only leave some important summaries but its literally all over the news as if we dont know how much the corona has spread, its important to have the media give informations about it but they just seem to shove it down on us, and its not helping at all, it only worsen the situation, theres only 2%-3% of people that has dies from the virus , its a lot, i know but compared to the other 97% percent, theres 44% of people that has healed from the virus, yet the media only focuses on the bad things about the virus and its negatives only. people also needs to know that masks doesnt help at all, the virus can get killed by our antibodies, if we consume much vitamin E and C, the virus will be dead once it gets to the body, thats what happened to the 44% of people who healed, the media only talks about masks, hand sanitzer, masks, wash your hands, masks, wash your bodies, but they never gave any full and detailed infos on how to really prevent them. thats why im more convinced that they did it on purpose, they want more people dead, arent they?

Exaggerations and red herrings are the trademark media feature. So we really shouldn't be surprised, I mean the media is often negligent with the facts. My generation is supposed to be tech-savvy too, but most of them probably can't see most media stories should be classified as "CLICKBAIT".


Mar 18, 2017
I think the number of cases is not as important as educating the public on the effectiveness of containment. Obviously, it is sad that anyone is going to get sick and die from this no matter how many people die, but releasing numbers without explaining that containment strategies are effective in controlling the spread, contributes to the sense that things are getting out of control.

isolation is really a very normal and effective way to control the spread of something that is contagious. It doesn’t mean the world is going to come to an end because Disneyland is closing and the number of confirmed cases is still going up. It just means that we have to wait at least two weeks to start seeing whether this strategy will create some control since the incubation period is two weeks.

it would help if someone was trying to explain this to the public. In some ways, it is good to see things shutting down because of this. Even if it is just to hide something behind the scenes, it is good to know that it still has to be hidden.


Oct 8, 2018
Yeah I think this is a ploy to make vaccinations mandatory as well. I think that is their plan.
For sure im certain there are "entities" out there that are licking their chops and rubbing their hands very feverishly and are looking at Italy with a twisted grin knowing that the US can not go to the lengths that Italy has done ie nationwide quarantine and curfews w/o total anarchy.

We've already seen people fighting over TP and even had someone stabbed in GA and we havent even reached the peak and theres still plenty of supplies. I would hate to see what happens if a month long+ lockdown is instated, supplies are scarce and the economy is in a depression.


Mar 13, 2017
I think the number of cases is not as important as educating the public on the effectiveness of containment. Obviously, it is sad that anyone is going to get sick and die from this no matter how many people die, but releasing numbers without explaining that containment strategies are effective in controlling the spread, contributes to the sense that things are getting out of control.

isolation is really a very normal and effective way to control the spread of something that is contagious. It doesn’t mean the world is going to come to an end because Disneyland is closing and the number of confirmed cases is still going up. It just means that we have to wait at least two weeks to start seeing whether this strategy will create some control since the incubation period is two weeks.

it would help if someone was trying to explain this to the public. In some ways, it is good to see things shutting down because of this. Even if it is just to hide something behind the scenes, it is good to know that it still has to be hidden.
It don’t going to help things to have places shut down..economically speaking. Which is maybe what it’s all been about anyway..


Mar 13, 2017
But someone has to start a store...
What is your point?

Rich people didn't fall down from the heavens and decide to give us all jobs Lisa. They likely got rich because they had a service or product that people had a demand for. Basically they all started out small. What don't you get about how supply and demand works?


Mar 18, 2017
It don’t going to help things to have places shut down..economically speaking. Which is maybe what it’s all been about anyway..
I don’t think you understood what I was saying at all. Isolation is a normal way to contain a contagious infection. The incubation period is two weeks. We won’t know whether it is controlling the numbers for two weeks. There is no reason to suggest the economy will collapse because of this. We have had recessions that have lasted way longer.

However; I also support benefits during this time period. We should have benefits for all the teachers and people working in schools right now. Major companies like Disneyland should provide benefits to their employees and it is interesting that people actually spend less money when they are home more. It is easier to cook when you have time at home. You spend less in gas commuting. The world is not going to come to an end. However, if the situation is not contained, it could get a lot worse.

your comment is like a negative ear worm.


Mar 13, 2017
What is your point?

Rich people didn't fall down from the heavens and decide to give us all jobs Lisa. They likely got rich because they had a service or product that people had a demand for. Basically they all started out small. What don't you get about how supply and demand works?
I do know how it works..however someone has to start the doesn’t get started because of demand but keeps going because of demand.


Oct 8, 2018
Guys, there will be no more traveling between the US and Europe. Tbh people shouldn't be traveling at all or going on cruises, the virus is really occurring on many cruises. Also yes, during school they handed out papers about links to online sites where we high school students can continue doing our school work. There's a possibility my school will close next week, or the week after next week.

I'm honestly starting to think this virus is a thing for 2 reasons: Because the elite created it, and because it's a warning from God.

By the way, I also hear the virus is getting more attracted to people of European nation's...colored people aren't really getting it for some reason, hm..
Contrary to popular belief alot of people in these first world countries are not as clean as you expect. I remember there was a graph of a poll of Europe dealing with washing their hands and plenty countries had only 40-70% of citizens who said they washed their hands after using the bathroom.

Then add in kissing of the cheek being a formal greeting in some countries and people coughing and sneezing w/o covering their mouth which i encountered alot in the UK on my travel and you have all the tools for spreading diseases.


Mar 13, 2017
I don’t think you understood what I was saying at all. Isolation is a normal way to contain a contagious infection. The incubation period is two weeks. We won’t know whether it is controlling the numbers for two weeks. There is no reason to suggest the economy will collapse because of this. We have had recessions that have lasted way longer.

However; I also support benefits during this time period. We should have benefits for all the teachers and people working in schools right now. Major companies like Disneyland should provide benefits to their employees and it is interesting that people actually spend less money when they are home more. It is easier to cook when you have time at home. You spend less in gas commuting. The world is not going to come to an end. However, if the situation is not contained, it could get a lot worse.

your comment is like a negative ear worm.
How do you pay people to stay home when you aren’t making any money? Perhaps Disney can stay afloat awhile..but many companies can’t. They can’t pay employees and be closed down...that sounds like a disaster awaiting to happen.


Mar 16, 2017
How do you pay people to stay home when you aren’t making any money? Perhaps Disney can stay afloat awhile..but many companies can’t. They can’t pay employees and be closed down...that sounds like a disaster awaiting to happen.
You funnel the military budget into citizens pockets instead. The war is at home now.

@Thunderian see what I was saying here ^


Mar 13, 2017
I do know how it works..however someone has to start the doesn’t get started because of demand but keeps going because of demand.
I don't think you know how it works. You seem fixated on the modern American funny money system.

In the not too distant past, nobody needed a huge bank loan to buy property for a storefront. People used to gather in public spaces called "markets" where everyone brought their goods and set up shop.

Every business owner isn't swimming in money. They are likely barely making a profit. They may even be losing money and be propped up by a bank. So the whole idea that rich people create jobs is faulty.


Mar 13, 2017
You funnel the military budget into citizens pockets instead. The war is at home now.

@Thunderian see what I was saying here ^
No one gives the tax payer money! And that’s not why they’re doing this anyway..they are trying to tank trumps presidency and using a virus as ammunition. Unfortunately trump caved and is now behind the 8 ball on this...if it were a dem president he couldn’t have done any wrong...


Mar 13, 2017
I don't think you know how it works. You seem fixated on the modern American funny money system.

In the not too distant past, nobody needed a huge bank loan to buy property for a storefront. People used to gather in public spaces called "markets" where everyone brought their goods and set up shop.

Every business owner isn't swimming in money. They are likely barely making a profit. They may even be losing money and be propped up by a bank. So the whole idea that rich people create jobs is faulty.
The point is someone creates a business and hires employees. Someone takes that risk whether it be a millionaire or not. It’s not demand that makes anything but keeps some place going. Did demand create Amazon? Or did Jeff Bezos? Now there is a demand for Amazon. That is what someone is hoping for when they create their business.


Mar 16, 2017
No one gives the tax payer money! And that’s not why they’re doing this anyway..they are trying to tank trumps presidency and using a virus as ammunition. Unfortunately trump caved and is now behind the 8 ball on this...if it were a dem president he couldn’t have done any wrong...
You are so oblivious and detached from reality..

What they just approved in the house is emergency sick leave and unemployment benefits for people impacted by the virus (like me), small businesses will be reimbursed by the federal government for the costs of sick leave, unemployment again comes from the government. It is a reallocation of tax dollars and what they absolutely should be doing.

Because again, YOU will not have a business if people like ME do not have money to spend.


Mar 18, 2017
How do you pay people to stay home when you aren’t making any money? Perhaps Disney can stay afloat awhile..but many companies can’t. They can’t pay employees and be closed down...that sounds like a disaster awaiting to happen.
again, this situation has the potential to be contained and we can reduce the spread with some isolation interventions. Disneyland is not in jeopardy of going out of business because they close their operations for a couple of weeks and it is ludicrous to assume that an organization like this doesn’t have money to pay for employees to take leave.

but you have no real concept of money management or a realistic view of how the economy works, so it is understandable that this is still confusing for you.